How I know that I'm objectively ugly (story).

47  2018-02-22 by Hodgey54

In school we had a maths test, that's like a nationwide competition. Me and few others did very well; we were in the top 10 in the county. I felt so proud of myself and showed my family how well I did. So the school wanted to take pictures of us and put it on their website, they hired this photographer and made us do these dumb poses The day when the article was published on the website, I was so excited, but I should have known that ugly people don't deserve to be happy. They put a few photos in the article including one with all of us posing together, except the I wasn't in any of the pictures. I could only see my arm. Yes, that's right. They cropped me out of the picture. Out of all the photos they took that idea I wasn't even included in not of one the pictures in the article. Someone actually took the time to crop me out of the picture, my name is in the article for god's sake! All my friends were joking about it but I was actually hurt. I didn't even speak a word of that article to my family after that day.


Fucking brutal man.

XD. can totally relate. my friends once took a group selfie and cropped me out. didn't hang out with them since.

I'm tall as hell and stood on the side of the girl I went to a ball with, along with another couple which were friends of hers, equally short. That girl cropped my head out of a photo. I know I'm not the most handsome, but she didn't even have the decency to crop me out completely. I just laughed it off but the girl I went to the ball with was extremely embarrassed about this.

Gtfo fakecel

Edit: meant to say day, not idea.

Rope is cope.

All copes lead to the rope.


Shit dude, same happened to me in the school newspaper lol. I made it to nationals for this thing called DECA (it's like business club basically) and to get to nationals you need to place top 3 in the entire state for your event. They put in 2 pictures, w/ names, of people who placed top 10 at state and people who were going to nationals. I was in both pictures, and I just happened to be conveniently cropped out of both. They also didn't include my name in the captions of one picture, and spelled my name wrong in the other one.

This is the stuff which causes school shooters. Absolutely disgusting.

You'd shoot people over something like this? Really man..

I wouldn't, but I understand how being repeatedly direspected and mistreated like this could develop into a rage.

Those who claim they want to stop murderous violence, instead of banning firearms/knives should focus on the root cause instead - make it socially unacceptable to disrespect people for their bodies, regardless of sex, age, race and so on.

Despite that gun control has worked in every other country that pursued it?

It hasn't. Countries with the strictest gun control have the highest murder rates. Same goes for states in the US.

Despite that gun control has worked in every other country that pursued it?

Yes, look at these success stories: Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union, Mao's China, North Korea, Pol Pot's Cambodia, etc. Other than genocide of tens of millions of people by governments that have a monopoly on force, what could go wrong?

i am sorry

oh man, this brings back memories of people cropping me out. Only incels would understand this

I went to a club once with a female friend and her group (who immediately abandoned me the second they stepped inside, after I paid for their entry, lmao) and once inside I sat down on one of the couches to speak to a girl who turned away and ignored me when I spoke. I got a drink after five minutes during which time Chad and Stacey behind me were served before me, and then in a stairwell between the club floors a Chad tried to goad me into a fight by calling me a faggot and flicking my hair. The club photographer seemed to be avoiding me and when I checked the photos the following morning I was cropped out of every single one. He took some very artistic shots to avoid including me.

JFL@ leaving the basement as a subhuman in 2012

I paid for thee entry for a whole group of roasties

I went clubbing as a sub-average male

JFL at you man.

They tricked me by asking for money at the door when the pressure was on. A truly pathetic moment for this incel.

Unless you were under the influence of psychoactive substances, there is no excuse for this cuck behavior.

My feminist single mother made me eat a bluepill with each meal

fuck off dont bully your incel brother

Then I am an incel (a girl tho) because it has happened to me and I understand it!

You do not understand it and you are not an incel. If you were truly ugly that you were cropped from photos no one would have sex with you and as a femoid that would be false.

People have cropped me from photos because I was the least attractive person in the photo and made everyone else look bad. Guys have used me for sex because I have low self esteem and at the time wasn't assertive enough.

boohoo being used for sex

It's comparable to a guy being used for his physical strength or money or something. It doesn't feel great, especially when it appears to be an an inescapable pattern brought on by the moral failings of others.

It's funny that we are never used for sex though

...and you treat failure to give you what you want as a moral failure.

What's sad about this is that it doesn't even make you special - this kind of rottenness is typical for ITers like you who lead easy lives and face no hardship...

I treat blatantly and knowingly lying to another person in order to manipulate them into something that will be of marginal and temporary benefit to the liar and likely immeasurable harm to the recipient of the lies as a moral failure.

No one is morally obligated to love me or even like me but I (particularly as an honest person myself) deserve, at minimum, to be dealt with in an honest manner. I.E The guys that told me one thing knowing damn well they would do another the whole time were robbing me of my agency for their own selfish benefit.

The fact that you have the twisted gall to suggest that it was a failing on my part can be seen as testament to the depravity of males in general and you in particular. If there was any mistake on my part it was in trusting the words and surface actions of men claiming to have romantic intentions for a 4.5/10.

