The cope nobody talks about here
125 2018-02-23 by Not_unique_enuf
A good portion of the incel community likes to generalize all women into a box.
All women are sluts, will cheat on you (specially if you aren't a Gigachad), will always want CHAD'S dick, all of the women by 20 are too used, all women are boring. (I do realize some of them are just joking around but a lot are serious)
This is a form of ultimate coping mechanism to devalue all women. There are normie couples who are really happy with their relationships. There are women who are funny and pretty interesting. There are women who don't cheat etc. There are women who are perfect in every sense of the word, and you will never get that.
Stop making negative generalizations in order to cope. Be a man and swallow the black pill all the way down your throat.
49 FEDORA_GOD 2018-02-23
Of course there is, women aren't special even though someone people here think of them as sex-craved robots.
Blaming women is turbo-cope, the truth is we are genetic trash that women are biologically programmed to find unattractive. At least, I am.
Blackest pill of all, tbh.
20 r4risbullshit 2018-02-23
I was waiting for this truth bomb to finally come out.
Most people suck, that's about it. That's why you cherish any close friendships and relationships present.
15 destiny-draw 2018-02-23
It really is the ultimate cope to believe that all women are terrible. If you hate all women and don't want to be with them problem solved right? Except we know it isn't true. I know women who are awesome, funny, trustworthy etc.
10 ResentfulSoul 2018-02-23
i dont use this cope
10 Face-Hit-By-A-Lorry 2018-02-23
I don't generalise. But I will never get that anyway because of my subhuman looks.
7 iQ9k 2018-02-23
Obviously there are good women out there not everything is absolute, we aren't fucking retarded. This is just a place were we do some -light-hearted vending-
2 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
It’s not light hearted most of the time
7 iQ9k 2018-02-23
I know it was a joke, but you get what I mean
5 KufoIV 2018-02-23
I don't get why people like you lurk this place 24-7. you guys have pretty much taken over this board, and for what?
3 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
We want incels to stop being incels. Most of the ones I talk to are mentalcels. The others seem to be unfortunately bitter and directing their toxicity at women, as if outside of their “sub human” looks they have a 10/10 personality. Most of the time they don’t even have a 2/10 personality.
So - focusing on helping mentalcels break out of inceldom and correcting the toxic mindsets. Everyone else that doesn’t fit into one of these two categories I essentially leave alone.
2 incel801 2018-02-23
Maybe are personalities are bad because we have been shit on continuously by women since puberty..might make one bitter after 10 years of the same thing.
2 Salvador66 2018-02-23
Personalities are correlated with looks sadly. Even if the ugly person has a cool personality, they will be treated as bad people, so they will get ridiculed or get harshly rejected by females when the ugly guy is simply trying to know her. His looks is what offends her not personality. When will people learn?
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
Act like people haven’t been through shit. Two dead bedroom relationships and then I tried to date an incel and got rejected. Tfw you’re a female and no one will lower their standards enough to fuck you because you are tall and overweight.
1 incel801 2018-02-23
Get on tinder, plenty of lowered standards on there..
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
I’ve been there. They are fine for hookups
1 daskettenkrad 2018-02-23
You mean to stop them from complaining?
0 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
No, 90% of the time they need a mindset shift
2 daskettenkrad 2018-02-23
Hmm, how's that achieved?
0 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
By correcting perceptions. One guy was watching a girl on a date with a guy he perceived as in attractive. She was constantly looking away during the conversation. He perceived this as “he’s so ugly she can’t even look at him” when in reality, she was nervous or thinking about the conversation.
There are other scenarios I’ve come across like this. Most of the time it is seriously mind tricks.
2 daskettenkrad 2018-02-23
Do you actually know what she was or are you just assuming?
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
Yes, body language was very clear.
1 AmbushProtected 2018-02-23
Yo, either I'm being trolled by this entire sub, or you and I are the only ones to understand how ridiculous this "inferior incel" mindset truly is.
To everyone else: Abandon your clearly ineffective mindset by making up self-pity "truths" in your sandbox brain. Make something of yourselves by any means necessary.
Your concerns are basically TMZ-class distractions that YOU stand up as "truth" and XP. Time to finally wield your evolutionary-god-mode-weapon, your brain, and never look back.
1 FEDORA_GOD 2018-02-23
You can't force women to like ugly men.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
Most of them aren’t even unfuckably ugly.
1 FEDORA_GOD 2018-02-23
Obviously they are "unfuckably ugly" if they are incels? It's kind of in the name.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
I’d say out if the 15 incels that have shared their picture with me, only one has been unfuckably ugly.
1 FEDORA_GOD 2018-02-23
I know for a fact you'd not fuck any of them and you're just talking shit to make people feel better about themselves for one brief moment.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
Most of the time they have shit personalities which makes them more unfuckable than their faces.
But keep pretending like you know me.
1 FEDORA_GOD 2018-02-23
I really don't give a fuck about you, let alone am I pretending to know anything about you. All I know is you're just another boring loser spouting the same hollow generic bullshit incels have seen a million times.
The dumb personality shit is just a fucking meme. I know so many awful men who jump from woman to woman, often having kids. I'm sure you've seen it too.
So bored of your bullshit, blocked.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
Lmao bye Felicia
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
Why shouldn't it be used as one? If it was I think the world would be a much nicer place if people used kindness to barter for sex more often.
I mean why not? Not much to lose.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
I don’t know how to do quotes on mobile so I’ll answer these as parts.
Part 1 - No. The world would be a nice place if people were kind when it’s the write thing to do. Not to be rewarded with sex or eternal life. Ya dig?
Part 2 - Because it impacts your self-esteem over time (...Fucking obviously dude). “Asked out 100 girls. Got 50 ‘no’s’ and 50 ‘laughing in my face’ “ Your numbers are fucked because you are literally asking out anything with boobs. Chances are if only ask out girls that are giving you clear signals, you aren’t going be rejected nearly as often.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
I don't see why people have the mentality of "if it's nice with ulterior motives you aren't really nice", why not focus on the act rather than the reason?
Except rejection doesn't bother most of us much, it's the expected result, I'd be more worried about if a girl didn't reject me, one time a girl didn't reject me as a first response after I complemented her and I was just lost as to what to do. If we only went after girls who showed attraction then our numbers of rejections would be a lot lower... because they'd be zero.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
Because the reason is essential. Because if you are doing something nice only for the sake of being rewarded, you aren’t actually being nice. You are doing something for a reward. You are doing something for you, not for someone else. Which can be fine, if the implications are clear. When you do something under the guise of “being nice” but are expecting something in return, you are essentially lying.
Look it’s doesn’t have to be clear indications of attraction. It’s just gotta be indications of being receptive. Like, asking out a girl that’s never even made eye contact with you? What do you expect? But also, the rejection is constantly a top topic in inceldom as a contributing factor to the incel mentality. So obviously, there is hope and hope is impacted with every rejection.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
We don't have chances to be around girls who would show indications of being receptive though, we pretty much have to go for the girls who have never made eye contact with us. If other people have problems with rejection that's on them, I'm pretty sure for most people it's just the expected result.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
Still mostly mindset.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
...How is it "mostly mindset" that we can not locate females in our general age range to be rejected by until hopefully one doesn't reject us, girls are hard to find in general and there is just about no way to start a conversation or anything with them.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
Because you are putting on blinders. That’s why it’s mindset.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
What the fuck are you on about? do you REALLY think we just aren't seeing the women that halfway meet our standards because of a "mindset"? Not being able to find people can't be caused by a mindset, it's like you're telling me I'm just delusional and there are tons of women between 18 and 25
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
You could also put less of a restriction on age - specifically with going for older women? Older women (like, 30) are more likely to have less interest in dating someone (or sleeping with someone) simply for status (ie having a Chad or Chad-Lite arm candy) and also have likely been through some shit with other relationships and are over it. There is no reason to limit yourself to someone who is around 22, especially if you are just looking for a bang.
