Every time a normie tells you to "lower your standards " they are basically admitting that a hierarchy of looks exist in the world . But then in the next breath they will tell you looks don't matter

31  2018-02-26 by MMDT

How is it possible to have this level of cognitive dissonance ?


Like it worked anyway

Normies are deluded. Only the people who take the Black Pill are fully aware of how harsh the world is.

It's easy once you abandon all logic and only use your emotions to think.

"lower your standards" is a blackpill

Eeeeyuup, I love how they'll occasionally admit that the blackpill is true but still give us BS platitudes in the next breath. Just lol.

sorry, i'm new. What's a blackpill

It's when you leave


I said it's when you leave

but I haven't arrived yet.

I'm sorry sir, but it's time for you to leave.

But, but.

the blackpill is just the cold hard truth without any bullshit bluepill fantasy. looks=everything

Ah, so just like you are what you are and if you're shit it won't improve? There's no restart, no 2nd chance. You rolled your stats and here you are?

Exactly, your genetics determine everything. The little changes you make in your life are worthless when you are a real incel because you cant change your genetics.

But girl don't you ever lower your standards! You're a proud independent woman!

Can you point to someone doing that? Telling you to lower your standards then saying that looks don't matter. Since if you say "every time" you must've witnessed this happening a lot.

We have all witnessed it happening a lot. Just because you prefer to keep your head buried up your own ass doesn't mean it doesn't happen.

“A lot”? But still no evidence?

You really think we're going to go digging through the archives (with reddit's horrid search feature) to prove something all of us have seen literally hundreds of times?

I just think it’s easier to assume your defeatist position than bother standing up to any scrutiny.

Normies don't tell you that. I am not good looking and I had mainly beautiful girlfriends. Lowering your standards might help if you are shy but normal people will mostly tell you to change yourself in multiple levels. There isn't a simple and single solution.

they shoulda just said improve your personality, at least then they'd stay consistent

  1. Lowering your standards doesn’t mean “stop caring about looks” it means stop fantasizing about porn stars you’re never gonna date.

  2. Looks matter.

  3. It’s up to you how much your looks matter. If you want you can exercise, eat right, from yourself, and put a lot of effort into your looks.

  4. Every girl is different and her preferences will be different. Some girls 100% only care about dating Chad, some girls find Chad unattractive.

  5. You need to get out there and actually try to date. Complaining about your lack of sex won’t lead to sex. If you want to date then you actually have to try. Don’t worry about rejection because it happens to literally everyone everywhere who’s trying to date.

there was a post talking about incels should date an obese girl and help her to lose weight.

What does that have to do with anything I said?

because that was one advice from someone who has a gf? that's his ''lower your standards''. and don't think that people here are all basement dwellers who don't have a social life whatsoever.

while i agree doing these things will work for some, it won't work for everybody.

So, you’re focusing on one person’s interpretation of “lower your standards” and because it doesn’t work for you you’re going to abandon the idea altogether? That’s dumb. Did you read MY interpretation of “lower your standards”? It doesn’t mean “date an ugly person” it just means you should have healthy relationship goals.

it won’t work for everybody

Yes it will. This will work for anyone who wants it to work and is willing to put in the effort. If you come up with excuses (like you just did) then it definitely won’t work because you aren’t really trying.

Yes it will

no it won't. this is reality we are talking about here, not some Disney bs. it worked for you, but, sadly, it won't work for anyone. don't expect that every one will get to live the same circumstance as you. stop being naive.

I’m going to respond with a direct quote from my post that you’re quoting:

This will work for anyone who wants it to work and is willing to put in the effort. If you come up with excuses (like you just did) then it definitely won’t work because you aren’t really trying.

If you don’t want it to work, it won’t. If you aren’t willing to put in effort, it won’t work. You’re defective yourself with your attitude. You can be stronger than that.

Good advice. Worked for me.

