BRUTAL, Toddlercel is rejected and set on the path of inceldom at age 4

76  2018-02-26 by instantcoffeejews


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Of course that femoid has a laughing/orgasm fit on behalf of the poor toddlercel. Femoids are immoral evil, demonic creatures.

The difference between men and women is that a guy will try to like you, whereas a female tries to dislike you and you need to work hard to impress her

despite this, u will go to the first girl who show interest.

Meh, both my parents laughed at me whenever I was sad.

They were abusive.

Of course the ugly cunt with glasses is the one who rejects him.

Someone make him a Reddit account.

"Welcome to reddit, toddlercel2013!"

Thanks, Dad.

If you look closely at the end. He is LDAR ring.

This perfectly shows female hypergamy. They'd rather be Chad's second choice.


#B R U T A L I T Y

How can it be so over at age fucking 4


Look at his hairline, god fucked him badly.

You guys are freaks but I feel sad for that little boy.

You guys are freaks but I feel sad for that little boy.

You can't be that sad for him, if you don't pity the men that boys like him become after a lifetime of rejection.

Aww. Do you want some pity? I'm doing it [pitying you] right now. Feel better?

Aww. Do you want some pity? I'm doing it [pitying you] right now. Feel better?

I don't need your pity, but you need to be able to extend it, to be a normal empathic human being. Considering your sarcasm, looks like you're a moral abotion of a human being who yourself needs pity.

got em

I don't know what to say. I have young boys and I'd feel so sad if I saw one of them so disappointed. Now you are grown and can understand that you are allowing the hate and anger to fill you up. You are only hurting yourself living like this. I'm sure you've heard all of this shit a million times and you just roll your eyes. Therapy can really help.

So in adolescence you'd feel sorry for your sons, but when they become imbittered adults after years of unending rejection, would you tell them that it's their choice?

I never said it was a choice. I said that you shouldn't let it consume you and therapy will help with that. If it were my son I would suggest the same thing.

How can it not consume us when all of our lives this void is continually opening up before us? Therapy is a waste of time and resources that does nothing other than say what countless others have said before, only at $150 a session.

You have to be open and willing to participate for therapy to work.

I've had several sessions with several therapists. It just amounts to talk.

What good is therapy if all you have to do is accept it?

That's like saying to believe in God you have to first open your heart to him. You're confusing that causal chain of inquiry, experiment and then acceptance. For you step three is first. That only introduces prejudice into it.

Nope. It's nothing like believing in god. I'm just saying that no one will get any benefit from therapy if you don't plan on participating in a meaningful way.

And what exactly does that mean? Define meaningful.

The point of the analogous comparison is that it is only useful if you are already predisposed to accept it. Apologies but that's not how science, or the world, works. You don't begin an experiment or anything with the conclusion. And considering I have more experience in the course of therapy than yourself, I think I know what I'm talking about.

You can get all the therapy you need for all the good it will do by talking to family and friends, at zero the cost. Therapists don't have magic words or expressions that will be more meaningful than what your confidant will say.

I hope your son is exposed to a better education than his mother.

Here's hoping.

There's a good chance your child will grow to be an incel because he has the genes of a mother who thinks it's fun to browse virgin subs on her free time.

Haha I bet that's what will do it, if so.

He'll grow to hate you and he'll go ER or kill himself because he's genetic shit.

You're unhinged.

He's already bullied at school because you could only get a beta shit male to have kids with it, meanwhile I'm sure you know someone who got spurted with better seed. It's over for you and your children.


I bet you masturbate to those more alpha husbands in hopes that they would give better quality seed than your idiot husband did. Must be sad seeing the genetic elites succeed in life while your children are chronically sad fuck ups.

Insanity. You need a mental health check because something isn't working.

Remember what I said when your incel loser kids come crying to you about depression or become junkies. Remember that you betrayed them with your genes and blue pill lies.

Ok I'll jot that down just in case.

did they do it yet?

that girl isn't even that hot.

I don't know if it's a good thing that you said that, or a bad thing that you would think that. :/

"HAHAHAHA that little girl is soooooo ugly, right my pedophile friends? No, of course I'm not going to screenshot your replies and post them to r/IncelTears, what makes you say that?"

Here's a sneak peek of /r/IncelTears using the top posts of all time!

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He should have punched 4eyes in the face.

Minicel learned the hard way girls only ant Chad

he will be browing the sub 10 years later

And his mother just laughs at his humiliation. Will she be laughing in eighteen years?

She be crying after he ropes

I hate how she did that. Poor kid.

Being a parent you face a lot of situations where you cannot decide if you gonna laugh or feel sympathy. You generally have to be more candid about it than this woman.

The thing that makes me hate my parents the most is how they treated me when I didn't live up to their expectations. It just made me more depressed and unwilling to do anything out of fear of what they would think. Fuck any parent who does this.

Do you even know what candid means? Jesus Christ use Google please.

It looks like I have a lack in my English skills, thanks for pointing it out, edited.

typical sociopathic mother...

how do we know thats his mom?

This was posted a long time ago on r/FA and it was confirmed to be his mother.

Mothers don't give a fuck if their child has any sexual success honestly. It means they get to keep them as their pseudo husband/orbiter who will never leave them. My mother did it to my brother, my sister is doing it to her son. She has laughed at my constant sexual failure until i implicate her and she changes the subject.

I guess we're all little Norman Bates'.

That kid is definitely going ER in eighteen years.

She wont be laughing when he shoots up his school because he's incel.

Of course. She's a woman. What did you expect?

haha oh wow that girl had her eyes locked on the guy who's already got a girl and reacted with rejection as soon as a toddlercel tried to dance with her holy shit.

Brutal. You see the toddler is humilated and sad from what just happened and goes to his mom for support. Who then LAUGHS at him. At the end you see him lay down on the ground - LDAR.

It's over.

Oh god that poor kid. His mother should have hugged him. It's not funny when a kid is excluded.

The next wave of incels is coming.

I want to protect al l the children so none of them become like the incels here. I mean I'm fine with people growing cynical but to sink to the delusional level of many incels would be sad.

Tell you daughters to stay virgin until you find an upstanding guy for her

You can't prevent it when the world is still unfair.

I know. The world will always be unfair and it's a futile hope.

So you either feel sorry for the child and incels, or you don't. There is no middle ground.

Life isn't binary and neither are my feelings on this subject.

I hope he grows to be a Chad Thundercock and fuck her sister, cousins and stepmom, but not her on purpose.

God DAMN that kids gonna be blackpilled as fuck when he grows up

so this is how it begins.. :-(

Do you realize rejection is a part of life? Fucking pathetic losers

Everybody gets fucking rejected guys. Just think for a second. Generalizing is a lazy thing to do.

Haha I bet that's what will do it, if so.