Inceltears intellectuals

47  2018-02-27 by half_acre_lot


What is empathy.

Adult men have no emotions, no feelings and can not ever suffer any pain in any way or form. Haven't you gotten the memo yet?

I don't think that's the message. Of course adult men have feelings. However, as an adult (male or female) taking care of your feelings is entirely up to YOU! No one else should or has to be responsible for your wellbeing. That's ENTIRELY your job as an adult.

Can you please tell that to all the cucks that constantly want to shove guns in my face and force me to pay taxes? I'm constantly told that I have to work, pay taxes and take care of other people (with part of my labor stolen by taxation).

I agree 100% with this post. I work hard, to pay off my own home, and save money for the future so myself and my partner can have a comfortable life. Why should welfare recipients sponge 37% of my income?

The other thing is - you can work hard and provide your own income. As a matter of fact, you should. You can’t provide your own affection. You need a significant other for that. Empathy-lacking left wing types who just sleep around will never get that.

Save up and buy a farm, rebel against the modern world

I’m paying one off. Well, a country property at least.

lolz good luck with that neoliberal therapy culture shit that isn't working on a MASSIVE SOCIETAL LEVEL

stupid men! wanting affection and shit.

How dare they! I can give my affection to whoever I feel like because I'm #empowered!


You mog me

I bet that person is a man too. Literally cucking himself by re-enforcing toxic masculinity.

What a retard

Hey, you won't die! You will only end up being fucked up from social isolation! Yay!

Your fault.

Yes being bullied for years was our fault lmfao is the crack good in your neighborhood or something fucken bozo

I was bullied too. Until I did what was necessary to no longer be a victim. I have no sympathy for those who just curl up into a fetal position and take the abuse. If you're not going to do anything to stop being a victim, then I see no reason to see you as anything other than a voluntary victim, which also means I have no respect for you, because you have no respect for yourself.

And crack was quite prevalent in the neighborhood that I came from in Philadelphia. However, I never participated in the illicit drug trade. In my youth I was a church-goer. As I got older and left the delusional cult behind, I trained in many disciplines that also gave me the wherewithal to avoid such pitfalls, complete my education, and become a productive, contributing member of the society that you hate because, as you say, it shunned you. Again, your fault.

It's the victims fault of cruz's shooting rampage that they were at school that day. Maybe if they had stayed home they'd be alive.

Basically what you just said. Again, you're a bozo.

Nope. It's Cruz's fault. He chose to pick up a gun, load it, and pull the trigger. It's insane to think that just because you feel a certain way, it's the fault of someone else that you respond to those feelings in an unhealthy fashion.

The victims families need to stop whining about gun control get over it and MAN UP already. Maybe if they pulled themselves up by their boot straps like you did they wouldn't be in this situation.

It's possible that if they'd had the training that I've had they might have been able to think strategically and escaped the hell that Cruz brought with him. However, it is all Cruz's fault that the shooting happened.

The families aren't whining. The call for gun control is a legitimate concern, given that THIS isn't the only shooting that happened! Different statistics show differing numbers, but mass shootings happen here in the USA rather often, mainly due to the ubiquity, and easy availability, of guns. That's true and fuck you if you don't like it. Not my goddamn problem (that the truth is counter to your presentation).

You seem to commit the "false equivalence" fallacy a lot. Why is that?

For those following along at home here is the recap. When an incel is verbally and also often physically abused it is the victims fault.

When non incels are physically abused it is the perpetrators fault. Normans logic lmfao

Why is this? Because stacy and chad were victims in the shooting while the incel is sub8 and therefore genetic waste and not important. Literally the first victim photo was a stacy and first video interview was a chad.

Looks = life. End of discussion.

For those following along at home here is the recap. When an incel is verbally and also often physically abused it is the victims fault.

When non incels are physically abused it is the perpetrators fault. Normans logic lmfao

Logic, as interpreted by an incel. Someone who lacks the ability to understand social norms, can't talk to people, and refuses to learn anything that will help him improve. But I'm the one who's wrong. Yeah. Sure buddy. You've got all the credibility in the world.

So, would you like me to disappear so that you can have your echo chamber back? Don't want voices of dissent calling you on your bullshit? So fucking what. Deal.

Another norman admits defeat after he is GOTCHA'd. Surprise surprise

No, it's not his fault and you know it.

Looks like his fault from here, dude. You choose your path, so you choose the consequences. Don't want to be socially isolated, do that which will bring you social prestige. And I don't give a fuck whether you know how to do it or not. Figure it the fuck out. If you have some kind of mental or emotional problem (actual diagnosed autism or some such properly diagnosed affliction) then get help with it, therapy/medication. If you're just a lonely depressed loser, fucking do something different with your life or just stay a lonely depressed loser. Either way, you're a fucking adult, so it's your fucking fault what happens in your life. And blaming others just makes you look like a weak bitch worthy of the abuse you claim is being heaped upon you.

And that's life.

