German Green Party pledges to pay for free sex with prostitutes for anyone who needs 'sexual assistance' and can't afford it

56  2018-02-27 by fatchancebud


Green Party = womens Party (feminism to the max)

Why do women always want more and more socialism to fix societies problems? Socialism never fixes anything, just makes things worse for everyone.

Green Party = environmentalist new age social decmocratic types (Except online, the online variants of the green party are cretins)

No, that's what they pretend to be. Green Party = mainly feminists

sure they are mainly feminists in the US, but it's not really anything anyone in the party on the ground talks about

it's a shit party, but ILL TAKE WHAT I CAN GET

The only reason to vote left as an incel is if you are a NEET and intend to stay that way. If you work you should vote for whatever party promises the smallest government or the least taxes. Just imo.

or if you think you are ever going to lose your job ever

Relying on government handouts is always a bad idea. I can spend/Invest/save the money the state is stealing from me much more wisely than the state ever could.

if it's the federal government paying, they don't have to steal any money until full employment. Only thing they are doing is purchasing labor.

? You cannot create resources out of thin air, you always have to steal them from somebody. The state is doing this by printing money and by taxing innocent laborers.

With regards to the OP topic, all the federal government would do is purchase labor with money it prints out of thin air, like it pays for everything else, with minimal to no inflation. It's not something for nothing. It's purchasing labor with USD, which are just fancy tax credits.

Printing money is stealing from anyone that is stupid enough to hold large amounts of the currency. This are usually small savers, anyone big is clever enough to invest into real-estate/stocks/bonds/etc.

Printing money is not a victimless crime, sorry.

You don't get inflation from printing a currency you have a monopoly on until the amount you spend exceeds the amount of labor it can purchase

Econ 102, it's after Econ 101

Your econ 102 sounds like socialist voodoo economics to me. You cannot print money without devaluing the money supply -- but if you have anything to read up on/educate myself on what you are saying I'd be happy to read it.

you'd like this, I know tons of libertarians or conservatives who liked this debate, it's basically an hour long debate on what we are talking about but really to-the-point and you can't find anything like it anywhere else

Thanks, going to watch it later.

You'll be 500x more knowledgeable on both your position and mine after you do watch it. I know I was. It's all in layman's language too.

Kid not even a hooker would fuck you.

and that's where you are wrong, because they already do

Green Party = environmentalist new age social democratic types

Thats even worse.

Stop with this conservative libertarian bullcrap

This is the reason why incels exist, we need a socialist and tribal system in order to get laid, learn from the Jews.

Your own moral system enables womens freedom.

Wrong, the reason why incels exist is because the (welfare) state has taken over the role of provider and protector. Without the welfare state sub-8 males would be much more valuable to women. The welfare state has made life for women so easy -- without any consequences whatsoever -- that the only thing they are going for now is looks.

And what funds the welfare state?

Free-market capitalism. Without being spoiled by riches we would never have a welfare state.

Who has more feminists, east or west Europe?

And what funds the welfare state?

Male enslavement, has nothing to do with free market capitalism -- just with the fact that most western men are weak cucks that don't resist feminism.

I don't think you even know what welfare state is. Most women are not on welfare. They have rich daddies and privately funded colleges to fuck around in.

Free-market capitalism creates modern civilization, which allows this degeneracy to begin with. You won't see women acting as whores if we still lived in the 18th century, without fossil fuels and mass urbanization.

I don't think you even know what welfare state is. Most women are not on welfare.

I live in a country with one of the best social nets in the world, trust me I know what the welfare state is. There simply is zero fear in women that anything bad will ever happen to them -- in the absolute worst case the state is there to provide them, and their chad offspring, with a basic life.

I think this comes down to a single question:

Is the welfare state a symptom of the problem or the problem itself?

I believe that as long as people are spoiled by free-market capitalism and modern civilization, the welfare state is an inevitability. Democracy will give in to the majority, always. It's simply in the womans best interests to be a whore, atleast in this environment.

Removing the welfare state will only create a bunch of really pissed whores who will use the democratic system to get what they want, and free-market capitalism allows it to happen.

On a similar note, why do immigrants come to the west? They don't come here for the good weather. They're here for our riches. It's all the fault of capitalism, the welfare state is just an extension of that- more people in the workplace, more profits. If women are at home raising children they're not working.

