I am done
63 2018-02-19 by ImIncelPlzHelpLadies
I've been browsing this subreddit because I felt I belong here. This morning I took shower and got a haircut and decided to get a sub. When I got to subway I noticed it was all women working behind the counter. So I start asking for toppings on my sub and to my surprise each of them was courteous. Then I got to the cashier and paid for my food and as I was about to leave she smiled and wished me a great day! I was awestruck. Clearly this disproves everything that every incel has ever said. It's all a sham. This one encounter of mine overrides every single one your guy's life experiences. So I'll be leaving this toxic place and I'm going to start respecting women 24/7. IT here I come.
1 zielony4 2018-02-19
Damn, you really showed us! You grew 8 inches of height, and grew a diamond cutting jaw just by showering and respecting sluts.
1 qwertx0815 2018-02-19
i mean, showering wouldn't hurt, but what's really holding you back is your toxic personality.
maybe work on that one first...
1 AutismoCircus 2018-02-19
I already shower 5 times a day. Isn't that enough?
1 MrTomDawson 2018-02-19
You've gone too far! Abort! Abort! You're taking too many showers and are now at risk of soap poisoning!
1 AutismoCircus 2018-02-19
No. I have to shower harder. 8 showers a day! and I will do even more personaliting and confidening.
1 MrTomDawson 2018-02-19
...you mad bastard...
1 zielony4 2018-02-19
You must be a new kind of retarded if you say that non satirically.
1 qwertx0815 2018-02-19
Hey whatever you need to tell yourself to feel victimized ;)
1 GoldFuzzy 2018-02-19
He improved himself.
My friend was a 48 year old 5'2" Indian guy and he had trouble finding a woman who wanted to be with him. Do you think he just sat around and complained about it all day? Fuck no. He lifted, showered, and improved himself and now he's a tall handsome blonde 20 year old and can get any girl he wants.
1 gog32 2018-02-19
We need less people. Life in general should die maybe.
1 CMXV 2018-02-19
LMAOO. That other post today was absolute nonsense. Thank you for this.
1 GoodbyeYall333 2018-02-19
Yup, you didn't get laid like Chad would've, but a woman smiled at you. That must mean you're not an incel, right y'all?
1 sc2isadeadgame 2018-02-19
shoulda put the /s tag on
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-02-19
Lmao great fucking post. I bet this will go over Norman heads.
1 ramatheson 2018-02-19
1 jaghatarhonor 2018-02-19
Well congratulations. You're not a complete moron.
1 ramatheson 2018-02-19
Hoorayyy!!! /spinspropelleronhat
1 mentalhealthcel 2018-02-19
Chad would have slain the women behind the counter.
1 TordYvel 2018-02-19
So that's what Elliot the wannabe Chad was doing...
1 Blackpill93 2018-02-19
Chad would think its lit brah to fuck another cashier
1 sc2isadeadgame 2018-02-19
oh shit someone already made this thread and out effort into it
1 leafbutter 2018-02-19
“Ya’lllll” that’s one rootinist tootinst Post right here.
Well done sir!
1 icyMG 2018-02-19
Well I shower ...dress nice and have a suitable haircut....and yet no one likes me despite trying to be nice...and all I see is the overly cocky arrogant rich chads getting all the respect and love
1 Gorilla-Mike 2018-02-19
Maybe your wrists are too small
1 icyMG 2018-02-19
Average size id say but I didn't know femoids evolved to take wrist size as a priority
1 Gorilla-Mike 2018-02-19
Maybe not priority but definitely a factor. They've got options and if you're the only one with small wrists it's over
1 icyMG 2018-02-19
Well despite having average wrists and working out they don't care actually even if you're 10/10 if you're broke it's over no one will care if you die alone in some hole
1 thematabot 2018-02-19
Say it with me: “a fedora isn’t dressing smart”
1 icyMG 2018-02-19
I agree
1 Tallguy_87 2018-02-19
1 chadicide 2018-02-19
They are literally paid to do that. 100% they were laughing at you after you left.
1 ImIncelPlzHelpLadies 2018-02-19
I was mocking a post earlier here that got deleted.
1 apx24 2018-02-19
Gotta respect those women.
1 Flare25- 2018-02-19
Wtf is IT? Someone link me pls
1 ImIncelPlzHelpLadies 2018-02-19
The subreddit IncelTears
1 PhucCheet 2018-02-19
r/inceltears is where the virgins with good personalities go
1 AbyssWolf 2018-02-19
I once saw a female.
1 icyMG 2018-02-19
Well despite having average wrists and working out they don't care actually even if you're 10/10 if you're broke it's over no one will care if you die alone in some hole