Proof that taking showers actually works.

64  2018-02-23 by rank1loser


i would smash the shit outta that baby faced mofo on the left.. right one looks like he hasnt evolved past the first generation of homo sapiens.. >.<

Ten Showers You Won't BELIEVE This Guy Took To Become A Chad

I need a new shower.

I'd recommend this one. It's well under your budget but does require a bit more maintenance than others in its class. It's served me well and the ladies can't keep themselves off me, it's getting annoying at this point.

Let chad's holy water bless and rain upon your soul!

HOPE for all incels.

I...uh.... really want that shower had now...

Amazing personality transformation

“They tell legends of the shower so powerful it could bend the very fabric of reality.”

A shower so powerful it could move the maxilla upwards...

A shower so powerful it could distort the space time continuum and lead incels to the underverse.

tfw you will never be able to bend light, altering your appearance to make you seem more attractive.

It's over.

Nooooo eggyyyyyy

Sunken in and unsymmetrical baggy eyes. I have that too. At least he's white.

I have the same eyes and hairline as him, it's over

Official Truecel certification granted.

Last time I took a shower time and reality warped around my bathroom

You look so fucking horrible.

Thats a perfect example of how you need to improve to be attractive.

Except egghead has a girlfriend.