Also, I’m 100% sure that the people I’m talking to have different circumstances than me, but that doesn’t mean my advice is unusable.

i didn't say its unusable, but it won't work for some people.

it won’t work for some people

I disagree. This won’t work only if those people aren’t willing to work and put in effort. People aren’t powerless.

it means stop fantasizing about porn stars

Didn't know good looking people were porn stars by default. Agree with the rest apart from the rejection bit

You can pursue good looking people as long as you understand they can be harder to date. My point was that you shouldn’t spend so much time in your head thinking about the “perfect” girl you’re never actually gonna date.

What’s wrong with the rejection bit? You have to be open to rejection when you put yourself out there.

about the “perfect” girl you’re never actually gonna date

I know, this is the problem with most people.

You have to be open to rejection when you put yourself out there.

If someone keeps getting rejected it starts to lower their self esteem. If you ask random girls out then it makes sense getting used to rejection (even though cold approach and numbers game is a bad advice). If you ask out someone you've had "feelings" for some time, the rejection will hurt.

Just lol at assuming that we are all basement dwelling neckbeards who only want to have VS model girlfriends.

I never said anything about you guys being basement dwellers, I never said anything about your looks, I never said anything about your romantic expectations. I was responding to the OP specifically not making a comment about everyone here. “Basement dwelling neckbeards” came out of your mouth, not mine.

All your points are the most basic of things that every human does, I know exactly what you were trying to insinuate.

"I never said anything about your romantic expectations."

"stop fantasizing about porn stars you're never gonna date."

Pick one, liar.

I was saying porn star metaphorically, not in a way that implied you guys fantasize about dating specific porn stars. Like, my point was to focus on finding someone real and not setting unrealistic expectations for yourself. Obviously I should have elaborated. My bad.

You're backpedaling because you were caught in a lie. Quit bullshitting.

No I just didn’t realize how literally you guys would take what I was saying. Quit trying to discredit me because you took something too literally?

If we "don't focus on women [we'll] never get," there will be no women for us to focus on at all.

Nah man, a defeatist attitude isn’t what you need. It’s just statistically unlikely that all women are unattainable. Don’t talk yourself into believing stuff like that

it means stop fantasizing about porn stars you’re never gonna date

but my preference is amateur porn


Shit man I guess it’s over :(

Jk good luck with your life <3

hahaha thanks :)

most incels cant even get a whale, what a drooling retard

most incels can’t even get a whale

I think that it’s better to say “this is the incel’s fault and he has to change himself for the better if he wants to fuck a whale”. You shouldn’t assume that all incels are powerless.

if you have to "change yourself"(LMAO) to even get a whale imagine how far out of reach a normal femoid is. go fuck yourself, eat shit and die

Why should we better ourselves for a landwhale who, in all likelyhood, is collecting disability checks from the government? I get basic exercise, I can climb a flight of stairs without running out of breath, and I have a job. I'm already better than quite a few of the landwhales out there!

Because bettering yourself is always worth it. There’s a lot of good that’ll come in ways you can’t predict yet. You’ll also attract women you think are out of your league right now, etc.

Well of course we can better ourselves for ourselves. I asked why should we better ourselves for a landwhale who does nothing to better itself for itself, or for anyone else?

You’ll also attract women you think are out of your league right now, etc.


Why is the hypothetical girl in this conversation someone who won’t better herself or do something for anyone else? That’s your voice in your head being negative. You should work on that attitude.

  1. No one here realistically does this.

  2. No shit, retard. What we're attempting to get across is that personality doesn't matter. Cunts rather be with some good looking asshole than an average looking Nice Guy™.

  3. Okay, but what do you say to the people who can't change what makes them ugly? Most of the people here are either ugly, short, have small penises, etc. There's nothing they can realistically do that will make them more attractive to the opposite sex. Don't give me "you make it a bigger issue than it really is" because that's a bunch of horseshit.

