[lifefuel] showermaxxing really works

118  2018-02-19 by carpathianflorist



see how important haircut is? now stop being lazy incels and go do something about your situation!

I shower everyday maintain a good haircut i work out and try to be confident yet i barely have friends and girls pity me and hate me it's all because I'm not rich

Nah it's cuz you're a whiny piece of shit with a garbage soul and personality

Says the guy with the 'good' personality insulting me for no reason just because some people don't like me for no reason

You sir are utter childish trash

I didn't make any claims about who I am or am not. If you're going to make excuses and blame other people for your failures, that's on you not them. I've known plenty of normal looking people who can't get partners and it's 100% time because of their personalities. After skimming this sub for a while, I have a pretty solid idea od what you all are like, e.g. shitty people.

Work on that personality and quit blaming everything but yourselves.

You don't know me and I don't have to be nice with you You can't assume how i am in real life so if you're gonna insult me for something you don't even know about then just fuck off this subreddit you don't even belong in

Instead of offering help and advice you just throw away and throw hate

Incels exist because of people like you who assume our personalities because of looks or social status

I don't have to assume your personalities, you guys make it a point of spitting your vitriolic bullshit at every chance you get here.

Or maybe you only pay attention to such vitriolic bullshit?

Are you sinless, by the way?

I have watched you guys shit all over everyone except your own. Then the second one of you guys sees a positive change, the rest of the community shuns them and shits on their happiness.

I'm not sinless but I'm not the one looking for answers as to why I'm single/virgin/whatever. The first place every hateful, rage-filled, excuse-making incel needs to look is internally. It's you and you alone who are responsible for why you are what you are.

Why am I here? My brother in law is an incel in spirit (doesn't know the terminology) and I am scoping out similar people to see if there's any way to help him--because he's not who he used to be, he's severely depressed, and he is his own worst enemy. I used to have hope for him, but I'm quickly realizing my worst case scenario is true: you can't change people like incels because you're all deaf to outside advice, think you've got it all figured out, and place the blame on everyone but yourself.

It pisses me off that an entire community of hate-mongering assholes can sit around and talk about the world how they do without realizing how ass backwards they all are.

I have watched you guys shit all over everyone except your own. Then the second one of you guys sees a positive change, the rest of the community shuns them and shits on their happiness.

Interesting. Besides that, I've also seen people who are incels who unironically wish that person well and tell them not to return to places like these. We see what we want to see, I guess. What a fascinating trait of human character. Selective bias.

I'm not sinless but I'm not the one looking for answers as to why I'm single/virgin/whatever.

Because you're neither single nor virgin, perhaps? Besides, this was not a place for answers but for pure emotions. An outlet to let it all out.

The first place every hateful, rage-filled, excuse-making incel needs to look is internally. It's you and you alone who are responsible for why you are what you are.

Sure, all the narcissistically-inclined people tell that. I'm not talking about you specifically but it's a go-to for people who come here. Nah, I'm the product of my environment as well as my own person. Some of this is my fault but nothing can be solely someone's fault. Feel free to disagree but this is my firm belief.

Why am I here? My brother in law is an incel in spirit (doesn't know the terminology) and I am scoping out similar people to see if there's any way to help him--because he's not who he used to be, he's severely depressed, and he is his own worst enemy. I used to have hope for him, but I'm quickly realizing my worst case scenario is true: you can't change people like incels because you're all deaf to outside advice, think you've got it all figured out, and place the blame on everyone but yourself.

Then you should look elsewhere. This is a mix of genuinely tired people and trolls who say the darndest things.

It pisses me off that an entire community of hate-mongering assholes can sit around and talk about the world how they do without realizing how ass backwards they all are.

Do you consider your brother-in-law a hatemongering asshole as well?

What a darn shame..

