"Y'all are incel cos y'all don't respect wome-" (Xpost /r/incelibate)

46  2018-03-02 by RippedRichAndIncel


Would gladly make a noose out of her golden lockes.

“Respecting women means going full fedora and never being anything but over the top chivalrous and friendly” u/rippedrichandincel 2 March 2018

"Respecting women means physically assaulting a women and causing her pain" . /u/carpathianflorist 2 march 2018

She is in agony.

If a sub 8 did that to her, she would have reached straight for the skittles and diet coke.

Which is wholly unrelated to respecting women soooooo

Oh shit well I guess ill act like a piece of shit and then drown in pussy. Thanks for the advice!

I bet he's her boyfriend and she agrees to this. My boyfriend has done this exact thing to me because he knows I'm okay with it. I'm not some Porcelain Doll, I can play fight. It's not abuse if they're both okay with it.

No, no this is clearly a complete stranger with a chiseled jaw who has permanently injured her neck. She doesn’t mind though because she noticed his chin and hunter eyes.

I like you. I stumbled on this subreddit through r/cringeanarchy and I can't believe how easily everything gets taken out of context

I joined reddit just to shitpost with these guys at work and they still hate me. Their dedicated hatesub hates me too. Dreamcels can’t win.

I'm sorry for not knowing, but what's a dreamcel?

I dream of one day attaining incel status


I crave acceptance and validation from this sub. According to this sub. They seem to know what they’re talking about so I believe them.

Ah okay

so you're not actually an incel? sorry if i don't know the terminology, it's just that this sub is super interesting to me. also u/blackcatpaws is obvs right. they must be dating or really close friends. been there, done that. it's hella fun playing rough with girls, because playing rough with guys is kinda gay lol

Thank you. And yeah, it's real fun


I'm new here, what does cope mean?

Care Over Proper Etiquette

Okay thanks, but how is that relevant to what I said?


oh no i realise that you were explaining the anagram, but how does it work as a reply to my comment? like is it a good or bad thing?


it's not abuse if they're both okay with it, they care more about each other than "proper etiquette"

That makes so much sense, thank you! Must just be having a brain fart day

Damn, she’s hot....

If only I was Chad or had money

Money means nothing

You can cope with it.

It’s useless cope

Go to tag a sponsor.com

I know it’s cope but....


Or Status

Money doesn’t mean shit. No amount of fancy cars or jewelry will make a woman feel attracted to you.

It’s cope... I know

I wonder what the guy who pulled her hair looks like.

You know what he looks like. I can already see his square jaw and hunter eyes.

Fuck. Something about seeing a happy couple like that is pure sui fuel

Here’s a thought. Maybe, just maybe, the dude in the gif who pulled her hair? Maybe he was her BF, they were already dating, and she knew he was a prankster who was always messing with people.

Or, here’s a other thought, maybe, the person was just another friend who she already knew to be a total rube jokester who always pulls this kind of stuff?

Why does it have to be a random guy who tugged her hair, she turned around, and subsequently happened to immediately fall in love with?

that's obvs what happened, had it been a total stranger she'd have reacted VERY differently. have an upvote pal!

Lol, thank you. I win either way, you know.

More downvotes are a badge I’ll wear proudly. Upvotes gives me hope that not everybody in here is some woman-hating, sex-entitled dude who attacks the people he wants sex from with one hand and wonders why people don’t give him sex in the other.

downvotes also mean incels don't accept u as one of their own, so yeap. it's p much a win/win however u look at it.

I know! Just shower me in the karma, man, make it rain!!!

Nah man, women are mindless and would let a chad kill them or something, didn't ya know?


What a great word to get out of making any educated discussion.

What does this even mean? Cause “COPE” sounds like a very bad coping mechanism.

Cope is what some comment when they read another's slightly more positive perspective and are unhappy that someone is happier than them. It is an excuse essentially quantifying that any solace you may take won't make up for your lack of looks. It is silly and pathetic.

jesus christ.


It's over

It says access denied wtf

Maybe he's her friend or bf? If a stranger pull my hair Idc how good looking he is, I'd punch him


White girls are so fucking hot.


Am i the only one who thinks you can still joke and respect women at the same time?


In this sub? Yes.

That's a little too complicated for the writeoffs.

respect women

Like femoids deserve any sort of respect...

And do you think you deserve it?

if an ugly man did that, he'll be in jail for sexual harrasement.

He clearly knows her well, it's not a stranger

If i did that i would be fucking murdered

what the fuck is this stupid fucking sub jesus christ fuck you pathetic losers

We love you too

i hope you get aids

lolololol you're pathetic

what the fuck is this stupid fucking sub jesus christ fuck you pathetic losers

Removed for harassment and generalization

thats my cousin wtf

"must everything be so black and white in this kindergarten country of ours." legit if you're not proposing to women constantly, according to this sub, you're abusing them. y'all need to learn how to talk to people without trying to sound like your favorite anime.


I dream of one day attaining incel status

I crave acceptance and validation from this sub. According to this sub. They seem to know what they’re talking about so I believe them.


it's not abuse if they're both okay with it, they care more about each other than "proper etiquette"

Lol, thank you. I win either way, you know.

More downvotes are a badge I’ll wear proudly. Upvotes gives me hope that not everybody in here is some woman-hating, sex-entitled dude who attacks the people he wants sex from with one hand and wonders why people don’t give him sex in the other.