Reminder for this Saturday night while Chad enjoys the best years of his life.

42  2018-02-25 by ChadOps420cel


Wait for your betabux chance you lucky normies

How is that being lucky? Don't we all want to be Chads?


Reading this is like a knife stabbing my heart. I can really relate.

Life is over.

No it’s not. Don’t say that. The truth of it is that sex is very validating. I’m 20 today and have had over 10 partners. I know this will sound shitty coming from me but your really not missing out on all that you think you are.

Also normal, well-adjusted people don’t have this negative defeatist view towards sex. You will have it and it will be beautiful.

Respect man! I wish I were like you. How do you do this?

I think 10 partners at 20 are not even that special nowadays, right?

I don‘t even need Sex. I just wish I could hold hands with a femoid or cuddle her.

That’s honestly a better feeling most of the time! I don’t think my number is especially high to be honest. How do I do it? If you aren’t sarcastic...I workout a lot and just kinda be me at parties and don’t let nerves fuck with me

workout a lot


kinda be me


don‘t let nerves fuck with me

Top kek, sui fuel

sex is very validating


your really not missing out on all that you think you are.

pick one dickhole

Validation should come primarily from within if your emotionally stable. So you shouldn’t need the validation always

I hate you so much. Fuck you for coming to our sub and bragging about your sexual history. Fuck you for throwing around your useless platitudes. Fuck you for driving incels closer to suicide YOU CHAD PIECE OF SHIT FUCK YOU.

Take a chill pill. Why hate me? I don’t hate you. I’m not here to brag, I said that to show that it’s not that big of a deal. There are many nights where I’d rather hang out with my boys then go out to get laid.

Be comfortable in your own skin, don’t be bitter, don’t internalize the psycho shit on here. People can pick up on your angst. Girls wanna be around guys that are fun, so don’t be bitter and mean.

I hate you because you are everything I will never be. I am a 20 year old virgin that has never even held hands with a girl and you're over here Chadding it up with 10 Staceys. Girls only care about confidence and shit if you are attractive. If you are ugly enough you don't even exist to them.

Funny ugly guys get laid, but with your bitter hateful attitude you never will. Don’t hate me, or other guys like me. We aren’t stopping you from improving yourself!

When you say it's gonna happen now Well when exactly do you mean See I've already waited too looong And all my hope is gone


This stings...

We are the betas that keep the machinery of society running for the sole purpose of making it easier for Chad spurt his seed into as many femoids as possible.

Keep it running so you can make money and enjoy life. The only reason you need someone else to validate you is because you can't accept yourself. Don't be bitter

It's like my inbox is filled with some kind of generic motivational quotebots

Ok. Live your life sad and depressed. You've brought it on yourself.

You've brought it on yourself.

Someone's bitter for realizing that theiiiir advice wasn't worth shit and they'll never help anyone. Guess what? You brought it on yourself.

You could easily live a happy life if you got your priorities straight. "Waa, I hate my life because women don't love me, fuck women". You guys act like children, maybe if you didn't spend your time hating on half of the population for existing, you wouldn't be so angry.

if you didn't spend your time hating on half of the population for existing, you wouldn't be so angry.

If you didn't hate so much, you would be less angry. You, sir, must be one of the leading geniuses alive. Have a cookie.

Why be angry? I am sure there are millions of people on this earth who would give anything to live the life you live. Things could be so much worse.

Because I can't get cunt

So what? You can't get cunt, use hand. Simple.

But I'm angry because I can't get cunt

Then you need to get a life

Hey dude. Just one question. Are you speaking from a vantage point of always having had women in your life?

I thought so.

No. I've never had a girlfriend, am still a virgin. If you let that effect you then you need to get your priorities straight.

Ok fair enough but I disagree with that highly. It's not just about sex you know. There is also intimacy, not being lonely, sharing your life with someone else, etc.

I get it if you want to like ignore all of those to somehow get through day to day without going crazy, fine. Just don't impose it on other people saying they are stupid if they don't. Imo it's perfectly normal to be upset about not having this stuff in this day and age where millions of normies constantly are getting it without effort.

Unfortunately, lots of people who want to enjoy their life with someone else but their is so much else to life that it doesn't really matter. If you let not having a partner effect you that badly, you are prioritizing the wrong things. There is a difference between being upset and disappointed and getting on with life than being angry at women for not loving you and hating on them for just existing. You can't expect someone to automatically find you attractive.

