Fatcel is not necessarily volcel.

91  2018-02-24 by taiwanna


Jfl he actually ended up looking worse.

Welcome to another edition of: From Incel to Incel

Did he go to the personality gym

That's where he fucked up. He should've showered at the personality gym. They even have a soap therapist to teach you how to not drop the soap.

A lot of guys can't pull off the shaved head. He's better with longer hair and a beard to hide his weak jawline. Losing the glasses would help too or getting more stylish glasses but if he's like me he doesn't care and likes what he likes.

This place is a personality black hole, so anywhere else I would consider to be a personality gym.

We have 0 personality.

Personality = FACE ONLY

No he works out at the library

A short shave rarely looks good. Should have kept the hair. Medium wavy hair out if the face and maintained scruff would do well for this chap

His frame is beyond help tho.

Disagree. His shoulders are broad and his arms are average length. He has an average masculine profile. He just has large lips which always look awkward without facial hair. Also, he has a slight widows peak which is fine with an undercut

Lol, are you kidding? His shoulders are noticeably narrow in relation to his waist. Don't even pretend like this guy isn't fucked, it's so obvious.

He's wearing pants that are too big for him, that's why his hips look big.

lol they are incapable of admitting someone is objectively ugly

What are you smoking if you think his shoulders are broad lmao

High on the blue pill.

this is me, nothing like being a male with "child birthin" hips. I could get jacked as fuck and I'd still look weird as shit

This guy should grow his hair out and then he’ll look better

He's literally balding you dumb cuck

So you get a fringe and strategically place it to cover said bald spot. It isn’t that hard damn are incels retarded too?


aaaaand then get mocked for being too insecure for his balding.

Every fucking post, no, I mean, EVERY FUCKING POST about male balding on the Internet tells that if you can't help your balding, just shave it. That is said both by men and femoids. Has mental deficiency occurred in your family before or are you the first case?

That guy still has enough hair to make it look better than bald tho

Who is gonna tease him? You guys are too paranoid smh

...says every person who likes bullying but doesn't like when his bait isn't taken.

I'd rather sleep with the before picture.

He has more beta provider potential after the weight loss, so at least there's that.

Have y'all ever considered fucking each other?

I'll fuck your mom

Whyyyy I oughta

Just fucked your mom, she liked it.

Go back the the doughnuts dude.

If you are fat before being incel you are volcel.

If you are incel then you can get as fat as you want becaude you know its over.

Needs a better haircut and to swap glasses for contacts, or at least get a better pair with a thicker frame.

He's definitely cuter in the extra weight pic, but it could easily be due to his longer hair and beard. If he bought some flattering glasses and perhaps grew a bit of facial hair I think he would look nice.

LOL he looked way better before the damn skinny edition fuck up

You are waaaaaaaay too hard on yourself, he looks just fine in the right pic

I'm becoming fat after being a normie tier because there is no benefit to keeping a normal body as incel.

Lol you're retarded there is massive benefit m8

I've been both fat and normal: there really isn't a difference.

Yeah other than dying sooner I guess there really isn't when you're sitting in front of a computer all day

Have a cookie, you worked it out brilliantly.

Dying sooner is a good thing for most of us.

Why the fuck would an incel care about prolonging their life?

Yeah, this guy honestly looked more respectable when he was fat.

He does look better a little chubbier.

Lose the weight first. If you end up looking worse then you can easily regain the weight.

those wide hips

I know his pain

Hipscel is a real thing for some.. But I do say, for some. The hips really need to be wide enough compared to the shoulders in order to be considered a hipscel.

You should still lose the weight and see. If you end up looking worse it's easy to regain the weight.

Great job! Congrats to whoever this is!


He was doomed by his bone structure, not the layer of fat over it.

don't lose weight fatcels. you'll be sad by what's underneath...

Sometimes fatcels look good skinny, it's worth a shot, there are some fatcels that are complete chads after losing weight

Keep the hair.

Let your hair grow out a little. You have a great hairline, you should work it! Also get clothes that fit.

