Average inceltears user

57  2018-02-20 by Zangano1


They cope with mass media and materialism.

Oh my God. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black.

Your entire world view is just an extremist version of mass media bullshit.

You see the world like a 12 year old star struck girl.

The entire reason why incels are incel is due to over media saturation. This has been pointed out so many times.

You see through exactly the eyes of the media. You believe their every stereotype. Your science is corporate SEO marketing gimmicks.

Neomancr the Bot to the rescue.

I thought I was the super secret husband. Or is that last week? The legend loves on. I'm a cyborg now apparently.

Somebody's keep being the literal autist as always. You do you, /u/neomancr-boo.

Incels coping by relying on the only social clout they have. The fact that other incels are desperate to believe anything other than reality.


Just block me if you don't wanna see my comments. Im not directing my comments toward you people.

You guys just created a perfect soap box to expose what the pill ideology is all about. There are normies here who want to know what this is all about as well as non black pilled incels

Unfortunately your red pill and MGTOW peers have a zero tolerance policy toward heresy. So I have to at least give you credit for at least believing in free speech as much as you really don't, but the mods do

Just block me if you don't wanna see my comments. Im not directing my comments toward you people.

Literal autist, yet again.

You guys just created a perfect soap box to expose what the pill ideology is all about. There are normies here who want to know what this is all about as well as non black pilled incels

You seem to have created an elaborate scary cult of "the black pill" but are you able to distinguish between trolling, memes and actual stuff? Do you know what's real? How do you know what's real and what's not?

Also lol at "you people". Say "y'all" and you're perfect.

You have no clue what this is. Others are starting to see it.


You have no clue what this is. It's an extension of the manosphere.


Here they're promised nothing but support trump, wasp values, uphold old world ideals, attack civil rights and promote the police state.

Introducing a divisive political figure - check, ranting about bad whitey - check, progressivism for the sake of progressivism - check, nonsensical claims - check.

Yep. That's the manosphere for you. Don't act surprised. You know black pillers are all racist as fuck and anti women's lib. And wasps aren't just "whitey" they're the authors of lms and eugenics culture.

Yep. That's the manosphere for you. Don't act surprised. You know black pillers are all racist as fuck and anti women's lib. And wasps aren't just "whitey" they're the authors of hyper lms and eugenics culture.

No I don't. Beyond your incoherent ramblings I've yet to see any veritable source with regards to hyper lms and eugenics culture.

Are you actually familiar with how the eugenics movement was born? Do you know that selective breeding is a concept from which eugenics stems from? Do you know the aims of eugenics movement? How exactly is it connected to a subculture that unifies people with zero lack of romantic success and disgruntled divorcees, as well as the larger issues of the Western society with regards to equality of sexes in the eye of the law?

Every message from you is prime /r/iamversmart material.

The manosphere is a political movement with a very clear narrative

If we are to posit that "manospehre" is a political movement, it is possible to subscribe to certain aspects of it without being absolutely committed to it.

Yep. That's the manosphere for you. Don't act surprised. You know black pillers are all racist as fuck and anti women's lib. And wasps aren't just "whitey" they're the authors of hyper lms and eugenics culture.

No I don't. Beyond your incoherent ramblings I've yet to see any veritable source with regards to "hyper lms and eugenics culture", which I suspect is just a product of your imagination.

Go ask what lms is here and at the TRP sub.

LMS is their acronym for what makes a man valuable to women.

Are you actually familiar with how the eugenics movement was born? Do you know that selective breeding is a concept from which eugenics stems from? Do you know the aims of eugenics movement? How exactly is it connected to a subculture that unifies people with zero lack of romantic success and disgruntled divorcees, as well as the larger issues of the Western society with regards to equality of sexes?

Go research PLS culture. What are the terms? LMS states that looks > money > status.

PLS claims to have the perfect Nazi superman ideal male and female.

It's based on male models mixed with hyper masculinity.

They are also extremely honest about their racism except they claim that women are all racist while pretending like the factors of the last 100+ years are irrelevant.

Every message from you is prime /r/iamversmart material.