But yes, I’m saying that you aren’t considering all options. You’ve literally put blinders on to anyone over 25. You’ve likely also put on blinders to fat chicks and ugly chicks, which is incredible when incels call women superficial or shallow. Only because incels are being shallow or superficial in the same breath.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
Because I don't want to be fuck some 35 year old slut who has had more mileage on her vagina than I put on my car in a week that I have no attraction to. I'm not just looking for sex I'm looking for an actual relationship and I don't want to have to make an active effort to take my mind off of her appearance when I'm around her. There is a girl I know who is attracted to me(but is kinda far away) but even when I'm just chatting with her through text I have to take my mind off of her appearance. And there's no way you're going to be able to take your mind off the appearance of a fat girl if you are having any sort of physical interaction because even if you don't see it you will feel the fat.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
Okay not all women over 25 are roasties. Also, that’s not how vaginas work. I’m tighter at 32 than I was at 19.
Have you been with a fat chick? Or are you just guessing that it would be like that?
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
It would be extremely hard to find a woman over 25 who isn't a roastie especially one who would go after younger guys, and I made no comment about how vaginas work, I just called them high-mileage. they might still be tight but that wouldn't change the amount of experience she's had and how she would be looking down on them. I also wouldn't be surprised if many of the women who have lots of sex end up developing calluses in their vagina like people get on their hands or feet.
I haven't actually been with a fat chick but I can't imagine that it would be easier to ignore her fat than if it was a long distance relationship with most interaction being text or voice only.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
Roast ie is a phrase indicating the vag has been so over used the flaps look like roast beef. So, by saying high mileage you are basically saying roastie (confirmed in most recent comment) which means you are, in fact, commenting on how vaginas work. Especially by suggesting they would get calluses (they don’t). So what is the problem with a tight vagina that’s seen “a lot” of action?
If you like the fat girl (genuinely), the fat is ignorable. If Chads and Chad-lites don’t mind fat, why do you (in theory)?
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
I know they don't end up looking like roastbeef from overuse, that said I very highly doubt they don't get calluses. The problem is a bit of a moral one and one that I look down on a girl for.
I don't see how fat could just be ignorable, it's going to be there and it's going to effect everything you do together. Chads and Chad-lites who hook up with fat women probably have a fetish for it, I'll tolerate a bit of fat but when a girl weighs well over twice as much as she should I'm drawing the line there.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
Bro.. they don’t get calluses. Calluses are formed from repeated contact with an object with rough texture. Unless she’s using a sandpaper dildo, she’s not getting calluses. This theory makes you seem obtuse because you can literally fucking google it or take women at their word.
As for the fat bit, we can have this conversation after you fuck a fat girl.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
If a girl opted to use her fingers rather than a dildo or vibrator due to being embarrassed to own one or something then it is reasonable to assume that she could develop calluses in her vagina. I also am not familiar with the texture that average dildos or condoms have so they could be rough for all I know. Maybe women prefer even that, I don't know! I'm just making reasonable assumptions though and assuming they don't
I can tell they are fat from as little as a handshake, I would notice it during sex.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
No, rubbing your fingers in a vagina isn’t going to give calluses you freaking corndog. It’s not reasonable because essentially you are saying the inside elbow should be calluses because the skin between two arms is constantly touching. It’s common fucking sense dude.
Again, for the fat bit, we can have this conversation after you fuck a fat girl.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
The skin on fingers is a lot more rough than inner elbow skin due to being in contact with more rough things though.
Honestly I'd rather have a conversation about why I wouldn't be turned off by a fat girl before having to go through the effort and disappointment of sex.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
And yet, unless you do a lot of manual labor, your fingers aren't typically callused. Look, with this callused thing, I'm pretty sure you are going to be inflammatory.
Sex with a fat girl? Hit it from behind. You won't give a shit.
1 HentaiFoeLyfe 2018-02-23
Well, if youre ugly, you dont get clear signs. Because people arent attracted to you.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
Most incels aren’t ugly. They just aren’t chads. Most are average.
1 HentaiFoeLyfe 2018-02-23
Ill give you that most arent hideous but id wager they are below average.
Below average guys dont often get signs of interest.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
Most are 4s or 5s. 4s and 5s get signs of interest if they know how to behave/act. The problem is rarely the looks. It’s the HuLlO MuHdOm WhAtS a PrEtTy LaSs LiKe YoU dOiNg BeInG SiNgLe AnD wHaTnOt (understand that my relationship status hasn’t been discussed as he picks up my hand to show me that there is no wedding ring) - this is the shit, man.
1 HentaiFoeLyfe 2018-02-23
Yeah, im gonna call bullshit on that actually. Not to say they dont exist, but most incel guys are maybe a little awkward but generally not the m'lady type. I know a fair few involuntary virgins who are normal people. No one seems to want to fuck them.
Myself personally, im a bit awkward when meeting new people but i am great socially. Im funny, have plenty of friends, and am the leader of most social situations. I very rarely get signs of interest in from women though. I can really only conclude its because im fat and not the best looking.
Not all incels are like the people who post on incel boards. Most dont even identify as such. They dont have the awful toxicity seen on the sub but see the same results as those vocal incels do, even though theyre not toxic.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
It was a dramatic interpretation but the point was that if you walk up to a girl that hasn’t even made eye contact with you and you try to ask her out, you are gonna have a bad time.
1 HentaiFoeLyfe 2018-02-23
Well who they supposed to ask out then?
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
Fucking pick up a community hobby like a rec sport or volunteering . Don’t just walk around a mall and wait for people to make eye contact with you.
1 HentaiFoeLyfe 2018-02-23
What good will that do if nobody ever shows interest in them?
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
Because 95% of them don't do activities where people actually talk to each other in just a social, casual way. Even if you look like you've been beaten with an ugly stick, people will make sure to include you and some will even go out of their way to make sure you feel included.
If you do these activities, and people don't talk to you, it's not because you are ugly, it is because you look like someone who doesn't need to have their hand held with social interactions, which is almost a compliment as well.
1 HentaiFoeLyfe 2018-02-23
What does being included in an activity have to do with picking up a girl? I never said uggos arent included in group activities.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
Step 1. interact with people Step 2. if you dont have a shit personality, someone is going to show interest in you, at least at a platonic level Step 3. if you are actually a good person or a good fit for the other person, they will show romantic interest in you.
Boom. Figure it the fuck out or fuck off.
1 HentaiFoeLyfe 2018-02-23
Lol, god you sound like an insuffrable twat.
Thats not how that works at all.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
I'm only insufferable* when people lack the ability to connect ideas that have been laid out for them.
1 HentaiFoeLyfe 2018-02-23
So your advice is to make girls think youre their friend and then try to get in their pants?
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
No, my advice is to increase the number of social opportunities you have.