You also have great skin and a sweet, shy kind of smile. You're geeky but not creepy.

What is a volcel?

Voluntary celibate.

Ah I thought it was volcanocel

You can tell if someone is an incel or disabled (basically the same), if they hold a phone with two hands.

Well done dude!

You went from creepy mofo to fuckable nerd with a job look.

Keep up the good work!

Fatcel? more like FAtruecel

part of the reason is because in the after pic he looks skinny fat. if he got jacked he would look better.

I like the first picture better. He’s smiling and he’s got actual light in his eyes.

Fatcel is a volcel just when he has good bones underneath the fat

Same with me. Look like a method head after bringing down the fat % to 11 thanks to weak jawline and chin.. Better off putting some fat around my face.

This is basically me. I'm obese but I know its fucking over since I was skinny and incel in middle/high school.

  • wtf is that shirt

  • wtf is that selfie pose

  • beard located exclusively on neck

  • frames look like dog shit

Like I just don't understand how you guys analyse every last detail of "Chad" and then do the exact opposite and get mad when it doesn't work. Jfc lmao

  • keep your hair short

  • learn to dress yourself

  • dont take selfies like my 11 year old sister

Bam. Drowning in pussy. Literally drowning. Drowning I say. Fucking hell.

being Chad is about bone structure and inherent features, not about style/grooming.

Fashion, Fittness, and Flirting is what makes men attractive to women. It can be a bonus sure but a jaw line isn't making or breaking anybody. Your failures are nobody's fault but your own, sorry.

i hate victim blamers like you with your just world fallacy. I have worse style, fashion and shit than before but i got better bone structure and that meant everything.

A bad jawline does indeed break a man, unles his eyes and cheekbones are godly.

Stop trying to spew bulkshit, victim blaming is one of the most vile things many people do.

I have had the same life experience as you but in reverse and I can attest to the absolute truth of your words. Don't let your good looks make you complacent though , at-least you are more prepared for when you become a 90 year old grandpa.

its not like my looks are the big shit, i am 6/10 now. its that comparee to before, the change between 3.5-4/10 and 6/10 in life quality is insane.


This is how I look currently. Its a very good pic with very flattering lightning tho.

You look like a model, the thing is you do have a scary vibe on your face.Also a bit of an artistic vibe.

No joke you look just like someone I knew in HS, he thought he was bad looking for some reason(even though he had theesomes and etcetera). Thing is: the guy was some type of psycho. Had ODD and could be very aggressive right out of the gate, he antagonized everyone and took everything the wrong way.We had a scare where he threatened to shoot up the school for some reason.(idgaf as I took it as banter) He also hit on girls really aggressively. I wonder if you have a similar personality simply because of the striking resemblance and how it's a type of face you really never see. The guy was still young and highly intelligent mind you so i'm sure his personality isn't as bad as I made it sound.You are better looking though, especially your jaw is almost cartoonishly like a models. How did your bone structure change btw? My changed for the better as well though without any surgery.

Also maybe the hair is holding you back, although it does fit you.

I wish I looked like a model lol. no i never threatened to shoot up my school noe I hot on any girls due to fear of rejection.

My bone structure changed by making my face more wide thus making my eyes, wide nose and big lips fit better.

How did you make your face wide though.

Maturing I guess

But aren't you like 30.When did you become more handsome?

around 22-26 year old, in that timeframe.

Damn this needs to be hidden to prevent giving false hope to the 99.99percent of incels who this won't happen to.

Any success with women?

Yes, not slayer tier still but definitely night and day compared to before.

Isn't it funny how utterly the normie worldview gets demolished every single second of being in a vastly different looks tier. Like every single thing people would hate your for they now love you for. Doesn't matter if it's a nive person or a mean person a shallow person or a "deep" person. Doesn't matter if it's sex or normal banter or a solicitation or family. Doesn't matter if it's a guy or girl. Your looks literally define EVERYTHING.

Yea, from my own experience and the experience of friends whose looks changed too, this is true.