The manosphere is a political movement with a very clear narrative

If we are to posit that "manospehre" is a political movement, it is possible to subscribe to certain aspects of it without being absolutely committed to it.

If 10 people each believed a little of an agenda as a while they would push the agenda. That's how political parties work.

Most people don't believe in 100 percent of the democratic or republican stances either.

Ummmm, sure. That and a pair of testicles.

You’re joking, but perhaps your right.

What's PLS?

Pua hate lookism and slut hate came up with a perfect eugenics male.

That's why all the "Chads" all look the same and have squinty bad boy eyes.

I'll rephrase. What is the meaning of the abbreviation "PLS"?

Pua hate, Slut hate, Lookism

He unironically believes he's figured out some grand conspiracy made by """"pillers""""; he actually thinks there's some form of ideology and agenda being pushed, kek. He's absolutely insane, he sounds like a 9/11 nutter

He actually might have some sort of mental problem. And if anything, Rosenhan's Experiment shows that it takes a mad person to recognize a mad person.

Please link owen video

Cool yea watch it.


I didn't know there was pua stuff like this. It's really good.

The last pua stuff I saw was all script stuff that was really cheesy. This is pretty deep and insightful

I used to be really into his stuff for many years..he is a great motivational speaker and i would listen to it and get my hopes up only to be crushed over and over again..

i eventually gave up and well you see where i am now.

The Ultimate Cope

No it's very true.

Spectator culture does create the personality type that causes a lot of men issues.

It comes from being constantly battered by PC culture and then being told that you should be an asshole. Then instead of realizing its all bullshit, as a viewer that doesn't even seem poke an option so the conclusion is "I tried everything I saw and it didn't work so it just he the next thing I saw!"

Women are psychopaths.

You really don't think that there's a hit of phantom hostility here?

You mean magical reddit history reading abilities? No I don't think so.

If you're talking about something on reddit, that'd have nothing to do with anyone being ugly. In fact the only people I see calling others ugly are incels.

The position of most normies is that being conventionally attractive is just one thing kind of like speaking another language is sexy to a lot of women too.

Women refuse to have sex with us, leading to a lifetime of depression and anxiety.

Women are psychopaths that hate ugly men over something they can't control.

You you don't see too many gay men offering to fuck you. Back to the phantom hostility point.

Women have proven through out history to be the most accepting. To this day women are the ones who are far more likely to rebel against racism which is the state creating stereotypes in attempt to control women.

Back during the early 1900s the media were tasked to vilify Asian men and depicted them as villains in propaganda pieces. It back fired so badly that several commercial codes and laws had to be passed to prevent them from sympathizing with the "yellow peril".

They inadvertently invented the bad boy sex symbol and in a panic had to correct course and created the evil old cel fu Manchu, started depicting the coolies who built the train tracks as feeble scrawny effeminate men etc, banned the depiction of interracial couples in fiction etc. All this had to be done and consistently pushed for the next 100 years to ensure that the stereotypes would take hold and the racism would work.

It takes so much effort to turn women against men the state deems as disgenic because women are way more empathic than men.

The ugly is evil and good is attractive trope is another set of standardized stereotypes that the media push.

That's why even in a Disney cartoon mufasa and Simba are attractive lions and scar is so ugly he even wears make up which is a reference to the makeup is evil trope.

Although the state and it's media try to control us, it only has limited impact but the fact that all his is necessary should demonstrate to you that women are not inherently hateful of ugly people at all, were all just really heavily conditioned.

You you don't see too many gay men offering to fuck you.

Heterosexual men don't enjoy sex with other men. Heterosexual women do enjoy sex with men. I don't expect gays to fuck incels because they are incompatible. There is nothing incompatible about a heterosexual woman being with a conventionally unattractive man instead of a goodlooking guy. Unless you are trying to suggest that women are hardwired to only enjoy sex with goodlooking men?

Women have proven through out history to be the most accepting. To this day women are the ones who are far more likely to rebel against racism which is the state creating stereotypes in attempt to control women.

Unless you're ugly, in which case women have no trouble whatsoever judging people based off of their appearance.