Here's the visual: You are blindfolded and handed a dart. You are faced in front of a single dart board and told to throw. Bullseye represents the most ideal relationship you could ever ask for, and some of the other numbers represent other things (i.e. hitting triple 20 is a great bang, double 10 is a FWB, etc.). Not all numbers have a "reward" for playing, but, basically, if you don't hit the bullseye, there are other great "prizes." What you (a person asking out someone who has not given any indicators of interest) are doing is turning around and throwing the dart away from the dart board. What you are doing by joining communities and rec leagues and other social hobbies is expanding the single dartboard to a wall filled with dartboards.
You get it yet?
1 HentaiFoeLyfe 2018-02-23
Youre still under the false impression that, just because youre with a group you share a hobby or intrest with, anybody is showing signs of interest.
Is it okay to hit on random girls who arent interested in you now that youre all in a club together?
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
By doing more things, you increase the odds.
1 HentaiFoeLyfe 2018-02-23
True, but your odds going from nothing to next to nothing isnt exactly hopeful. How many years of going to clubs and meet ups and still not seeing girls show interest is a guy supposed to endure before its reasonable for him to start asking out strangers? Even if it doesnt work, its better psychologically than sitting around and waiting years for one girl to maybe show a sign of interest.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
Most incels haven't be going to clubs and meet ups. Most incels haven't tried jack shit actually. So make sure you are speaking from a place of generality.
Even still, i've seen a lot of scenarios where a girl is giving obvious cues and a guy is completely obtuse. You could that working against you as well.
1 HentaiFoeLyfe 2018-02-23
Most incels dont post on this board and don't call themselves incels. They simply are but keep trying. I know a lot of them.
You know, I hear this a lot but rarely see it. Im pretty perceptive to this stuff. Most ugly guys don't get the time of day.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
And on the inverse, I've watched my guy friends ignore blatant signs. They are some how completely oblivious.
1 HentaiFoeLyfe 2018-02-23
Are they ugly?
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
A few of them, yeah
6 2scared2neckmyself 2018-02-23
And according to normies, every incel is a misogynist, a rapist, a pedophile, and a murderer.
Don't forget somehow afraid to talk to women while simultaneously being all those things.
4 suspension_collector 2018-02-23
Some women are very nice, but nice people in the right situation (for example she realizes she can get Chad) can do bad things like cheating. At the end of the day you have to accept that the entirety of the human mind was built through natural selection, meaning there is no objective morality in us. Our instincts push us to do what is in our favor and not give a fuck about others more than we have to to avoid punishment from society.
3 lanynz 2018-02-23
I like this
3 CptErection23 2018-02-23
Mean! No bully please.
3 Idalah 2018-02-23
Just thank you for saying that. We aren't' all automatically evil lol
6 LdarBoyos 2018-02-23
Do you post on inceltears?
10 Idalah 2018-02-23
That's how I first found out about incels in general. So at the beginning yes I did, then came here and actually talked to people to get their side. Now I don't, there is a lot of bullying going on.
4 LdarBoyos 2018-02-23
Ok I will not hate you.
4 Idalah 2018-02-23
Thank you for giving me a chance
-1 Yadnarav 2018-02-23
You're still a femoid
3 Idalah 2018-02-23
Ok, that is not something I can help. Sorry?
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
Just go trans and suffer our pain! Then we can suffer together!
-2 Yadnarav 2018-02-23
Boobie pm
-5 Nobodykers 2018-02-23
You can eaze the pain with boobie pm.
3 pangeacel 2018-02-23
I personally of the opinion that even posting here is a cope. Women hate, attention seeking posts, race bating etc are really copes for the bigger problem of inceldom - social isolation, desperation, and general ennui and nihilism.
3 Incel_Executioner 2018-02-23
"Cool" women hate you just as much for being ugly
3 birtopia 2018-02-23
Been saying this for so long now.
3 frankwashere44 2018-02-23
1 Not_unique_enuf 2018-02-23
That actually made me lol. Thank you
2 retiredho 2018-02-23
take this upvote .. you've earned it..
1 carpathianflorist 2018-02-23
All women are literal prostitute nazis with HIV.
1 MRAGGGAN 2018-02-23
I have gonnsyphaherpleAIDS. :D
1 shockinghillaryquote 2018-02-23
100% agree. The over-generalizing is definitely cope.
Women are still 'AWALT' but Normies can definitely create positive relationships that last usually no more than the '7 year itch' but at least they're happy during that time.
But most women are still sluts.
8 uselessaccountkms 2018-02-23
fuck off
-1 KufoIV 2018-02-23
white knight reporting in to defend m'ladys
1 uselessaccountkms 2018-02-23
i am a girl lol
-1 KufoIV 2018-02-23
1 MRAGGGAN 2018-02-23
My great grand parents were married 53 years until PawPaw died.
My grandparents have been married for 15 years, and 20 something.
I have friends that are married, now four years, than have been together for 10 years.
Seven year itch isn’t a set rule, and most men are even bigger sluts than women.
5 Orange_Paisley 2018-02-23
My grandparents were married with 7 kids roughly 40 years until my grandmother died at 60. My mom and dad divorced, but she and my stepdad have been together since 1975. Two of my uncles and one of my aunts married their childhood sweethearts and are still married decades later. My sister and her husband have been together since 2001.
0 [deleted] 2018-02-23
5 MRAGGGAN 2018-02-23
And of this supposed 70% number, how many women were asking for divorce based on the man cheating? I’d wager it’s a fair few.
1 [deleted] 2018-02-23
-1 KufoIV 2018-02-23
most men are bigger sluts, Lol delusional
1 Incelvester 2018-02-23
I agree, there's lots of cool women
5 CptErection23 2018-02-23
But we can't complain about cool women. Go away, we only want nasty roasties here.
4 patheticsubhuman 2018-02-23
2 Fat__ 2018-02-23
How is this a cope? Or are you just throwng this cool buzzword around?
-1 [deleted] 2018-02-23
9 Not_unique_enuf 2018-02-23
So he is a cuck because he admits that there are good women out there? I love you guys.
1 [deleted] 2018-02-23
1 Incelvester 2018-02-23
I would, buuuuut...
1 [deleted] 2018-02-23
4 Incelvester 2018-02-23
I'm not a cuck, my wifes boyfriend said so himself 😎
2 [deleted] 2018-02-23
1 Incelvester 2018-02-23
Thats a good word for it, I'll tell my husband about it!
-6 apx24 2018-02-23
Can you send some my way? I've never met one.
12 Incelvester 2018-02-23
Try talking to some of the ones who post here, that's what I did lol.
-6 Rafique020902 2018-02-23
they're probably nice because they're ugly in real life.
19 Incelvester 2018-02-23
Do their looks matter? If you're on braincels, chances are you're not attractive yourself, but I don't know, that's usually the theme here anyway. But it shouldn't matter to you what they look like if you're cool with them. The one that I talk to that's showed me pics is gorgeous, she's a bit older than me but she's beautiful and she's really cool. Give them a shot dude
1 apx24 2018-02-23
What did you say to them? I don't really know how to talk to females.
1 Incelvester 2018-02-23
One of them was a regular commenter that mentioned talking to guys on kik. I asked her if she wanted to chat on kik and she pm'd me asking for my username, I been chatting with her on there since and we get along great. Another one actually messaged me first, she said she's seen some of my comments before and that I seemed level headed and funny, and she's from the same state as me, so I've been texting with her and we're gonna meet up for a drink eventually.
