I'm a wizard who recently discovered the incel "culture" - here's some advice and why I think /inceltears/ are wrong

89  2018-02-23 by [deleted]



O thy wise wizard, thank you for your advice.

In all seriousness, what you're saying is true. But Normans refuse to accept that there is any truth to the blackpill because it would go against their narrative. There are a lot of virgin dudes on IT, so by denying the truth of the black pill it gives them hope. It's a coping mechanism for the virgin Normans.

As a formercel, I agree with much of this, especially #4. (I still identify with incels, because inceldom isn't simply about being celibacy, but about society as a whole.)

Exactly. The dating scene through the eyes of the incel, for example.

How women make their choices is another.

Good post op. Good levelheaded perspective.

You will never look younger than you're now.

Ehhhhh. Every time I get a haircut I look way younger.

I think this is a pretty helpful and honest perspective. I hope some folks around here read this carefully. Just a couple of quick points:

  • By "your brain peaks at 24" I assume you mean when the human brain is said to stop its basic development, but that doesn't actually mean much for your intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, etc. I don't know anyone I'd consider smarter when they were 24 than when they were 30.

  • It's true that defects in offspring occur more often as parents age, but the marginal increase in risk isn't necessarily worth rushing kids before you're ready. A child to unprepared, unstable parents isn't exactly in great shape, so consider the tradeoff, here. What's actually more likely to hurt the kid's prospects?

Otherwise, thanks for sharing. I hope it's taken to heart.

Literally everything about this thread is excellent.

obligatory I’m not an incel disclaimer to preemptively discredit my opinion

What is excellent? It's a mix of confirming some obvious shit, talking about himself without saying anything informative, and retarded advice. Nothing interesting or even relatable in this.

For example this part speaks 110% for me

8) /inceltears/ will never aknowledge that for some people working on their personality is harder that "physical" things like losing weight or even getting a job. In fact their high moral ground depends entirely on ignoring this simple truth. Perhaps it's out of malice, or maybe most of them never experienced being born with low willpower or bottom-tier beta personality, so they assume everyone starts from the same position and should be judged by the same standards. It's kind of ironic since they believe in privilege when it applies to other stuff like economics or gender. "Have no willpower? Pfft, just man up and will yourself to have more willpower, it's that easy. I've never had that problem!"

9) That being said, Internet arguments are a waste of time. They affect absolutely nothing in real life and will consume the time you could be spending doing something enjoyable.

I agree with 8 but it seems almost like it's there just to remind us that OP is one of us because the rest of the points are almost all relatively meaningless platitudes that could be summed up to - focus on other stuff and love yourself. Point 9 falls under that.

You’re excellent.

This post is complete crap. I even take back my last comment, that was mild, I reread it and this is just same shit as always but he says he's a wizard like it would make it any less annoying?

You deleted your other comment as I was replying to it. The reply was as follows:

I think a tl;dr would be “you guys are right about everything but instead of ldar just try to chill and see if it works instead bc you can’t fix shit” What’s wrong with that? It’s a perspective more or less completely aligned with this sub’s talking points besides the endgame.

I won't "chill" because my life is shitty and is quickly evaporating, and I won't "see what works" because nothing works. It is already broken and ruined.

Then he can just shut the fuck up rather than still try to spin nothing into advice, and by the way that's not at all what a tl;dr would be. I deleted it because I don't want to get into this right now. I shouldn't talk.

if we're right, why not ldar, and how is that different from "chill and see if it works"? If what works?

I’ve actually never heard anyone claim that life is fair.

Sure, but at the second it applies to a progressive cause it's "EVERYTHING MUST CHANGE OR ELSE WE ARE LITERALLY DYING".


IT is literally IMAX projection level incels. They are in conscious denial of their neckbeard and landwhale status but subconsciously know they are subhuman and refuse to accept it.

It's over for inceltears

IT is literally IMAX projection level incels.

With 22.4 Channel Surround-Sound Smart-Field Echo-Chamber Technology®

IMAX projection with best in class 22.4 Channel Surround-Sound Smart-Field Echo-Chamber Technology®

That's why I come here lol. What fun is an echo-chamber, I like to spend my time in the wild.

Incel philosophy takes truths and extend them to their extremes as a reaction to those who want to silence the truth. The mythical truecel embodies the purest truth, and he is worshiped here. Inceltears is a natural response to cognitive dissonance we create. I hope a wise wizard such as yourself won't get too negatively affected by all this.

