Despite him having a good physique, this disgusting wretch wasn't interested in him because he was ethnic. Then proceeds to boost her ego after his success, "look at who I matched with". Women are vile, disgusting creatures.
Bruh. She's obviously ethnic herself.
Also wtf dude. I didn't know they had reddit in the year 1000 because that's the timeframe in which your comment was considered acceptable. Not for a knight of course, but you guys do remind me more of the filthy uneducated and sexist peasants of that era-except even they got some pussy. I'd say get laid but obviously you can't so I'm just gonna say: If you want to change your behavior, hit me up bro, i'll gladly help you out if it means there's one rapist less out there.
Seriously guys, everyone can get fucking laid, if they don't act like a braindead mouthbreathimg retard at least. So you might have to change a little bit.
Lots of ethnic women still prefer white men. Only traditional women feel a need to stay with their own ethnicity and they won't be on Tinder.
Women are no longer settling down with mediocre beta providers. This is the 21st century, not 1950. Women can make their own salaries and they're no longer shamed for banging multiple men. In this year, a man who agrees with that bare standard you mentioned is called "Nice Guy" and shamed heavily.
LOL at you calling yourself a Chad. That's like calling yourself a supreme gentleman.
That's ridiculous. You know who will be on tinder? People who wanna get laid. All kinds of them. Some don't mind dating a black or asian guy, some do. Some prefer white men and some don't. This one woman is proving absolutley nothing.
What a shame, people can now experience freedom like they never could before. Man, I sure do miss the 50s, good old fanatical racism and sexism really get me rock hard. Not to mention the fear of a nuclear holocaust, ahh those where the days, when a woman had 6 kids and 5 years into the marriage they hated each other but would stay together until the death of the other one.
Also, I thought you hated "chads", which is why I used that name. Apparently you adore them.
To be fair, he could have used Tinder in his home country Singapore. He's light skinned, so he'd do fine in Singapore.
I don't long for the 1950s at all, but your description of "anyone can get it" definitely ended at the 21st century. I'll admit I exaggerated by only mentioning that decade and not the later half of the century with all the drugs and sexual liberation, which only rejected extreme autists with bad hygiene.
But at the 21st century, women's sexual standards became sky high. The sexual market for men became like the job market for millennials. It's no longer "don't be stupid." It's now "totally impress us for little in return."
Funny game you got going there. Next time try "tee hee female here" if you want to pretend to be something you're not.
I'm just gonna assume that half of you guys have really bad luck while the other half are a bunch of weirdos. Never met a girl like the ones who get described on here. Neither did any of my friends for that matter.
That's the thing that pisses me off the most about this post. This guy works his ass off, acheives something that only a tiny minute of the billions of people of this earth, will or could accomplish and becomes successful. Then this average looking femoid makes a twitter post about how she rejects hims and bam! instant validation from 40,000 people. Its ludacris
It makes me anxious to see people bullying you. I can understand why they would assume you're an inceltears parasite, being that no other females usually come here, but none of the regular criticisms apply and so it feels bad to see your interactions with cels.
She's a fucking liar bro. Just like all femoids. A worthless whore trying to act like she has it hard. Notice how she didn't bring up the hordes of guys she fucked after she apparently got ghosted? And you know she was on a new dick the day after.
Oh. Yeah that's really weird and I've never heard of anyone doing something like that IRL. Maybe his visa expired or something and he was scared he was going to get caught?
Well he told me he was going back home and he liked it there. It's just that he was adamant about wanting to be long distance. Then one day he blocked me on everything. I rationalize it as... he didn't want to actually have to say he was breaking up with me, so to save himself the hardship he just cyber-ghosted me? And since I was in Canada there was no risk we'd run into each other.
Firstly, women do that ten times more, so no, women have less empathy, not men. Secondly, you can replace him within minutes because women have tons of options every second of everyday unlike men, so what’s the big fucking deal?
I guess all I'm saying is that "ghosting" on Tinder shouldn't even be considered ghosting. You have no existing relationships with these people so there is nothing to end.
Is that the whole story? I would say that is terrible if that's all there is to it, but somehow I doubt that. Somehow I think you're leaving out the part where you were a psychotic bitch and he wanted to go into witness protection to keep you from cutting off his penis.
Lol. What happened is that he went back to his home country in South America and he insisted we do long distance. We saw each other several times after that, but one day he just blocked me on everything without saying anything. I wasn't harassing him or anything. He could have said "I'm breaking up with you!", but instead he said nothing. Maybe he just didn't want to have to say it?
