No, no, you're right, let's get a professional woman's team to play against a professional men's team, and see how that goes. I bet it'll be real close 'cuz men and women are equal and the same, and all. Oh, wait, we know damn well that wouldn't happen.
There was something in the news a while back, I think it was about a professional women's soccer team playing against a high school boy's soccer team, wasn't it? And uh, how did that go? The women won, right? Oh, wait, no, the boys absolutely wiped the field with those women! Ha, ha ha ha! Oh and what about that transgender "woman" who competed in, correct me if I'm wrong, the Olympics, against other women, and won? Gee, who could've seen that coming?!
Yes women have statistically lower muscle mass. I don't see how that would make them unqualified for anything other than manual labor. Physical capabilities are only one part of a person, and a lack of them does not disqualify all the other parts of them. For instance you can't disreguard an incel's misogynistic and hateful worldviews just because they are physically unfit.
I'm fine, this place is overrun by retards though so I'm not that active. What's really worrisome is that I haven't heard anything from DailyDialectic whether it be through discord or reddit. I hope he's ok.
3 Zangano1 2018-02-26
Anyone who respects women is a useless cuck
2 RippedRichAndIncel 2018-02-26
Truth. They are objectively inferior to men, if you disagree, ask any female athlete to try and compete with a male one lmao.
1 fishet 2018-02-26
Raised in tenesee i take it?
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-02-26
No, no, you're right, let's get a professional woman's team to play against a professional men's team, and see how that goes. I bet it'll be real close 'cuz men and women are equal and the same, and all. Oh, wait, we know damn well that wouldn't happen.
There was something in the news a while back, I think it was about a professional women's soccer team playing against a high school boy's soccer team, wasn't it? And uh, how did that go? The women won, right? Oh, wait, no, the boys absolutely wiped the field with those women! Ha, ha ha ha! Oh and what about that transgender "woman" who competed in, correct me if I'm wrong, the Olympics, against other women, and won? Gee, who could've seen that coming?!
1 SnowflakesAndPuppies 2018-02-26
Since when is soccer the ultimate test of someone's worth as a human being?
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-02-26
My point went so far over your head you couldn't tell the difference between it and the ISS.
1 fishet 2018-02-26
Yes women have statistically lower muscle mass. I don't see how that would make them unqualified for anything other than manual labor. Physical capabilities are only one part of a person, and a lack of them does not disqualify all the other parts of them. For instance you can't disreguard an incel's misogynistic and hateful worldviews just because they are physically unfit.
1 fishet 2018-02-26
So its wrong to respect your fellow human brings?
1 LdarBoyos 2018-02-26
Femoids aren't human.
1 elonsomusky 2018-02-26
1 LdarBoyos 2018-02-26
I don't want to get my dick wet though. And yes they aren't human
1 BigFatDonna 2018-02-26
"I don't want to get my dick wet" = OMG WHY WONT SOMEONE LOVE ME!!!!!!!!!!??????
1 LdarBoyos 2018-02-26
My mum loves me. She's a good woman.
1 fishet 2018-02-26
So women are not of the homosapien species?
1 LdarBoyos 2018-02-26
1 fishet 2018-02-26
So are you a misogynist or just retarded? Tbh my money is on both
1 LdarBoyos 2018-02-26
Are you upset little boy
1 fishet 2018-02-26
Upset? Not in the slightest. Dissapointed in the human race? Yeah.
2 WhyNotLayDownAndRot 2018-02-26
long time no see
1 RippedRichAndIncel 2018-02-26
I disappeared after the shutdown. It hit me hard tbh, haven;t seen many of the truecels from there since.
1 WhyNotLayDownAndRot 2018-02-26
i never used, i was on for a while by just lurking. it got shut down?
1 sydneycel 2018-02-26
What was like? was good but it's gone to shit, I rarely post anymore.
1 RippedRichAndIncel 2018-02-26 was great. The greatest, freest incel forum I've ever been a part of. It was a little low on traffic at times, but it had such promise.
1 Holyheavens 2018-02-26
Sup, ElliotSecondAscent here. I still lurk around sometime.
1 RippedRichAndIncel 2018-02-26
OH fuck! Hey bro, good to see you here! How's it been?
1 Holyheavens 2018-02-26
I'm fine, this place is overrun by retards though so I'm not that active. What's really worrisome is that I haven't heard anything from DailyDialectic whether it be through discord or reddit. I hope he's ok.
1 mentalhealthcel 2018-02-26
White knights deserve castration.
1 fishet 2018-02-26
Yes, lets sterilize people for their views!
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-02-26
Sterilizing blue-pilled idiots for their moronic views would not be such a bad idea, actually.
1 fishet 2018-02-26
Could say the same about you guys
1 bigantennaemay1 2018-02-26
We're not blue-pilled morons who believe in fantasy and fairy tale. We believe the truth, backed by facts and studies.
1 fishet 2018-02-26
This is honesty the funniest thing I've heard all day thank you!
1 daskettenkrad 2018-02-26
Well, aren't those views misogynistic? I mean, it's the <<CURRENT YEAR+3>>, ladies have PoundMeToo.
1 fishet 2018-02-26
Lol what
1 AbyssWolf 2018-02-26
No point, they basically already are.
1 Rafique020902 2018-02-26
You only hate white knights because u can't get pussy.
1 sydneycel 2018-02-26
They can't get laid anyway so they might as well be.
1 SpinxS 2018-02-26
just respect other humans.
0 RippedRichAndIncel 2018-02-26
Pick one
1 SpinxS 2018-02-26
humans. ''femoids'' isn't something in my dictionary
1 AndreMcCloud 2018-02-26
pick one
1 RippedRichAndIncel 2018-02-26
You're right. I'm God
1 AndreMcCloud 2018-02-26
Pick one
1 fishet 2018-02-26
So women aren't human?
1 redoveryellow 2018-02-26
And this is why you will fortunately always be a celibate ☺️
1 LdarBoyos 2018-02-26
Teehee :3
1 shewillwin2020 2018-02-26
1 LdarBoyos 2018-02-26
I don't want to get my dick wet though. And yes they aren't human
1 Holyheavens 2018-02-26
Sup, ElliotSecondAscent here. I still lurk around sometime.