Inceltears women brag about their 6'4" boyfriends on their own thread which is supposed to claim that height doesn't matter.

64  2018-02-28 by Short_Incel_Throw


The 4'11" girl is ironically the exact person that the thread they've targetted is criticizing; the ridiculoualy short girl that has to go for a guy twice her size.

Imagine being so unaware.

that is disgusting but it baffles me people see it as normal but oh my if a girl dates a guy shorter than her , i remember a youtube channel of a couple where the girl is taller and they would tell their stories of people judging them and humiliating them with stares and laughs sometimes people would take pics in the streets

Tall woman short man couples are abnormal because people instinctively know rhat short men are unattractive and should die alone because of their bad personality.

Yup. Short men are subhumans, short women are "cute"

This is one of the reasons Humanity disgusts me.

It's also common for tall woman to break with their short boyfriends because their friends and family give them so much for it that they don't want to have a bad social status from it.

Society pretty much believes short men deserve to be miserable. Society despises short men. I'm sure the majority of the population would happily have us gased to death in concentration camps Holocaust style. Normans would genocide manlets if they could. We are universally hated.

It's all about status. An opportunity to tell people, even online that "heh, my man taalll as hell yall" or "tee hee, even though I don't think size matters....I just thought I'd let yall know my mad dick bigger dan a muder fuger"

It's just humble bragging. It makes them feel good about themselves. It's ok, let them do this, it proves so much.

You don't even have to do tinder experiments to reveal the blackpill. All you have to do is go to r/inceltears.

or just r/short.

wow I wonder what that real reason is! let me click and find out . . . lol

The saddest and most true coping I have ever seen in my life exists there.

Height matters to women to an insane degree as most women are sexually turned on most by a man's perceived ability to coerce others. This is obvious. When women cannot get tall, coercive men to commit with them, they then settle for the less coercive, shorter guys.

The problem isnt women, I have no problem with their sexuality. The problem is the lengths men have to go in order to cope with the reality of how women's sexuality clearly functions overall. As long as a man relies on sexual validation from women to feel fully human, he is a slave. Coping is for the weak. Accept reality and move on. r/short, instead of accepting reality, tries to cope away from it. Any one can see this. Its pathetic.

Some of those on r/short are complete bootlickers for tall Chads.

That place is giga-cucked, most comments are from women with their height in their flair, wtf? being short isn't a downside in life for women like it is for men. You don't get written off by the majority of the opposite sex if you're short as a female.

It's fucking true and they're not even aware of it. If you call them out they just pull the reverse heightism meme "you telling me to only date people around my height, isn't that being heightist?!" Fucking morons.

Fact is they just want 6'2"+ guys to compensate for their insecurity of being 4'11" midgets. Having a tall bf gives them validation so they can feel less shitty about themselves.

Tbh you can say that about looks even. Everyone's using someone for something or other, even men use women for sex and validation.

status is most important thing it just so happens status coincides with tingles

Tall men are just a fashion accessory to women... like a toy dog in their handbag.

JFL it's over if you are not at least 6'2".

IncelTears keeps proving that the black pill is true without even realizing it.

It's because they are in denial, and it's obvious. Rather than confront their obvious denial, they pat each other on the back for it, actually believing this solves or proves anything. It's hilarious.

The blackpill never took root because normies thought of themselves not as exploited beta-providers, but as temporarily embarrassed Chads

I want you to know, this is one of the funniest comments in the sub. I'm fucking crying.

That phrase is from the old sub.

never seen it (even though I lurked a lot). Still hilarious though.

Resurrected an old post of mine from the r/incels days

It was my post.

It was my original, so it was still from me

I think they say the same about you.

They are so unaware of themselves that it's pretty sad

My ex was 5’5. Im the girl in the relationship. Just because some women are shallow doesn’t mean all are lol

Excuse me, do you want to screw?

No not really. You guys hate women im starting to hate men 😂😂

Mutual hate-based relationship then?

Nah. Once you realize women and men are the same shit life gets easier.

Only you get to benefit from being able to fuck whatever you want, and we die alone.

So in the end your hate allows you to win. Females have it easy.

How can we be the same ? We have different body parts , different brain structures and different hormones flowing through our body

So you traded up for a bigger and better man?

So you dumped your ex for Chad and that's supposed to prove something to us?

Ok how tall is your current guy

Don’t have a guy

Ok how tall was the last one you want on a date with or kissed

Still my bf

i'm 6'2, suck it incels! im already ascending! oh wait..

This explains why men back in the day called femoids airheads.

Manlets btfo it's over

"Teehee, I love short guys, my fb is only 6'1!"

"I'll have you know that not all women date 6ft guys my boyfriend is 5ft.....11 teehee."

"I hooked up with a short guy before, he's only 5'10" teehee"

Where did "tee-hee" originate from?

Where did "tee-hee" originate from?

Cat goes meow, dog goes woof, bird goes tweet, mouse goes squeek, cow goes moo, frog goes croak, elephant goes toot, duck goes quack, and the seal goes ow ow ow, but there's one sound noone knows, what does the human female go?

"First Known Use: 13th century"

Word origin of 'tee-hee' C14: of imitative origin

Popularity: Bottom 20%

Fits the demographic too lol

it means to "titter"? kek

The first known use of the "tee-hee" meme goes back to the 13th Century. Well, I'll be damned...


dating someone taller than you is pedophilia , there is no way i would date a girl that is like a doll in height to me , it screams pedophilia and its disgusting

The girl who consents to it screams daddy issues.

and yes daddy issues too.

Lol fuck off. I'm 6'2" and find 5' women attractive. It's not pedophilia.

its fucking pedohilia and you know it , every time this is bring up tall guy say "yeah flip her and throw around" and honestly this just screamq somthing truly disturbing inside of you and disgusting , both you and the girl , you deserve each other freaks

Would you have sex with a girl with the body of a 13 year old and mind of a 30 year old?