  4. Not really. All women want the same shit, at least on some subconscious level. If you put to guys side by side: one 5'3 and one 6'3 and every other characteristic was the same - they would all choose the 6'3 guy. No shit every cunt wants Chad, but they all require certain physical prerequisites before they would even consider dating you.

  5. No arguments against this.

People tell us to date but now what to do to get one or what to do during one. A lot of us have reasonably low standards, we want someone of our race(although many would also want ones of certain other races) who isn't a landwhale(might not be a deal breaker for us if we are esecially desperate) and isn't physically deformed.

People tell us to date but now what to do to get one or what to do during one.

Yes, it’s called trial and error, you gotta figure this shit out on your own. Every guy is different so advice isn’t always applicable and every girl has different expectations. Play by ear, guess, try new stuff, find out what works for you.

The basics like where to meet them should be consistent though and there should be some basic advice.

I usually just look around to see if I even see any girls whenever I'm out picking up something for my family, other than that I don't do much because I don't see what there is to do.

What porn star? I'd gladly date the shy, nerdy, ugly girl everyone tells me I should pursue, but she always either already has a Chad bf, or is holding out for one. You're so full of shit.

I meant “don’t fantasize about unattainable women” or rather don’t hype up a fantasy girlfriend who doesn’t exist. Like, stay grounded in reality. You say “she always has one” but that’s obviously not true. You’re talking yourself out of trying by assuming every girl you’ll ever be interested in is already taken.

I didn't assume, I asked. And every one of them was taken, or single and not interested.

There’s more girls out there. Your anecdotal evidence isn’t representative of the entire population

rejection happens to literally every man

Fixed for you.

Women face rejection too

You can't face rejection if you never initiate, so no.

Why do you assume women never initiate?

Because they don't.

Why do you say that? It’s simply not true. Women can often be more subtle about showing interest (dropping hints, etc.) but they do initiate when necessary. If you honestly believe “women never initiate” then you’re choosing to believe gender stereotypes that obviously don’t apply to every woman on earth.

nah, only disgusting cougars would ever do that. 99.999999999% of women never actually approach. And if they do, it's only subtle flirting so they don't get rejected. Pretty much every guy agrees with me. Just go on r/askmen and search if they ever seen a woman approach, and all will say no.

nah, only disgusting cougars would ever do that. 99.999999999% of women never actually approach.

That’s a lie you’re choosing to tell yourself.

it's only subtle flirting so they don't get rejected

Or it’s because that’s how they’re comfortable showing interest? Cultural pressures make lots of women believe they aren’t supposed to initiate, but that doesn’t mean every woman abides by those rules.

Pretty much every guy agrees with me. Just go on r/askmen and search if they ever seen a woman approach, and all will say no.

That doesn’t mean it doesn’t happen. I get that it’s not something everyone experiences, but it definitely happens.

Nope, not a lie.

Yeah, so women only express interest subtly. They can never be straightforward and risk rejection. Only us men can do that.

Sure it happens. I never denied that. Volcanic lightning also happens. Point is, it's very, very rare. The average male is unlikely to witness it ever in his lifetime. I'm tired now so I'll reply tomorrow.

Who even does this?

The amout of times I read it on here is honestly kind of ridiculous. Usually from IT users or the odd /r/all wanderer.


You think I keep links of this shit? I'm not an IT user, that shit's fucking pathetic :)

I get it all the time from people IRL, too.

But by not lowering your standards you perpetuate the hierarchy of looks that y’all complain about ruining your lives and being the soul reason you can’t get laid or date

Incels have very low standards, some have no standards at all.

But it's still there, so normies are foolish to deny it.
The fools who say this don't even know the guy's current standards.

Anyway, settling for someone you're not attracted to is a disservice to both you and that person.

Y’all need to get over yourselves, every single girl I’ve been with I was with cuz they’re fun, it’s no wonder ppl don’t put up w your shit

Lol what

Well I happen to like more boring girls.





