Her looksmatch rots while she hides behind makeup and chases chad. It's over.

32  2018-02-22 by throwaway192200


I facemog this femoid's natural looks and yet I don't get the attention of femoids irl. Yep, definitely hypergamy.

Because natural looks don't matter, no one will ever see what she actually looks like

True. That's why femoids conceal their faces in order Chads better.

Why do you call them "femoids"? The correct term is women.

Haha, are you a femoid or a triggered white knight?

I'm curious. What's the idea behind it?

Women don't have empathy so we call them femoids.

And you guys wonder why you won't get laid.

Triggered much, femoid? You will never understand the incel emotional pain.

Come on you gotta be trolling at this point.

If you're actually serious: you will probably never understand that being an asshole doesn't help when trying to get laid.

Lies, only Chads are allowed to be assholes with femoids. But when others do it, they are labeled virgins. Yep, so much for double standards.

You aren't "labeled" virgins - you ARE virgins. Because you are assholes.

I'm not particularly good looking and still able to have sex - cause I don't act superior towards the other gender.

You guys don't even see the irony in saying "Women don't have empathy - that's why we insult them all the time". It shows that it is indeed YOU that lack empathy.

The good thing about all of this is that this (small and irrelevant) "movement" will eventually die out since you aren't procreating.

Nice come back. Anyways that you are able to have sex. Oh I forgot, you feel so bad about yourself that you can only attack incels. Go away failed normie and be happy getting cucked.

I mentioned it because that's all your pathetic movement is about. The idea of “not hot“ == no sex.

And that's bullshit. Deep inside you know this already but are too afraid to leave your safe zone to try and actually experience the world yourself.

I hope you someday get better, I really do. Because while this shit sub and the idea behind it should be illegal, I'm sure you can better yourself and actually be a valuable part of society if you really want to.

Haha, keep on coping. Try being a 5'3" short man. Women laughs at you behind your back, when you are trying to be confident.

How would you know that if it's behind your back?

Maybe stop approaching the women that are taller than you then? Not all women want a taller guy, but many do.

Do you honestly believe that it should be illegal to have a place for ugly men to vent about their lives?

Open use of hate speech is what should be illegal, which is exactly what is done here. Treating women as subhumans because you are not dense enough to understand them is the problem, nobody cares about your ugliness. That's the whole point and what you guys seem to be unable to understand.

How can you seriously say no one cares about ugliness? Jesus Christ. Maybe look around in the world and see what happens to other people besides yourself. Also I can't imagine more than a couple people here are actually rude to women in real life. This subreddit is all venting with some misogyny. I'm not saying that's good but no one here is a threat. I also really fucking hate censorship of any kind so I've got an issue with that myself.

Really, that's your takeaway of my comment?

The point was that “ugly people venting“ is not the problem of this sub, which is exactly what I said.

That's not all I said you nugget. Blocked.

Reasonable and mature reaction, as was expected.

We won't get laid because we're ugly, not because women can sense our posts on an anonymous internet forum

Like I mentioned multiple times: because you are assholes, your appearance is 100% irrelevant. Just like you are if you are not willing to change.

how will anyone know im an asshole without talking to me? why is it that women avoid me at all costs when they dont know a single thing about me? why do they give me dirty looks for literally no reason? why do they literally laugh at me without knowing that apparently im an asshole? hmmmmmmmm

being an asshole has never stopped a woman from fucking a man

And where is your proof for that dumbass statement?

I was an asshole towards the woman I loved once and she stopped dating me - so that is already disproved.

Your problem is that you generalise everything.

OF COURSE it's easier for a good looking and nice guy to get a girl. Makes sense doesn't it?

It also makes sense that a guy that is charming and confident can get women to like him, even when he isn't that good looking right?

Now why would you ever think that thinking lesser of women and treating them as subhuman would greater your chances?

You don't look good - tough luck, no 2 positive aspects for you.

But why get rid of that one positive thing about you that you can still influence and use in your favor?

And where is your proof for that dumbass statement?

Every single woman who has been in an abusive relationship or been raped by their boyfriend is my proof.

I was an asshole towards the woman I loved once and she stopped dating me - so that is already disproved.

Why did she start dating you if you were an asshole?

Your problem is that you generalise everything.

Because it's easier to talk about general trends than it is to point out specific percentages of how relevant things are.

