Shy male vs. Shy female

111  2018-02-26 by ResentfulSoul


Seriously tho where are the shy cute introverted girls at?

Inside getting pounded by "nerdy" Chad.

The nerdy barista chad who'd slay any nerdy girl he'd want...

Chad with glasses

All taken by chadlites.

I saw her reading Harry Potter in the library and I couldn't believe I found another nerd like me.



They're hymens are currently being blasted into the next county by tyrone cock.

literally no one talks to us irl so

But I guarantee you've had multiple sexual partners.

Yes, because having crippling social anxiety makes me really open to fuck random people.

I know a gal that is exactly this and also the nicest girl around.

She's dating Chad


although cute is subjective, and being shy doesn't make them any more or any less of being cunts

Shy girls dont exist

What type of bs....?

He is right lol, they don't. As soon as alcohol is introduced they become extroverted like any other roast.

This is a world of eternal suffering


Fuck off. I was a shy girl and what I did was that I went after guys who were even shyer and helped bring them out of their shells.

The difference is that men are so fucking entitled they are completely unwilling to ever do something for someone else or to date down.

You're so fucking entitled that instead of thinking about those who have it worse than you and being humble and thinking about what what you can offer to a potential romantic partner, all you do is complain that others should do more for you. Plus you have all these enraging fabulations about what you think it's like to be a woman.

An ugly fucker would have no such luck as a woman either. The reason why women aren't incels is because they are humble and they date down. They accept that they won't be treated like pristine princesses and they put in the work themselves, including going after shyer, less desirable men, and accepting to be used for easy sex by passionless men who treat them like crap.

It's your choice if you're so full of male entitlement and narcissism that you want to believe you deserve to be a magical prince, but at least leave women out of it.

Go fuck yourself, femcunt.

hey. not nice.

Go white knight somewhere else plz

The reason why women aren't incels is because they are humble and they date down.


Yeah, women blame themselves for their lack of romantic success, and they will go date bottom of the barrel men if that's all they can get.

Meanwhile incels blame women for their lack of romantic success.

lol I love how you talk in generalisations, certified brainlet


Look I'm trying to respect your opinion, but are you seriously DENYING that incels blame women for their lack of romantic success? Every other post here is some mysogynistic thing.

ofcourse, women are all self aware princesses who can do nothing wrong, incels are soo pathetic am I right

Have you ever seen a woman make a webcomic as pathetic as that one though?


I need some examples


[looks at the maxcell comics]

Yes they tend to blame their ugly appearance.

Do you read this subreddit?

Even the normies laughed

Maybe they think they date down because their egos are so high they think anything less than a Chad is dating down, even if they're sub 5 themselves.

I mean it'd make sense, since this chick seems to put out the vibe that she only "settles" for guys.

lmao, we have feminists here now

I don't know, the comic made me rage. No one likes introverted women unless she's a Stacy.

Plain girls who are introverts are brutally made fun of by guys.

introverts in general arent treated well, but it affects men more on average because extroversion is a masculine trait while introversion is feminine, women can still be successful in dating if they’re silent and anxious

Introverted women have the option now days to make a profile on any dating site and get swarmed with male attention. Introverted men are at an even greater disadvantage since online/digital dating.

Why isn't this sub called victimcel?

Literally everyone in the world is capable of getting laid. There's another 0.1/10 out there for you.

If everybody here is capable of getting laid, then clearly it's not about getting laid.

Yeah it's exactly what the shy girl said.

I'm so special even though I'm ugly, poor and stupid. Where's my harem of models?

Yeah it's exactly what poor people say.

I'm so special even though I'm lazy, poor and stupid. Where's my free government money?

See what happens if you replace incel with any other disadvantaged group? You come off as a hateful bigot.

I was talking specifically about male incels, like she was.

I agree with her and pity her for having to deal with retardcels.

And I am a bigot to incels. "It's not just about sex" says the VIRGIN in the INVOLUNTARY celebacy sub. Just remove your genes from the pool, it's adult swim.

Congrats +1 woman respected.

And I am a bigot to incels. "It's not just about sex" says the VIRGIN in the INVOLUNTARY celebacy sub. Just remove your genes from the pool, it's adult swim.