Yeah socialism is soo bad. Take a look at America and then at countries like the Netherlands, Finland etc. (Countries with the highest living standard) they have a mix with socialism/capitalism.

Social democracy. Not a mix. Not to forget right wingers are ruining it like they always do.

Nope, I live in the Netherlands it's definitely a mix of capitalism with socialist aspects.

Right-wingers are fucking retarded. They're in a sunken place.

Have you seen the state of the US? It's an absolute shithole.

If you think european socialist societies are better off you are mistaken. Low IQ people breed like rats while hard working men (and women) are having fewer and fewer children. Those states will fail spectacularly in the coming decades. I believe that the US, if a strong anti socialist / conservative course is kept, will fare way better.

I live in one of those countries and it's miles better than your shithole. Your homicide rates in inner cities look more like civil war-zones than cities. You go bankrupt if a family member gets cancer just so you can line the pockets of Chad shareholders LOL. Fucking turbo cucks.

I live in an european socialist welfare state too.

I so enjoy having to pay for healthcare -- yet still being forced to pay for private healthcare because the public system is swamped by immigrants and is absolute dogshit in general.

I enjoy having to pay a HUGE upkeep for a pension system that I personally will never see any benefit from. I also enjoy being forced to save and invest a huge portion of my income to keep up a good lifestyle in older age.

I enjoy having to pay extreme taxes so that millions of immigrants and low quality people can come to my country and breed on my dime and enjoy a basic lifestyle without working.

Have you ever been to any US city? I have -- didn't look like a warzone to me.

based Elisabeth Scharfenberg

Is she /ourgirl/?

Government issued gfs soon...

Yas finally.

Aiha Zemp of Switzerland definitely is.... ""Sexuality is a basic human need like eating and drinking and we have to fight for this right."

Finally involuntary celibacy is getting the recognition it deserves.

It would appear some femoids are decent

This is going to end up like the neatherlands. If your physically disabled you qualify. So unless you plan to crush your own spine no luck.

i need confirmation that it doesn't apply to the mentally disabled, is this really true, and where is the line btw physical and mental?

I think it has to be something real serious like paralasis. They only sponsor maybe one or two dozen a year so its gotaa be hardcore.

Sure it may start with serious disabilities, but like all government programs it will start including more and more disabilities. Go SJWs!


My spine never got me laid, good riddance I say.

i can't say i approve of the idea, but i approve of the enthusiasm.

Crush spine to get free prostitute or just pay with money... Hmmm, tough choice.

White Hands Ejaculation Assistance in Japan (documentary)

Exactly, nothing returned to people who actually work for it...

Wait wtf I love SJWs now

They now try to deny they ever proposed this. Buuut they did. Before /r/incels came about and turned SJWs against us. It's cited in more reputable places.

wtf I want to move to Germany now

[life fuel]

Id really rather not pay for someone else's orgasm.

Too bad you already do that and you pay for Chad's child after he leaves the roastie pregnant and leaves her a single mom

That's a lot of projecting

It's literally facts. Women fuck bad boy Chads then the government swoops in and gives the woman to raise the child from taxes payed for by betas. I don't want my money going to raising someone elses kid

You pay for that when Chad nuts in a single mother and she has to get child support from the government.

But if you are working, the government is taking some of your income and giving it to Stacy for her birth control.

Im aware. It's wrong that the government would pilfer our paychecks for this shit.

That's one way to get votes.

this is just a plot to get the muslims to stop raping everyone

Use the links for popular news media sites you cuck. Or do you enjoy bringing free views to the very organizations that cuck you?

Just lol @ kraut incels who think this is gonna benefit them. They are gonna get leap frogged by the new tan Germans who suffer from sexual "emergencies".

White Hands Ejaculation Assistance in Japan (documentary)

But their programm is still garbage. Truste me i know them and even live in germoney

Too bad this will never happen in the US, prostitution will probably never even be legal here. It's over for UScels

It’s legal in Nevada

- I am single and unhappy, no one wants to date me.
- Okay, lady, here is your weekly Chad prescription.



(((Elisabeth Scharfenberg)))

With regards to the OP topic, all the federal government would do is purchase labor with money it prints out of thin air, like it pays for everything else, with minimal to no inflation. It's not something for nothing. It's purchasing labor with USD, which are just fancy tax credits.