Take any individual incel and you likely won't find them to hold any extreme positions even by normie standards. There are so few of us and so much external interest and so rarely a non-confrontational interaction between us and them that the incel story is told by people who have never even spoken to a single one of us. Besides the suspended judgement that comes with the thirst for feeling outraged, I think this disconnect is responsible for the myth that incels are pro-rape.

Actually just through linguistics you can be almost certain that this is the case because it's not phrased as pro-rape but almost always expressed that we 'advocate rape'. A strange way of describing the actions of people who only discuss things among themselves, and evidence that they aren't describing something they've seen firsthand but repeating a phrase they've read elsewhere.

What are your health issues? What is your age? Why are you giving advice?

I don't really think he gives advice but rather gives us his perspective. It looks like advice though. OP, care to clear the confusion?

Points 1-2 : sounds like he's trying to define a truecel

Point 3: unclear, sounds like advice through making a point

Point 4: blatant cliche advice/patronizing

Point 5: patronizing and cliche as fuck, want to punch him

Point 6: whatever, boring, now he's just jerking himself off on playing a life guru like they all do

Point 7: blah blah bot mode

Point 8: He remembers to remind us he's one of us lest we forget after all the crap he just wrote.Still boring.

Point 9: I want this to stop, he is even repeating himself repeating cliche advice now

Point 10: No comment

I hate him, this post is same crap as always but wrapped in a sympathetic "I'm a wizard" package. Who the fuck likes this shit?

I see your point but I don't think it's that bad. Still, let's see how OP will interact in this sub. He might as well be from /r9k/.

You got me dude (or dudette). I'm completely unoriginal. Now buy my self-improvement books and support my Patreon pls.

Yes, punch him for saying there is more to life than sex, that'll learn him.

You can call it giving advice or giving my perspective, whichever you want. I just thought some robots who are younger than me might find this helpful. Feel free to ignore if you think it's fake and gay. I'm in my early 30's (hence "wizard").

Some will deffo ignore it but I for one thank you for your perspective.

Finally some actual good advice for once. Thank you op. You're a real one for this.

fake and gay

What if one is a cutecel?


Same. Part of me just wants to die alone and not burden anyone. I am pretty sure I will take my own life one day anyways. But I live on in the hope that science will cure my asthma and I can at least live the second half of my life with less suffering.

I've lived most of my life as a volcel because I wanted women to stay away. I have a wonderful gf now but I can't help but worry that it will all go to shit.

I just got this very nice comment after posing as blackops2cel and asking someone if I ever had a chance of genuine love:

No, I think this is a case of mostly self-defeating prophecy.

You've probably been mistreated by so many women that you've become bitter at the lack of equality compared to other men. Nothing says "fk you, you don't belong in this world" like the female gender of your species not showing any romantic interest in you whatsoever. it can feel like the ultimate insult and disapproval of you as a human being... it is not, though.

Truth is, for EVERY male specimen out there, there is a female who is wired to be physically and emotionally attached to them. This is a law of nature.

Women have an incredible natural ability to love ANYTHING and ANYONE. You see it with women dating ugly men all the time or fat men... or men of a different race... or men of different age, etc... Society and culture manipulates those feelings and tells women some of these feelings are good and some of them are bad and some of them are unacceptable.. but deep inside... they do have this undeniable ability.

It's up to you to find that one woman who will appreciate you and love you for your weird quirky self.. she's out there.. in fact there are probably a few dozen of them out there... but it's up to you to find her, and that will take more risk and more exposure... which will take much courage.

As a dude who is into women, I can see something about you that is pretty insanely unique and attractive... i've got no doubt the right woman will see something too

whoever originally wrote this is the king of cope

women date ugly/fat/different race men because those men are rich lol

for EVERY male specimen out there, there is a female who is wired to be physically and emotionally attached to them. This is a law of nature.

Historically only 40% of men reproduced and this is prior to contraception

Truth is, for EVERY male specimen out there, there is a female who is wired to be physically and emotionally attached to them. This is a law of nature.

It is an infantile fantasy, not a law of nature.