You are suggesting that he is free to try and rectify his situation in certain ways (conspicuously absent are any mention of how effective such ways are.) I don't have a problem with that, but doesn't establish fault.

I've been in the incel discourse since 2005 and it's remarkable how this issue of "fault" is constantly dragged in on the comments of outsiders, as if fault is a preimage of every outcome in the universe which has to be balanced on a certain number of human shoulders. It's almost never used in good faith (Read: I've never seen it used in good faith, but I'm avoiding speaking in absolutes) so you can take it back out with you.

Removed for generalization and harassment.

It's not harassment to let someone know that they're wrong about the ultimate cause of their unhappiness. As a matter of fact, it does more harm than good to support fallacious arguments when facts can be easily confirmed. If you're an adult, your happiness and prosperity are entirely your own to deal with. That goes for everyone. The degree of success that you achieve in such is directly proportional to the amount of effort that you put into it, whether you agree with that assessment or not.

If you don't want to be reminded that your fate is entirely in your own hands, that's delusional. It's not harassment to remind you that your life is only your own, that's actual real life.

"You get what you put in" is the ultimate normie cope. Hard work does not always translate to success.

Does in the case of most people. You're not so special that it shouldn't apply to you either. I would posit that you actually haven't put in sufficient effort to achieve success. No one is holding you back from success but you. No one cares about you enough to want to hold you back.

I don't know where you live or what your background is, but not everyone is privileged enough to live somewhere where the is absolute equal opportunity.

I'm not even speaking as an incel, but just as a human being; it is incredibly ignorant and downright offensive to assume what people get, have or don't have is purely their own doing.

Homeless people, oppressed women, black folk, uneducated people, people of low socio-economic status. Would you stand in front of these people and tell them "your problem aren't fixed because you aren't doing anything to fix them" ? If your answer is no, then you should stop spewing your bullshit online. Not everyone's Fate entirely in their own hands.

Wherever you live, the world does not revolve around you. It is a vast and diverse world, and you could not possible know the struggles of everyone. Just completely rude and ignorant you are.

Listen, you presumptuous whelp. I AM black and from a low socio-economic background. I was born with a thyroid problem that kept me unusually small for the major portion of my formative years. I was beaten unmercifully by both my father and my brother for MOST of my formative years.

But I continued to take the Rx that my pediatrician had prescribed for me, so by the time I reached puberty I had started on a trajectory of normal growth.

I started training in martial arts at the age of 14. Still unusually small, but training to become much stronger and much more aware of my own physical abilities.

I'll have you know that I worked very hard to overcome every single obstacle that has been placed in my path. And I never once blamed ANYONE but myself when I didn't achieve my goals. And now, I'm taller and stronger than my father. I have the love and respect of my brother (we couldn't be closer now, because we respect each other as men -- and he knows I could beat the shit out of him without much more than a thought). I took advantage of every opportunity that came my way, taking advanced classes in high school, and taking classes at the local community college while I was still in high school.

I now teach martial arts on occasion. And I have a career and a social life that you would probably have a wet dream over.

Yes, everything in your life is your fault and your problem and only you can overcome it.

Fuck privilege. And fuck you for assuming. If you want to be a pathetic no one that lays down and rots, fine you do you. But I'm going to point at you and use you as an example of a cautionary tale. And I'm going to laugh. Not behind your back. In front of your face. Why? Because you don't have the balls to do anything about it, because you think it's all someone else's fault and someone else's problem. No, I have no empathy or sympathy for anyone who chooses not to address their problems and overcome them.

it is incredibly ignorant and downright offensive to assume what people get, have or don't have is purely their own doing

And as a man, it's incredibly offensive to me when some loser wants to whine about what they don't have and what they "can't" get because "I'm ugly." Yes, it is your own doing. I was handed a deck very similar to the lot of you. But I never cashed in my chips. I kept playing, learned the game, and got myself a much better hand (and then I fucked the dealer and video recorded it to add to my collection).

Don't like what I said? Fuck you. Don't understand my position? Fuck you again. Want to assume something else about me you dumb bitch? Fuck you one more time.

Your mission, whether you choose to accept it or not, is to adapt and overcome. You fail. So you deserve everything that goes with that failure. Not my fucking problem.

You list all of your obstacles and problems that were out of your control yet you continue to blame yourself if you couldn't accomplish something.

That's not being brave, bold, or humble, there just stupid.

Why the fuck would I LDAR when I'm sitting in a very good position BECAUSE I've overcome those obstacles? I've proven that, though I was born with many of the same problems that you have, I have achieved a large measure of success. I've proven that effort actually does equal success. I've shown that when one takes hold of their problems, claims them, owns them, one can indeed defeat them. I'm living proof that you are aren't worthy of success specifically BECAUSE you "LDAR."

And your lack of a response to what I revealed to you reflects that indeed, everything that you think is holding you back is in fact YOUR problem to deal with. If you don't, you deserve whatever bad you experience as a result. Because it IS your fault that you didn't change it.

