If You Can't Beat 'em, Join 'em

60  2018-02-27 by fatchancebud


Lol damn. We need a hot pink colored one.

yea I shulda picked a better color

Hot pink is our better color.


Finally, we don't have to use this one anymore.

The most oppressed and mocked of them all.

true dat

That's dumb


No one oppressed you for something you can't control

lol wrong. You can improve looks, yes. But only by a very tiny margin. If you are sub 5 in 2018 as a male you are fucked.

Not really. Looks aren't all that important in the grand scheme of things. People aren't hating you and wanting to kill you over your preference in partners

Only looks matter. We have proven this over and over again. And while there is no outright calling for killing of incels, women still want our genes to be eradicated from the genepool. A silent genocide -- we are very much persecuted.

You really haven't proven anything though, because all of you seem like pretty unpleasant people in general

Everyone who isn't acting like a feminist ends up sounding unpleasant to people these days,

No, mostly just you guys

Do looks only matter to you?

No, but I'm a man. We are far less picky in every department as well, in comparision to women.

Given that you don't struggle with appearance and masculinity and live an easy life, what do you even know about the grand scheme of things?

I didn't get my girlfriend until 21

Exactly my point. You face none of the struggles that incels face.

Lol, 21 is pretty late

I don't really care what is and isn't "late" in some random dude's opinion. I get that this is supposed to be addressing my point somehow, but it isn't.


Let's see. When my gay friend emigrated from Russia to Canada, he was facing:

1) Violence

2) Ridicule

3) A lack of any domestic legal recourse to push back against his harassers

4) A severely reduced choice of possible careers since in most fields being LGBT would've precluded him from career advancement beyond a certain low point.

An unattractive unmasculine man faces largely the same struggles. His lack of options for legal recourse may not be as complete, but on the other hand he is taxed more heavily. Additionally, an LGBT person has the option to hide their orientation and thus avoid the above mentioned issues. An incel cannot.

Discrimination is discrimination regardless of who the victim is. And it's despicable regardless of who the victim is. And your attempts to simultaneously both erase and justify the oppression of incels is just as immoral and despicable as someone else's attempts to do the same for other oppressed groups.

You do not face those same problems

It's ironic how you're using the exact same rhetoric (i.e. flat out denial) that campaigners against LGBT rights use in Russia.


Yeah, it is ironic. Maybe you just can't comprehend the irony.

It's not really

You're too young and inexperienced to talk about "really", son.

Uhh, ok then 😂

Cry more bitch.

Is this how you compensate?

Yes, it is. Since it's unrealistic to expect the IT hivemind to just leave this community alone, I have to bear with the frustration and compensate by rustling your jimmies. You make it so easy too, being that shallow and predictable.

I hate to break it to you, but my jimmies have never been more still

We both know they aren't, boyo.

You hitting on me?

He won't understand, it's pointless.

Discrimination is discrimination regardless of who the victim is. And it's despicable regardless of who the victim is. And your attempts to simultaneously both erase and justify the oppression of incels is just as immoral and despicable as someone else's attempts to do the same for other oppressed groups.

No it isn't. Discrimination is good. We need more discrimination, not less.

"In human social affairs, discrimination is treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person based on the group, class, or category to which the person is perceived to belong rather than on individual attributes."

For instance, "sexism," if a society correctly properly discriminates against women and for men, then Inceldom all but vanishes, along with a host of other social ills (divorce, endless cycle of poverty, crime, etc).

God bless Russia and Vladimir Putin.

You need to go to a dick restaurant, talk to a dick waiter, get him to relay your order to a dick chef and eat a plate of dicks.

You need to go to a dick restaurant, talk to a dick waiter, get him to relay your order to a dick chef and eat a plate of dicks.

Can't refute another person's logic, and filled with impotent rage? Don't despair, there's always: Ad Hominem!

No one has murdered you for being who you are. No one has put you into camps for being what you are.

Lol it’s not an order of importance, dude, it’s mostly just the list as it develops. Trans people probably objectively have it worst, considering many of them aren’t able to get above a 3-4, the men are generally under 5’5 and their dicks are roughly an inch and a half... And trans women got it even worse, they’re are so far down the totem pole even incels feel safe bullying them.

Men lead much harder lives than women, they deserve to be named first. IGBTL should be the new acronym.

lol guess everyone assumes their problems are the most important problems

What problems do women have in modern society? The amount of privileges they have is staggering. If you are a woman thinking about getting a child and are not actively aborting all male foetuses you are a sadist by bringing more suffering into the world.

no one is even talking about women, put your guns down

Our color is grey

No hot pink? :'(

No, it's black because of the blackpill

and blackops2cel

Incels are more oppressed than all those put together. Nobody fights for us.

Because it's impossible to stop you from punching yourself in the face.

So oppressed that you’re being thrown off buildings in Middle East? You’re not oppressed, you’re a lazy fuck who would rather blame women for your failures than make yourself a better person.

If they LGBT fags are so concerned with their treatment i the middle east they should bitch about that instead of trying to ruin western society.