OF COURSE it's easier for a good looking and nice guy to get a girl. Makes sense doesn't it?

Oh so looks are what matter? Hmm that's weird normies keep telling me that women don't care about looks.

It also makes sense that a guy that is charming and confident can get women to like him, even when he isn't that good looking right?

No it doesn't, since that doesn't happen. "charming" to women is being good looking. An ugly man can say the exact same thing in the exact same way to a woman that a good looking man would, but the ugly man would be charged for sexual harassment and the attractive one will be taking a new girl back to his house.

Now why would you ever think that thinking lesser of women and treating them as subhuman would greater your chances?

Because no matter what, I'll have 0 chances. And again, there are men who think low of women and treat them as subhuman who fuck PLENTY of women (you do know that men who abuse women have plenty of sexual partners in their lives right?), but they are either attractive or wealthy.

You don't look good - tough luck, no 2 positive aspects for you.


But why get rid of that one positive thing about you that you can still influence and use in your favor?

Because there isn't anything that women care about but looks, so why change something for women when women wouldn't give a shit?

I'm only going to refer to the first part since the rest is basically you feeling sorry for yourself: where is your proof that it has “never stopped women from having sex with an guy“? I literally gave an example that says the opposite. That's what I meant with generalisations: they are just straight up incorrect (which should not be hard to realise).

My fucking ass face mogs her after a diarrhea blast yet her SMV is like 8 because of thirsty numale neckbeard nobodies

The only thing that's attractive to me are her eyes.

Clearing the acne and that sore on her lip would boost her like 3 pts.

It's your personality. Her socially-capable looksmatch is doing fine. "girls aren't dating me" does not mean "girls never date guys as ugly as me"

Someone ban this cunt.

Muh personality

Women don't care about personality, they regularly fuck men who literally beat them

So? That's personality too. Just because you think it's the wrong personality doesn't mean it's not personality.




I thought we were supposed to be the misogynists

Maybe "caring about personality" involves not wanting to date shy men. Why do you think shy = good personality?

Nigga who the fuck says I'm shy? I have hobbies, I'm outgoing, I'm funny, I'm passionate. None of this shit matters to women unless you're attractive.

What's keeping you from getting women if you're not shy? There are ugly men who slay.

None of this shit matters to women unless you're attractive.

None of this shit matters to women unless you're attractive.

None of this shit matters to women unless you're attractive.

None of this shit matters to women unless you're attractive.

None of this shit matters to women unless you're attractive.

None of this shit matters to women unless you're attractive.

None of this shit matters to women unless you're attractive.

There are ugly poor men who slay.

oh god, looking through your post history:

At least men can compensate being ugly because women are interested in a variety of qualities - intelligence, success, status, wealth, talents, personality, humor, etc.

Men ONLY want hot girls. The hotter their partner, the happier they are.

you genuinely believe these things dont you? despite all the evidence that women judge men more harshly on looks, despite the fact that youre on a subreddit full of men who will literally be with ANY woman? you ACTUALLY believe women care about anything more than money and looks?

that explains why you think we're not trying hard enough here. you actually think women care about personalities and interests hahaha

You don't understand sex. Sex has no value for women. They are giving it up to men. Of course if you have oranges to give away for free you can find a taker. But if you're a taker good luck finding someone to give you their oranges. That doesn't prove anything other than women are more giving than men and that's why there are no female incels.

You don't understand sex.

yes i do

Sex has no value for women.

lmao YES it does.

They are giving it up to men

women disagree, its actually a huge feminist point that women enjoy sex just as much if not more than men do.

Of course if you have oranges to give away for free you can find a taker.

okay, so this is what men do

But if you're a taker good luck finding someone to give you their oranges.

but the givers are giving oranges away for free, you literally just said that. its not hard for women to grab these oranges for free from men, as men have very low standards for women.

that doesn't prove anything other than women are more giving than men and that's why there are no female incels.

no no no, men are giving away to women, but since those women have all the options for their free oranges, they only take from the men who are giving away the BEST free oranges. So that leaves all the men with their bad free oranges, while the givers with the best oranges get ALL the women to take from them. THATS why there are no female incels, because all men are free givers.

The other reason there are no female incels is because women, as you point out, accept dating men who treat them like garbage.

because they have the best oranges.