Dawg, you're so fucking delusional. I'm not replying not because I don't have something to say, but because I don't want to waste my breath on someone like you

Damn I can hear that record being set straight. Dumb fuck

TIL men are not human beings.

I hate IT so fucking much.

I really hope Kim Jong Un nukes the US, so WW3 can start and I can be free of this suffering.

Same tbh

what is IT?


You may have meant r/IncelTears instead of R/IncelTears.

Remember, OP may have ninja-edited. I correct subreddit and user links with a capital R or U, which are usually unusable.


No, he meant to say /r/IncelTards.


Oh, I thought it was it the movie lol

Myth: females have empathy. BUSTED.

youre dehumanized by society once you turn 18, and if you talk about it you’re a manchild

You're not dehumanized by society. You do it to yourself. You suck at socializing, so you blame the social norms. You suck at talking to women, so you blame women. It's as if you'll do anything to not take responsibility for yourselves. Like children. Seriously, who wants to date someone that looks at the world the same way that a child does?

lightbulb Is that why you lot revere teenage girls? Because you have the mentality of high school nerds?

fuck you piece of shit bastard

you know nothing about me, I wasnt talking about incels but men in general

I'm a man. I'm not dehumanized by society. I'm actually quite well respected. I have what you incels refer to as "status." But then, I earned it, much like everything else in the life that I have created for myself.

Sure you do buddy.

Explain to me how I could have lucked out. Please.

I don't know your life, but personally believe all the stupid crap you wrote about your hard life is bullshit. Sue me.

I don't give a fuck if you believe me. I make it a point to live my life as honestly as possible, because, as I've learned, it's how you can avoid a whole hell of a lot of problems. And when I know I'm right and being honest, I really don't give a fuck about much else. I'm not going to do anything else to convince you of my veracity. That's up to you. I don't have any hidden agendas, and my only hope is that one of you looks at yourself, tells yourself that you deserve better, and then sets about to make that "better" a reality. That's all. But if you want to promote your LDAR bullshit because misery loves company, fuck it. You do you.

stop fucking generalizing incels you asshat, I have been the captain of my schools soccer team and I also was in the debate club, you think i was born incel with no social skills ? tell me why the bullies who beat weak tiny guys senseless got laid ?

Stop fucking generalizing women and men who aren't incel, fuckstick. What you achieved in the past doesn't mean shit if you're not still achieving. Your past accomplishments won't hold you at night when it's cold outside. Nor will they protect you from bullies. Why did the bullies get laid? Because they displayed some attractive feature that some woman took notice of. You? Not so much.

your condescending rants will only make incels more hateful, i dont know how thats helpful in any way

Since incels don't want help, why should I bother helping? Why not just use you for my own amusement, since you're not going to do anything to change your status as an incel? You're going to lie around here and mope and complain. In public. As such, I can respond to you however I see fit, since you think you can post however you see fit. It's a two-way street, homie.

And incels choose to be hateful. So they choose whatever responses come from their hatefulness. Fuck 'em.

If you say so, homie. Not that I actually give a fuck.

You're not dehumanized by society. You do it to yourself. You suck at socializing, so you blame the social norms. You suck at talking to women, so you blame women. It's as if you'll do anything to not take responsibility for yourselves.

Removed for generalizations

Wait, it's not a generalization to say that you're dehumanized by society, but it is a generalization to say that you're not dehumanized by society?

Please educate me, because I fail to understand this internal inconsistency. And for the record, I was addressing "produboi" individually.

Yeah, some of them are ridiculously stupid. I actually wonder how some IT users were even able to make an account on this site.

men in prison : "its been ages since i touched a women"

women response "awww poor guy must feel suicidal"

men in inceldom "plz save me one hug or i will die in hell plz i cant anymore my sanity will explode"

women response: "you will not die because no one touched your peepee creep"

Yeah, this is an idiotic argument. A better one would be that babies normally get that affection from relatives, so if you are getting hugs from relatives you should be healthy and fine. (Not something I agree with, mind you, but a far better argument than the one posted.)

Hugs from relatives as an adult are not affectionate. People usually do the one arm, very brief hug

Yeah, as I said, I don't agree with that line of thought. Even if you have the most affectionate family on earth. After reaching sexual maturity, people have additional physical needs.

They don't try to have an honest discussion , they just want to have a "gotchya" moment

Never for me :(

Babies don't die if they don't get physical affection but it does badly affect the ur social development

The more I interect with their members the more I think they were bullied growing up and now finally have someone else to pick on.

See, this is why, even if I don't agree with incels, I fucking hate that sub. Those people will say the most retarded shit just so they never have to admit they may be wrong. Like, humans are social animals, we go insane without any affection, the same way chimps and gorillas start to lose it if they get completely deprived of companionship.

Save up and buy a farm, rebel against the modern world

Explain to me how I could have lucked out. Please.