Back during the early 1900s the media were tasked to vilify Asian men and depicted them as villains in propaganda pieces. It back fired so badly that several commercial codes and laws had to be passed to prevent them from sympathizing with the "yellow peril".

They inadvertently invented the bad boy sex symbol and in a panic had to correct course and created the evil old cel fu Manchu, started depicting the coolies who built the train tracks as feeble scrawny effeminate men etc, banned the depiction of interracial couples in fiction etc. All this had to be done and consistently pushed for the next 100 years to ensure that the stereotypes would take hold and the racism would work.

So you should know what it's like. There are countless movies out there showing conventionally unattractive men as creepy and inhuman, and the chadbourgeoisie always saving the woman from his creepy abuser.

White incels have nothing to do with the white chadbourgeoisie, btw. They oppress us too.

It takes so much effort to turn women against men the state deems as disgenic because women are way more empathic than men.

The ugly is evil and good is attractive trope is another set of standardized stereotypes that the media push.

That's why even in a Disney cartoon mufasa and Simba are attractive lions and scar is so ugly he even wears make up which is a reference to the makeup is evil trope.

Although the state and it's media try to control us, it only has limited impact but the fact that all his is necessary should demonstrate to you that women are not inherently hateful of ugly people at all, were all just really heavily conditioned.

I completely agree with you. Humans are largely the product of their environment. Advertising is a good example of humans reacting predictably to their environment.

However, the problem arises when women are enlightened of the struggle of incels yet still won't help us. At this point we can only draw two conclusions:

A) Women are born psychopaths

B) Women were conditioned into being psychopaths

When I say women are psychopaths, I mean B, not A. I say women are psychopaths in order to get people to admit that there is a problem in the way women behave towards ugly men in the 21st century.

I wanna see that video and this is a good post

We are like this because women are bitches who treat us like shit, it doesn't matter what media we're into, that fact will get to you. Why wouldn't a woman want a guy with money rather than one who doesn't have money? Why would women go for someone who is not just not sexually attractive but actively a turn off? They don't have to look at actual male models because they will just have guys going after them anyway so they can just choose from the plenty of options they get and odds are some will be attractive. Women won't be attracted to guys who are ugly, there is one consistent thing about everyone who has been attracted to me and it's all that they've never seen me, they have always been people I met from close gaming communities that I'm a part of.

What you're saying is a different thing than what black pill alleges.

According to the lms black pill ideology women can't even be attracted to you unless you look like it claims all men should, at least within a narrow margin.

The LMS ideology reduces men to 3 stats.

You can see form a mile away that if a group of men all only care about 3 stats, it'll lead to a Ponzi scheme of cuckdom

According to the lms black pill ideology women can't even be attracted to you unless you look like it claims all men should, at least within a narrow margin.

But the thing is, they DON'T see how I or anyone else looks and that lets their imagination run wild with what I look like. They don't know how much money I have, but they think they could gauge how much I make based on my status and ability to rise in status... but they don't know about my real life status so they have to judge it based on how quickly I climb in status online which I do pretty well in reasonably small groups online like the ones I hang out in. One of them was even already in a relationship when she started showing attraction and I started flirting with her and in under a week she dumped her girlfriend and started Cybering me. she said she was "over" long distance relationships, so she considers me just a friend with benefits, took her a while to answer when i asked what she considers me though and she's close enough I'd be able to change her mind on consider me long distance. The girl interested in me before her looked absolutely adorable in my opinion and even went through the effort of acting differently for me.

You can see form a mile away that if a group of men all only care about 3 stats, it'll lead to a Ponzi scheme of cuckdom

...What are you? You don't seem like an incel but your use of the term cuck makes me think you are. That said I don't see much women could care about other than those, I'm lucky enough to have been able to fake them all by showing signs that I am quickly able to rise in status.

According to the lms black pill ideology women can't even be attracted to you unless you look like it claims all men should, at least within a narrow margin.

