This is the narrative being pushed.

39  2018-02-25 by Dingus_Incel


Nothing better than roasties exposing themselves and proving us right. At least the comments there are not defending her, I would expect the opposite in current year, when women are free to explore their sexuality and every criticism is misogyny.

The comments prove that even normies and many women do not consider this OK. Some women are immoral sluts. Don't date them.

Burning at stake and death by stoning needs to be brought back.

It's either cuckoldry or Saudi-Arabia

Unfucking believable. There's even an article linked encouraging the CC before settling on your beta bux.

What the fuck is this life

Is this the same site that published all that Ansari rubbish a few weeks back ??


Same site that shut down as well

Rubbish? Are you talking about him forcing his fingers down the throat of his date?

The story was patently rubbish. You can tell from the wording of it. You can't agree to have a blokes cock in your mouth then make a rape claim cos of "non verbal cues". He should sue her for defamation of character

Not rape.

Women are literally destroying civilization and they’re proud of it. It’s over.

Yeah, we need more fathers. There's tooany bitter single moms who are raising their boys to male feminists who'd put up with this shit.


We need the death penalty for cases like this

That's not harsh enough. We should send her to ISIS where she can get gangbanged by them.

Hope she dies of cervical cancer or breast cancer. Breast Cancer is on our side.

What's wrong with it?

Odd proportions. And she's like slim but with flaps its weird. Like some limbo between fat and skinny

Skinnyfat? That's like 90% of girls who don't appear overweight.

It’s pretty odd looking.


Her pic in the article is so frauded. Her insta pics are average AF, this is the deadon 5/10 average white girl and her dating life is on tutorial mode while her looksmatch is here rotting. It's fucking over in the age of online dating


A female will always be thinking, "I can do better."

In my opinion, cheating should be a crime punished with jail. It makes no sense that its not.

Adultery is a capital crime in the Bible.

Good. I would have every cheater, man or woman, shot if I could.

If you think most women are like this you’re an idiot.

Why do feminists get so mad at statements like "not all men"?

Maybe it’s just the dumb ones that get mad?? Maybe it’s said at inappropriate times? I dunno.

No one likes to be lumped in with fuckheads.

Because you're detracting from the conversation to virtue signal. Something you have just as much right to get pissed about. But that kinda carries the assumption that you aren't talking about all women.

Oh, explain to me what most women are like then and how it's any different than this?

Interact w some and you’ll see

I've interacted with plenty, all I see are sluts, and sluts in denial.

Wow no wonder you don’t like us, that’s quite a worldview

Ehh, it's one you learn over time.

This is really sad that you actually think like this. When was the last time you actually in retracted with a woman?

I think I've interacted with one in person who is a friend only just a week or so ago.

Yeah, most females don't actually say it

"It's too easy" - female life in a nutshell.

This cunt is a psychopath. Period.

Women and cucks have no empathy.

This woman is absolute scum, with no respect for the feelings of others. And feminists want to defend this??

This article is the definition of clickbait, there is no real insight to be gained here.

TL;DR this is every stacey born after 1985

pushed by who?

she was getting torn up in the comments, no one likes cheaters because they are dishonest in how they get what want, too morally decrepit to honest the fuck up and tell their partners how they feel instead of lying to them overtime. no one wants that happening to them, so no one likes cheaters.

yea reading the comments made me feel better. what a horrible cunt lol

Well Jeeeze...this lady is an emotional freakshow. you want an open relationship? fine. You want to date around? fine. But don't be a serial cheater who ignores the emotions of the people you claim to love. It's not good when men do it. It's not good when women do it. It's just not good.

That’s fucking nasty. People like that won’t end up in a happy relationship. They’re punishing themselves

Yaaas you go gurl. Guys do this all the time!!

Don't worry, she'll be hilariously childless and alone when menopause totally pwns her

Nobody, not even Chad, has any business seriously dating a girl that hot in the current day and age.

If you can, get a 6/10... the highest looks level capable of loyalty.

What a lovely personality

That's as fine a case of NPD as I've ever seen.

Cucktears will defend this