P.S- I'm not even subscribed to IT.

you have the twisted gall to suggest that it was a failing on my part

Ultimately, it was you who chose to trust those men because of your attraction to them. Sure, you can blame them for lying to you if they did (although let's be fair here - you're lying about that), but the fact that you chose those men and chose to judge their character on their physical attractiveness is entirely your responsibility.

I know you probably aren't nearly intelligent and aware of the world outside of yourself enough to understand this, but hot guys are people too. And people have no moral obligation to act a certain way just because you're attracted to them.

I'm not even subscribed to IT.

That kinda makes you more disgusting, not less. Even without interacting with the hivemind, you're essentially identical to other members of it. It's disturbing.


Lmao. You're a femoid so dumb you're unable to make choices? They didn't use you, you slutted it up because that's your nature.

They lied, misrepresented, and preyed upon my vulnerabilities in an inhumane way.

Sounds hot. Wish I could have been one of them.

We aren't likely to cross paths but I'm sure there are disadvantaged women in your city- be that due to emotional or mental problems or simply economically disadvantaged. So, go ahead and pursue your goals. Try hanging out in front of care homes for the mentally ill or maybe your city has a methadone clinic you can troll. Everyone's a victim if you're a big enough piece of shit!

Oh I would love to but sadly not even poor or mentally ill girls are willing to be with a subhuman like myself. I can only dream.

Don't you miss your "abusers", thought? I could bet my life you felt good while it happened.

I'm sure there are disadvantaged women in your city

There are. I've met them. Funnily enough, they all date exclusively attractive, fit guys and are usually pretty vocal about their disdain for men who don't fit their rather strict standards. Funnily enough, I, a very unfit, unattractive and unmasculine man ended up dating a very conventionally attractive woman.

This chick is actually equating herself to people in care homes LOL. Women truly are children. Whenever they make a decision they regret they're a victim and have no agency, and were "vulnerable" and "preyed upon" LOL. It's hysterical.

preyed upon my vulnerabilities

You mean you had something of value that they wanted (vagina) and you gave it up and didn't get what you wanted in exchange lol.

You are displaying the mindset of a prostitute and lowest common denominator type thinking. Not everyone looks at romance like that.

You're complaining about giving guys sex and not getting what you wanted in return.

Not everyone looks at romance like that.

It's irrelevant how they "look at it". That's the reality.

You're certainly going to die alone or be an escortcel with that mentality.

Tell me something I don't know.

lol @ denying the economics of relationships, or indeed everything. You're literally complaining about guys saying they'll do shit, having sex with you, and then welching on the deal.

Yeah saying they care when they don’t. Not promising to retile my kitchen or build me a porch and then not doing it. It’s different.

at leasy someone wanted to stick it in you so you are not incel

I'm sure there are dudes that would be willing to "stick it in" you as well so you are volcel.

Wow. So you're not only selfish to an unhealthy degree, you're a homophobe too. Just to get this out of the way - do you torture kittens too?

I'm not a homophobe in the do sound like a fussy little faggot right now though.

It's not about whether you identify as one. It's about whether you are one - and you are. Because you hold homophobic views. You bigot.

Calling you a fussy little faggot has nothing to do with how I feel about guys who prefer the romantic/sexual interest of other guys. Your obsession with how I feel about gay people is weird and you should focus on captaining your own ship instead of worrying what flag mine is or isn't flying. Believe me when I say this: If I had any issue with dudes that fuck other dudes I would have no problem admitting that publicly. The fact is I don't care if consenting adults want to stick their dicks in each other's asses.

Calling you a fussy little faggot has nothing to do with how I feel about guys who prefer the romantic/sexual interest of other guys.

It does, but it's really you previous comment that reveals the contempt you hold for homosexual people, or at least homosexual men. And you don't even realize it - you really think that it's completely okay to treat them that way.

Your obsession with how I feel about gay people is weird

Nothing weird about calling a bigot out on being a bigot.

K. Well, make sure to leave room for a cock when you shove your easily offended and poorly structured opinion of me up your own ass then.

Baby, that's not my opinion, that's just the facts.

My opinion, if you're interested, is that you are a piece of shit and people like you shouldn't even exist, let alone be showered with the amount of free stuff that gets wasted on you.

yo Carkudo

oy vey



And there are femoids willing to call you beautiful, cuddle with you, spend time with you and give everything you want from a guy.

Was than even English?

Lower your standards

I, an able bodied American woman, have literally been turned down romantically by the following: a quadriplegic, an absolutely freakish trailer park looking white trash gyspy, and several morbidly obese guys.

Comments like this always gets me curious.

About what?

How ugly can you be?

no, I'm prolly a point and half better looking than pig lady but I have emotional issues that drop me back down in my overall datability score.