But the thing is, they DON'T see how I or anyone else looks and that lets their imagination run wild with what I look like. They don't know how much money I have, but they think they could gauge how much I make based on my status and ability to rise in status... but they don't know about my real life status so they have to judge it based on how quickly I climb in status online which I do pretty well in reasonably small groups online like the ones I hang out in. One of them was even already in a relationship when she started showing attraction and I started flirting with her and in under a week she dumped her girlfriend and started Cybering me. she said she was "over" long distance relationships, so she considers me just a friend with benefits, took her a while to answer when i asked what she considers me though and she's close enough I'd be able to change her mind on consider me long distance. The girl interested in me before her looked absolutely adorable in my opinion and even went through the effort of acting differently for me.

You can see form a mile away that if a group of men all only care about 3 stats, it'll lead to a Ponzi scheme of cuckdom

...What are you? You don't seem like an incel but your use of the term cuck makes me think you are. That said I don't see much women could care about other than those, I'm lucky enough to have been able to fake them all by showing signs that I am quickly able to rise in status.

Looks matter and status are interchangeable qualities. If a woman were to chase only those things there would be no end. What would stop her from cucking anyone for a man with a higher amount of one or multiple of those values?

The pill ideology is aware of this which is why they're all so afraid of being cucked all the time

Looks matter and status are interchangeable qualities. If a woman were to chase only those things there would be no end. What would stop her from cucking anyone for a man with a higher amount of one or multiple of those values? It's common knowledge, nothing you just discovered isn't some amazing revaluation you've discovered. I don't see what point you are trying to make.

That it's a fraud. The culture sews the seeds to its own misery then creates a cycle that makes it appear real.

Of course a bunch of men who are struggling who gather and preach that while harping on each other's insecurities will create a vicious cycle where the same men will keep coming back from and claim that it's women who are hypergamous.

If a man were happily married for 1000 years and suddenly swallowed the red pill he'd begin acting like an insecure possessive idiot, start applying "Dread game" and "spinning plate game" etc he'd end up destroying his own relationship and chasing his woman away.

The manosphere is a hyper conformist cult who idolizes 1950s wasp values. The same values that are leading to the extinction of wasp culture today

Look who's being all salty.

Pro tip.

Use the other kind of salt to ignite a war between the ants and the snails and slugs.

I did that once back when I was a mod on the old incel sub. Seeing you people fight among yourselves was glorious.

They have a wide range of interests? I'm not sure what you're trying to say here.

Numales usually lack self-awareness, fine example right here.

You're aware one of the items on there is Reddit, yes? Which you're posting on right now? Talk about lacking self-awareness...

The difference is I'm not a Redditor. I only post on r/briancels because the incel community is here.

You're on Reddit. Ergo you're a Redditor. That's literally the only requirement.

You people love playing dumb. Either that or you are an actual idiot which wouldn't surprise me.

Yes, I'm the one playing dumb here, not the person who thinks being on Reddit doesn't qualify them as a Redditor, which is to say a person who uses Reddit.

Maybe you're actually autistic.

And maybe you're deliberately obfuscating because your "argument" is total nonsense.

A Redditor is someone like you, an extremely annoying little shit who fits in with other Redditors, who has their sense of humor and their interests. Who is always sarcastic and pedantic, plays dumb and acts like an autist, seemingly on purpose just to be that more annoying.

Me posting in the incel community which happens to be on an obscure subreddit makes me a Redditor as much as posting here makes you an incel. Now shut the fuck up for once.

Now shut the fuck up for once.

So, yeah, no argument at all, just "here's my foolish opinion now shut up and stop making me explain the things I deem self-evident because then I might actually have to think about them". Grow up, dude.

It would be self-evident to anyone who isn't an annoying retard. It's actually AMAZING how fucking annoying and idiotic you are.

It would be self-evident to anyone who isn't an annoying retard.

Heh. The ultimate proof of concept!

Dude this guy youre replying to is awesome. Keep him going!

Me posting in the incel community which happens to be on an obscure subreddit makes me a Redditor as much as posting here makes you an incel.

There's his argument. Your "plays dumb and acts like an autist, seemingly on purpose" characteristic is showing.

You literally just ignored his whole argument and focused on his angry comment. Talk about obfuscation.

