Twitter Blackpill

66  2018-02-23 by KuroRX


If they didn't make fun of men for loving anime, justneckbeardthings wouldn't have a subreddit.

That sub is great

I just see it as nerd hating subreddit.

The only people there that really get roasted are the ones that are actual creeps. The rest is just goofing

Yeah. If by creep you mean ugly.

No, just creepy personality

Ok, ugly guys then.

You're not the quickest learner

I think you need to get your eyesight checked.

Nice one

No, there I have seen post pictures of ugly men with no neckberd context or anything of the kind in the sub

I've never seen any of that

Because you're obviously biased.

I still stand by what I said.



It’s a bullying sub just like IncelTears.

Then go back there

Just did, it's cool

Stay there, too.


Because why not. You're not adding anything of value here.

Neither are you

I try to defend reasonable folks here.

You spout anecdotes and mock people.

Come again?

You and I have very different definitions of the word "reasonable"

So kettenrae isn't reasonsable? Or Inceldenza? Shadowcat? destiny-draw? What abour IQ9k? Or incelvester?

All of them people I talked to, all reasonable folks.

I don't know who most of them are, and the ones i do recognize are nuts

Uh huh.

Still not spouting the hate they supposedly deserve to be shat upon for from what I see.

That last part made very little grammatical sense

It does, actually.

Your point?

Thanks for fixing it

You're welcome.

Now do everyone a favor and leave :)


Not going to repeat myself. I already told you why.

So then I'll just stay

Why stay when you add nothing of value to any conversation here?

Stop being coy.

So do you

Are you seriously going to constantly repeat yourself? How clever

Answer me this: how are useless anecdotes and mockery adding to the situation?

They probably aren't, but if that's enough to get kicked out of this sub no one would he here

They probably aren't

Then why the fuck are you here, only doing those things?

Passes the time during work

So you're just here for entertainment and to aliveate boredom instead of actually doing something worthwhile.

That's exactly why you should leave. You can get your kicks elsewhere for christs sake.

But what would I gain from leaving

More time to do shit that's worthwhile instead of being a dickweed on the internet.

I'll just be wasting time some other way. My job is pretty laid back and there isn't much to do

Then piss off to another sub to get your kicks instead of pissing fuel into the fire here.


Still being a coy dickhead. Expected as much.


Case in point then :)

A dude I talked to on here was right when he said that you're hilariously predictable.





Try harder.

Why are women so fuckin stupid and fake?


Usually it's two different girls that provide different reactions. It's not the same person.

no, its the same girl but different reactions based on looks. Saw it a lot.

LeBron James is not hot tho. He's just a rich celebrity

Are you insane? Micheal b Jordan is an absolute ride, and a brilliant actor, which is another attractive quality.

Like, if you want to say you personally don't like his looks then that's fine. But he's a bona fide heartthrob, so to say his looks are objectively bad is insane.

55 year old bald black man.

You might be thinking of Michael Jordan the sports personality. Michael B Jordan is the actor from the Wire, Fruitvale Station, and most recently Black Panther. He's about thirty.

Also bald suits some people. Also is black an unattractive quality now?

Naw lmao

I’ve never seen a girl who was disgusted by anime

5' 11" manlet

Man you guys need to get off tinder, that is NOT where the fun nerdGirls are. I met my first gf through a Ravenloft tabletop game. She was one of the best DM’s I’ve ever played with, and had great taste in anime. She got me into a lot of good shows.

Seriously. Tinder is garbage. Most dating sites are. They’ve never worked for me either - it seems like a bunch of people that just kind of talk about hypothetically doing things and then never doing them. Flakes are so not hot.


LeBron James is not hot tho. He's just a rich celebrity