Your personality is your looks.

It's not even just about how attractive you are. Of you are ugly but tall as fuck and buff and your face is ugly in an intimidating ogrish way you will still be respected.

There's also multiple ways of being attractive. Being cute, being masculine or being a mixture of both.

Some types of uglyness are also more socially acceptable, for example good looking people who got ugly trough an accident.

If you have a near deformed face without any medically recognized deformities or reasons for being ugly then people won't hold back as if it matters that these are just your natural looks. This is because in absence of any "excuses" for being ugly you are sure to be the result of a genetic dead end in some way or another and thus the evolutionary "cull the herd" instincts kick in.

You're not a victim because you can't get laid. That's retarded.

Fashion Fittness and Flirting is literally all you need. It's basically take care of yourself, and fucking actually socialise and speak to girls.

You don't even really need to have a good personality, theres someone out there for everyone (if those fuckers in Florida or Cali that had their twelve kids locked in a basement can get some ass, anyone can).

It literally can't be any easier, but actively alienating yourself with your fedora, anime T-Shirt and cargo pants, while growing out a neckbeard, locking yourself in a bedroom away from any social groups while you spend your days going on about "Chad" this and fucking "femoid" that, is obviously going to make it hard to resinate with people the rare times that you actually interact with someone.

Plenty of shit jaw line dudes get more than enough ass, and I know you guys scream "beta" this, "Chad" fucking what ever that, but that doesn't change the fact that he's getting ass.

You have no one to blame but yourself, and you're not a victim because you can't take responsibility or grow up, that just makes you an overgrown child.

Incels are not victimd of not getting laid. They are victims of getting treated like shit even if theyre chill themselves tue to looks in all areas of life. Look up halo effect.

Also how dense can you be. Attractiveness on males is based only on face, height and frame. When I was ugly I had trendy haircuts, brand clothes, played sports, avoided talking about nerdy stuff to girls and I was still incel af. Now I look better facially, and have my hair long, dress in nlack sometimes likr a hobo with old and broken clothes, and will openly talk about autistic/super nerdy stuff, often even shit like bragging about some shiny pokemon I have (tried lots of shit displaying myself as nerdy as possible on purpose) and still am way more successful than before, not even close. I aldo cant dance or flirt for shit never able to take the first step. Clothes, flirting and all that shit are good for yourself, but useleess for dating. For dating its FACE HEIGHT FRAME.

Fashion Fittness and Flirting is literally all you need. It's basically take care of yourself, and fucking actually socialise and speak to girls.

Good, you admit that it is about being born with attractive genes then. You just mantain your looks with moderate exercise, and "fucking actually socialise and speak to girls."

Working out has nothing to do with genes amd everything to do with taking care of yourself. Fashion is literally just putting clothes on your body. Flirting is literally just talking to a girl and fucking around without sending rape vibes.

I don't see genetics in what I said my man.

I don't see genetics in what I said my man.

Here it is:

Flirting is literally just talking to a girl and fucking around without sending rape vibes.

Don't have bad genetics. If you have good enough genetics, then you be Mr. Rapey Rapeson and it will only add to the attraction.

Fashion is literally just putting clothes on your body.

Genetics again. Good genetics makes the clothes look good. In fact, models are people hired to make the clothes look good, and to sell the idea that it works the other way around, that clothes can make the average or sub-average person look good.

Working out has nothing to do with genes amd everything to do with taking care of yourself.

Taking care of yourself is just mantaining what you were given by genetics. Moderate exercise, don't destroy your body with food, booze, and drugs.

Never thought I would say this, but I think he kind of fitted with a neckbeard.


What? I've seen way worse than him in a relationship. This guy isn't even half bad.

Not sure what planet you're on, but ok.

Seriously, this guy looks like he's much healthier than he was before, and has honestly improved a lot. Better dress sense and he'd just be an average male. There are plenty of people who look like him that are happily married.

He should go back to Dairy Queen and fatten up.

Not sure what planet you're on, but ok.

Voluntary celibate.