Female hypergamy

93  2018-02-21 by Zangano1


My parents are human but I turned out subhuman. HOLD ME BOYOS

Its over for centaurs


Why she looking at that horse like that man?

Yea. Because as we all know every lion pack is a bunch of males gang banging a single lioness. In fact that's how it is for all mammals.

Every woman benefits from having each of her kids be from a different father. And they all peacefully organize around her.

Women are the hypergamous.

Women would routinely rape and pillage entire villages of men and gather them into their harems.

Whats your iq?

One billion five hundred twenty three million five hundred twenty eight hundred thousand six hundred eleven.


I can’t tell if you’re being serious right now. This comment has nothing to do with the comic.

That's my little cousin and he has severe autism. Please be patient with him, Thank you.

Are you sure he isn't a comment bot operating on dnns?

It's about the female hypergamy myth that's being pushed by the manosphere i.e. MGTOW and the pills

He's just being his silly old bot self. Don't mind him

Bad bot

Do you even know what hypergamy means? A lion pride is a perfect example of it but you brought it up like its a counterpoint.


Lion's live in prides made up of a small number of males, many females, and their cubs. Only one dominant male mates with all the females, and males which aren't the leader of a pride are outcasts and live a nomadic lifestyle.

Yea exactly. Among mammals women are not hypergamous. Men are.

You literally just are saying this with zero indication you actually understand what hypergamy is, it's not wanting to shag lots of members of the opposite sex. Hypergamy is the practice of pairing up with somebody socially or financially superior to yourself. Women with higher socioeconomic status decide that their available marriage prospects decrease because they don't want to marry somebody of a lower caste. That's hypergamy.


That's such a massive cope. It is just objectively ridiculous that this generation of all generations would the manosphere claim that women are hypergamous.

Prior to the Civil rights movement of our parents generation they were legally bound to be hypergamous.

Women were allowed to vote but they will were not financially independent. They had to see men as meal tickets and their choice in men would determine their caste. That was just the objective standard a generation ago and ever since women's lib they are finally free from that.

Why would this "movement" suddenly complain now when they were fine back then? And why would they want to go back in time to the 1950s?

There is an undercurrent to the ideology that makes it abundantly clear what it's really all about. The overt attack on Women Lib and overt racism makes it so obvious that it's just a bunch of rich white guys angry that they keep getting cucked by the gold digger floozies. So of course they're gonna wanna claim that women are treating us the same way they're treated and they'll target men who are struggling to scam them into their folds.

How else would they claim things are rigged when things are the least rigged it's ever been? By undermining any other choice that women make but them.

They completely ignore this aspect:


There have always been incels but among every other class of men things are better than they were a generation ago.

Ok you have to understand there's a colloquial meaning to hypergamy here, it's evolved linguistically to mean "better than" in the context of this sub; more attractive, stronger, faster, more money, whatever. Women not needing to be gold diggers to survive nowadays is 100% true, but they still have innate reproductive value due to being the bottleneck on reproduction. This is something they can leverage into casual sex (and sometimes kids) with a more attractive guy while keeping another guy for resources. You're dumping a ton of unrelated opinions on a meme about cucking.

This is something they can leverage into casual sex (and sometimes kids) with a more attractive guy while keeping another guy for resources. You're dumping a ton of unrelated opinions on a meme about cucking.

It's not irrelevant. Obviously if we're transitioning from a time when women NEEDED to rely on men for resources there will be a lot of cuckage happening among that class of people and they're gonna complain that their women are just leaving them because they're ugly or are chasing exotic cock.

The implication is that now that women are financially indecent they must be only after Chad or Tyrone. Because all men are is LMS.

Theres no other way they can spin it to make it seem bad

Female lions literally pair up with the next dominant male that comes along you dolt.

Only if the last one is dead and gone.

Are you aware of why you are stuck in the lions when there is abundant evidence that women are evolutionarily disposed to loyalty?

Wait. Is the horse of a higher social status than the man?

He's taller

You literally just are saying this with zero indication you actually understand what hypergamy is, it's not wanting to shag lots of members of the opposite sex. Hypergamy is the practice of pairing up with somebody socially or financially superior to yourself. Women with higher socioeconomic status decide that their available marriage prospects decrease because they don't want to marry somebody of a lower caste. That's hypergamy.


That's such a massive cope. It is just objectively ridiculous that this generation of all generations would the manosphere claim that women are hypergamous.

Prior to the Civil rights movement of our parents generation they were legally bound to be hypergamous.

Women were allowed to vote but they will were not financially independent. They had to see men as meal tickets and their choice in men would determine their caste. That was just the objective standard a generation ago and ever since women's lib they are finally free from that.

Why would this "movement" suddenly complain now when they were fine back then? And why would they want to go back in time to the 1950s?

There is an undercurrent to the ideology that makes it abundantly clear what it's really all about. The overt attack on Women Lib and overt racism makes it so obvious that it's just a bunch of rich white guys angry that they keep getting cucked by the gold digger floozies. So of course they're gonna wanna claim that women are treating us the same way they're treated and they'll target men who are struggling to scam them into their folds.

How else would they claim things are rigged when things are the least rigged it's ever been? By undermining any other choice that women make but them.

They completely ignore this aspect:


There have always been incels but among every other class of men things are better than they were a generation ago.

This is something they can leverage into casual sex (and sometimes kids) with a more attractive guy while keeping another guy for resources. You're dumping a ton of unrelated opinions on a meme about cucking.

It's not irrelevant. Obviously if we're transitioning from a time when women NEEDED to rely on men for resources there will be a lot of cuckage happening among that class of people and they're gonna complain that their women are just leaving them because they're ugly or are chasing exotic cock.

The implication is that now that women are financially indecent they must be only after Chad or Tyrone. Because all men are is LMS.

Theres no other way they can spin it to make it seem bad

Female lions literally pair up with the next dominant male that comes along you dolt.