I guess just be friendly and playful with them, I've got as much experience with women as you guys, I just talked to them like I would any of my friends
0 Salvador66 2018-02-23
Cope. I've posted my pics here, and female lurkers consider me cute. JFL, because IRL I am just a worthless turbo manlet who doesn't get any female attention whatsoever.
2 TordYvel 2018-02-23
I see they rated you 4/10 and that people here thought you were "average". You could easily get a below average girl. Maybe more if you bulk up, because you currently look completely harmless. If you're also short, that's a bad combination.
1 Salvador66 2018-02-23
Actually, the most common rating i received was a 4.5/10. Depends of what you mean below average as a 4/10 is the true below average according to the looks chart. 4.5 is the middle between above and below average, FYI. Also what actually distinguishes me from other average looking people is my baby face, hence I was getting the "cute" word here on braincels.
0 TordYvel 2018-02-23
4/10, 5/10, does not matter. In either case, women will look at you and think "this guy can't protect me in a fight against anyone" which they are hardwired to dislike. You answered me without answering anything. I suggested bulking up because I believe short + babyface is a horrible combination. Still your face is fine and you could score a below average girl based on looks IMO.
1 Salvador66 2018-02-23
I agree with you, however, wouldn't bulking up seem as overcompensating by people in general due to my height? Oh and btw, it's the babyface that makes invisible in general. If I were to be ugly, I probably would've roped by this point. Ugly plus short makes that person a bully target and an object of ridicule. At least, I haven't been laughed in IRL nor have been bullied despite of being sexually invisible.
1 TordYvel 2018-02-23
Yeah exactly, I can imagine you being ghosted. I presume they will think of you as a boy and not as a man, and that's why I'd suggest this. No I would not agree, because there is nothing called overcompensating in my book. "If something stupid works, it ain't stupid."
4 Yeahso_no 2018-02-23
I think I'm nice. At least I try to be... and I don't think I'm ugly. Although I know there are some people who don't approve of my style, which is their right.
2 Username234983 2018-02-23
Nice girls are normally nice in bed too. The bitch girls are bitches in everything. They also really suck at sex. You ever seen a Chad with a 5 or a 6 and totally happy? When you do you what you see is a "woke" chad. Someone who realizes that looks aren't everything.
Also everyone looks the same in the dark.
1 chadeet 2018-02-23
It's accurate for the age range of incels since we're all 20+
Single females this age are single for a reason. Girls who want a nice happy relationship get snatched up quickly
5 Jashinist 2018-02-23
That's another generalisation. People die, no fault breakups happen, sometimes career takes a focus etc etc. 20+ is extremely quick to label someone as 'single for a reason'. Hell, people are studying until their mid-20's nowadays, it's not insane for someone to focus on that before dating, or wanting to wait until they're independent and not living with parents.
Personalities sometimes don't mesh, and it can take a long time before deal-breakers reveal themselves. Life is complicated.
1 WhiteBlackPurple 2018-02-23
This. I know a couple that has been together since their teens and they seem very happy. Only the damaged goods (this includes us) stay on the market for long.
1 NowListenCloselyBR 2018-02-23
Thanks for the daily dose, doc.
1 exhibitionistcouplez 2018-02-23
Truth lol
1 [deleted] 2018-02-23
1 foreignincel3 2018-02-23
all women are different but all women will not date an incel
0 palemanlet 2018-02-23
very few white women under the age of 30 in the west aren't whores
-1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
What's your definition of whore?
1 palemanlet 2018-02-23
if she has fucked a BBC
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
You're a whore if you haven't fucked a BBC?
Also, in my country 'black people', as in African Americans, aren't really a thing - does that matter?
1 palemanlet 2018-02-23
sorry, i mispoke. You are a whore if you HAVE fucked a BBC
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
So as I'm in a country without them, it's impossible for me to be a whore?
1 palemanlet 2018-02-23
the standard for a white british or american woman to not be considered a whore is much, much lower than for a girl like you who lives in a country that doesn't have black guys. us white guys in the anglosphere have been forced to lower our expectations of white femoids
you'll have to ask what the men in your country think qualifies you as a whore or not
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
I've had 8 sexual partners so I'm guessing probably for some, but likely not NZ guys. The issue is that number seems big but then you realise that that's only one a year since I've been sexually active at 16, which is honestly not that crazy at all. My country is fairly sexually liberated anyway, if anything I'm below the norm. When Durex did a study, we were the only country where women said they had had more sexual partners than the men did, lol, and there was an average of 22.
It's just 'not a thing' here to worry if someone is a 'whore' or not. It's just lowkey assumed everyone's been with a bunch of people, to the point where you don't really discuss it. As long as you didn't catch something awful like a disease or a baby, it's fine.
1 palemanlet 2018-02-23
if NZ suddenly took in a bunch of African refugees I guarantee that would change
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
What is it about black men that make white women whores if they engage? Is it to do with the myth of the bigger dick?
For the record, dicks do not change the size or strength or elasticity of the vagina - it's a muscle, kinda like how if you stretch your mouth with your finger it just snaps back. The only exception to this is childbirth which can rip, but that's something ten times the size squeezing through, and a lot of the time even then it manages to heal and go mostly back to how it was.
1 palemanlet 2018-02-23
Yes it is to do with that but also the fact that they have lower IQs on average so women fucking them literally proves dick size > intelligence
I don't care if the vagina permanently gets stretched out or not (although I think women who think that constantly fucking giant cocks doesn't have any effect on their pussy are a little delusional and coping) the fact is that a white girl who fucks a black guy is 99% of the time doing it for whorish reasons like dick size rumors. just look at the huge disparity between how many white girls hook up with black guys casually and how many of them actually date or marry them. It's night and day and this pretty much proves white girls intentions with black guys are purely degenerate sexual fetishism. no white guy wants to be associated with a white girl like that
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
50% of women will have IQs lower than 'average', so it makes sense that a bunch are willing to be with lower IQ men, right? That's not 'proving' anything, unless you immediately assume all women to have higher than average IQs themselves. Or you see IQ as the only thing worthy of deciding fuckability on. Sometimes you just want sex with a good looking body - I'm sure men are no exception to this, are you saying you wouldn't fuck a total hottie if she was dumb? Really?
The only 'effect' I noticed (I'm being candid here so apologies for TMI) is that for my first two partners, sex kinda hurt. My first one never really bothered with foreplay but the second did, so eventually with my second partner, sex went from wincing and cringing to actually enjoyable. So I guess that was a 'change', but it was more to do with my vagina having time to prepare, learning what 'prepared' is, and the psychological benefit of me not panicking about the impending pain because now I knew it wasn't inevitable so the lack of worry helped me relax. I've had compliments on my 'tight' vagina, likely because I do kegels, and I had one guy say that when I 'clenched' and he was inside, it felt like a handjob, lmao. And that's 8 partners in, remember.
'Huge' dicks are way less common than you think, every single one I've encountered has been like 4-6.5'' at worst and at best. Effectively all dudes fit within that range. Don't listen to dudes bragging, it's well known they lie about dick size lol, and dick size does not matter to women anywhere near as much as people think.
Vaginas are designed to stretch to ten times their size to give birth, it's lowkey delusional to think someone's few-inch girthed dick will irreparably change it or even effect it long-term.
