Im guessing your one of those numale inceltears posters. Getting cucked and fucking trannies mighy be normal things in your social circle, but its not anything i would even entertain the idea of doing.
I’m just a normie, I don’t wish to make fun of incels except for when they condone rape. I never fucked anything other than women but I do think some trans girls can be attractive to look at. So I’m just wondering why am incel wouldn’t be interested in some hot transsexual is they can’t get any women to fuck.
1 zielony4 2018-02-22
I get notifications like that, and when I check, it's all BOTS that match me lol.
1 5f2BaldIndianJanitor 2018-02-22
No, I deleted that dratted app long ago
1 gufestus2 2018-02-22
Lol. I get messages like these. Then I swipe. And nothing. Uninstalled that shit long ago.
1 rubbish_everywhere 2018-02-22
I once got a message that said I got 20,000 likes
1 Stoic_Stranger 2018-02-22
I'm sure hot girls get messages at that rate.
1 rubbish_everywhere 2018-02-22
Lol you’re right. I was trolling as a hot woman on tinder
1 cartersweeney 2018-02-22
I'm too ugly even for the bots it seems
1 Board_Gaming 2018-02-22
1 AntiAbleism 2018-02-22
Only recently.
1 KhalilYousuf3 2018-02-22
I only match with bots and philipino trannies
1 microagressorcunt 2018-02-22
Did you ever hook up with one of those trannies?
1 KhalilYousuf3 2018-02-22
Hell no
1 microagressorcunt 2018-02-22
Why not?
1 KhalilYousuf3 2018-02-22
Im not gay
1 microagressorcunt 2018-02-22
What if they don’t have a penis anymore?
1 KhalilYousuf3 2018-02-22
sorry man, not into anything degenerate
1 microagressorcunt 2018-02-22
Is that degenerate?
1 KhalilYousuf3 2018-02-22
Im guessing your one of those numale inceltears posters. Getting cucked and fucking trannies mighy be normal things in your social circle, but its not anything i would even entertain the idea of doing.
1 microagressorcunt 2018-02-22
I’m just a normie, I don’t wish to make fun of incels except for when they condone rape. I never fucked anything other than women but I do think some trans girls can be attractive to look at. So I’m just wondering why am incel wouldn’t be interested in some hot transsexual is they can’t get any women to fuck.
1 Incelvester 2018-02-22
Excellent meme!
1 TheMubarak1 2018-02-22
Yes, and it's bullshit. All dating apps use this tactic to keep you around betacucking for them. They sell hope to the hopeless people.
1 foreignincel3 2018-02-22
1 raywilliam639 2018-02-22
"Hey good looking"
1 yoquis 2018-02-22
As a subhuman midget i dont even get to be aknwoledged by females
1 diosdaddy 2018-02-22
Those exist? DAMN
1 microagressorcunt 2018-02-22
What if they don’t have a penis anymore?
1 microagressorcunt 2018-02-22
Is that degenerate?