Truth is, for EVERY male specimen out there, there is a female who is wired to be physically and emotionally attached to them. This is a law of nature.

wow never knew about this law of nature

Yeah, I don't agree with it. I don't believe there's couples who are "meant for each other".

b-b-but it's a law of nature


Truth is, for EVERY male specimen out there, there is a female who is wired to be physically and emotionally attached to them. This is a law of nature.

We're not characters in a story where you know the plot and you're giving us spoilers about how we'll meet our soul mate characters eventually. Talking to incels this way shows a real lack of respect for us.



the incel ideology

reminds me of "the german ideology" for some reason, we should write books


The German Ideology

The German Ideology (German: Die deutsche Ideologie) is a set of manuscripts written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels around April or early May 1846. Marx and Engels did not find a publisher, but the work was later retrieved and published for the first time in 1932 by David Riazanov through the Marx-Engels Institute in Moscow.

The multi-part book consists of many satirically written polemics against Bruno Bauer, other Young Hegelians, and Max Stirner's The Ego and Its Own (1844). Part I, however, is a work of exposition giving the appearance of being the work for which the "Theses on Feuerbach" served as an outline.

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Lol stopped reading when you said personality can't be changed. I changed my personality from submissive little bitch to a dominant alphamale in 4 years.

t. chadcel

people naturally expect you to act like an alpha male because you look like one. imagine being an ugly 4'11" indian man with a recessed chin and trying to act "alpha" in america

Honest question: does your new personality feel as natural as previous one, or do you have to "remind" yourself to be this way? I'm just sceptical because it always felt like larping to me, and all those succesful pick up artists looked like losers pretending to be alphas.

just take a shower bruh

  1. Take a shower. 2. b urself 3. the rest is history

Perhaps it's out of malice, or maybe most of them never experienced being born with low willpower or bottom-tier beta personality, so they assume everyone starts from the same position and should be judged by the same standards. It's kind of ironic since they believe in privilege when it applies to other stuff like economics or gender. "Have no willpower? Pfft, just man up and will yourself to have more willpower, it's that easy. I've never had that problem!"

As a left-wing incel this is the thing that just bewilders me the most and I'm glad you pointed it out.

I've been approached by women out of my league

Stopped reading here.

I've been browsing /r9k/ for just a couple of weeks and it has made me more depressed than I've been in a decade.

I always wonder how such fragile people function in the real world.

Why would you use newspaper articles when providing source for your claims about the genetical factor of personality traits? Newspapers tend to interpret studies in a way that will maximize the interest of potential readers but also distort the actual results. This makes them a lot less credible.

Whats a wizard

30+ year old virgin

4) If you're a true incel, don't make it your "identity".

I don't.

5) This sounds corny, but there's more to life than sex and relationships.


6) It's not over if you're 17, 20, or even 25.

I'm 35

but confidence and other alpha qualities may compesate for that - to an extent.

I "may" win the lottery, but I don't go around thinking that it will happen.

10) Last but not least, learn to love and respect yourself.

I already do, but I still want to die. Only getting a girlfriend will change that, but I'll never get one. They choose suicide for me; all I'm doing is playing out what they already put in motion.

personality - which is determined by genetics, as studies have shown

There are also studies that say women know within 3 seconds whether they'd sleep with you, yet most of the girls I dated over the years were not attracted to or otherwise interested in me when they first met me.

Being in good mental health will change your life in ways you woulnd't believe.

Lol, You are a literal fucking idiot.

Psych drugs fucked me more than anything else. Therapy is a scam.

So go fuck yourself.

IT is literally IMAX projection level incels.

With 22.4 Channel Surround-Sound Smart-Field Echo-Chamber Technology®

Truth is, for EVERY male specimen out there, there is a female who is wired to be physically and emotionally attached to them. This is a law of nature.

wow never knew about this law of nature

Truth is, for EVERY male specimen out there, there is a female who is wired to be physically and emotionally attached to them. This is a law of nature.

We're not characters in a story where you know the plot and you're giving us spoilers about how we'll meet our soul mate characters eventually. Talking to incels this way shows a real lack of respect for us.

whoever originally wrote this is the king of cope

women date ugly/fat/different race men because those men are rich lol

for EVERY male specimen out there, there is a female who is wired to be physically and emotionally attached to them. This is a law of nature.

Historically only 40% of men reproduced and this is prior to contraception



Truth is, for EVERY male specimen out there, there is a female who is wired to be physically and emotionally attached to them. This is a law of nature.

It is an infantile fantasy, not a law of nature.