I have seen people 'train' their vaginas to accept huge things - I'm sure we've all seen the gif of that woman putting that coke can in her vagina, my god, that is INSANE to me but that would have been slowly built up - but that is MUSCLE. She isn't creating a gaping hole, she's training the MUSCLES to stretch and hold. You can tell she's got a wickedly strong vagina and likely does kegels because she could hold the can in place easily, and then have it fall out when she 'lets go'. When she has sex, the muscles won't stretch as much as they did for the can, so I would say it would still 'feel' like a normal vagina to any penis entering it. I cannot say with confidence though since obviously I don't have can-holding capabilities.
I think a lot of people see vaginas as like ear piercings - obviously if you use gauges or whatever to stretch your earholes, they sag and droop and the hole is permanent. But that is because that is SKIN not muscle.
Men and women shouldn't disparage each other for having partners that gave them sexual pleasure, even if that was all they were after.
1 palemanlet 2018-02-23
Right out of the gate you're already wrong. female IQs tend to cluster around the mean to a gretaer extent than male IQs which vary more
also funny how you didn't address my main argument at all, typical femoid behavior getting stuck on the "muh vagina doesn't get loose from being a whore!!" which seems to be all you care about instead of focusing on my main point which is that most white femoid black male sex is purely fetishistic and degenerate with no real love behind it (not that women are really capable of love in the way men perceive it anyway but thats another topic) which is basically proved by the huge disparity between slutty white femoids hooking up with blacks but like only 1% actually marry them or even date them long term. white whores like to talk about white guys fetishizing asian women but at least some white guys actually marry asian women and don't just use them for sex
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
Now that you mention that I have vague memories of hearing that before. Still, my point was mostly that there are indeed women with low IQ, so it's not fair to assume that they're immediately going for men dumber than them. Also, why does IQ matter when looking for a hookup?
I didn't address that point because it devolves into racism etc which I find a rather gross topic and it's clear you were set in your view far stronger than the vagina argument. Sometimes you have to pick your battles, and I was better off picking one that may actually sway you, even a little. I won't sway you that black/white sex isn't degenerate, because it's clear you are strongly invested in this concept.
Genuine question, don't read this as flippant: does marriage matter anymore? Seriously. I really don't want to get married because I'm not religious and the idea of betting half my stuff that I'd stay with someone forever seems silly. It seems way more romantic to me to wake up each morning and continue to choose to be with them, rather than make the bet and hope you feel the same multiple decades later. That doesn't mean I don't want a long-term partner - I do, I just don't believe marriage is necessary to keep that. Going back to your argument, could it be that people who are more 'liberal' in the sense that they don't see black/white relationships as bad, might also be more 'liberal' in the sense that marriage isn't necessary, and more 'liberal' in the sense that sex doesn't have to lead to long-term anything? Food for thought. It would make sense that more racial purists like those who only want white/white partnerships would also be far more conservative in many ways, and see marriage as necessary and promiscuity as degenerate.
I don't think anyone is capable of 'love' in the purist fantasy way that movies portray it as. There's no sudden 'click' of being in love, it's so muddy and grey, it doesn't surprise me that on here people have come to the conclusion that women must not feel it - people on here don't see women as complex beings, so of course you'd deny them the complex act of love. Why not? It's easy to devalue and insult women to feel superior.
Love is the swell you feel in your chest when you see them, love is the little things you do for them that they don't notice but you do anyway because you want them to be happy and it's not about getting credit, love is wanting the best for them, love is being able to talk for hours and hours without getting bored, love is enjoying physical contact, love is thinking about them often, love is wanting to grow old together, live together, build a life together. That's what love is to me. But to other people, love directly means 'wants to have kids together', or 'gets married', or 'saved virginity for them'. Those are all valid interpretations based on what they want in life and what they look for in a partner.
There is no one-stop definition of 'love', so your idea that women 'aren't capable' of love in the way men perceive it to be honest most likely means that you have a very specific idea about what love is and women don't seem to fit it. That does not put the fault on them, that points the finger at you for hating them for not fitting into your ideal. I've broken it off with a guy who had a different idea of what love was, that included marriage and kids, that I didn't agree with. That doesn't make him or me wrong, it just means our love wasn't compatible.
Women are 100% capable of love, and if some men don't 'perceive' it, maybe those particular men looking for something entirely different. And that's okay. But don't blame women, and don't act like all men don't perceive women's love because that's delusional.
1 palemanlet 2018-02-23
Hook ups are degenerate anyway
"eww reality is icky" yeah, typical woman. Race is a real and there are significant differences between the races. blacks are intellectually inferior on average and whites breeding with them is a step backwards in my view
Marriage has only upsides for women in the West. Just LOL at you thinking it will be YOUR stuff that gets divided into half and given away to your partner. no, that would be what happens to your husband. As a western woman you have nothing but upsides to getting married, it's men who get fucked in divorce courts
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
It's not 'reality is icky' it's more 'this topic tends to rely on emotion, and it's clearly something you feel strongly about so there's no point me going into it when I clearly disagree about human value and who is 'worthy' of being fucked'.
It happens to whoever makes the most money. I make good money. Currently dating a guy who's still studying. Not that that matters, even when I was dating someone who made 5 times what I did, I still didn't want to be married. It's just a painful process all around and needless. I don't like the idea of supplanting my identity with my husbands, nor being a single financial unit. I make mine, he makes his, we both contribute fairly to mutual expenses, and that's it. Paradise.
Why is intellectual prowess more important than physical prowess, which in average black men tend to excel at? Seems biased. Both intelligence and physical strength/speed are crucial in terms of human development and bettering ourselves as a species, surely both are important to keep breeding? It seems you decided intelligence is more important because that's the value you see yourself as having more of, and it's an easy way to feel superior. In terms of evolution, if anything, the latter (strength/speed) is better.
1 palemanlet 2018-02-23
Rely on emotion? There's nothing emotional about the argument I'm making which is that blacks are factually genetically intellectually inferior on average and breeding with them represents a step backwards for humanity
Which 9/10 times is the man
Because intelligence is what actually differentiates us from the rest of the animal kingdom, not physical prowess. There are plenty of animals faster and stronger than humans. And blacks don't beat whites at all athletic events btw, mostly just sprinting.
retard level analysis as expected from a woman (which is why women shouldn't make important political decisions). if strength (which blacks aren't better at btw, european men dominate strongman competitions) and speed were the better traits to have how come white men dominated and enslaved blacks and not the other way around? why did history turn out the way it did? would you rather live in a majority black country or a majority white country?
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
Emotion is your reaction regarding it and how you've decided that being with a black man makes a woman unfit for you. That's an emotional decision it makes sense to you of course, as a logical conclusion, but it is still emotion based, especially the vitriolic way you speak of it.
You have a sense that the universe 'makes sense' and we have a certain goal - as if humanity can step 'right' in a certain direction, or 'wrong'. What is, is. Sometimes being dumb is evolutionarily beneficial, for many species. It's simply wasted calories and development that isn't necessary for breeding purposes. What do you think the goal of humanity is, or should be?
I remember reading an analysis that thought that the biggest boon that Europe had over Africa was the geography and atmospheric conditions, as well as the presentation of ore. For example, it's thought that the reason Maori people (NZ natives) did not 'progress' like other places did, is because the metal ore presented itself in grain form rather than having traditional 'veins' of it, leading to a different society creating itself around what they had at the time.
