When people ask what political positions you have

54  2018-02-25 by GamerLove1


Guess I'm an apocalypticel.. I'm on the side which will hasten world war 3. If I can't have it good, no one deserves it good.

Same, although I am a MadMaxCel. I'm gonna swap a 5.9L V8 + a Dana 60 into my Jeep and pray for society to collapse.

Mao was on our side.

  • Manlet

  • Physically unattractive

  • Father disappointed in him

  • Couldn't decide what he wanted to do with his life, dropped out of ten or so schools

  • Poor hygiene

  • Extremely unpopular with women, only had sex once he became a dictator

  • Deeply feeling and lost soul, wrote poetry

  • Rejected society because society rejected him

In fact, you find many socialists like this. Socialism is the official incel ideology.

I do like that he proposed this:


If we had such a scenario happen today, I'm sure that at least some of us could escape incel hell. But it seems many socialists today are completely fine with a horrible gender ratio

This is the best thing I've seen in a while.

Edit: As much as I hate Kissinger, his conversations with Mao must've been one wild fucking ride.

Indeed. Check out this insane recording with Lee Kuan Yew


But that's retarded, there would be even less femoids per males in that scenario, and hypergamy would be even more cut throat.


yeah he managed to convince people he was 5' 11" despite being 5' 8" tops lol

Fuck socialism and especially fuck Maoism.

Communist revolutions are literally Beta Uprisings.

The ONLY positions incels should have regarding politics are:

-anti feminism (this includes things like lowering the virgin tax)

-anti immigration, to reduce the pool of males in the system

I am pro immigration. I want to see the West get destroyed. Its the only way to destroy feminism. I also support WW3.

Immigrants are supporters of feminism. All that will happen is that there will be more males than females, and females will get even more power and incels will be pushed down further. And the West won't get destroyed like a movie, males will just become poor and unhappy forever.

Immigrants are supporters of feminism.

TOPPHUCKINGKEKE. This is a complete fabricated myth pushed by leftists to change the narrative for votes. In reality, feminists hate immigrants. They only want Aryan Chads. Immigrants can sense the hatred and dislike feminists in return. Feminists and Immigrants don't mix, which is why I support bringing more and more of them. I don't want educated white collar types. I want the ones from war torn hellholes, so that femoids think twice before they leave the house. I want to see femoids get destroyed by the most savage and ruthless immigrants. Tear the femoids apart. Destroy feminism.

Women ARE the leftists. Women hate white men, their mannerisms prove it

If that was true, then our race would have been wiped out during Obamas reign as commander. Now we have Trump. Our race won.

If you can vote, please vote for trump daddy. I wanna see libtard heads explode once again. Also, prospects of ww3 are good under him.

No trump is a giant pussy. We need someone more extreme like Michael Grimm.

there is no positions for incels, they can think what ever they want

Trump 420

am a hermitcel

Milo stands up for incels

But he's a faggot.

Dude, Milo is based

he has a section on his site called incel corner, he despises incels

He's trying to give them a platform


Milo makes good milk

Right is cope.

Right is cope.

Left is volcel.

Exactly. They’re both shite.

Tree Beard was the truest cel.

  • Cannot get a qt ent GF because they lost them

  • Most likely a virgin ent

  • His only friends are virgin ents that are in the same position as him.

I vote for anything as long as leftists lose

Communists/Socialists can get you a state mandated GF though