Imagine being this cucked

33  2018-02-22 by Zangano1


Fucking non-stop beta orbiting attention. There is no hope anymore.

Gamer chicks are all dudes

Your time is counted cucks

These betas are the real sexists, think about it. Why does he even bring up the women in the kitchen stereotype in the first place?

Because some ppl besides him have said that you dunce

No, because he knows it's true. He's a wolf in sheeps clothing employing a beta R-selected mating strategy.

Why do Reddit normies like using the word “tis”. It’s so pretentious, lame and unattractive.

What does normie mean? I ask because I thought it was short for normal people, but now I'm confused.

It is, but like every term born on the internet, it got weaponized by the outliers. Best way to put it would be it means normal, but in a bad way. Round here, seems to be interchangeable with cuck. It'll have slightly different connotations depending on the sub.

The only thing lower than an incel is a cuck.

Incels are not low brah

To be fair, we are pretty low.

You perhaps. I am superior to most people.

Keep telling yourself that.

I am.

Wow no wonder you dont get any

What a dumb fuck. I bet he’d be a terrible, emotionally abusive bf too. Typical IT poster.

Probably .4 kd too. What a shitter

She probably posted him to r/niceguys.



companion piece to "m'lady"

So many of them. Then they believe we should such their dick because they said "hello" twice and call us sluts when we refuse.

You would if he was chad.