You seem to think of things as very black and white (no pun intended), rather than seeing humanity as something that molds itself around what it has, and 'better' or 'worse' is often a roll of the dice. Strength and speed are better in purist evolution terms, considering that in times of interpersonal conflict, that will help them win out. A better question would be 'if black people had come from Europe and white people had come from Africa, would white people have been the slaves?' and the answer is most likely yes. It's not fair to underplay the role of geography and resource allocation/presentation when it comes to human development and the speed at which it occurs.
I'm white, but I don't really consider myself superior because of that, I focus on personal achievements. I think the world would be a better place if we focussed on what we bring to the table as individuals, rather than what our ancestors did. We don't carry historical glory or historical shame, you either do your best to succeed with the tools you have now, or you don't.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
The issue is that number seems big but then you realise that that's only one a year since I've been sexually active at 16, which is honestly not that crazy at all.
Except that being sexually active at 16 in a western country IS crazy and being able to get an average of one a year is also extremely high.
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
16 is the age of consent in NZ - I totally get that that would seem 'too young' for an American though. It's really not crazy.
If I wanted I could've gotten a much higher number, I just tend to wait for people I genuinely like. I've only had maybe two 'hookups for the sake of hookups'.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
It doesn't matter if it's the age of consent it's still too young, 18 is still too young, I'd say mid-late 20s is somewhat acceptable but even that is still somewhat young.
So you've had TWO hookups and you are acting like that's hardly anything? I know you could have had a much higher number, women have it way too easy in terms of dating us guys can't even talk to a girl long enough to "genuinely" like her.
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
May I ask for your reasoning as to age of consent? Genuinely curious why mid-late 20's is your choice. I'm not even mid-20s yet, why am I not capable of consenting to sexual relationships at the age of 23?
I'm not saying that 8 is practically nothing, or whatever, or two hookups is nothing, I just don't think that over the course of 7-8 years, that is overly shocking. 8 years is a really, really long time. You meet a lot of people, go through a lot of phases, most people tend to have at least a few relationships in that time and plenty of dates.
I'm not trying to be a dick or anything, just providing my perspective on things. If you think I'm wrong to think that I represent the norm, I'm happy to discuss.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
Because more people should have to feel the desperation and anger incels feel and so they have time to mature before the women become massive whores.
Except that IS shocking, we do pretty much everything we can to find someone and we can't even get a pity date from a landwhale while women and chads are out fucking like rabbits. It doesn't matter if we go through phases or how many people we meet we will still be single virgins our whole lives. An average of one sexual partner per year is an absolutely massive amount, I can't even meet girls to just talk to that frequently.
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
Why do you want people to feel misery and anger? Do you want separate ages of consent for men and women?
That's really depressing to hear, how many dates have you had, ever? Any?
Considering that when couples are together they have sex 2-3 times a week on average, and most people are coupled up, sex of that much more than my frequency is the norm.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
Because they deserve to feel my misery and anger so they can understand what it's like, yes I would like separate ages of consent for men and women now that you mentioned it, it actually solves a lot of the problems I was thinking of.
I've never had anything that could even vaguely be considered a date or even got close. I'm at the point where I am eager to help the one girl I know get out of chairs and things like that just so I can feel a woman's hand and I'm not even exaggerating.
Honestly hearing how frequently average couples have sex only makes me sure I'd want a girl with absolutely no relationship experience, as well as making me feel like shit knowing the average couple has more sex in a week than I could imagine having in my life.
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
What would those ages be?
Why do you think that is? It seems like a dick question but I genuinely am curious how it is from your perspective.
Sex is a skill that you genuinely do get better at. My first time was awful, as most people's are, since you're awkward and embarrassed and not sure what feels good or how it works. I guarantee a girl with experience will be far better pleasure-wise than a virgin, because she'll know what she wants and what to do. Same is true for vice versa, a dude with experience is naturally more skilled than a virgin. Nothing wrong with wanting to share your first time with someone having their first time too, but just saying it's not the best return of value.
Do you use sex toys? I hear tenga eggs are really good.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
I don't know, maybe like 15 or 16 for gys 21 for women?
It's because it's just hard to find women, even if I do find them my only option is a cold approach that even a gigachad would struggle with.
I don't expect sex to be very enjoyable in the first place so it doesn't matter much to me, I expect it to be way more effort than it's worth to actually have sex(not including the time it takes looking for a girl) so I figure it won't be enjoyable regardless so why not try to find a girl who isn't a slut. Seems like it would just be like masturbation but with a lot more effort having to go into it.
1 MissKinkykittykat 2018-02-23
Sorry to jump in, but wouldn't those different ages of consent cause issues?
Most women in their early twenties, myself included, would never be interested in teenage boys.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
Ehh, some women would probably have a kink for it, and at least they have to deal with spending a lot of time as virgins just so they know what it's like and if a guy wanted to he could try taking the risk by dating one technically underage and just wait until she is of age.
1 MissKinkykittykat 2018-02-23
Yeah, there's people with kinks for everything but most women prefer men slightly older than themselves. I'm 22 and prefer men around 27.
Age of consent laws won't stop people from having underage sex.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
I know they usually prefer men slightly older than themselves which is why I considered being into younger ones to be a kink.
They won't stop it but at least charges could be pressed against you for it.
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
All that's going to do is make it worse since you'll intentionally have less women on the market to go around, meaning more competition, meaning only the absolute cream of the crop get a partner, even moreso than you already believe. And women already tend to go for older guys, do you seriously think a 21 year old woman is going to have sex with a 16 year old guy, and frequently enough that it's useful to make that age distinction? How many women you see dating guys five years younger than them, really?
If anything, that would just promote the idea of women using young men as playthings for the mean-time and not to take it seriously.
Sex is a lot more than masturbation. The chemical explosion in your brain upon engaging in actual sex rather than the stimulation of it is very strong. Trust me, your body can tell the difference. Plus it's not all about just the physical sensation of your dick sliding in and out, it's the entire experience - kissing, foreplay, exploration of each other's bodies, figuring out what works for both of you, the laughter and sharing of nervousness and intimacy. It's insanely hot to have someone look at you and want to pleasure you. It sounds like you think sex is glorified masturbation into a self-lubing hole, with an annoying thing attached. Lol.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
You know I couldn't think of a better way to describe how I imagine sex to be, along with the caveats of the self lubricating hole probably being less pleasurable than my dry cracked hands that hurt to even move, dramatically higher risks, more effort due to the hole being attached to 250 pounds of landwhale, Having to only focus on the vagina of the landwhale because every other part of her is grotesquely fat with all the other appearance problems that come with that instead of just watching porn and seeing a girl so attractive I am aroused just by the face of her (even if porn isn't a option there's at least the option of just thinking about attractive girls you have seen in passing or even known) and not having a huge reminder of your reality right in front of you that won't just let you have a moment to take your mind off how depressing your life is.
I originally intended that to end at "less pleasurable than my dry cracked hands" but I got a bit carried away by how bad I expect sex to be. Most people still tell me I'm over-glorifying it and that it isn't as good as I imagine... which I guess would just mean I should expect it to be over in under 5 seconds, before I cum, her vagina to already have another mans semen in it and then have her rant to me about how that wasn't "proper sex" and that she still considers me a virgin after it(and bringing it up for years so I can't forget)... But I guess it would still be kinda okay if I got to masturbate afterwards so I guess that would mean she would have to be clingy and respond to any attempts for me to masturbate afterwards with physical aggression to make sure I couldn't. That is just about the only way I could see sex being worse than I imagine it while still being considered consensual sex. I'm only specifying the consensual bit so you don't go "oh it could be worse, you could be raped!" not saying that rape is the way to have a woman who isn't a landwhale
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
Ever heard of 'sour grapes'?