You know, the funny thing is the Right wing thinks the same of the Left, that you're obsessed with sex, yet have less and worse sex than we do, and usually zero to only one child, effectively removing yourselves from the gene pool over the long term. Not surprising you folks need to seek out the lowest of the low, to bully and lord it over them, to feel better about yourselves.

This exactly. LOL at the ‘empowered’ feminist left. You will never have more or better sex than when you are in a committed monogamous relationship.

Also - the left kill their own offspring out of convenience. Just another way they remove themselves from the gene pool.

the comic made me rage

Me too, wtf traps aren't gay at all!

No, they're androgyny. Totally different interests. Calling them gay is like calling sadism bondage because they both tend to involve leather.

Get out of here you feminazi! No one likes you. You have the media and internet backing your views and hatred towards men, for once, let males communicate without a female interfering with some bullshit statements.

Yup, 85% of the world is feminist friendly, let us men have our own safe space.

Plain girls who are introverts are brutally made fun of by guys.

you know as well as i that ends after high school if not before.

It’s true a lot of incels are unable to identify their false sense of entitlement. But this post definitely has a ton of truth to it. A ton of experiments have been done already to pretty much validate the message of this post.

Don’t believe it? It’s actually extremely easy to test. I’ve done it and even one of my female friends have done it for fun. Create two dating profiles. One which is what you consider to be a “below average” looking girl and another profile with what you consider to be an equally looking guy. See which profiles get more matches. If you don’t know the answer already, then you’re naive

That doesn't prove anything. Of course men are thirsty and will fuck anything. That doesn't mean they will love her. Men benefit from relationships and they treat ugly women like shit while using them for sex.

Introverted women are still brutally made fun of by men in every day life.

You incels are lucky to have remained single. At least when you're single no entitled man can fuck up your life. Women have it worse and it's because ugly women are way more humble and submissive and masochistic.

LOL ok, well it looks like you’re totally fine with ignoring facts because you got shamed by some dude. At least you got to get laid. At least you were wanted for a moment. Imagine never being wanted at all, ever, for your entire life. I can guarantee you that is worse. You’re sad about not being loved when incels can’t even get a hug let alone sex.

I’m not even an incel, I just can understand why they think they do.

I can imagine it and I think it's vastly superior to being in a garbage relationship that brings you nothing and makes your life worse. I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking in general. Men do not enter or stay in relationships that bring them nothing and make their lives worse, women do.

Being used and having your life destroyed is much worse than simply being left alone.

Yes, having options is much worse than having no options. Female logic right there.

The only option is to be used. You have the option to be used too. Why don't you give your money to some ugly bitch who won't sleep with you? I'm sure you could find a taker.

Yeah, all the dudes that get cheated on and stay certainly aren't in relationships that bring them nothing. Oh, and men aren't abused either, right?

Sure, some loser who's dumber than you, poorer than you and uglier than you will begrudgingly accept to date you. He will use you for sex and everything he can, and he will never love you, never do anything romantic, never put in any effort, never be happy to be with you.

That's the standard BetaBux situation that men go through when they marry sluts. Sometimes she'll be better looking than he is before begrudgingly accepting him, but that's about it.

Fair enough, that is the fate of undesirable men and women. Incels refuse to accept it, women do not, that's why there are no female incels.

Men do accept it, and some crazy incels are willing to do it but even lack the desirability to do that.

Also, unless you look like Lizzie Velasquez or live in Latin America, I don't believe for a second that you got rejected while being a fit athlete.

I don't believe for a second that you got rejected while being a fit athlete.

It's the truth. I was on the swim team and on the rugby team. I did other sports every day like going to the gym, running, cross-country skiing, zumba, snowboarding, hiking, tennis, plus I was commuting by bicycle and I was on a recreative ultimate frisbee team.

I was rejected by men who didn't do any sport and weren't on any team. I wad friendzoned by guys who's only physical activity was hiking and never saw the inside of a gym. The ones who did accept to date me eventually were short chubby slobs who never did any exercise.

And these fat lazy slobs weren't just less athletic than me. They were from a lower social class, they did worse in school, they were more introverted. I had to befriend them for years to get them interested in me.

IncelTears would have a field day with what you just wrote, if their double standard for men and women didn't exist. That behavior is exactly the NiceGuy attitude.

