See this is what incels don't understand. You don't sit there and demand an incel pride day be made for you. You make it happen, you organize the gatherings and the celebrations, then when it picks up momentum you can nominate someone to lobby for official recognition. Like all things in life it will take work.
Why should we do that in the first place? Inceldom is not a subculture, we don't have much in common and we don't have an ideology. The idea of incel identity politics is just absurd.
1 carpathianflorist 2018-02-28
Incel pride worldwide
1 MaleFAer 2018-02-28
If you can demand respect because you identify with made up tumblr memes there is no shame in demanding an Incel Pride Day
1 geneticSubhumanTrash 2018-02-28
Hardware stores should have discounts for ropes, blades, inert gas tanks, rubber hoses, and gas masks.
Also charcoal, CO is one of the best ways to go from what I hear.
1 CptErection23 2018-02-28
I prefer propane. Taste the meat, not the heat.
Also discounts for AR-15s
1 pinkgoldrose 2018-02-28
See this is what incels don't understand. You don't sit there and demand an incel pride day be made for you. You make it happen, you organize the gatherings and the celebrations, then when it picks up momentum you can nominate someone to lobby for official recognition. Like all things in life it will take work.
1 SaltzPyre1 2018-02-28
1 VoidInvincible 2018-02-28
Why the fuck are you posting on an incels forum woman? Neither of us are incels.
1 Hal_Inceldenza 2018-02-28
Why should we do that in the first place? Inceldom is not a subculture, we don't have much in common and we don't have an ideology. The idea of incel identity politics is just absurd.
1 AnarchistPermavirgin 2018-02-28
There is nothing to be proud of in being incel.
1 slothsenpai 2018-02-28
I honestly don't see why not since Asexual is part of the list and are even granted the victim-status
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-28
Because we are too busy being labeled as the oppressors.
1 yodubsmaneo 2018-02-28
Anyone who shames incels is incelphobic
1 Dingus_Incel 2018-02-28
Is there one for heterosexuals?
1 xbenagiL 2018-02-28
DAE think heterosexuals are the real victims?
1 69SRDP69 2018-02-28
Heterosexuals are soooo oppressed/s
1 icyMG 2018-02-28
Why is this getting downvoted?it's true society abhors straight white males despite them being more productive than other people usually
1 virginwalk 2018-02-28
to be fair the transgender one should be a noose too
1 AjitPaiFan 2018-02-28
Don't engage in pride.
1 AnarchistPermavirgin 2018-02-28
Lol, might as well call it "suicidally lonely" pride.
1 KhalilYousuf3 2018-02-28
next time the LGBT gets mentioned on reddit, Im going to bud in and mentione I for incel and watch the normie heads explode
1 fatchancebud 2018-02-28
pls do that
1 jotaro_kuj0 2018-02-28
Yes .. yes bruddahs. Make it popular.