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
...Not off the top of my head no, I can tell it's part of an analogy just not familiar with which one.
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
It's the tale of the fox who spies some grapes hanging high off a tree. He tries to jump and get them, but can't, gets a ladder, still can't reach, tries throwing a stick to dislodge them, but nothing - he gives up, angrily storming away, and says 'I bet they were sour anyway'.
It's a demonstration of the kind of mindset people adopt when they supposedly cannot get something - they 'protect' themselves and console themselves by trying to convince themselves that what they wanted wasn't actually that great anyway. Which is basically what your previous response to me was - trying to impose pretty much every possible negative connotation to sex possible, making it out to be boring, awful, negative and wholly unfulfilling.
You aren't doing this because you genuinely believe it, you're doing this because you /want/ to believe it. Because believing it means you're not missing out, and that hurts less.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
No, I DO genuinely believe it especially considering how often I hear "sex sucks anyway, don't worry about it". You people need to make up your mind, are you going to tell us sex is far worse than masturbation or are you going to overly glorify it?
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
Neither. Sometimes it sucks, sometimes it's great. Life is muddy, and thinking in extremes is so common on this thread it makes me question if understanding of complexity is even possible.
It's likely that people say sex sucks to make you guys feel better, it's likely some people are dicks and play it up to make you guys feel worse. Sometimes sex is mediocre and boring or painful or embarrassing or gross. Sometimes sex is powerful and intimate and overwhelmingly pleasurable and intense. Sometimes it switches between both, sometimes it's more one side than another.
It's like someone telling you that chocolate sucks. They might genuinely believe that. But most people love it and want it and have it frequently, crave it and look forward to it. They relish it when they have it. Sometimes it's not as great as they built it up to be, but it's still considered a treat to enjoy.
I really do worry for you guys on here that everything has to be 0 or 100 - either it's 'far worse than masturbation' or 'over-glorified'. I've had sex that was awful and I felt gross about, I've had sex that I didn't feel any pleasure from whatsoever - I've also had incredible orgasms, beautifully intimate moments and heart-racing passion.
Asking me whether sex is one way or the other is stupid because it changes so dramatically from time to time, from partner to partner, from person to person. That's like telling me to make up my mind, is the weather always sunny or always rainy?
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
I can't imagine sex being anywhere near worth the effort. When it comes to someone being an asshole by playing up sex I don't think I've seen a single person in my life play it up as much as you have. I doubt they are all trying to make people feel better by playing it down, they are usually pissed off at the person they are telling it to and more in a "I can't believe you're wasting your life on something that will be such a huge disappointment that you're over glorifying".
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
It's usually the media that plays it up in terms of showing what sex is like - and nothing plays it up more dramatically and unrealistically as porn does.
All I know is for me personally, the best sex was with someone I cared about and they cared about me and it wasn't sex for the sake of sex, it was a natural continuation of the affection we had for each other and came after getting to know one another relatively well. It was two kindred spirits, not just 'penis in vagina over and over feel good?', it was more than that. I feel like that's what this sub is missing, realising that there's more to good sex than just the physical act.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
I mean I've never seen a single individual person over glorify sex as much as you have, with media it's obviously over glorified but people like you act like it's actually something worth while and confuses the hell out of me because I don't see what you get out of it...
I'd argue that anything other than just the physical act isn't part of sex at all.
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
How can I have over-glorified it when my entire point was that it's totally a spectrum, it could be the worst or the best, sometimes parts of both, it's a mixed bag? THAT'S over-glorifying it? Really?
It enhances it and makes it better. An obvious example would be the concept of teasing, or being aroused by physical features or whispered words or the naughtiness of having sex at a certain time or place, etc. There are many factors that can influence and enhance (or lower of course) how good the sex is.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
I've only seen it as something people are just looking to check off their bucket list so they know for sure that it's something that isn't worth while, that has been one of my only hopes about sex for years and still had people tell me I was over glorifying it or focusing too much on it when I'm not looking for it at all. So yeah, you saying it can potentially be really good kills the hope of it just being only being masturbation but worse and with more effort.
I never really imagined that as improving the quality of the sex, I only think purely about the sexual part of sex no foreplay or anything else and the only other relevant thing would be is if I would actively be turned off by the girl I'd hypothetically be having sex with but even being turned off wouldn't matter if I'm still able to get an erection and she doesn't try to force certain fetishes on me. Intimacy and sex seem like two completely different things to me.
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
Intimacy and sex are incredibly overlapped. You could have sex with one girl, then sex with another, and the different ways they spoke and acted and dressed and moved and looked at you and smelled etc would all amount to completely different and unique experiences. One girl could do one thing and it could drive you crazy in a good way, unexpectedly. Another girl could try something you're not into which makes you a bit weirded out. You could have sex with a girl and it's kinda mediocre at first but gets better as you learn what each other likes and adapt accordingly.
No sex is the same. That's why there's no consensus on whether it's good or bad, the best or the worst. Because it can be all of those things, sometimes multiple during the same session.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
And yet I had someone else telling me to be more considerate to fat chicks because "you won't even notice the fat or the fact that she as a whole is a turnoff to you" by someone who also didn't seem like an incel...
I've just been thinking about pretty much the most the most vanilla sex possible as that seems like the most likely I'd ever be to have. How many times do you think you'd need to have mediocre sex with the same girl before it could be considered enjoyable.
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
That is false, in my personal opinion. I have had sex with overweight dudes and compared to more average/fit guys, it's no contest. Fat literally makes your dick smaller (by overlapping it/it doesn't protrude as much) meaning less to play with, they get tired quicker, don't have the stamina, can't do as many positions... obviously I haven't had sex with a 'fat chick', but I imagine many of the cons would be the same. That isn't to say it's always bad, just that there are natural downsides. Plus, depends what you define as 'fat' - are we talking overweight or obese?
You will never not notice how big or small your partner is, but I guess if that other person's argument was that it's better than nothing, I'm sure most incels here would agree? Like you were saying earlier, if you ignore intimacy entirely and just see sex as a mechanic of penis in vagina, who cares right?
There is no math for this, my dude. Could be amazing then boring ever after, could be boring then you learn and things get better third onwards, who knows? Luck of the dice. Even my best sex partners have had 'off' days where it just wasn't working, and I'm sure I have too.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
I'm talking like four foot ten and over 250 pounds, that is very much in the range of obese rather than just overweight.
The point was definitely "Fat isn't noticable if you don't try to notice it" or something along those lines to which I responded that I can feel that a girl is fat by a handshake, how would I not notice during sex? My response to that was pretty dismissive essentially telling me I couldn't be sure I would notice unless I had sex with a fat girl.
I was just hoping for a usual estimate for how many times it usually takes before sex is enjoyable just so I could get even my expectations for sex to be lower.
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
As for how long it takes to be 'good', it wasn't until my second sexual partner that I enjoyed it, and it took a while with them. Again, that's just my personal experience, so. The guys enjoyed it regardless so maybe dudes have it easier and you'll enjoy it even if she takes a big longer to get into it.
