These guys are brothers...

39  2018-03-02 by Blackpilledwarrior


Genetics are fucking evil.

his brother could actually look pretty good if he took the initiative to fix a few things. Hit the gym + lose a little weight, get contact lenses, get some acne cream and for christ sakes put some effort into his hair. This isnt rocket science

It is for incels

Yeah I think it's pretty obvious the guy on the left uses a lot of product for his hair and skin, and possibly make-up too. I guess he also has a good "bone structure", but there is some serious work involved in making him look like he does.

Looks like he’s had work done on his nose, too. Not a criticism, it turned out well, but that structure and shape don’t really occur naturally.

You fuckers are like bots, the fucking same platitudes every fucking thread.

just hit the gym bro

Put some effort into his hair? Dafaq? His hair is great.

correct, plus some decent clothes. looks like dude doesnt give a crap about his looks, then again he seems like a nice kid.

Atleast his brother will have parties and shit by association

No he wouldn't. Ethnics aren't allowed into parties unless they're attractive.

He will be allowed in, no one will want him there and he will be doomed to stand outside by the smokers.

Nah. Clubs deny entry. It's a known fact. Trying to enter clubs as an ethnic is almost impossible unless you're attractive, a femoid or live in a diverse place.

Ah i live in a diverse place, white places wont exist 20 years from now.


In thr'e US maybe.

europe too. Give it a bit

I wish. Sadly the situation is very different. We're far from the 56% meme.

france is like 80% meme, major cities in UK are 40% meme, its only a matter of time.

Right guy isn't ethnic. At all. Infact Left looks more ethnic due to tan skin.

He is from Syria, he's 100% ethnic. There are Middle-Easterners with light skin, hair/eyes as well. We're not all brown AF.

Not necessarily, my brother mogs me too and in the 25 years of his life took me too 1 party and that's it

my dad mogs everyone i know and i get invited to parties just because im his kid. Literally watching him slay in front of me.

Sounds kinda lit

Its okay, it has gotten me numbers but they flake on me when i set a date.

basically me, i facially mog my brother into oblivion and im younger.

im taller, way more success with women, and 10x more social.

hes not bitter though so good for him about that

I'm so glad I don't have a brother. I don't think I could live in this ugly brothers shoes. Knowing that I could have looked even half as beautiful as this guy would drive me suicidal.

really? i'd rather be ugly and get shit by association then just be a loner. his bro prob gets into parties and gets table scrap women from his brother.

normie gtfo

cry more beta incel scum XDDD

hes not bitter though so good for him about that

It's safe to assume that he's probably posting here and considering the rope. Take care, one day there will be an unpleasant smell coming from the attic.

no actually i think one of the reasons he isnt depressed is because he isnt here. hes EXTREMELY bluepilled and optimistic, and has no idea this entire community exists, and im not going to tell him either lol, ignorance is bliss.

It's safe to say if someone ventures this subreddit there is some aspect that is not right with him.

Wtf does mog mean?

if you don't know you should probably leave

Thank you for answering my question.

seriously leave this blackhole of despair

I don’t want to, I try my best to provide some encouragement as a former incel

My Personality-o-meter has reached critical threshold.

God is a prankster

I would suicide if i had a brother that mogged me this bad

He just needs to lose some weight and sort out that acne. And get contacts. Then he would be pretty attractive

Not even, glasses can be attractive, I actually think the guy on left would be good with glasses, his face is too thin, glasses would help.

Different fathers 100%.

guaranteed the incel bro has a normie dad that the mom is married to. guaranteed she cheated on the dad with a random chad and that's how chad on left was born.

This makes too much sense.

nature is cruel

lmao just lol

The guy on the right is very gay looking though and he’s wearing makeup

Different fathers?

I know two sisters who are like this. The older one is a work of art while the younger one is downright unpleasant to look at. Probably one of the very few people I've seen about whom I can wholeheartedly admit they are ugly.

I mog both of them tbh


Cope, Mahfud has millions of followers on Instagram and makes millions of dollars every year because of his face, what do you do, rot?

I dont use filters on my photos

This photo isn't filtered, if you looked even within 4 points of Toni Mahfud you would be slaying, instead you're on the internet all day. Have some self awareness you're no better than the roasties who don't realize that they all want chad


He is ange frauding actually

I wonder which one likes girls

If the guy on the right lost weight he would look just as good, look at where his jaw meets his neck, he’s still got that jawline and cheekbones, it’s just covered in fat. Also tbh he’s kinda cute (not bi or gay I promise I can just acknowledge when a guy is attractive)

No, jaw is narrower, cheekbones are placed lower, eyebrows have less density and are less striaght, browridge and hairline are worse aswell, lips and nose too.

The one in the right is sadly inferior in every department.

I think it might be the angle, and I’m almost certain left is wearing make-up

One is a fatcel = Volcel.

The ugly brother probably wasn't allowed to take showers

I'm glad I'm an only child and don't have a chad brother to constantly mog me around the house.

The ultimate C R A N K.

Well it looks like one tans, works out, and does his hair. The other one isn't even bad looking. If he did those things he'd be just as hot as his brother.

Brutal amog even though the guy on the right mogs me, I am truly saint blackops2cel tier.

I've never seen a harder mogging before in my life.

He was born to mog

Ah i live in a diverse place, white places wont exist 20 years from now.

He is from Syria, he's 100% ethnic. There are Middle-Easterners with light skin, hair/eyes as well. We're not all brown AF.