When boys smile at a female.

59  2018-02-27 by AbuIncelAlAustrali


Proud kekistani warrior.

Our saint.

ER was truly sub 5

I'd say he's a 5

5'5 maybe

Whenever I smile the femoid spits on the floor and I am forced to clean it because I'm a janitor.

"Actually I think ER was kinda good looking teehee"

Well he was. Seriously he mogs me hard.

Omfg the memes are making a return


ER was a pussy mentalcel. Not sorry

Do something you will never be able to even if you wanted "haha he is a pussy"

ER would have killed us all if he could. True jusitce

Can't dodge the Rodge!

Am I missing some context ?

That's Elliot Rodger

OMG he's so cute teehee GREAT personality!!!

Unless you are ugly, and then you get maced. /s

I...think I need context, he looks perfectly normal to me, like cca 7-8/10. Am I missing something? Was he a murderer or a rapist or whatever?

He got mad women didn't line up to fuck him while he sat in his room doing nothing so he took the expensive car his parents bought him and drove and killed a bunch of people

Oh...Wow...Well that's one way how to release pent-up anger.

He was able to pull off what a lot of us deep down want to do.

Yep, I could never smile at a femoi


Yep, I could never smile at a femoi