Emotional issues are fixable issues. Most of the malecels you see here have physical issues. As a 3/10 Femoid, if you fix out your emotional bitch problems, you can get a 6/10 male.

A 3/10 male can get his hand or the rope.

Just realize that femanoids using the I word is equivalent to whites using the N word, it's offensive when you use it. That's why the term volcel exists.

Try dating healthy ugly guys.

I have. They start feeling good about themselves that they found a 4.5/10 that treats them decently and it gives them the confidence to try for a less embarrassing gf.


You're lying about dating ugly guys

This might shock you but...there are plenty of non petite ugly guys in the world. I will date ugly guys, I just draw the line at keebler elves.

So you'd rather stay single than date an ugly small guy (which isn't a high bar to clear, tbf). Is there anything fixable about your appearance, or did genetics frown upon you?

There are things I could fix. Injectables would help a lot since mine have worn off...but it’s very expensive.

Do those really change things that much? And yeah, they're probably not worth it in the long run

They help massively with some things.

an able bodied American woman, have literally been turned down romantically by the following: a quadriplegic

It takes a lot to make Incels look good. Well done.

What do you mean?

Hahaha, baby, no, you don't. This is a discussion about suffering from chronic pain. You've stubbed your toe a few times in life and like to think you understand chronic pain because you see it as a medal of honor, which in turn shows that you do not understand it, since no one suffering from it would ever see it like that.

I love how the establishments that are meant to nurture their pupils and teach them the ills of judging on looks fall flat on their faces during these sorts of moments.

Disgusting. Also you're talking about the maths challenge right? Well done man, scoring in the top 10 nationwide is an incredible achievement, I can't believe those fuckers would take that away from you.

Yeah it was the maths challenge

It's to be expected, whether I was in school or Taekwondo or daycare I was mistreated for being ugly as fuck.

Is this the Maths Olympiad? I got a silver award, couldn't believe it.

Damn you must be smart as shit. Those questions are fucking hard. What are you doing today?

Nothing to do with maths... My mum's a maths teacher, she was very proud.

Are you talking about IMO . 3 days 3 problems per day.?

No it was the national stage, all done at school. I think we had a team from the sixth form go to London for the finals one year. It was 20 years ago now, I don't know if things have changed.

It's over

member in highschool yearbooks, the cool kids have tons of pics, we just get the one by our name

Ah.. Mogging a million curry nerds in the nationals. Brings back fond memories. Currycell92 's finest hour. Fills me with pride to this day.

I have friends that have done this to me on Facebook, pictures of us hanging and me conveniently enough not in the photos when I know I was there when the pic was taken. Another friend who I'm on snapchat with, goes as far as to muting the videos where I'm talking in on the ones he has snapped and added to his story, so he doesn't show that I'm that he's hanging out with me...

Sorry to say, but he’s clearly not your friend :(

Yeah he really isn't

Our class won a competition and they told me to go up and pose. But i have only met rejection. Idk what this means, but maybe i just have a shit personality. Most people have told me i am nice though, so i don't know what the fuck is going on. I feel like people tell me one thing and act differently. That is how i know i am ugly :(

“Ugly people don’t deserve to be happy”

Beautiful people don’t deserve anything either. Without an accomplishment there’s no price.

I was just pointing out how stupid that sentence is.

Not looking to reminisce about 100 level philosophy courses.

Oh I see, sorry.

Man, that’s fucked up. I mean, it’s not a fashion magazine or some shit, who gives a fuck what you look like!

We live in a lookist world, welcome.

The editor must be a female.

you still got the link man?

It was a long time ago, it's not there anymore.

sorry that happened to you, but you should still feel very proud of what you did

i got cropped out from snapchat when i was in the pool with my friends

Yep, getting cropped out of photos and having photos of me excluded from social network galleries and stuff was and is one of the big indicators that appearance is a big problem for me.

Damn, that's brutal brother. My condolences.

I started pretending to be camera shy after I got cropped out. It was easier than sitting still and smiling as they took the shot then made sure I wasn't in it.

My ex (still virgin so fuck off) has literally zero pictures of us together.

I always try to delude myself into thinking I am not ugly, but it never works because reminders are always thrown my way, I have been cropped out of many pictures and at times people didn't even want to take pictures with me at all, sorry this happened to you man, people can be cruel.

Yeah it was the maths challenge

Damn you must be smart as shit. Those questions are fucking hard. What are you doing today?

It's to be expected, whether I was in school or Taekwondo or daycare I was mistreated for being ugly as fuck.

I, an able bodied American woman, have literally been turned down romantically by the following: a quadriplegic, an absolutely freakish trailer park looking white trash gyspy, and several morbidly obese guys.

Are you talking about IMO . 3 days 3 problems per day.?

You are displaying the mindset of a prostitute and lowest common denominator type thinking. Not everyone looks at romance like that.

You're certainly going to die alone or be an escortcel with that mentality.