If you were the U.S., where most people are overweight, you would do well with gymcels. You would only have to walk into the gym on a Friday or Saturday night and talk to the men there. Then you'd get dates in no time, no matter what your face looks like.

I went to the gym all my prime dating years. No one ever wanted to talk to me. There's a bunch of less fit but hotter girls they can date. Funner girls too who are extroverted and smoke weed.

I went to the gym all my prime dating years. No one ever wanted to talk to me. There's a bunch of less fit but hotter girls they can date.

Not if he's a gymcel. Then those girls will decide that he's "too macho" or "overcompensating."

It's not just face.

Face is a large part of attraction for both sexes.

Just look on TV, the pretty girls aren't fit.

Yes they are. They usually have muscle definition. Popular girls in high school play sports. Beauty queens stay in shape.
Maybe you have higher testosterone and bulked up a bit more, but even then you'd be more attractive than fat girls.

The only way I can possibly believe you is if you have Aspbergers or autism or something, because I can see that as reason guys would shy away from you. Aspie girls, even if fit and pretty are still off putting. Not to say I or any other guy wouldn't pump and dump an aspie girl in a second if she had a nice pair of tits.

Men benefit from relationships and they treat ugly women like shit while using them for sex.

Could you clarify what the phrase "using them for sex" means? Does it imply that the woman doesn't enjoy the sex? If not, and if the man also "treats her like shit" and never does anything for her, then why would the woman even enter or stay in the relationship?

You also said "it's much worse than being single." So why not just be single then? You're saying that all unattractive women get in these awful relationships where they get zero benefit, but are all somehow unable to leave them.

I realize that sometimes it's difficult to leave abusive relationships, but do you think every relationship in which the woman is unattractive is an abusive relationship?

Maybe my theory is bad, but my response to that was because ugly women have low self-esteem and women are subservient and selfless.

The reason why women aren't incels is because they are humble and they date down.

Well, gee that refutes all the collective evidence of the social sciences that females mate up and grudgingly across, whereas men are noted for mating down.

Sex differences in sexuality among medical students: Effects of increasing socioeconomic status:

Saint-Paul (2008) argued that, based on mathematical models, human female hypergamy occurs because women have greater lost mating opportunity costs from monogamous mating (given their slower reproductive rate and limited window of fertility), and thus must be compensated for this cost of marriage. Marriage reduces the overall genetic quality of her offspring by precluding the possibility of impregnation by a genetically higher quality male, albeit without his parental investment.

Genes, Legitimacy and Hypergamy: Another Look at the Economics of Marriage:

Townsend (1989) surveyed medical students regarding their perception of how the availability of marriage partners changed as their educational careers advanced. Eighty-five percent of the women indicated that "As my status increases, my pool of acceptable partners decreases". In contrast, 90 percent of men felt that "As my status increases, my pool of acceptable partners increases".

Okay? What I see is economical hypergamy.

Nothing to do with introversion.

women don't date down at all. "Introversion" hypergamy doesn't need a study cause it's so self evident that it's almost axiomatic. There's a reason that alpha fucks beta bux is a saying.

Women do date down. They just cheat on those guys and barely fuck them lol


...this is a meme right?

In your experience how often do you walk up to someone and express interest versus being approached?

I don't go out anymore, but in my social day (and prime dating age 18-25) I did the approaching.

You are a not the norm by a long shot.

g8 b8 m8

I think you dropped the r

Theres no women on the internet

lol they think they are "dating down" because they all think they deserve Chad.

Lmaoooo. It's dating down unless it isn't Chad.

I want to have an argument with you if you have the time. You're so wrong that it physically hurts my braincels.

We all hurt :(

Alright, if you have the time then, can I start on the first topic of shy girls having less options than shy guys?

I'm trying to pause reddit, can I get back to you when I come back?


The difference is that men are so incredibly entitled they are completely unwilling to ever do something for someone else or to date down.

What a toxic, misandrous statement. So because some men are like that, that means all men are like that?

Like I said, you people are female supremacists.

Yeah, it was an overstatement. It was directed at braincel and the stuff they post.


Great satire post.

The difference is that men are so incredibly entitled they are completely unwilling to ever do something for someone else or to date down.

Holy shit I can't breathe

The reason why women aren't incels is because they are humble and they date down.

