IncelTears, CringeAnarchy, AgainstHateSubreddits, etc. when r/braincels reached 9000 subscribers

46  2018-02-22 by AnathematicAnarchist


Credit to PROLAPSED_SUBWOOFER for finding the first funny use of this meme in ten or so years.


stfu dbz will never be unfunny

Hey u/AnathematicAnarchist. Make me a mod. Board_gaming is doing all the job here. She could use some help.

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A cuckold is the husband of an adulterous wife. In evolutionary biology, the term is also applied to males who are unwittingly investing parental effort in offspring that are not genetically their own.

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Fuck off. The other mod is entirely useless. She's doing all the work here. We can use another mod.

No, AA still mods as well. The last guy deleted an Incels posts for spam, so he does stuff as well.

Ohh wait, I forgot. I was supposed to make a post about this exposing you.

Exposing what exactly?

I dunno, maybe... Your old posts I saved?

I don't know what that's gonna expose. I was a dumbfuck. I posted some dumbfuck stuff.

Hahahaha, I'm gone for half the day and I miss out on you being kicked off the mod team. TYBG AnathematicAnarchist. I am happy you are disliked by both bluepilled incels of your kinda AND blackpilled incels and how I get to laugh at you when you pretend to be a cuck and then keep getting rejected.

this, alongside krillins second death, gokus second death, and vegetas first and second death was my favourite scene.

tee hee im a girl who likes dragon ball tee hee

It’s mostly normscum

Hello fellow Indian man. Sucks that you're celibate

These would make a lot more sense if it wasn't inceltearscels, cringeanarchy, and againsthatesubreddits users making up the majority of new subscribers.

Yeah the ratio of non-incel to incel has always been 10:1.

On r/incels too?

Whenever it was public, yeah.

I thought cringeanarchy was good?! 😯

Oh, it is. The comments are cringier than the posts most of the time, but nonetheless better than this sub.

vegeta is fucking useless. getting fucked by jiren like that. i lost respect for this weak dude.

Spoilers nigga

lol vegeta has always been like that. i don't see it as a spoiler.

Vegeta is a soyboy

yeah, jiren made him his bitch.

he's 5' 5" as well lmao

Can we ban all numales?

I think we get a lot of traffic because deep down, they know we have a point (or two, or three).

Yep, they would not get so riled up if they thought we were wrong, imagine someone saying, "the sky is purple." Are you seriously going to argue with someone who says that? It also doesn't make sense these cucks say, "looks don't matter" yet would probably cry themselves to sleep if someone called them ugly, showing that deep down they do care about their looks, and they don't like them, so they spewt these lies. Some chads do it for marketing purposes but chad is generally aware

I just find you people funny

Yeah cuz we make fun of flat eathers because we secretly think they're right. Racists and Nazi's too, we secretly think they're right too. Also those fake moon landing people, fema death camps, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, templar/mason conspiracy theorists, etc etc etc.

We secretly think they're right, so we get riled up. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

"the sky is purple." Are you seriously going to argue with someone who says that?

I argue with flat earthers, so why not? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Making fun is different than arguing. There are many normies and whale roasties who have wrote literal essays to try to disprove the blackpill. Explain to me this: if physical appearance does not matter why exactly does every single person in human existence want to be attractive and almost all of us would get offended or upset if someone called us unattractive? Because deep down, we know, being unattractive is an issue, you may not downright admit this but subconsciously you care about being attractive because you know it is important. Either way, everything you mentioned except for flat earth has a valid argument for it, even racism. If their arguments were invalid, they would be discarded and ignored, period. Do you think flat earthers are taken seriously? Obviously not, because their argument is clearly invalid, ours is not, if it was people would not care about being attractive, but this couldn't be farther from reality

Very few are saying that looks don't matter. They do. There have been studies on all of the various social advantages of being conventionally attractive. What people are saying are that it's far from the most important thing in the world and generally not what people base their ultimate opinion on. That and from the pictures on here, most of you guys are fairly attractive with an insane amount of body dysmorphia and unreasonably high male beauty standards.


lol Like all incels you argue the wrong thing. No one is saying looks aren't important, there's an entire $445b industry aimed at appearance, mostly driven by women with low self-esteem, and aimed at making them look better.

Your flawed reasoning is that 'looks are everything' and 'people wouldn't argue with us if we weren't right'. Both of those are wrong. And Apollo wasn't faked, and Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is also wrong about Ancient Aliens.

We expose female nature for what it is.

lol male nature is what fuels that $445b beauty industry, what you're really upset about is that females can act like males. This has always been fucking hilarious to me, the incel nature is a hypocritical one.

Are you a male feminist? Tbh you sound like one.

what you're really upset about is that females can act like males.

Are you a male feminist? Tbh you sound like one.

lol, what I expect from incels.

male nature is what fuels that $445b beauty industry

No, men literally don't care about clothes or makeup. It's fueled by women trying to constantly out-do eachother.

Yeah that's why men spend $30b on it, they literally don't care lmfao.

Did they teach you percentages already? 30 out 445 is 7%. In other words, 93% of the beauty/fashion market is women trying to out-compete one another.

Did they teach you definitions yet, like the definition of the word literally? lol. The percentage of literally no man is 0%. lol I just helped you with statistics too!