I don't think he's the typical Redditor. And I think you are being very literal to win internet points and not trying to understand his reasoning. That he may be on reddit for this community but he doesn't share the normie traits of the normies on reddit.

That's because his argument is complete bibble. He's trying to create a stereotype from an incredibly diverse cross-section of all kinds of people, based only on negative traits as he perceives them, and combining the incredibly fractal nature of interest-based subreddits into a monoculture that he can label and dismiss. There's no intellectual honesty there, just an appeal to what "everyone knows" Redditors are like, which only holds up if the person in question has never even been on fucking Reddit!

I take it that he is separating himself from normies. Aka the average reddit user. And he is saying that although he uses reddit for this sub, he is not a normie.

Of course he is, but that doesn't make his argument hold water. He is stereotyping redditors as "not me" so he can hold himself as apart and superior. Yet the only thing that really links redditors as a whole is posting on Reddit.

Every incel thinks of themselves as apart and inferior.

A lot of them say that, but then post constantly about how they look down on women, Chads, normies, one another....

Because they are some combination of: bitter, short, ugs, on the spectrum, anti social, and in pain. It's not because of some delusional superiority complex. This place is like a support group for them.

And building up resentment to members of the opposite sex who look down on you (openly mock) is a normal thing. I mean it's not healthy but it's understandable. One could even call it a coping mechanism. "You don't like me, I don't like you."

Strictly speaking, he's right though, sorry.

He's not. Being a Redditor is about having a certain personality. I wouldn't post on Reddit if briancels was literally anywhere else.

It's what you consider being redditor. By posting on Reddit, you are being a part of the community, whether you like it or not, along with norms and roasties.

So a celebrity doing an AMA on Reddit is now a fucking Redditor just because they did it on Reddit? There's a massive difference between a Redditor and someone who has used Reddit once or a few times.

You should reply to all their shit with this.

Stfu cuck, go deposit some alimony into your landwhales bank account.

I also eat food, wow, we have so much in common! Give me your kik!

Not so fast, buddy. What foods do you eat? Can't afford to be burned again by some mushroom-loving bastard.

Fuck you, the Mushroom People will rise again!

Yes, and there are plenty of people that play overwatch, or what rick and morty. The archtype thats being portrayed in the picture is someone who does all of those things you dum dum.

incel calling people out on lack of self awareness

FUCKING LOLπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Incels are usually too self-aware of their own flaws, you're just a retard.

Uhuh. Whatever helps you sleep.

You're an ugly low-T numale cuck who doesn't think think there's anything wrong with polyamory and who spends his teenage years posting on Reddit. You aren't self-aware on how pathetic you really are.

Im not sure what low T means, but you have no idea what i look like, are likely calling me a cuck based on my post history, (something i don't even have the time to go through) think that there is something wrong with being able to love more than one person, and equate my time on the shitter to my whole teenage years. And somehow im the pathetic one hereπŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

You posted a picture of your ugly low T self on amIugly and you're just a disgusting cuck with disgusting views on love who quite frankly deserves the rope.

Oh you're right i did, forgot about that. That's some dedication there going that far back through my history. I'm fairly sure I know why you think im a cuck and to be honest i couldn't care, but what makes my views on love and marriage disgusting might i ask?

Also you just said someone deserves to kill themselves, how do you expect anyone to take you seriously. Especially since if anyone said this to you you would be caps lock post immediatwly about how all normies want you dead.

I'm sure blacked.com is your favorite interest.

Can't say I know what it is - I'm at work so not googling lest NSFW.

Its a civil rights forum.

If you think this is a "wide range of interests"... you might be a potential IT normie

Sorry to break it to you like that

Yeah I watch game of thrones AND play switch. Fuck me right?

Well....alright, I guess? Normally I don't do this on a first date, but hey, you own a Switch...

John Oliver’s face makes me unreasonably angry.



He's 100 times less irritating when he's on guys in blazers

And 100 times more on Community, though that's just the character he plays.

It's the archetypal Jewish face. I don't intend it as an insult, just an observation.

Really? I want to fuck him. I wish he wasn't married.