Shy women can have it rough too. But this assertion makes no logical sense, if you think about it. If ugly and shy women all dated down, then most of the ugliest shiest men would be taken and there would be almost no male incels. Then the ugliest women would have no one left to "date down" to (1/10 woman can't go any lower), and there would be far more women with 0 dates than men with 0 dates.

I think the opposite is true. Women lack humility, overvaluing themselves due to the self-esteem movement. Then they think they're dating down (still settling for less than they want) when they're actually dating up.

2/10 women think they're 4-5/10, then think they're "dating down" settling for the 4/10 male. He's less desirable than her dream guy and than the males her peers pursue, but it's still dating up relative to her. Dating down would be the 1/10 male, who remains ignored and incel.

It's been shown that men overestimate their qualities whereas women underestimate them. There aren't many incels, this sub is half guys who think they are too good for their league and half guys who are too scared to engage with women.

I'm saying plain women are humble and date down and that's why they don't complain about being incels. Plus they accept being used by shitty men who bring them nothing and only make their lives harder.

Even as I'm saying this, your reaction was to think "where's my shy plain girl who will date all the way down to me" instead of thinking "maybe I can try dating down too before I claim to be incel".

The men here refuse to date below their (alleged) looksmatch. They also refuse to date lower class women or single moms or promiscuous women. If that's not your case, ignore.

this sub is half ...

This sub is a bunch of trolls. However, IRL I know many male incels (who don't identify as incels or participate in communities like this). They're nerdy ugly shy guys who are not misogynistic but could never get a girlfriend, virgins at 25, and depressed about being alone. Some are on the autism spectrum. They tried online dating and tried the bar scene and tried dating friends, but nothing worked. They were not picky.

OkCupid and Tinder data don't lie. A large proportion of the bottom end men just get NO traffic from any women. They're not being too picky. They get literally 0 messages initiated by women, match rates below 0.1%, reply rates below 1%. They can go a whole year without getting a single date, without being picky. Plain women get much better rates. Ugly women still get messages and can get a date easily. You may consider the men available to you "low quality", but there are still more options available to you than to the ugly men.

It's been shown that men overestimate their qualities whereas women underestimate them.

Your argument is that men identifying as 1/10 undateable incels are overvaluing themselves? Those entitled jerks should acknowledge they're really 0.001/10??

Even as I'm saying this, your reaction was to think "where's my shy plain girl who will date all the way down to me" instead of thinking "maybe I can try dating down too before I claim to be incel".

Just proves you misread my comment, because I never said that. I never claimed to be incel, I already date down, and I'm not asking "where's my girl". I'm just sympathetic to the incel cause, because I do not see any 1-4/10 women dating down to these 1/10 guys I know IRL. These women may "settle for shitty men", but those shitty men are still 4/10, and they would never consider dating my 1/10 friends. It's all relative.

I have always had to date down. I'm 6'5", in shape, Ivy League masters degree, earn 6 figures. Half the time I get stuck dating women who are 300 lbs and unemployed. Please tell me more about my entitlement and unreasonable standards.

Well, maybe not you then, but other incels. You did say "if plain women date down, why are there single ugly men", unless I still misunderstood you. I do think it varies by location. I think a person who has trouble dating their looksmatch, for whatever reason, has to either date down or not complain that women have it easier. I think the women in a similar situation do date down.

I have always had to date down. I'm 6'5", in shape, Ivy League masters degree, earn 6 figures. Half the time I get stuck dating women who are 300 lbs and unemployed. Please tell me more about my entitlement and unreasonable standards.

You're better than me and so I'm not in your league, but I had to date down compared to my league too. I didn't have to date down as much as you, but I couldn't get my "equal" to date me. I had to date guys who were short, chubby and unemployed while I was fit and in medical school and I'm not short. It's not true that women don't have to date down too.

You did say "if plain women date down, why are there single ugly men", unless I still misunderstood you.

As a general statement to make my argument. Not about my own life.

If most plain women were dating down like you, there wouldn't be so many men at the bottom end getting 0 dates. The rates shown for OkCupid and Tinder are only possible if women are dating equal or up and ignoring the bottom-tier men. If plain women often dated down, OLD traffic would look very different.

You're the exception, not the rule.

I had to date guys who were short, chubby and unemployed while I was fit and in medical school and I'm not short.