Meanwhile the incels categorically refuse to be used as beta bux by lying whores who won't sleep with them.

because they never even have the change. we're still holding all of our free bad oranges.

That's on you.

that women arent taking my free oranges? how is that on me?

It's good that men have that degree of self-esteem, but incels are incels because of male entitlement.

i dont even know where you drew this conclusion.

Clearly you can't understand a freaking metaphor.

lmao i simply made your metaphor more accurate to real life.

Sex has no value for women.





Its not even debetable

XD So you really seen my pic. The problem is women disregard me because of short height. I am just invisible to women.

Whats your ethnicity bro?

I consider myself Caucasian, but I am also Hispanic.

Take more showers and you will be aryan 😉

XD, I still can't believe that everyone agrees with my comment on facemogging her.

"nice guy avoiding cream" aka "chad attracting cream"

They live life in tutorial mode.

I feel like almost all women wear makeup, even ones who date nice guys, no?

Still gorgeous without makeup.

I don't even like the bimbo makeup.

She looks barely average. You just confirmed the "just don't be a landwhale" theory.

Are you kidding me? Aside from the acne I don't know what you can find fault with.

No, I'm completely serious. Most people here can't rate female faces. She's literally plain jane, just not overweight. A lot of guys will automatically assume that a girl is really hot if she's just not fat while men have to meet 2545 criteria. With my face there is also nothing particularly wrong, just not a single chaddy feature that's why it's barely average too.

Nailed it. This girl literally only needs to be not a whale and she has plenty of options.

Meanwhile, endless gymcels get overlooked. JFL.

Eyebrows, hairline, maybe the lower 1/3rd.

Aside from the acne

Why are you "asiding" the acne? The acne is what makes her far from gorgeous.

Acne destroys a male face. Show me a good looking man with acne.

Face is symmetrical, nose is small, everything is pleasantly shaped.

"incels completely ignore the existence of non-Stacies" confirmed

Face is symmetrical, nose is small, everything is pleasantly shaped.

Wow, that's a pretty accurate description of my face. I must be a huge Chad then because people here say she looks "gorgeous".

What's wrong with your face then? Show a picture? Personally my nose is shit, my jaw is shit, my smile is shit, my forehead is shit and my eyes are asymmetrical, so that girl mogs me. I appreciate such harmonious features even if her skin is shit. Are you sure you don't overrate yourself?

I wouldn't trust my own subjective rating abilities so I let truerateme do the job for me using the PSL scale (of course I posted it anonymously). An average 5/10 rating is not even closely enough for a male to be considered attractive these days. This girl looks completely average but even some incels here praise her gorgeousness.

But her looksmatch could get a girlfriend. All the guys I've dated were below her looksmatch.

Femoid faces don't matter. Their bodies have innate SMV, male bodies do not. This isn't difficult.



People here can't rate females. Every females who is not fat will be automatically perceived as an insta model.

After seeing those redditor meetups she is a 10 compared to them.

Yeah dude, because of their bodies. That's the point of these posts.

Still pretty, I like'm a bit rough

Looks like a postcard of chernobyl without makeup and with it she looks like one of these snapchat/instgramm whores...

I guess this is what guys expect women to do ...

Not to the point of women believing that they are more attractive than their looks-match. Same thing goes for women wearing high-heels.

She is certainly suffering from PGS (pretty girl syndrome). PGS is when ugly women feel entitled to the same treatment as actual pretty women. Yeah, we will fuck you, but, we are never going to date you. Thats why they hate men. Looksmatch would be best for all involved.

Huh? Don't you mean the other way around. Of course they will date their looks-match, but not do them.

I'll date any girl, if you won't be with an ugly girl you are volcel

you are not a virgin lol

Hiding behind masks? Absolutely not.

No, we like attractive girls, with or without makeup. As a girl, if you’re ugly, you can literally DRAW ON YOUR FACE to fake being attractive. We don’t expect women to do anything, women does this to compete with each other.

No, this is what you do to yourselves, competing for Chad.

Honestly, I'd rather see what a girl naturally looks like instead if being caked in makeup.

No, we don'tvexpect them to literally paint on a different face


Chad here, would fuck her without makeup because wet holes are fun. Thats the difference, we have no standards. You guys seem to want a pure virgin teen. Well guys you're going to have to settle for a fucking 12 year old because american women don't make it to 13 with hymen intact. Fuck anything that will fuck you.