No I prefer 7 foot amazons to manhandle me

i have the body of a 13 yo , i am 5'4 so of course i will have sex with my looksmatch.

Let me ask the age old(LOL) question;

what's worse: a 13 year old who looks 30 or a 30 year old who looks 13?

I can say that the best are 13 who look 13

holy fucking shit lmao



Fucking lol

Aren't they really this unaware?

Disgusting. I hate hypocrites like them.

Retards. Actual fucking retards.

If a girl is 4'11, even if the boyfriend is 6'4, then the sons they may have will be manlets... What a cruel joke.

I hope she only has girls.

I don't even know how she will try to raise her future son's self-esteem if he grows up to be 5'7" and she has to lie to him and say that height doesn't matter.

My husband's cousin is around 4'11 and is married to a man that is probably close to 6'6. They have a daughter and a son, daughter is maybe 20, son is 17 or 18? Both are 6'.

Genetics are weird.

Nah, let them be manlets. She'll realize her own offspring will be what she has always rejected and dismissed.

My mother has never realized this.

There's a chance they will take after the dad

That sub has become such a mess. Falling for false flags and jokes, posting Red Pill and MGTOW content, unintentionally proving incel points they make fun of, and constantly conflating incels with neckbeards/the alt right, etc.

Fewer and fewer of them understand even the most basic incel ideas, so more of their recent threads are based on strawmen instead of what incels actually say.

It went to extreme shit when incels got banned and a bunch of retarded bandwagoners joined them during the ruckus. But more subscribers is better for the mods. It was always cancer but I haven't visited it since then

I agree that it definitely went downhill after incels was banned. I recently saw a comment with dozens of upvotes claiming that "one of [incels'] arguments is that muscular guys get girls." Five minutes of lurking here would have shown the commenter how many of us are gymcels.

that moment when u are a manlet

Im aware of this already. I posted it on the old incels sub once about the user boredfemoid. The dick holder claims she doesnt go for chad but proceeds to describe her bf as a 6'2" biker bad boi. Just lmao.

"He's chubby but he's 6'2"!" Revealijg to us again that gymcelling doesn't matter.

good post

what is the actual, irl, non meme manlet cut off?

I think 5'7 is reasonable because manlet means short, it doesn't mean "not tall". if you're 5'6 and down you're short but 5'7 or 5'8...yeah, its not ideal by any means but lets be honest its not short then again I am heavily biased for 5'7

You could maybe make it if you're 5'7". With proper shoes nobody will know the difference. Just lift and you're good.

You need to be taller than most girls. The vast majority of girls are around 5'3''-5'6'', so I'd say 5'8'' is a good cut off. Obviously it's not ideal, but I think that's the bare minimum.

It completely deepends on your company . if it's just you and the girl then just be taller than her . if it's you and a group of you then you need to be among the tall guys in the group .

Essentially - femoid height in your country + height of her highest heel + 3-4 inches cuz femoids love it when u height MOG them with their heels on.

Assuming femoid is 5'6 + 3-4 inch heel + 3-4 inches = 6' to 6'2.

You are fucked if you are below this height.

As far as being a manlet cutoff goes national average - one standard deviation. If you are less than that, you are a manlet.

The national average is manlet-tier to the average woman.

It varies depending on where you live. The manlet cutoff varies between 5'4", in Indonesia and 6'3", in the Dinaric Alps. The manlet cutoff is any height shorter than that standing on the 80th percentile in any given location. In North America, the manlet cutoff is 5'11". However, it is not entirely hopeless down to 5'7". Anything below that is permavirgin tier.

Tee hee

I've noticed shit like this a lot. Women will virtue signal about liking personality and kind guys, but who are they with, CHAD.

They will be like, I don't even care about height, but their boyfriend is always 6ft+

Always a 6'5", muscular douchebag with a strong jawline. He's also often driving a modified Honda Civic or a Nissan Skyline.

Hey, I've said it before but I've dated a short guy and he broke it off because he thought I was too tall. I didn't care that he was shorter than me but in his mind it was a problem.

"well my boyfriend is 6'3, but one of my friends dated a guy who was 5'8 so that proves your point wrong that girls like tall guys"

I hate when these hypocrites lecture me about being a manlets.

"its your shit personality, lots of girls will date short guys, a lot actually like short guys. thehe"

Meanwhile, literal psychopaths and bullies swim in pussy just because they happen to be 6'5".

yeah. "personality" is just a easy way for women to not have to say the truth and take the easy way out.

Oh hey! You sound like the proverbial "nice guy" here with his "entitlement". Please, check yourself out to the nearest misogynist re-education center.

IT has no creed that states that height doesn't matter. It's just a random assemblage of people with different tastes.

Pointing out now there are people who care note about height among IT users is the same thing as cherry picking random people anywhere.

If there is any common consensus at IT it's that everyone is different with varying tastes.

i hope they squeeze manlets out of their slutty vaginas

they should know the pain of raising a manlet

that is disgusting but it baffles me people see it as normal but oh my if a girl dates a guy shorter than her , i remember a youtube channel of a couple where the girl is taller and they would tell their stories of people judging them and humiliating them with stares and laughs sometimes people would take pics in the streets

The girl who consents to it screams daddy issues.

Lol fuck off. I'm 6'2" and find 5' women attractive. It's not pedophilia.

It's all about status. An opportunity to tell people, even online that "heh, my man taalll as hell yall" or "tee hee, even though I don't think size matters....I just thought I'd let yall know my mad dick bigger dan a muder fuger"

It's just humble bragging. It makes them feel good about themselves. It's ok, let them do this, it proves so much.