The point I am making is there is so much more to life than just females, and you can be happy on your own. You may think this sounds ridiculous but this is the way it has always been. Things seem great when you don't have it but when you do, you realise it isn't as important or what you really wanted.

You wouldn't know that though because you've never had it. Second of all, I don't hate women, I kind of just hate the situation and I'm salty and bitter. But I know a lot of posters here do hate women, so that was a reasonable assumption, but I'm not one of them. I simply hate the situation.

Third of all i can say that having your sexual needs fulfilled and not being alone is a core human need even according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs (which is quite scientific and therefore objective), you are simply subjectively stating that if you want that you are prioritizing the wrong things. This is simply not true. But whatever, it's not like I want to convince you. We can agree to disagree.

You can't get women. You probably will never be in a relationship with a women. So why bother complaining and being bitter if it won't change anything?

Millions and millions of men have lived a full, successful and happy life without coming into contact with a female. If you can't, you are letting it hold you back.

Oh I was 15 and in love with a guy, but one-sided

Teenage romance is one of the most nostolgic parts of youth, and teaches teens how to interact with the opposite sex. What is unique about this time is that boys and girls are navigating this learning experience together, they are both stumbling and inexperienced. Later, when 99% of girls have already had a teenage summer romance or two, they don't want to deal with Incel-Bob who hasn't already gotten his stumbling/learning out of the way.

The only people who think teenage "romance" is this great amazing thing are people who never had it

I never had it, and while I'm going to miss out on what the image details... I'm not gonna long for all of the short, messy relationships I watched people have in high school lol

Yeah, I've never had it but I don't have any regrets

yeah, it seems like a lot of fighting and if you sent each other nudes and got caught then it's CP, and just.. bleh

also why tf am I commenting on the incel sub

The only people who think clean drinkable “water” is this great amazing thing are people who never had it.

The only people who think “food” is this great amazing thing are people who never had it

Well that's not true

No one in the first world appreciates that they have access to food whenever they want it.

Too be fair, incels need also learn that, as soon as you start having sex regularly, it becomes the same as food. Normal. And then you are left wanting again. The human condition is perpetual unsatisfaction.

Regardless, someone who is in a relationship has access to reservoirs of dopamine and oxytocin that are not available to someone not in a relationship without the use of drugs. Even when that person gets used to being in a relationship they still have that going for them.

The two things aren't really comparable

Loneliness takes many many years off of your life. Not as many as starving to death of course, but someone who goes hungry occasionally will live longer than someone who is lonely.

Having sex as a teenager isn't the cure to loneliness though

Gotta get a good job now

I'm in my twenties and I'm in the process of missing out on the building a career part. I'm neurotic, I'm broke, I don't have a car and I'm too stupid and neurotic to get a degree, so I'm doing exactly what I was doing when I was missing out on teenage love: binge watching Stargate, Star Trek, various anime and classic sci fi shows and movies...

The more I keep that brain occupied, the less time I have time to worry about my shit life.

She's more unlikely to say 'i love you' while getting rid of her virginity than 'Where does this belong, again?' or 'Ouch that hurt' because teen sex is nothing to miss in retrospective

Maybe a nice girl will eventually settle with you.

I beg to differ.

Agreed. We might have to become a serial rapists.

You wouldn't know that though because you've never had it. Second of all, I don't hate women, I kind of just hate the situation and I'm salty and bitter. But I know a lot of posters here do hate women, so that was a reasonable assumption, but I'm not one of them. I simply hate the situation.

Third of all i can say that having your sexual needs fulfilled and not being alone is a core human need even according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs (which is quite scientific and therefore objective), you are simply subjectively stating that if you want that you are prioritizing the wrong things. This is simply not true. But whatever, it's not like I want to convince you. We can agree to disagree.

Take a chill pill. Why hate me? I don’t hate you. I’m not here to brag, I said that to show that it’s not that big of a deal. There are many nights where I’d rather hang out with my boys then go out to get laid.

Be comfortable in your own skin, don’t be bitter, don’t internalize the psycho shit on here. People can pick up on your angst. Girls wanna be around guys that are fun, so don’t be bitter and mean.