Incel Poem - On Showers

43  2018-02-27 by RippedRichAndIncel

You may be short and losing hair,
Your face is grim; beyond repair,
So people look and children scare,
You dream a dream of rope.

Your chin is weak, your eyes are wide,
You can't your awful hairline hide.
The girls you meet all wish you died,
But have you tried some soap?


lmao amazing

Wow really makes me think 🤔


It's beautiful.


Crying rn. Beautuful

That Yoda shit in the second stanza fucked me up for a sec, but all in all amusing. :)

how the FUCK isn't this art?

i used to love that guys incel poems from the old sub

He was posting a lot on a lot before it was shut down, hope to see him back

My post is on topic?

He was the main mod on one of the incel subs, but something happened to him, probably involving getting doxxed or harassed, and he deleted his Reddit account and asked a mod to make the sub in question private and I did. The stuff in mod mail he wrote was awesome.

Perfect metre. You have a gift.

This has been said on the old /r/incels; Incels are very talented (and also have better humor and personalities). That in itself should be a reminder of how retarded the lookist denyers are.

Yeah, because what could be a better personality than someone who decides to hate all women because he can't get laid. And instead of swearing off women and going to better himself like MGTOW, instead of choosing to manipulate and exploit women like TRP, he decides to LDAR. Misogynists are pathetic already and you guys are the most pathetic ones.

Unfortunately you're the only ones who haven't banned me yet, so I have to keep picking at this low hanging fruit. Clearly I have no other choice :x

You have a crush on me? :3

Maybe just a little teehee

Must've been my height. I have bad news about the face though... Plz don't report me for catfish :(


Send nudes

I'm sorry I'm glued to my couch I can't get to my camera

Think of the 6'3" genes you are able to receive in your womb

what could be a better personality than someone who decides to hate all women because he can't get laid

Removed for generalizations and harassment. You have been banned for repeated offenses of harassment on users of this subreddit.

our new goderator

Exactly. Most normies are generic carbon copies, but incels care about knowledge,arts, they are creators. The fact they are ugly, made them work twice as hard, the fact they have no social life made them have more time for creativity!

Its... its... beautiful :')

Good example of how your life has more meaning than what a woman might think of you; you have talent my friend and that is meaningful!

True, Femoids are garbage and it doesn't matter what they think.

Uhhh that’s not what I was trying to say at all lol

Fuck up cunt

To be read at my funeral, which no one will attend except the guy I paid to read it.

will recite it next time I rope

You guys don't get it.

Showers are meant to wash the misogyny off you.

Shampoo applied to your head will prevent balding. And if you happen to be already bald, hair will regrow it back!

Smiling while showering improves your jawline.

This is the power of incel literature