Fair tbh

We're not perpetuating anything, it's women that don't put the effort in to be content with a man who is her looksmatch.

bro looks don't matter

btw go to the gym and get a 12 pack of rock solid abs and grow long wavy hair LE ECKS DEE

I love how they say this as if my standards aren't low already

"I want a woman to love me."

"Lower your standards."

The other day I had a classic "all you ever talk about when we're talking about your situation is looks... now let's go out and get you confident talking to less attractive girls ". So the whole question of how confident I should be rests on their looks which apparently aren't important? For the record I struggle more with talking to average girls than really hot ones as the pressure is off with the hot ones. It's like a third division football team playing away to Man Utd or Arsenal or some such in the 3rd round of the FA Cup (Sorry for an English football reference there). No one expects you to win so you enjoy the day more.

Sorry. I HAD to upvote this call-out to hypocrisy.

Don't lower your standards. If a woman slightly below your typical level of attraction shows interest in you, give her a chance. Otherwise, you might even be better off putting your effort into getting with women above your normal "okay, I find her attractive" level. I have this hypothesis that women who are insecure about their own looks, and women of average attractiveness or below likely fall into this category, will take an average or below looking man showing interest as a sign of their own inadequacy. No one wants to face that. If you ask out attractive women, they will be more secure in their own self image to not take your interest negatively.

All that said, if your normal level of attraction is [Super Hot Celebrity/Model X], and you're not having luck hooking up with similar women, then maybe you do need to take a step back and reevaluate your chances.

even if you lower your standards tinder exp show girls dont even looks match even more lol

Lower your standards. Looks matter.

No one with even a modicum of honesty will say looks are irrelevant. You’re purposefully leaving off the understood part of the statement which is saying “looks are not the only thing that matters”.

They are not. Halle Berry is beautiful but gets married/divorced on the reg. I’m convinced it’s because she’s crazy af. Looks get her a husband, her attitude/approach to life, get her a divorce.

Looks and baseline attraction absolutely do matter. But so do countless other things.

there was a post talking about incels should date an obese girl and help her to lose weight.

it means stop fantasizing about porn stars

Didn't know good looking people were porn stars by default. Agree with the rest apart from the rejection bit

Just lol at assuming that we are all basement dwelling neckbeards who only want to have VS model girlfriends.

it means stop fantasizing about porn stars you’re never gonna date

but my preference is amateur porn


most incels cant even get a whale, what a drooling retard

  1. No one here realistically does this.

  2. No shit, retard. What we're attempting to get across is that personality doesn't matter. Cunts rather be with some good looking asshole than an average looking Nice Guy™.

  3. Okay, but what do you say to the people who can't change what makes them ugly? Most of the people here are either ugly, short, have small penises, etc. There's nothing they can realistically do that will make them more attractive to the opposite sex. Don't give me "you make it a bigger issue than it really is" because that's a bunch of horseshit.

  4. Not really. All women want the same shit, at least on some subconscious level. If you put to guys side by side: one 5'3 and one 6'3 and every other characteristic was the same - they would all choose the 6'3 guy. No shit every cunt wants Chad, but they all require certain physical prerequisites before they would even consider dating you.

  5. No arguments against this.

Lol what

People tell us to date but now what to do to get one or what to do during one. A lot of us have reasonably low standards, we want someone of our race(although many would also want ones of certain other races) who isn't a landwhale(might not be a deal breaker for us if we are esecially desperate) and isn't physically deformed.

Well I happen to like more boring girls.



What porn star? I'd gladly date the shy, nerdy, ugly girl everyone tells me I should pursue, but she always either already has a Chad bf, or is holding out for one. You're so full of shit.

Because bettering yourself is always worth it. There’s a lot of good that’ll come in ways you can’t predict yet. You’ll also attract women you think are out of your league right now, etc.

rejection happens to literally every man

Fixed for you.