Darn Counter: 444096

Yeah he's a hatemongering asshole. He told his own sister to die in a plane crash when she flew back for her grandma's funeral last year. He didn't go because his grandmother was a female and he was glad she died. Btw, she was 98 years old and never did anything but be kind to him and help his family when they were struggling to get by. So yeah...he's a pitiful excuse for a human.

Sounds like you have a lot of internalized sadness because of that. If that makes any difference, I'm very sad to hear that you have such a hateful person and have to unfortune of knowing him. Has he always been this way?

No. That's the shitty thing. He was an awesome kid. I know he has it in him but he's so spiralled out of control there's no getting through. We've tried damn near everything.

How long have you know him?

13 years. He's 24 going on 25.

Do you remember when the change has happened?

Eh it was gradual from senior year of high school for him up to now. Basically the kid was a late bloomer, then when he was...blooming...He got really into weed culture and lost his ambition to go to college. Since then he's been struggling to move forward in life. On top of that he just seems to have never matured or had adult interactions, so dealing with him is constant tantrums.

Perhaps there is an aspect that you don't know what prompted him to become hateful? There's always a reason for everything.

Do you by any chance know that I'm depressed and suicidal as Well? I was actually going to hang myself right now and your comments just encouraged me more it's not only women I hate you rich normies for treating me like worthless trash when all I did was try to be nice I hope y'all happy that I a nobody without friends will leave this unfair world soon

And stop generalizing all people for me id take advice happily if it was realistic and achievable Workout. Check Hairstyle/haircut. Check Hygiene. Check Diet. Check Be nice. Check Rich?. X What am I missing? Tell me Give me one of your fancy advices that helps you fuck 1 million staceys per week It's not even what I'm looking for a female friend wouldn't be too bad but no they all dislike me

Are you even remotely interesting IRL? Do you have hobbies you aren't ashamed to talk about? Ambitions in life beyond getting a girl? Can you hold a conversation without looking like you're psychotic? Are you over the fucking too clingy with way too high expectations? Prone to emotional outbursts? Superficial, spiteful, jaded, cynical, wrathful?

Chances are your answers to these are mixed positive and negative and odds are they mix in an unfavorable way for you unfortunately. Dating and finding people is about matching VALUE. Think of it like a business transaction. You wouldn't buy a crayon drawing for the same price as an oil painting even if they're the same subject matter and canvas dimensions. You can tell, as an astute art critic, that the oil painting took more work and deserves a higher price tag.

Why is anyone who has self respect and has put time into cultivating a modestly successful life/person going to hook up (I'm using the term loosely, calm down) with someone with no self worth or actually nothing that puts them above the next average guy? Don't be a crayon drawing and expect an oil painting valuation.

You mentioned you're 'nice'. Cool. You and every other well adjusted dude out there. You gotta realize that there's basic expectations of a person that all of your competition has. If you only have the basics, then every shitty aspect of you just lowers your score below average and bam. Inceldom.

Again. You buy art and reasonably EXPECT some medium, dimensions, actual art, and maybe even the artists reputation to factor into the price tag. Just because i, an unknown artist, have made a crayon drawing on an old napkin and technically filled all of the above mentioned points doesn't mean I deserve a price tag at all. Same goes for all the physical traits you mentioned, financial stability, and being nice. You've got the basics that people expect, now you have to have actual worth to a buyer.

And shit, to complete the metaphor, not everyone has the same taste in art. So maybe you do deserve a modest price tag. You can't expect everyone to want to pay it.

Good luck. Again, try looking at the big picture and stop blaming others. You aren't their fault.

And damn, for the suicide thing? Doesn't affect me. Try elsewhere with that nonsense scare tactic.

