Sure thing

43  2018-02-22 by sadricecel


Lena Dunham should be exiled.

To the sun.

I’ll agree with that.

Praise the sun! [T]/

But you are right though. She should be exiled!

yea was bout to say.. i wouldn't give any credit to anything Lena Dunham says.. man, woman, cat or dog.. that lady is fkn nutz

Thing women don't lie about: sister fisting

I believe her.

Didn't Lena Dunham also defend a male friend accused of rape by saying the woman who accused him was lying?

She did something along those lines. Hypocritical cunt.

She molested her own sister as well.

pics or it didn't happen

how come an incel be acused for rape ? this thing only concern normies

how come an incel be acused for rape ? this thing only concern normies

If a woman wants the easiest target to get sympathy, attention, and emotional validation from framing, she'll select an ugly low status male. If she's wants extra points from the man being higher value and wanting her so much he supposedly has to resort to rape, then she'll go after normies and Chad-lites.

lol redpillers are so funny copers , a women will not accuse a subhuman of rape she will not want to tell others that a goblin touched her

LMFAO..."she will not want to tell others that a goblin touched her."

You really think incel humans equate to goblins and other mythical creatures?

if you dont look like a goblin or an ogre you are not incel

shrekcel here

shrek cels are a very useful in the front

gollumcel over here we like to hang back

goblincel and golumcel are also useful we will build toghether with ogrecel INCELISTAN and wear roman clothes we would have a huge place where blackpill philosophy would be debated in the streets and we would live happily for ever

we all need new names I call Aristotlecel

like Weinstein. if she accuses a chad no one would believe her.

You don't have to have sex with a woman for that woman to accuse you of rape.


Don't have to talk to them either

they can get accused all day, falsely of course

Ill never understand how females can be so stupid

Speaking as somebody who has had to deal with false allegations before, the sheer number of people who believe this shit is truely depressing.

Women are a running joke.

Because this one case where a woman does it is totally accurate for EVERY single rape instance right?

What the fuck is the picture on the right even supposed to portray and how does it relate to rape someone pls help I am a brainlet

do you mean on the left brainlet?


lena had a writer on her girls show, a guy accused of rape, she says the woman lied!

Did this dense bitch use a picture of the classic rape hoax of Joseph and Potiphar's wife to say that women dont lie about rape.

Lena Dunham is ... an odd one.

Why do women lie about what they ate for lunch?

Its a joke

She did something along those lines. Hypocritical cunt.

lol redpillers are so funny copers , a women will not accuse a subhuman of rape she will not want to tell others that a goblin touched her

LMFAO..."she will not want to tell others that a goblin touched her."

You really think incel humans equate to goblins and other mythical creatures?

She molested her own sister as well.

like Weinstein. if she accuses a chad no one would believe her.

do you mean on the left brainlet?

I guess because woman "always want to be thin and are ashamed of eating unhealty" or something lile that.