[DETECTIVECEL] I noticed something strange in this subreddit

34  2018-03-02 by foreignincel4

Normal posts from incels talking about topics from pizza to women would always have 0 points right after getting posted, but sexist posts saying some offensive shit from new accounts are always upvoted upper 5 right after they are posted , i think i am on something guys.


inceltear posters probably downvote people whos usernames they recognize.

Or they have auto-downvote bots or some shit.

The white knights have a downvoting brigade that downvote anything that is posted by our people. Within a minute there is always a downvote.

I'm sure the femoids are impressed with these white knights who are defending them so valiantly.

And there are posts from incels who are established in this community agreeing with them.

Your detective skills suck.

how dare you , i thought we were friends

Friends let each other know when they’re being dumb.

in private...

Not always.

well go fuck yourself then

You are an EXTREMELY smart person.

I know you can see when established incels are agreeing with the sexist, scary, and shitty shit posted here.

fuck off i thought you were better than this

You are reacting in an EXTREME way, all because I pointed out that you’re willfully ignoring things.

even you yesterday had to ask me where it was at I couldn't believe after all these years you didn't know me any better than that



we are no longuer friends.

That’s fine and it’s your decision to make. I’m always free to PM if you change your mind.

Once again normals show their true evil colors. Didn't even give him the fucking decency of insulting him in private Jesus christ.

You know that this place is constantly brigaded, right?

Yea I get downvoted right away. Its like they have a bot doing it

All my posts are downvoted. Those inceltear scrum are everywhere.

You should come somewhere where we are free from such harassment; where moderation will not stand by and have invaders ruin the community

False flagging, IncelTears' favorite past time.

We need to call out these false flags.

God hates flaggots

That TracyBeyondTheWheel fat girl is one of the troublemakers.

chad chins are made of steel beams

It's well known that IT users make hundreds of alts to brigand this sub. Free exchange of ideas disturb them.

Reddit is actually just five hundred and seventy three people with hundreds of parachutes each.

I am literally everyone in this thread including the OP.

I hate this self censorship, and trying to make a distinction between good and bad incels. Yeah ok IT will come and talk about how they want to shoot people and rape, but the real damage of this isn't giving us a bad rep (we shouldn't even give a shit about that, you who do are retards), it's having incels now defending themselves and constantly on alert about each other's motivations and whether or not it's "real Incelism".

We have almost nothing in common with each other so it doesn't fucking matter if you agree with every post here or not. If someone wants to dislike you, they'll dislike you, who the fuck are you to censor others so that your personality looks better to people who hate us as a collective but don't give a shit about you personally anyway

This makes topics revolve around same tired lookism proofs as the only "intelligent and clever" material that still has some edge because normans don't love it, and it's usually boring and repetitive as fuck. What's the point if I can't even talk about wanting to fuck a corpse because it's bad PR and cringey. I'd rather talk about that and I can't, so they successfully made my life worse - these are same people who think we should be less isolated and more social, taking away my ability to express myself to others.

for me its because downvoted posts wouldnt get luch attraction and therefore wouldnt get much discussion between incels

You can talk about wanting to fuck a corpse any time you like

Or they have auto-downvote bots or some shit.