Like I said, this is "dating down" to 4/10 but not to 1/10. The 1s still get ignored, and they don't have any further down to date!

A lot of plain women think they're 5/10 dating down to 4s. But not all of them can be 5s. By definition, 50% of women have to be 5s or lower. If a woman's not hotter than 1 out of every 2 strangers she sees on the street, she's below 5 without realizing it.

Why does the number out of 10 matters? You can tell if you're dating down. It doesn't matter if I'm uglier than I realize (again it's been shown that women underestimate their attractiveness while men overestimate it, and not just attractiveness but also intelligence and everything else), the reality is still that I dated guys who were less fit, fatter, shorter, dumber, poorer, shyer, had worse jobs and worse activities, so regardless of where I stand, I did date down, and so did all the women I know. It does happen.

I'm not denying that you did. I'm saying that overall it cannot be true, otherwise online dating statistics would look very different. You're the exception, not the rule.

I'm saying it's at the very least regional if not total bullshit. Men are thirsty so they fill the dating apps, sure. But in practicality?

All the women I know who used a dating website to find their boyfriend or husband ended up dating down. All the men I know who used a dating website to find their girlfriend or wife ended up dating up.

People always message people who are better looking than themselves.

Also when I joined a dating website, the guys I messaged didn't write back and I wrote back to the guys who messaged me.

Also when I joined a dating website, the guys I messaged didn't write back and I wrote back to the guys who messaged me.

This is a common pattern online. But it's just dating down from your own expectations (settling for less than you hoped for). It doesn't always mean dating down relative to yourself.

For example, a woman might message 9/10 guys, get ignored, then reply to 6/10 guys. It feels like she's settling, but she still refuses to consider a lot of guys. Why would she consider 4/10 guys if 6/10 guys message her? She wouldn't. But eventually there is just no one left for the 1/10 and 2/10 men, because women are always getting at least one message from someone more attractive.

I spent forever on OkCupid sending messages and getting ignored by 95% matches with plain looks. I messaged almost exclusively plain women to improve the odds of getting a reply, and still nothing. Racist landwhales shooting me down left, right and centre.

Maybe you're too tall.

Maybe, but that's just me. Doesn't explain why most men get so few replies and dates online.

Women reply to guys less attractive than the guys they message, but it doesn't mean they're dating down.

Yes they are. If they get with a guy who messaged them, they are almost always saying down. Percentile for percentile.

Hotter than him how? Women and men look different. If you think the women are all hotter and the men you've dated are all ugly and sex was painful, could you be gay? Maybe you're just more attracted to women.

If you mean hotter relative to the rest of the population, that's where numbers out of 10 help. So she's 6/10 and he's 4/10, and that's why she thinks she's dating down? Another possibility is she overinflated her own looks and she's only 4/10, dating an equal. If she was really 6/10, hotter guys would be into her.

reported pinkgoldrose to the mods.

For doing what? I'm sincere and I don't say anything worse than what posters say. It's just a different opinion. Do you police opinions?

For not belonging here. We don't take kindly to your type. Leave or be banned.

Lol how are we entitled.

Women generally date up

The reason why women aren't incels is because they are humble and they date down.

this is fucking delusional as all hell, and im a pretty objective incel

On the other hand, I had a girl on here tell me just the other day she would never date a guy who had no friends, ever, and this from a girl who was a supposed incel ally. Would you date a guy who had no friends? It's one thing to be "shy." It's another thing to be shy and alone.

are completely unwilling to ever do something for someone else

THATS where you fucked up bitch. We've carried the dirty work in society and wars and inventions for generations. We are the disposable gender. If we lose our job in a relationship, it's OVER despite the fact that the girl might even be earning more than us.

Why can't the shy guy be her "Kyle?"

Fapping to traps instead of trying to pursue a looksmatch is where he fails.


Because he's ugly

Kyle isn't exactly a chad either

What's wrong with traps

Traps are gay Nothing wrong with traps or other preferences. I should have worded it better. I was saying that porn is not a healthy way to cope, at least romantically.

implying women want their looksmatch

Go outside silly cunt.