Am I interesting?depends what normie is asking Do I have ambitions?ofcourse I work on improving myself Hobbies?gaming memes exercise and tech Am I superficial?no I'm nothing like the general public normies Expectations?reasonable unlike most girls Psychotic?I don't know what you mean

And still no hope Maybe you just have to accept that some people are born with higher qualities and privileges than others like me

And about the suicide thing I don't care if you believe me or not it's my cure from my pain But you're a heartless asshole if you laugh at suicidal or depressed people You really deserve to be executed if you mock suffering people

I don't laugh at suicidal people, you wingnut. But you threatening me with your suicide doesn't do it for me. Get help and don't waste your breath threatening me with it.

I wasn't threatening you at all I was just telling you that maybe you should be more considerate there's alot to people's stories then what you think you know

"Do you by any chance know that I'm depressed and suicidal as Well? I was actually going to hang myself right now and your comments just encouraged me more"


Yeah how is that a threat?I just let you know what's going on I didn't say I'll kill myself if you don't shut up that would be a threat but this isn't

You seem to have a fairly negative view of women.

If you have such a negative view of them, why should they not have an equally negative view of you?

Not of all women there are some I like but most of society's typical females are just horrible with super high imaginary Disney prince standards like no fuck that

I mean, in my experience, most girls aren't actually like that. Some of em are, but they're called bitches lol

Most girls are pretty alright, honestly.

I guess so its just that i cant afford to be with them i guess I'm antisocial

There are so many free resources to help you. You choose not to use them. That's your fault. Quit blaming everyone else for your problems.

Oh Yeah?Like what then

Do you think any girl has ever been like, "ooh, did you hear Jake showers regularly? Like, every day? That is so hot"

The basic things like showering, getting your hair cut, taking care of your body, and being a decent person are the things that are expected from any person in a normal society. You can't expect to wow any women by keeping up with the bare minimum. If you don't take care of those basic things, people don't want to be around you - men or women.

Plus, if you expect someone great to go for someone doing the bare minimum, basic shit, then you'll always be disappointed. If you do just the minimum possible, then expect a girl who does the same.

And who said the girls are doing anything special?most if not all do the same basic shit too I can't be a bodybuilding Einstein no I'm not special but neither are y'all being nice is enough when you do the basic too but no they want something from a guy that he hasn't done shit to get Looks?born with it Your parents money?it's your parents money ffs And take these two things away you got a basic dude

Okay, here's an example for you:

-A girl who does the bare minimum, as in, she showers regularly, isn't fat, and wears halfway decent clothing. She doesn't wear makeup, she doesn't dress "sexy," and in turn, she doesn't get much attention from guys.

-A girl who does the bare minimum, but also puts actual effort into her appearance, from makeup to spending time on her hair to dressing nice. She is doing more than the minimum and she gets noticed more often by men.

I don't really care how much money they put into their looks matter of fact I despise girls who spend alot on clothes and makeup trying to impress and act cool i hate that

Doesn't matter how much you spend on yourself attitude>looks for me I don't know about others the other guys i see only care about how bitchy and how rich a girl is and how her looks are and the same thing for girls

There's a difference between trying to look good and spending mad money on clothes & make up.

Dude. It's not gonna work. They don't know how to pull their heads out of their asses. They enjoy being miserable and blaming others for it. You should come to r/inceltears if you haven't already.

Here's a sneak peek of /r/IncelTears using the top posts of all time!

#1: r/incels is now banned | 2347 comments
#2: Sir, you need to leave | 251 comments
#3: Not sure if this has been posted yet | 215 comments

I'm a bot, beep boop | Downvote to remove | Contact me | Info | Opt-out

Good bot!

I'm not exactlt looking to just make fun of people for having no life skills. I'm honestly just looking for incel success stories to help someone I know. But I always appreciate being invited haha

Yeah you don't have to assume and you shouldn't but your dumb ass still does and don't say you guys because you're generalizing a whole group but if we do that it's "vile" "shitty" as in generalizing money hungry superficial high standards femoids and 60 iq chads

What's your point?are you just having fun mocking me and us?that's so low

How poor is not rich in your case?