I'm 5'4''/165 and consider myself on the wrong side of average, ha. I do work out a lot though and my legs are strong as fuck, so eh. I feel like girls kinda have it easy in that as long as you have an hourglass and your stomach is relatively flat, you're good, because fat distribution elsewhere is seen as mostly sexy.
I definitely am in the camp of 'the fatter your partner is, the less likely it is to be good sex due to literal body logistics'. I feel that's perfectly reasonable. Fatter partners can still be good in bed if they put the effort in though, doesn't matter how fat you are if you're hella good at oral, for example.
0 patheticsubhuman 2018-02-23
Cope. Women are degenerates
0 deliciousaltoids 2018-02-23
Your ability to see this means you aren't as stupid and scummy as the rest of them. Good job not letting your frustration turn you into a shitty person. I hope you get help and find love one day <3
0 SickMuseArrow 2018-02-23
I was like this with men, before. "I'm a 25-yo kissless virgin because men are shallow" and other shit. Nah, the truth is that I meet no one new ever and I reeked of self-hate before realizing that it was useless to be this negative. Hope I can find a fresh start now...
-1 MaleficentCourt 2018-02-23
Your problem is the fundamental misconception on these generalizations. What do you think incels are looking to make them. They obviously want an escape from reality. Why? Because for men like them, reality is filled with pain and suffering. Cold hearted women who make fun of us. Arrogant bitches who look down on us. That two timing whore that cheated on me with that convenience store manager. That college freshman that toyed with my innocent youths. Real life girls are nothing but trash.
That why it’s essential to make negative generalizations that aren’t tied into reality. Their only purpose is to fulfill the desire of those making them. Therefore, it is the sacred duty of us incels to design generalizations that couldn’t possibly exist in the real world.
-2 nontrollingaccount 2018-02-23
Most women i meet suck
2 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
-4 [deleted] 2018-02-23
-5 Zangano1 2018-02-23
Fuck off cuck, women are garbage
21 Not_unique_enuf 2018-02-23
"All women are garbage" = Cope and Sour grapes tee hee
If you think women are garbage. Why spend most of your time being bitter and resentful for about the fact that they would rather cut their own throats than kiss you?
Swallow the whole juicy black pill boyo. The truth will set you free muhahahaha
-6 trevmon 2018-02-23
cuckish comment
-6 Tallguy_87 2018-02-23
Cuck post. OP must be a roast witch casting femoid spells to indoctrinate the incel.
-7 chadbhava 2018-02-23
In the presence of chad, probably.
3 Not_unique_enuf 2018-02-23
Meh, lots of normies are in meaningful happy relationships.
-1 chadbhava 2018-02-23
Same thing, how nice a female acts is determined by the males status. They could be nice to chad, somewhat nice to normays, but that means nothing to us at all.
0 lanynz 2018-02-23
Genuine question, What do you think about someone like mother Teresa? Does that apply to her?
0 chadbhava 2018-02-23
Your logic is worse than your personality. One can be a good normy or a bad normy to other normys but both are expected by law of nature to hate incels. That does not, and rightfully should not, go into the judgment how good she is as a normy being.
Deep down you are probably thinking they “should” not be hostile to incels, for some made up moral standard, or otherwise your feefee would be hurt. Tan90
1 lanynz 2018-02-23
Ummmm calm down. It was just a question & no, “deep down” I don’t think that about incels- I don’t even think about them really.
2 TordYvel 2018-02-23
I see they rated you 4/10 and that people here thought you were "average". You could easily get a below average girl. Maybe more if you bulk up, because you currently look completely harmless. If you're also short, that's a bad combination.
1 FEDORA_GOD 2018-02-23
I really don't give a fuck about you, let alone am I pretending to know anything about you. All I know is you're just another boring loser spouting the same hollow generic bullshit incels have seen a million times.
The dumb personality shit is just a fucking meme. I know so many awful men who jump from woman to woman, often having kids. I'm sure you've seen it too.
So bored of your bullshit, blocked.
1 ceDrowRanger 2018-02-23
Ehh, some women would probably have a kink for it, and at least they have to deal with spending a lot of time as virgins just so they know what it's like and if a guy wanted to he could try taking the risk by dating one technically underage and just wait until she is of age.
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
You could also put less of a restriction on age - specifically with going for older women? Older women (like, 30) are more likely to have less interest in dating someone (or sleeping with someone) simply for status (ie having a Chad or Chad-Lite arm candy) and also have likely been through some shit with other relationships and are over it. There is no reason to limit yourself to someone who is around 22, especially if you are just looking for a bang.
But yes, I’m saying that you aren’t considering all options. You’ve literally put blinders on to anyone over 25. You’ve likely also put on blinders to fat chicks and ugly chicks, which is incredible when incels call women superficial or shallow. Only because incels are being shallow or superficial in the same breath.
1 HentaiFoeLyfe 2018-02-23
Yeah, im gonna call bullshit on that actually. Not to say they dont exist, but most incel guys are maybe a little awkward but generally not the m'lady type. I know a fair few involuntary virgins who are normal people. No one seems to want to fuck them.
Myself personally, im a bit awkward when meeting new people but i am great socially. Im funny, have plenty of friends, and am the leader of most social situations. I very rarely get signs of interest in from women though. I can really only conclude its because im fat and not the best looking.
Not all incels are like the people who post on incel boards. Most dont even identify as such. They dont have the awful toxicity seen on the sub but see the same results as those vocal incels do, even though theyre not toxic.
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
Ever heard of 'sour grapes'?
1 fashi0n4ble 2018-02-23
No, my advice is to increase the number of social opportunities you have.
Here's the visual: You are blindfolded and handed a dart. You are faced in front of a single dart board and told to throw. Bullseye represents the most ideal relationship you could ever ask for, and some of the other numbers represent other things (i.e. hitting triple 20 is a great bang, double 10 is a FWB, etc.). Not all numbers have a "reward" for playing, but, basically, if you don't hit the bullseye, there are other great "prizes." What you (a person asking out someone who has not given any indicators of interest) are doing is turning around and throwing the dart away from the dart board. What you are doing by joining communities and rec leagues and other social hobbies is expanding the single dartboard to a wall filled with dartboards.
You get it yet?
1 HentaiFoeLyfe 2018-02-23
Youre still under the false impression that, just because youre with a group you share a hobby or intrest with, anybody is showing signs of interest.
Is it okay to hit on random girls who arent interested in you now that youre all in a club together?
1 HentaiFoeLyfe 2018-02-23
Most incels dont post on this board and don't call themselves incels. They simply are but keep trying. I know a lot of them.
You know, I hear this a lot but rarely see it. Im pretty perceptive to this stuff. Most ugly guys don't get the time of day.
1 Jashinist 2018-02-23
As for how long it takes to be 'good', it wasn't until my second sexual partner that I enjoyed it, and it took a while with them. Again, that's just my personal experience, so. The guys enjoyed it regardless so maybe dudes have it easier and you'll enjoy it even if she takes a big longer to get into it.
I'm 5'4''/165 and consider myself on the wrong side of average, ha. I do work out a lot though and my legs are strong as fuck, so eh. I feel like girls kinda have it easy in that as long as you have an hourglass and your stomach is relatively flat, you're good, because fat distribution elsewhere is seen as mostly sexy.
I definitely am in the camp of 'the fatter your partner is, the less likely it is to be good sex due to literal body logistics'. I feel that's perfectly reasonable. Fatter partners can still be good in bed if they put the effort in though, doesn't matter how fat you are if you're hella good at oral, for example.