Holy shit all you do is post on Reddit. Literally fucking hang yourself.

I mean it isn't like I have anything better to do than point out how hypocritical most people are, for example I only post about as often as you if not for people replying to me, you're an overly trans-sympathizing, white hating racist piece of shit based on a quick look at your post history. People like you are the ones to deserve to be hanged, publicly.

Lmao you pudgy fucks can’t even get out of your parents house to find a girlfriend. Nothing you ever say or do will ever matter to anyone. ❤️❤️😍

Right, because all we have to do to find a girlfriend is leave the house and none of us actually actually are in shape...

That’s literally it! Fuckin read some books! Listen to a few albums! Learn to talk to people! It’s that easy.

You honestly believe that don't you? how exactly would we learn to talk to people if they want nothing to do with us?

I honestly believe it because I did it. It’s not that people don’t want anything to do with you it’s that you go into your everyday life hating yourself and assuming they don’t. Honestly though if you really think that you should see a therapist, get some help.

I don't hate myself I hate everyone else, I personally think I am better than just about everyone else and no I'm not narcissistic, I know other people hate me though.

Psychological projection

Psychological projection is a theory in psychology in which humans defend themselves against their own unconscious impulses or qualities (both positive and negative) by denying their existence in themselves while attributing them to others. For example, a person who is habitually intolerant may constantly accuse other people of being intolerant. It incorporates blame shifting.

According to some research, the projection of one's unconscious qualities onto others is a common process in everyday life.

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Doesn't sound like me, I fully own up to the things that go against my morals, other people are definitely worse for than me in terms of doing things I look down on people for especially in regards to relationships. I kinda have an "well it's okay if I do it just not anyone else" type personality as well so that helps with not projecting.

People don't want anything to do with you because you all hate women and blame others for your own shortcomings, both mentally and physically. Yes, there are shallow people who will snub you just because you're not conventionally attractive but by basing all of your feelings for the world (and women) off of those people you ruin any chance for good hearted people to try to socialize with you because you've blackened your own heart towards everything. Incels tend to live inside of their own often close-minded bubbles of hatred, all surrounded by a perpetual confirmation-bias. People don't dislike incels for being lonely and being virgins, people dislike incels because so many of them are angry, sexist, rude, and all around not the type of people they want to be around.

People don't want anything to do with you because you all hate women and blame others for your own shortcomings, both mentally and physically.

Are we supposed to take the blame for being short and ugly?

Yes, there are shallow people who will snub you just because you're not conventionally attractive but by basing all of your feelings for the world (and women) off of those people you ruin any chance for good hearted people to try to socialize with you because you've blackened your own heart towards everything.

From my experience that's been most women, what else is there to do when you have struggle to even find women let alone ones who don't judge too harsh based on looks.

Lmao ruin what? Do you feel threatened by people asking you not to be homophobic? + maybe you should try living there to see how easy it is to come out when you immediately get executed. You're a first world keyboard warrior.

Considering I'm dealing with people demanding me to abandon my beliefs and force their sexuality down my throat and expect me to deal with "gender identity" BS yeah I do feel a bit threatened by it. I mean it's not like they are forced to come out and in most first world countries they don't get immediately executed. You're damn right I'm from a first world country and I'd prefer to keep it as that way.

No one is forcing anything down your throat, gays don't want to fuck you I swear. I don't know how to explain to you that you should care about other human beings though, straight or not.

I can't tell if you genuinely thought that what I said was referring to being afraid of being raped by a gay or having gays hounding me for sex(that said I've had to deal with them hitting on me too many times for a straight guy showing no large signs of homosexuality... Trans make me second guess every woman I see so that is something that annoys me and affects me constantly.) But anyway I more meant the way they seemed to have trained so many people into their attack dogs to go after anyone who dares be against them for any reason or any perceived thing that seems like it goes against them.

I have cared about people of many sexuality, the of the two friends I talk to most one is a bisexual woman and the other is ftm I care about them because they've proven to be nice and likable people. That doesn't mean I approve of their choices though and I let them know that once I feel like I know them well enough and like the friendship will last because I feel bad keeping something like that from them. I'm polite about it and explain my view on things and that I value them as friends and as people most of them have been cool about it with only one exception having gone completely crazy over the smallest thing I mentioned her close friend/future boyfriend(and then ex) was with me at the time, is also bi and agreed that she is just a bit crazy and that I presented a respectable enough opinion in a non-offensive way.

"That doesn't mean I approve of their choices though" You're not respecting them. Sexual orientation and gender dysphoria are not a choice.

First off you said care not respect, personally I don't respect that aspect of them, but that doesn't mean I don't care about them as people. Secondly you're being overly picky about words, what is the politically correct term then? One of the main conversations I was thinking of while writing that was one about I had was about the trans friend's choice to actually go through with the transition because I was worried it might just be a phase given his age and how a seemingly hardcore "trans-woman" I knew had recently thought "you know what? I'll just accept that I'm a dude" after literal years.

do you live in the middle east? no

Did Jeff Sessions recently send out a high profile lawyer to settle a trans murder case in favor of a trans person?


