See this is why losing weight is sometimes worse than being a bit heavy. At least if he was above 200 pounds he might look normally proportioned in terms of fat.
I knew it from the moment I saw him that he isn't healthy. Did an image search and apparently this guy has orthorexia - an eating disorder which constitutes being obsessed with healthy eating. He is not straight either. Judging by his other pics on google he is gay with a hit of tranny.
1 WhiteBlackPurple 2018-03-01
Dat crimemaxxing attempt lol
1 iQ9k 2018-03-01
Holy shit -3.2% bodyfat yet his face is still puffy
Its fucking OVER
1 rubbish_everywhere 2018-03-01
Tats don’t save him. He still looks like a dweeb
1 Gtj_2036 2018-03-01
How does that happen
1 xtsv 2018-03-01
All you have to do is be a FtM degenerate.
1 RAZENKN 2018-03-01
He is suffering from chronic inflammation from his shitty diet and is expressing it around his neck. Poor dweebcel
1 deliciousaltoids 2018-03-01
He doesn't look like he has low bodyfat at all. He just is generally underweight, it's not the same thing.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-03-01
See this is why losing weight is sometimes worse than being a bit heavy. At least if he was above 200 pounds he might look normally proportioned in terms of fat.
1 PrettyWhore 2018-03-01
Fatcels deserve no quarter
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-03-01
...This guy managed to be as thin as a twig AND a fatcel, even with his attempts to criminalmax there is just no hope for some people.
1 rubbish_everywhere 2018-03-01
That’s an avocado m8
1 AbuIncelAlAustrali 2018-03-01
1 rubbish_everywhere 2018-03-01
You don’t get my sense of humor m8
1 half_acre_lot 2018-03-01
He gets more pus than any of us
It is over
Think again -
1 cookin_breakfast 2018-03-01
Proof low BF is cope
1 asdasda5453 2018-03-01
He prob has severe low testosterone and is proud of it.
1 TheEndOfDreams 2018-03-01
I knew it from the moment I saw him that he isn't healthy. Did an image search and apparently this guy has orthorexia - an eating disorder which constitutes being obsessed with healthy eating. He is not straight either. Judging by his other pics on google he is gay with a hit of tranny.
1 deliciousaltoids 2018-03-01
If only he was also obsessed with exercise.
1 BF8211 2018-03-01
I wouldn't have been able to guess the gender if there wasn't any facial hair.
1 IM-EXUMA 2018-03-01
I think this person is ftm trans iirc
1 MAGAParty 2018-03-01
This makes the most sense
And then libs say that this is natural -
1 GuyFromDaStore 2018-03-01
Guy looks like he could fall down and snap in half
1 DryYard 2018-03-01
Mogs everyone here.
1 chadbhava 2018-03-01
Cope its a trap
1 putridlice 2018-03-01
lol where was this taken?
1 xenodit 2018-03-01
hahaha holy shit,thats should be the definition of soyboy