See interracial is a tough porn to crack. You need to find the right balance. Too much and your a cuck. But a lil bit of thicc black girl never hurt anybody

You racist incels like Blacked more than I do

I honestly struggle to see people like this as completely human. It's hard to even feel any sort of way about them one way or another beyond some measure of disgust, they're just there and unfortunately there's a lot of men. I really hope they're able to break their conditioning.

what are those little bobble head things called? why do people collect those?

Funko Pops, and...well, I dunno. I kinda like them, but not enough to go out and buy them all.

That numale wojak, im fucking DYING

and this is what they look like


I don't really get this. Is it just left wing people who like nerdy shit and porn with black dudes?

It's a certain archetype of a man. The 2010's "nerd".

I’d say most of this applies to the people in this sub too.

If you dont get waths wrong with this, then you are part of it

I only use reddit, apple and watch rick and mirth and game of thrones and literally everything else on the list doesn't apply.

It's you.

Apparently people who like normal things are horrible.

Nice projecting skills...


No incel tears don't represent anything there they are sexist homophobic hate the news but most of all they think you're sad little cunts with no social skills.

Communists were pretty based, they attacked the sexual repression of the proletariat by the promiscuous bourgeoisie(which was comprised of Chads and Stacies).

Game of Thrones books are also pretty based.

As 'based' as a book series written by an old, feminist, pro-refugee, hillary supporting, conscientious objector hippie can be. Still better than Atlas Shrugged.

Donald Trump is a chad capitalist. I don't really give a fuck about any politics nowadays.

GRRM is not a feminist, and I don't see what's wrong with being old.

Yes he is, he said so himself and you can tell by reading the books. He is clearly a child of the 70s counter culture: a feminist, anti-war hippie cultural marxist.

Donald Trump escaped from the draft too, and we had nothing to do in Vietnam, that was a bullshit war.

You're getting really triggered on GRRM. Sure, he is a feminist. You don't want this civilization to collapse quicker?

No, I'm not triggered at all, I think he's a great writer and I love his books.

Not everything on there is bad. Rick and Morty is decent, the first seasons of got were great and the switch is amazing.


Nothing against the Nintendo Switch, its a geat console.

It was until they decided to stop releasing new games and replace with ports and cardboard

if had the time between having sex I'd post one about Average Braincel user that just said: Will never have sex.

As opposed to the average incel, nothing but Breitbart and Alex Jones

Ahh yes, the normal and decent human being starter kit.

normal and decent

you need help immediately

Tbh i didnt look at it very closely so ill amend the previous ststement to the nerdy but still good person with unorthadox fetishes starter kit. I don't see what else is wrong with it.

libtard communists aren't "good people"

I clearly missed the communism but liberal views do not make someone bad. Though from your view they might be, you tend to shit on people for that kind of thing.

nigga i said libtards, not liberals (some sensible ones exist). i consider racist and sexist people bad, don't you?

Yes, i do. I just don't see what in that picture causes anyone to fall into that.

buzzfeed, tyt, pussyhats. they're all associated with people like third wave feminists and cucks, which make up the majority of IT.

No clue what tyt is, buzzfead is retarded and pussyhats were worn during the women's march by regular feminists primarily, though im sure the tumblr variety was in there too.

tyt= the young turks (aka the yuck turds). also, real feminists would be advocating for men's rights and women's rights in the middle east, not "sexist" air conditioning or "manspreading." i bet no actual issues were even mentioned during whatever tranny-in-a-pussy-costume's speech was about. this is getting too political and off topic though.

just know incelqueers is full of virgin shaming betas and landwhales, while we are all just depressed virgins with some extremists giving us a bad reputation. cucktears is just as bad as the rapey stuff on the original r/incels, but worse since they are praised for it.

Are you an actual person?

weed is for the gays

Soo no

if you aren't gonna say anything of importance then please leave

Just making sure you don't take yourself seriously man

So am I a complete outlier in inceltears?


Switch is great though

Cock demon .... lol. Good one.

I'm not a wolf in sheep's clothing though :p

This is too good. Actually laughing.

