inceltears numales trying to pick up a femail

63  2018-02-19 by muricunt



No words.

Just ROFL!

I think they're the party planners who helped the pizza guy carry the pizza. Because you see a dude come in with a Domino's uniform at the end.

She doesn't like this.

LOL He's trying so hard to respect her as she desperately surveys for Chad.

She’s like 10

That was hard to watch

Absolute unbreakable frame, this kid is legend. Testosterone from puberty went straight to his balls instead of his height.

started as a /s post, but I do kind of admire his persistence.

I knew you were being sarcastic, I got a good laugh out of it. I just couldn't resist saying that.

It's over

It's over for anyone under 7ft3in

His jaw doesnt even look like a retroexcavator, incel_irl.

Why is that boy being so creepy? That's not how you get a girl to like you. That's just really awkward for her.

Because he's sub8. Chad could do that same ridiculous dance and she would be giggling and blushing.

Looks or rope.

He's a perfectly good looking child but he's a) several years younger than her and b) acting like an idiot. No wonder she's desperately looking for a way to escape the awkwardness. I know you live this life of delusion where you think that women owe you something and are being bloody minded by not being attracted to people to whom they are not attracted but that is your issue not hers or even his. Would she find his silliness attractive if she were attracted to him? Maybe. Probably not. If a stranger came up to you and did that, no matter how attractive you are, it's PROBABLY going to be awkward and unnerving. And if she was attracted to a more suitable admirer? That would be astounding, wouldn't it? Headline-"Girl attracted to person to whom she's attracted shocker." Plus you're all up in the business of a bunch of school children. Why don't you get a fucking hobby or something? Honestly. All right, that's it for this sub8 married man with a sexy wife who loves him. Probably a weird outlier, right? Right. Enjoy your echo chamber of whining.

I'm not entitled to anything since I'm incel. Only chad is entitled to sex, and gets it. If someone attractive did that to me they'd just be bullying me like they do every day anyways. Your entire post was run-on-cope.

If that kid was chad she'd have joined him and then tried to jam her tongue down his throat.

If you aren't chad it's OVER.

You're silly.

How so

I spelled it all out in my initial post. If you believe you don't deserve anything then stop your complaining and endless fragility and get on with life like the rest of us do. There are LOTS of less attractive people who find love. Lots and lots. Of course, if you're overweight, lazy, unkempt, whiny and won't shower then no, you won't find anyone and yes, if you are less attractive then you probably won't get the super hot women. That works both ways despite what this echo chamber tells you. You aren't ENTITLED to sex or love. It's not a fucking human right. Incels are the end result of the blame everyone else culture so prevalent. Either do something about it or, as I say, if you really believe that you don't deserve love shut up about it. Life ain't fair, kid.

I've already looks max. It has failed. Chad is the only one with planet is for. Incel births are a tragic mistake, like being born with cancer or down syndrome.

Life as incel is hell.

Ah well. I guess you're just doomed then. Glad you've found people to blame though. I hope that helps.

omfg this person being triggered by the OP

Who's being triggered? If you mean me I think 'exasperated' might be a rather more accurate word.

And I'm sorry you're so unversed in the norms of dating in middle/high school that you think that 14 year old girls should want to date 11 year old boys who act in really annoying ways then I'm afraid I can't help you. It may have some bearing on why you are in the sticky predicament you are in.

its a fucking joke, take it easy you miserable bitch

It is? Weird. It wasn't funny. And boy, you sound upset. Sorry I triggered you so. I recommend deep breaths.

its just a harmless kid acting weird, if you are so angry about it, youre the one who needs to take deep breaths

I'm not mad at the kid. He's just a silly kid. I'm angry at the dumbasses on this sub who are asserting that the 14 year old girl would blow some other kid... You're the one calling people bitches and having trouble stringing a sentence together. Anyway, Toodleoo. I'm done bickering with the likes of you as I have work to do.

fuck off cunt, youre the one whos lurking here, no one forced you to debate us

Ooo, no need to get your knickers in a twist. I know your type get sad when your echo chamber is challenged. I'll leave you all to your pity party.

arrogant piece of shit

That boy aint right

We can all tell this boi is an absolute pussy destroyer

She doesn't even acknowledge the dancing manlets existence, we are literally invisible to women.

Lol this kid isn't a incel dude. Just because some chicks shoot down some dudes doesn't mean everyone who strikes out is destined for inceldom. I got shut down a ton of times in my single days. It happens. You just move on and try again. The difference is this kid will try again instead of using this one experience to categorize all women as trash.

My thoughts exactly. This kid has the stones to try, and that’s what matters. Instead of crying the blues, he’ll say “well, this one wasn’t for me”, and move on

Hes beeing himself a bit roo much

No he's doing it right. If he keeps his chin up he will guaranteed find a woman who wants to dance goofy with him someday.

Right? This was the sorta shit I looked for when I was scoping a scene for halfway decent company as a kid. DGAF and having fun. This kid looks like a blast.

People here don't realize this kid is more "Chad" than this whole sub combined.

"guaranteed" - belief in just world is stronger than krokodil, apparently.

Having fun and not caring if people mock you is how you meet people. This chick might think he's dumb, but he doesn't care. He will go on to do this at other social functions and he will meet girls who think he's hilarious. Believe it or not that's all it takes.

Surprised she didn't call the cops on him.

I don't know if i'm missing the joke or something but this kid is actually alpha AF.

If he were actually incel, the woman would have walked away within < 3 seconds(as any incel who's ever been dragged to a dance club by friends would know). The fact that he maintains her viewership, maintains eye contact, rhythm and just dances like he doesn't give a shit, all the while not breaking a sweat is alpha.

If we saw the ending of this clip, I would bet he gets her #.

You're right, if some guy danced like this in front of a girl 99% of the time he'd get a smile and a laugh. I've found that alot of girls like goofy guys

Ohh, so this is what cucktears nu males mean when they say they get more women than us. Lol.

What's a cucktears nu male?

It's a counter assumption, to jab at IncelTears' posters who believe that every incel is misogynistic and hateful.

The Incels in response call all IncelTears posters beta cucks and numales.

It's a fascinating sibling rivalry.

It's all so confusing. I'm a simple man.

Basically if Incels hate women, then incel tears posters submit to them.

They believe IT men are weak and will easily grovel at the feet of women. They're perceived as weak men with no back bone.

I think both groups are interesting.

The dance moves on this guy are so fresh and original he's stunned the girl to a point were she looks uninterested







This is fucking hilarious

She ain't leavin....

Is this what happens when you do a drug?

At least he tried. I can’t even look at girls.

These are children, you weirdos.

wtf is this

Where is original vid plz tel?

This kid is a fucking legend