Does anyone help incels?

Almost no one.

Oh I’m sorry you poor fat fuck :c. When was the last time someone was murdered for being a loser virgin?

I like how "gay" is a smaller line than "lesbian" and the others, shows how men are truly considered trash. What a coincidence.

why is gay separated from lesbian anyways? why the need for a distinction?

I guess because one involves only guys and one only girls. They could have used homosexual, but then it becomes a much longer word than the others and since the design seems to follow the length of the words, it would have been prominent and annoying tbh.

Maybe because it's a smaller word? It definitely just looks like they designed it around the length of each words

It was half jokingly, but I get that people thought I was serious

It's a good idea on Reddit to use /s, we're all dumb when it comes to written sarcasm

Eh, if someone gets upset by a comment they're not sound anyway

Why would you even want to beat them?

Because we're cooler.

Unofortunately it won't work. All these movements only took off because they framed their plight in the context of women. If you want to have any societal change at all, you need to frame your problem in the context of women. It's not "how does it affect people negatively?", it's "how does it affect WOMEN negatively?"

That's how gynocentric societes, like ours, work.

And, I hope I don't need to explain this, you can't frame incel issues as women's issues.

This is r/braincels, not brain cells. This sub ain't for thinkin

Lol this is why you are an /r/incel

lmfao do you actually think that Rosa Parks was the impetus to the civil rights movement

Isnt incel like a type of closeted homosexual?

We will have a black flag of that will destroy all other flags.

I’m not sure you guys will have a lot of fun, us queer folk are pretty big on mutually respectful dialogue. It’s pretty much why we’re able to put up with each other when we’re all so different.

So.. are you saying that incels aren't mutually respectful?

I mean, we do often see some of you guys encouraging depressed incels to kill themselves, that's hardly respectful

Explain why that is disrespectful

Explain how it's not disrespectful to tell someone to end their life?

Because they believe it's what's best for turn

There was a thread literally yesterday about an incel user leaving to take a break and most of the comments were supportive.

Dw I know there is a lot of good guys in the incel community, the bad apples a few but like any bad apples they are a bit more in your face than the others. It's just that on r/incels before it got deleted I remember seeing often 'kill yourself there's no future for us incels anyway' in the comments or as post advocating suicide as an actual solution. It was something regular during the week. It's WAY less often on r/braincel which I am so happy of, but have you seen incel.me? (or incels.me can't remember rn) It's ridden with verbal violence against others and each others. And it's supposed to be the new sanctuary for incels so it's hard to not associate that plethora of negative comments to the incel community.

I'm glad that things are starting to change and that it's becoming more and more a real support group, but stereotypes about a group normally find source in the truth about them, and incels is no different.

There are individuals who are extremely supportive and respectful. Incels run the gamut between polite/respectful and full on sociopath, it is true. Your culture of disrespect towards women, however, wouldn’t really fly in most queer communities- We tended to form in response to ugly persecution, and in doing so, we tend to be extremely anti-bullying.

— And before you point out that incels are also bullied, yes. I genuinely believe that they are. It’s wrong, and I think society could benefit from taking a knee thinking about why this is. Kids are raised to assign value to looks instead of health, and that’s a major problem that isn’t going to get better by NOT talking about it. ....The difference is that there’s a faction of incels that feel this entitled them to them hate an entire demographic. They call women ugly names, make disgusting comments about their genitalia, plot elaborate revenge fantasies that involve slavery and rape...

And yo, it’s your own board. You’re free to post and encourage whatever behavior you want, I’m opposed to thought policing, and understand I’m just a visitor here. Just saying that anyone that doesn’t distance themselves loudly from these sorts of behaviors aren’t going to find themselves welcomed under the rainbow flag.

Which sucks cuz they’d find good company there if they stopped playing the cheap game of Rolling Shit Downhill. Many queer folk also struggle with the crippling loneliness of not finding a partner that wants them. Many of us are rejected by society and called cruel names and bullied for their looks. They suffer intense anxiety and face limited job prospects because of who they are and what they look like. As a community, we tend to organize and ban together in each city, where we share tips for housing and job openings and organize social times where we can spend time with other people that we can feel safe just being ourselves around.

But all genders are treating equally in these societies, so the “roastie flaps” talk and the Chad Worship(Envy?), calling fat women “land whales” like... these behaviors would be considered pretty abhorrent in the greater queer community. Which sucks.

I mean. I know you’re pretty much just trolling, but the very fact that you’re asking questions pretty much compels me to give you the benefit of the doubt. I’d love to be proven wrong and have a good discussion tho.

putting me in the same group as the big gay

Time for that shower and haircut.

No hot pink? :'(

No, it's black because of the blackpill

Because it's impossible to stop you from punching yourself in the face.

So oppressed that you’re being thrown off buildings in Middle East? You’re not oppressed, you’re a lazy fuck who would rather blame women for your failures than make yourself a better person.

What problems do women have in modern society? The amount of privileges they have is staggering. If you are a woman thinking about getting a child and are not actively aborting all male foetuses you are a sadist by bringing more suffering into the world.