You forgot to put "Regular Sex life" and "Not overly preoccupied with physical attraction"

I knew you guys were all fucked in the head, but now you're hating on Overwatch? It's not even fun browsing your absurd shit anymore, I'm too deeply offended.

Hello. I'm a normie IT user. Let's start from the top left, shall we?

-I don't know what that amiibo-looking thing is, so I'm going to skip it. -I hate TYT. -I hate John Oliver. -Pussy hats are ridiculous. -I don't care for Marvel. -I've never seen Star Wars. -I don't take Prozac? -I've never played Overwatch. -I don't drink alcohol. -I'm not a fan of the ADL. -I voted for Trump. -Che Guevara... I'm a libertarian. -I've never heard of "I fucking love science." -I'm not a huge fan of Neil DeGrasse Tyson. -Never been to blacked.com in my life, but I'm pretty sure it's a porn site and I'm not willing to find out. I do my best to stay away from porn. -BuzzFeed is about as bad as TYT. -You can imagine how I feel about CNN. -I'll admit that I've watched Rick and Morty all the way through. -I mean, yeah, I use Reddit. -I'm a PC user. -Soylent? Not sure what that is, makes me think of Soylent Green. -I don't own a Switch. -I've never watched Game of Thrones.

No hate, by the way. The generalization just irked me a little.

typical normie panicking because he thought he was straying from the herd mentality of acceptable behaviour/activities.

Average "incel": Fake, because incel isnt real.

Hey, there ain't nothing wrong with the Nintendo Switch. Its perfect for when I LDAR

Yeah, I'm pretty much all of these. Hate Buzzfeed, IFLS, and TYT though. Also don't own cat ear hats

honestly, this just made me realize I'm apparently painfully out of touch with pop culture... :/ Aside from Rick and Morty, Game of Thrones, Reddit and Overwatch I'm painfully unfamiliar with all of this stuff. Well, except CNN. Im painfully familiar with CNN...Fuck Wolf Blitzer.

I need to step up my normie game because I'm failing hard...

Lagunitas is the shit fuck you.

Now shut the fuck up for once.

So, yeah, no argument at all, just "here's my foolish opinion now shut up and stop making me explain the things I deem self-evident because then I might actually have to think about them". Grow up, dude.

Just block me if you don't wanna see my comments. Im not directing my comments toward you people.

You guys just created a perfect soap box to expose what the pill ideology is all about. There are normies here who want to know what this is all about as well as non black pilled incels

Unfortunately your red pill and MGTOW peers have a zero tolerance policy toward heresy. So I have to at least give you credit for at least believing in free speech as much as you really don't, but the mods do

Pro tip.

Use the other kind of salt to ignite a war between the ants and the snails and slugs.

According to the lms black pill ideology women can't even be attracted to you unless you look like it claims all men should, at least within a narrow margin.

But the thing is, they DON'T see how I or anyone else looks and that lets their imagination run wild with what I look like. They don't know how much money I have, but they think they could gauge how much I make based on my status and ability to rise in status... but they don't know about my real life status so they have to judge it based on how quickly I climb in status online which I do pretty well in reasonably small groups online like the ones I hang out in. One of them was even already in a relationship when she started showing attraction and I started flirting with her and in under a week she dumped her girlfriend and started Cybering me. she said she was "over" long distance relationships, so she considers me just a friend with benefits, took her a while to answer when i asked what she considers me though and she's close enough I'd be able to change her mind on consider me long distance. The girl interested in me before her looked absolutely adorable in my opinion and even went through the effort of acting differently for me.

You can see form a mile away that if a group of men all only care about 3 stats, it'll lead to a Ponzi scheme of cuckdom

...What are you? You don't seem like an incel but your use of the term cuck makes me think you are. That said I don't see much women could care about other than those, I'm lucky enough to have been able to fake them all by showing signs that I am quickly able to rise in status.

Looks matter and status are interchangeable qualities. If a woman were to chase only those things there would be no end. What would stop her from cucking anyone for a man with a higher amount of one or multiple of those values?

The pill ideology is aware of this which is why they're all so afraid of being cucked all the time