blackops2cel to blackops2chad

36  2018-02-27 by MGTOWAcolyte


Surgery is cope

Cope. You're just poor. Tell that to /u/dontcomplain1

Lol,I live in can't be poor in Italy....

Cope. Your welfare only provides you with the absolute bare minimum for survival.

True,my fren,I'm so poor

get a part time job and split the rent between 3 roomates

I'm still in High school

He's an example for all hopecels tbh

Surgery is cope only if you want to have kids. Most dudes will never get married, we just want to date and fuck.

Surgery is the only thing that actually works.

He would still be rejected by roasties.

A quicker way imo would be to remove that faint moustache (it's seriously a huge no for most women, if you don't have a real moustache shave it), wash that hair and buy some hair accessory to make people believe it's on purpose. When all hope is gone, pretend you're a hipster.

Are you a femoid?

Does it matter? You should realize yourself that faint staches are ugly.

It does matter. Taking advice from walking holes is a bad idea.

Ah, I wish I had sex but nah. Shave that ugly stache anyway, it's good for you.

That's not me in the picture though. So why would I shave that stache?

In case you have one. If you don't bear that atrocity, good.


Lol didnt answer the question

course it matters

Why ? You don't have to be a straight woman to judge what's attractive or not on someone's face.

well we already know what kinda chad face women want. it's just that we need to ignore all roastie opinions cuz they don't know what they want.


None of this is realistic with the current tech

How can you be so sure. It makes sense to me.

No amount of surgery would make him look like the left

Nobody believed that man could fly or walk on the moon. This transformation is nothing in comparison to those achievements. I will pledge $30 if the real blackops2cel wanted to prove you all wrong and go ahead with this course of action.

Lol. I’ll give a reply to your comment in a bit.



Read text in that. In theory with exaggerated versions of those procedures out of the current realm of tech, maybe you could. But as a whole, probably not.

Because having surgery to make your FUCKING skull and neck THAT much wider isn't exactly realistic.

Still needs a shower and a haircut.

He just needs a different hairstyle. He's not ugly.

Is this better?

His hair is even too thin for that.

Yup. Fixed it. Add some glasses and this guy would look like he's working for a fortune 500 company.

And still left with a sub 5 jaw, top kek

He is equally ugly.

who the fuck is this guy? I wanna see what his facebook looks like.

I approve.

thanks man. you're a professional when it comes to this much surgery. they are all doubting me but just like you did, i will also prove them all wrong.

Haters in doubt don't deserve to a way shown to escape inceldom.

And 99% are a mix of lazy + poor so they try to cope and say "not realistic, fake"

He has very nice eyebrows, ill give him that.

In case you have one. If you don't bear that atrocity, good.

No amount of surgery would make him look like the left

Read text in that. In theory with exaggerated versions of those procedures out of the current realm of tech, maybe you could. But as a whole, probably not.

Because having surgery to make your FUCKING skull and neck THAT much wider isn't exactly realistic.