You guys never fail to make me laugh. You can’t get a girlfriend because you are determined to make yourself look angry and bitter to everyone you come across

Iam angry and itter because i dont get pussy

If I was angry bitter and handsome at least I’d get laid. I’m so ugly Ive been rejected by hookers

There are over 3 billion women in the world. Some of them will like you. More of them will if you carry yourself positively rather than negatively.

I don’t believe a prostitute will have rejected you unless there was another potential customer right next to you. They don’t care about looks, you’re a customer whether you’re a tall handsome gym freak or a short overweight gamer.

Bullshit useless platitudes, you don't know a woman will like us. And black and Indian men get rejected by prostitutes very frequently, black men because they might rob them and Indian men because they are considered creepy.

I would be flabbergasted if out of the 3+billion women in the world, absolutely zero would like you

Of the 3 billion, many speak a different language from him.
Among the ones who understand his language(s), there may be religious/cultural differences.
Then there's geography and immigration issues to consider after all of that.

Three. Billion. It doesn’t matter how many restrictions and differences there are, that’s too many to just outright dismiss his chances of a relationship with any of them

Actually you're right, I am sorry for attacking you, my mom likes me. But that's it, even my sister doesn't like me.

Yes there’s three billion women in the world but you’re depressed, unattractive, and over 30 and have yet to be in your first relationship, it feels like there’s only 200,000 women in the world with more than half of that number of women already taken and the other half are single but not attracted to you.

you are determined to make yourself look angry and bitter to everyone you come across

yes personally i just run around the street screaming "FUCKING WOMEN WHY WON'T YOU HAVE SEX WITH ME" like every other incel, that's how they know i'm an incel

The only guy I know who's actually a permavirgin IRL against his will is the sweetest guy ever, he just happens to have severe shizophrenia and it's like kryptonite to women.

Yeah like any of us are bitter IRL. Most of us are pretty good at hiding this shit, still doesn't help that I have the tism.

I knew a girl just like that. Didnt even talk, read constantly books, seemingly no friends, not even that pretty, tried to make a movement, she had a Chad boyfriend unsuprisingly and it was the worst

Been there bro. Fuck these shy bitches. At lest conventional stacies are more profound and honest.

Πες τα αδελφε!

Παντα εχω δικαιο

As a shy girl myself I just have to say that this is really not my experience at all lmao everyone have always thought I was super weird for talking and blushing whenever I got attention.

Also I feel like most shy girls prefer shy boys as well bc we don't really want the attention that we get while dating guys who aren't shy.


Download tinder, wait for 500 normies to fight to take you out on a date. Reject them all be because "teehee I'm just so anxious I can't go through with it" but we all know if it was Chad you would drive 4 hours just to have him stand you up.

HAHAHAHA as fucking if lmao I wouldn't ever be with a guy who was a typical dude or whatever Also I had tinder and got like 3 matches from people who ignored me

So how many guys did you swipe left and what were your reasons?

Legit the only guys is swept left were people I know irl (bc pretty much all of them bullied me at some point) and all of those guys who only knows how to exercise and has no brain at all whatsoever (so like 99% of the guys in my country). Swiped right on any guy who seemed like a normal human being and seemed nerdy/had similar interests.

The exercise guys are probably a few of the 500 normies then.

If you want to meet a nerdy/geeky man, you're probably better off going to conventions or similar programs.

I mean... I live in a ridiculously small town so pretty much all of the guys here are exercise guys. And also yeah I've noticed that going to conventions is way better than going on tinder or any dating app

I wouldn't ever be with a guy who was a typical dude

Typical roastie, waiting for Chad. What a fucking joke.

My dude. The "typical dudes" where I live are all fucking idiots who only think with their dicks. I'd rather not fucking date them bc I actually have some slight standards. Also I'm used to the "typical dudes" bullying me and sexually harassing me so I really don't see why I would ever go for one of those types of guys.

“sexual harassment” aka getting hit on by someone you don’t like

Bruh they literally fucking touched parts of my body that they shouldn't have. Why the fuck are you all like this? I'm telling you guys I don't fucking date "the typical dude" and yet you keep arguing about it? Why does it even fucking matter to you all who I date or not? I just told you about things from my point of view and that was it. This is why none of yall have girlfriends, you're too negative towards every single female on this fucking earth. Jesus Christ.

you come to this sub and argue with people and then get upset when they reply back?

you're like a child. you hit someone and then cry when you get hit back.