Thanks now go away



Chad here

LARPing incel confirmed.

Day 27, they have yet to notice me.

Chad here



In what way?

Well that's the problem no woman will fuck me. As soon as she hears I'm 30 and never had a GF she runs for the hills.

Are you unable to drive, own a car, live on your own?

Never had the time to get a driver's license. City is very crowded & I don't really want to own a car at this time. Live with flatmates, but have lived alone and will live alone again.

Guys that fuck pussy dont buy nice stuff for themselves. They buy it to attract more pussy. If not owning a car is standing between you and pussy, buy a car.

Or just give up. I can't compete with Chad in his 20s. Not even for women my age.

I don't care if women wear makeup or not, if you ever end up getting girlfriends, don't expect them to be wearing makeup all the time. She looks cute without makeup, I think she overdid the makeup a bit tbh


what? Lmao

Look at my doenvotes. It started as agreement with you then insults to the angry ugly fatties that got mad at my comment.

what was your original comment?


She looks cute

Show me a guy with acne who looks cute pls

Ever heard of Crank Gameplays?

I'd fuck him.


And "internet famous guy I'd fuck" =/= cute/good looking.

He's cute. Deal with it.

Are you a gay dude? You'd fuck anything.

I'd fuck Crank Gameplays.

They always say there's one guy who'd you fuck. In all seriousness, I think that's a funny idea and a good way to say that I admit the bastard is attractive even though I am not in any way gay.


Whatever floats your boat mate, my girlfriend would be very surprised to hear that evaluation though.

Still. That word doesn't really have any negative connotations, so... like I said, suppose what you will.

Agreed...artistically it's very well done, but I would bet money that in a higher quality picture with bright lighting the effect is a lot cakier and less natural. Full coverage foundation is a bitch to work with.

I appreciate that the lips still look realistic, even if the shade is a bit darker. Overdrawing can take you from zero to IT real quick if you're not careful.

Agreed. I think it's just that I'm old enough to have awful memories of using brown liner to outline my lips as a teenager in the early 90s. Im starting to see it again....gah....

A moment of silence for your innocence and my sanity. Lol. I know there have to be ways to pull it off, but I have not seen brown liner work for ANYONE.

The hardest mog I've ever seen

Then why don't you just wear makeup too?

Just run makeup game, bro

Just run clown game, bro

Makeup doesn't change facial features. She has bad skin.

Your attitude can change your face. I've been angry my whole life, and I look like someone who has been angry for their entire life. I look like a bad person because I am a bad person. I have supervillain cheekbones, dark circles under my eyes, and a perpetual scowl that requires effort to conceal. Women are ugly underneath their makeup because they have thought ugly thoughts for their entire lives just as I have.

Keep it Up, there is nothing hotter than good looking dark villain with pointy cheek bones

Actually it can change a lot more than you might think.

It doesn't. Contouring is obvious cope.

Because it's not socially accepted for men. Nobody will think that you look better, they will ask you to be their new gay best friend. Everything to improve your looks is not socially accepted if you are a man, because females only go for non-changeable traits like bone structure or height. Hell as a man you will even get mogged for wearing hair pieces.

Who cares, just wear makeup anyway. Don't overdo it and nobody will notice. Watch youtube tutorials if you don't know what you're doing. Worst case, they'll just think you're gay or something. Women love gay guys. Get in the habit of keeping your jaw separated inside your mouth to flatten your cheeks and accentuate your masculine cheekbones and give the impression of a longer face with a stronger jaw. Keep your head tilted slightly downward to give your face an aggressive edge. Also, wear shoes that make you look taller, like badass logging boots. Oldest trick in the book.

Ever heard of concealer? It’s just skin-colored paste that can be used to cover up flaws and nobody’s gonna notice it. And sure, bone structure matters more, but which do you think is better: bad bone structure and bad skin, or bad bone structure and good skin?

Wearing makeup takes hours and hours of practice to get it right. I don't think many guys would have the patience for it.

JFL. Most incels talk all day long about plastic surgery and how to improve their looks to become competitive in the contemporary dating culture. They would easily spend thousands of dollars to do that. Learning to use make up would be the least problem.