Poor as in I wear the same few sets of clothes for months and can't afford hanging out with these rich folks poor as in I eat the same food every single day

Poverty isn't your root cause here, there's something else at play.

There are plenty of poor folks who have friends, and girlfriends, and etc...

I know that but how often do you see a poor guy with alot of rich friends and a rich girlfriend?That also treat the dude right...not so often id say

I don't see a ton of those, but I guarantee you there are quite a few broke chicks in your town.

If not, there are some in the next town over, driving to your town to work....

But there's also a rich guy in this town or the other

Sure not all girls seek only rich people but I'd say if they had to choose between a middle class guy and a rich guy I think we both know what they'll go with

You're still spouting defeatist bullshit.

Richy Rich with the Porsche 911 Turbo his dad just bought for him won't be fucking 5s, but if you're on an incel forum... then, well, you should be okay with fucking a 4 or a 5.

Your problem isn't poverty. There are guys who are dead fucking broke who are scoring.

There are guys who are dead fucking broke who are scoring.

I already said that 2 people of the same status fit together so a homeless guy will easily score with a homeless girl

But have you ever seen a homeless guy scoring with someone rich and famous (Lets say he's somewhat charming) i bet you didn't

If you have girls pity you then you are doing better than most of us.

I don't know if the word pity suits me but I remember once when the girls were playing a game of truth or dare and someone asked what if you had to date anon? They said "ew hell no" and I was right near them and they know I heard that since then they all been rude to me and that was just the beginning of my first year in that school

Teenage girls are bitches, especially in groups and especially at school. That doesn't say anything about you.

I know that these girls aren't like the others they're worse but still it hurt my confidence and self esteem

This is a fucking joke, you literally put his beard where his jaw doesn't exist.

Haters will say it’s fake

Hair can exist where bone doesn't.

are you retarded? do you think you can fraud a fucking jawline with scraggly beard hair?

Proof that all incels are voluntarily ugly.

Just improve yourself.

My friend was a 48 year old 5'2" Indian guy and he had trouble finding a woman who wanted to be with him. Do you think he just sat around and complained about it all day? Fuck no. He lifted, showered, and improved himself and now he's a tall handsome blonde 20 year old and can get any girl he wants.

I miss the bot that used to post this back in the r/incels days.

The "Jeremy Meeks/Personality" one got a little redundant

this is the comment i've been searching for. absolutely perfect.

Normies hate this one simple trick.

Normies HATE HIM

He was doing all right until he got that darn hipster mustache...

What a darn shame..

Darn Counter: 444098

We need a y'all bot

Beep boop, I am a bot, darn it.

Darn Counter: 444187

Posting here to remind myself to try to make one tomorrow at work

Am I interesting?depends what normie is asking Do I have ambitions?ofcourse I work on improving myself Hobbies?gaming memes exercise and tech Am I superficial?no I'm nothing like the general public normies Expectations?reasonable unlike most girls Psychotic?I don't know what you mean

And still no hope Maybe you just have to accept that some people are born with higher qualities and privileges than others like me

And about the suicide thing I don't care if you believe me or not it's my cure from my pain But you're a heartless asshole if you laugh at suicidal or depressed people You really deserve to be executed if you mock suffering people

Check out that neutral mustache tilt. 2/10 incel.

A haircut might though

Good meme. I really hope St. BlackOps2cel (peace be upon him) circlejerks make a resurgence.

Jesus Christ that guy is ugly

I miss the bot that used to post this back in the r/incels days.

Or maybe you only pay attention to such vitriolic bullshit?

Are you sinless, by the way?

Yeah you don't have to assume and you shouldn't but your dumb ass still does and don't say you guys because you're generalizing a whole group but if we do that it's "vile" "shitty" as in generalizing money hungry superficial high standards femoids and 60 iq chads

What's your point?are you just having fun mocking me and us?that's so low

this is the comment i've been searching for. absolutely perfect.

There's a difference between trying to look good and spending mad money on clothes & make up.