Shut the fuck up you stupid pathetic moron, why then do I rarely if ever see black people arguing continiously on racist fora like /pol/? It's not that we don't know places like that exist.

lol did I strike a nerve there by pointing out some logic, incel?

You guys are just like the flat earthers, too stuck up your own ass to see anything but what you want to see.

Logic? What fucking logic? Are you going to answer my question, you disgusting moron?

Just because someone disagrees with your nonsense does not automatically lead to that same person being a frustrated virgin.

lol where was that said? Whenever you incels are caught in a fallacy you just make up shit to try and distract from the previous conversation.

"the sky is purple." Are you seriously going to argue with someone who says that?

I argue with flat earthers, so why not? ¯_(ツ)_/¯


You dropped this \

To prevent any more lost limbs throughout Reddit, correctly escape the arms and shoulders by typing the shrug as ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯

Jesus, you're incredibly unintelligent. When your immediate reflex on this subreddit is to call those who disagree with you incel as an attempt to discredit them, you are doing exactly what I've said in my previous comment.

"the sky is purple." Are you seriously going to argue with someone who says that?

I argue with flat earthers, so why not? ¯(ツ)

Then the problem with definitely with you if you spend time and energy arguing with flat earthers which you could further extrapolate to saying the problem lies with the antagonise the incels instead of the incels themselves. T

Now, back to my first question. Are you going to answer it or keep dodging it?

Little incel, I don't have to answer shit from you. Your question made no sense, and was just dodging the point, so why should I answer the shit you shat out to dodge the point?

"people argue with us so we must be right!" is fucking retarded, and you know it. Kthx.

Ok, you could've just told me sooner you are intellectually lacking. Would've spared me.

Yep, keep dodging incel. "people argue with us so we must be right!" is fucking retarded, and you know it. Kthx.

Babe stop. That's not what I thought of you as.

Wait don't u self identify as an incel so why is it a problem for someone to call u 1? Isn't this post an attempt to celebrate how many incels r here?

Wait don't u self identify as an incel

From where did you get this?

My bad then.

I argue with flat earthers

I argue with incels

Imagine being so pathetic you spend your time visiting "opposing" subreddits and trying to stir up shit to feel superior. JFL at you

Imagine being so pathetic you spend your time hating on women and normies to make yourself feel superior. JFL at you. lol.

I come to this forum to vent, joke around and talk with like-minded people. You're invading our space to stir up conflict and insult us. That's mentally sick behavior.

Imagine being so pathetic you spend your time hating on women and somehow call it "venting" with "like-minded people", and then have the gall to call the dude mocking you "mentally sick".

Dawg you want to see mentally sick behavior? Look in the fucking mirror, if you can stand too that is.

You're invading our space to stir up conflict and insult us.

lol cry me a fucking river, "waa you're not letting me spread hate in my safe space!"

You seem really mentally disturbed. Unnecessary anger, superiority complex and conflict-seeking behavior.

I don't usually suggest therapy but maybe you should consider it before you hurt others or yourself.

You seem really mentally disturbed. Unnecessary anger, superiority complex and conflict-seeking behavior.

You seem really mentally disturbed. Unnecessary anger, superiority complex and conflict-seeking behavior.

I really suggest therapy in your case.

superiority complex and conflict-seeking behavior.

You are the one who comes uninvited onto a forum to shoot out angry emotional posts filled with insults and profanity.

I know it goes against all you believe in, but you're not the epic fighter for logic and reason that you consider yourself to be.

You are instead a frustrated keyboard warrior who ACTIVELY SEEKS OUT people to disagree with and insult. I don't know, maybe you get off on being outraged, but it's not normal healthy behavior, no matter how you look at it.

I don't see a point in continuing this exchange. Have a good night.

I don't see a point in continuing this exchange. Have a good night.

I know it goes against all you believe in, but you're not the epic fighter for logic and reason that you consider yourself to be.

Dawg I just come here to hate on the haters. I know what I am, yall seem to think you're some great victims in life and the answer to it all is to hate on everyone else.

You're not victims, except of your own choosing.

lol I didnt even have to change the wording on that one.

Oh I got another one, this ones good too.

Imagine being so pathetic you spend your time feeling sorry for yourself and whining about how governments don't give you girlfriends and women should sleep with you as community service. JFL at you. lol.

If you like laughing at the conspiracy loons you should check out the ones who believe the sun isn't real. It's a simulator and the government is hiding the fact that the real sun died.

The only thing they can prove is that they failed 5th grade science.

Tbh the only things I see around here that get mass normie response are the posts with misogynistic content. They ignore just about everything else you post.

Lol... im fat and i got laid yesterday...

I'd be interested to see what she looks like.

Solid 7/10

nice 2008 meme

Talk about an outdated meme holy shit

It's funny in this case because it's one of the few instances where the gif actually has a relevant context beyond the number 9000. Vegeta is angry; the subs I listed are also angry.

It’s over.

your shitposts suck.


I like it



No, they aren't. Go stop bitching about women.

Go stop

This is semantically redundant. "Stop" would have sufficed.

I don't see a point in continuing this exchange. Have a good night.

I know it goes against all you believe in, but you're not the epic fighter for logic and reason that you consider yourself to be.

Dawg I just come here to hate on the haters. I know what I am, yall seem to think you're some great victims in life and the answer to it all is to hate on everyone else.

You're not victims, except of your own choosing.