???? How did I argue??? I just said what I had personally experienced???

So it's bad for incels to stereotype women but it's okay for you to do it to typical dudes? Stop chasing Chad and lower your standards, maybe then you won't be alone.

My dude my standards are lower than you think and trust me when I say that I do not go after "Chads"

wanna date

I mean I don't date strangers but if you talk to me and I like you then sure

Fuck off, whore.

  1. "Whore" bitch im a fucking virgin and will probably stay so until in 45. 2. Why are you telling me to fuck off when I'm simply telling you how I experience things? Real mature


Virgin my ass. I bet you never even tried to approach/make friends with a male.

Most of my friends are otaku males fyi

So the most pathetic males possible, have you tried asking one out?

I had a crush on one of them, asked him out and he rejected me bc he only saw me as a friend (Also I'm not sure if you should be the person to talk about pathetic males)

I'm definitely the person to talk about pathetic males. Weebs are fucking pathetic as fuck.

Said the incel lmfao

Exactly, takes one to know one.

So... the last frame means they've embraced pegging? What a fucking mess this comic is.

That pinkrose gal really turned this comment section into a shitshow huh

Feminism tends to ruin pretty much everything it touches.

This is what happens when you let females talk about shit they don't know about.

The lower left panel should have someone telling him he needs to "love himself" and get out of his shell before he can expect to be in a relationship. It's the closest match to the lower right panel.

this is idiotic. maybe if you actually tried, showered for once, and talked to a girl you wouldn’t relate to this stupid shit


username checks out

The only guy I know who's actually a permavirgin IRL against his will is the sweetest guy ever, he just happens to have severe shizophrenia and shyness and it's like kryptonite to women.

Life is so much easier with a vagina.

If only

It's true.

When you see women raging about the comment saying "this isn't true because I'm not happy", what they're referring to is the paradox of choice: they have so many options that they get intimidated and overwhelmed.

We on the other hand have no choices.

How does him liking traps relate to his rejection?

No girls will consider him so the only thing he has left is to try to pretend traps online are women, because some might give send him pics for him to jerk off to

There’s this quiet nerdy girl in my class. I found out through Facebook that she’s actually a stripper and dating a chiropractor like twice her age.

Why am I not surpsised?

Hey guys. Chad here. Just wanted to let you know i've been having a great time slaying all of that nerd girl pussy you've been pining after!

Chad here

Side profile?

Brutal height

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image

Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

Yes I too get confidence out of my ass.

I never said rabbit come easy.

Yes teens the most self improved people on earth.

Not with that attitude, no.

implying I don’t “self improve”. I continue to try and be more social. My muscles are weak so I can’t workout. Most people who compliment me are family members or guy friends. Most of my female friends say that they don’t know anyone who’s “my type”. I even have been getting some private hobbies to you know cope the loneliness.

No offence, I thought we were bantering. "Muscles weak, can't workout", sad to hear if that is true. My point with my post was that you take what you're given, and turn it to the best possible thing.

Your muscles get stronger from working out, not the other way around.

Tell that to my disability.

Is there absolutely nothing you can do? Not even abs or simple stuff?

Define simple stuff.

I guess like bodyweight stuff, squats, push ups, crunches, pull ups, etc.



I swear down normies are retarded. Do you silly fucks know what shy means?

Considering that I used to have pain for a week every time i played Football (not Hand egg). Probably not.

I knew a "nerdy grill" who had the most obnoxious personality i've ever seen in a human being and her looks were 2-3/10 but she still managed to get laid and even got a bf. It's over for us guys

Been there bro. Fuck these shy bitches. At lest conventional stacies are more profound and honest.

Bruh they literally fucking touched parts of my body that they shouldn't have. Why the fuck are you all like this? I'm telling you guys I don't fucking date "the typical dude" and yet you keep arguing about it? Why does it even fucking matter to you all who I date or not? I just told you about things from my point of view and that was it. This is why none of yall have girlfriends, you're too negative towards every single female on this fucking earth. Jesus Christ.

username checks out

Yeah it's exactly what poor people say.

I'm so special even though I'm lazy, poor and stupid. Where's my free government money?

See what happens if you replace incel with any other disadvantaged group? You come off as a hateful bigot.

Yes I too get confidence out of my ass.