Wearing makeup takes hours and hours of practice to get it right. I don't think many guys would have the patience for it.

so in other words they are volcel

Men who wear lifts to compensate for their height are mocked, as are men who wear toupees. Why wouldn't society laugh at men who conceal their true selves with makeup? Women are basically allowed to do whatever they need to enhance their look in public with their hair, shoes, makeup, bras and clothing.

Women are basically allowed to do whatever they need to enhance their look in public with their hair, shoes, makeup, bras, jewelry and clothing via fraudulent means.

You say "allowed," I say "compelled." A much higher level of grooming is required of women just to be taken seriously. If you choose not to wear makeup as a woman, you pay for it--literally.

...research showed that attractive people tended to earn higher salaries. But that wasn’t all. Their research suggested that grooming – practices such as applying makeup and styling hair and clothing -- was actually what accounted for nearly all of the salary differences for women of varying attractiveness.


For a woman, failing to wear makeup is judged as sloppy, unprofessional, etc. There's a lot of cultural pressure to go along.

Don't get caught.

Because most girls hate men who wear makeup, and can tell immediately. Masculinity is still a thing.

Because women think less of men who do

Its over

She's basically wearing the mask of a conventionally attractive woman when she doesn't have to. This girl would have men lined up around the block for.

I wish I were exaggerating.

You dumbass Incels miss the point. The make up doesn't change her self-esteem. If she is a 4 and you're a 4, you can get her.


Maybe in a perfect world. But her self-esteem is probably extremely high because when she posts a random picture on instagram she will get huge validation and lots of comments telling her how gorgeous she is. Her looksmatch will inevitably think that he's looks barely human because only insta chads get some validation from females.

No, no you can't. Because women think 7/10 men are 4s.

Horseshit. I'm a brown 5'9 guy who consistently has punched even or above my own looks.

sure man, whatever you say

Feel free to go through my post history. I'm married now with a kid. So, I'm not just bullshitting.

Still cute; not exactly beautiful nor will she ever be. She's always gonna shoot for some guy out of her own league, however. Typical.

Her makeup skills are pretty impressive.

I find it sad when a cute girl with freckles feels the need to cover them up.

That's not freckles, it's hella acne

If only makeup worked on men. Then you too could make a fake photo

People here can't rate females. Every females who is not fat will be automatically perceived as an insta model.

Who cares, just wear makeup anyway. Don't overdo it and nobody will notice. Watch youtube tutorials if you don't know what you're doing. Worst case, they'll just think you're gay or something. Women love gay guys. Get in the habit of keeping your jaw separated inside your mouth to flatten your cheeks and accentuate your masculine cheekbones and give the impression of a longer face with a stronger jaw. Keep your head tilted slightly downward to give your face an aggressive edge. Also, wear shoes that make you look taller, like badass logging boots. Oldest trick in the book.

Women are basically allowed to do whatever they need to enhance their look in public with their hair, shoes, makeup, bras, jewelry and clothing via fraudulent means.

You say "allowed," I say "compelled." A much higher level of grooming is required of women just to be taken seriously. If you choose not to wear makeup as a woman, you pay for it--literally.

...research showed that attractive people tended to earn higher salaries. But that wasn’t all. Their research suggested that grooming – practices such as applying makeup and styling hair and clothing -- was actually what accounted for nearly all of the salary differences for women of varying attractiveness.


For a woman, failing to wear makeup is judged as sloppy, unprofessional, etc. There's a lot of cultural pressure to go along.

But her looksmatch could get a girlfriend. All the guys I've dated were below her looksmatch.

Ever heard of concealer? It’s just skin-colored paste that can be used to cover up flaws and nobody’s gonna notice it. And sure, bone structure matters more, but which do you think is better: bad bone structure and bad skin, or bad bone structure and good skin?

Don't get caught.

Wearing makeup takes hours and hours of practice to get it right. I don't think many guys would have the patience for it.

sure man, whatever you say

XD So you really seen my pic. The problem is women disregard me because of short height. I am just invisible to women.

Open use of hate speech is what should be illegal, which is exactly what is done here. Treating women as subhumans because you are not dense enough to understand them is the problem, nobody cares about your ugliness. That's the whole point and what you guys seem to be unable to understand.

How would you know that if it's behind your back?

Maybe stop approaching the women that are taller than you then? Not all women want a taller guy, but many do.