"Just run world-class Olympian game" might have worked on this 4/10 back in 2010 before we hit the roast singularity but you're an idiot if you seriously believe that this will work in 2018. Just give up if you're trying to find a gf in 2018 as an Olympic athlete without a small island, a PhD and a canthal tilt of anything below 45 degrees.
Lol fucker is a 9/10 chad champion athlete but still had to be ghosted by a 0/10 brown roastie. I don’t know why normies still can’t tell what’s going on.
This subreddit is fucked up, but I guess you will downvote this to swim in your misery. I would also have ghosted this guy because he seems like a playboy.
He’s short and ugly so why care. Look at how the flag goes down in his direction, obviously someone superior and taller than him is holding the other side. Asian guys are always so damn short and ugly.
Firstly, women do that ten times more, so no, women have less empathy, not men. Secondly, you can replace him within minutes because women have tons of options every second of everyday unlike men, so what’s the big fucking deal?
Is that the whole story? I would say that is terrible if that's all there is to it, but somehow I doubt that. Somehow I think you're leaving out the part where you were a psychotic bitch and he wanted to go into witness protection to keep you from cutting off his penis.
1 rank1loser 2018-02-19
Despite him having a good physique, this disgusting wretch wasn't interested in him because he was ethnic. Then proceeds to boost her ego after his success, "look at who I matched with". Women are vile, disgusting creatures.
1 mentalhealthcel 2018-02-19
He is also isn’t Gigachad. It was over for him before he even began. What a slut.
1 Stagetail 2018-02-19
Indeed they are. Brock should have raped her.
1 sailorgangordie 2018-02-19
He mogs her by 3 points yet she still rejects him lmao.
1 crackhappy 2018-02-19
Would you explain what mog means?
1 IsThisRealReddit 2018-02-19
Basically he is more attractive than her
Look up „AMOG“
1 fsaotti 2018-02-19
Bruh. She's obviously ethnic herself. Also wtf dude. I didn't know they had reddit in the year 1000 because that's the timeframe in which your comment was considered acceptable. Not for a knight of course, but you guys do remind me more of the filthy uneducated and sexist peasants of that era-except even they got some pussy. I'd say get laid but obviously you can't so I'm just gonna say: If you want to change your behavior, hit me up bro, i'll gladly help you out if it means there's one rapist less out there.
Seriously guys, everyone can get fucking laid, if they don't act like a braindead mouthbreathimg retard at least. So you might have to change a little bit.
Sincerly ~Chad
1 NightSkyPill 2018-02-19
Lots of ethnic women still prefer white men. Only traditional women feel a need to stay with their own ethnicity and they won't be on Tinder.
Women are no longer settling down with mediocre beta providers. This is the 21st century, not 1950. Women can make their own salaries and they're no longer shamed for banging multiple men. In this year, a man who agrees with that bare standard you mentioned is called "Nice Guy" and shamed heavily.
LOL at you calling yourself a Chad. That's like calling yourself a supreme gentleman.
1 fsaotti 2018-02-19
That's ridiculous. You know who will be on tinder? People who wanna get laid. All kinds of them. Some don't mind dating a black or asian guy, some do. Some prefer white men and some don't. This one woman is proving absolutley nothing.
What a shame, people can now experience freedom like they never could before. Man, I sure do miss the 50s, good old fanatical racism and sexism really get me rock hard. Not to mention the fear of a nuclear holocaust, ahh those where the days, when a woman had 6 kids and 5 years into the marriage they hated each other but would stay together until the death of the other one.
Also, I thought you hated "chads", which is why I used that name. Apparently you adore them.
1 NightSkyPill 2018-02-19
To be fair, he could have used Tinder in his home country Singapore. He's light skinned, so he'd do fine in Singapore.
I don't long for the 1950s at all, but your description of "anyone can get it" definitely ended at the 21st century. I'll admit I exaggerated by only mentioning that decade and not the later half of the century with all the drugs and sexual liberation, which only rejected extreme autists with bad hygiene.
But at the 21st century, women's sexual standards became sky high. The sexual market for men became like the job market for millennials. It's no longer "don't be stupid." It's now "totally impress us for little in return."
Funny game you got going there. Next time try "tee hee female here" if you want to pretend to be something you're not.
1 fsaotti 2018-02-19
I'm just gonna assume that half of you guys have really bad luck while the other half are a bunch of weirdos. Never met a girl like the ones who get described on here. Neither did any of my friends for that matter.
1 IsThisRealReddit 2018-02-19
You‘re ridiculous
Your statements don‘t make sense at all
1 not_good_looking 2018-02-19
What the hell are you blabbering about?
1 Blackpill93 2018-02-19
That's the thing that pisses me off the most about this post. This guy works his ass off, acheives something that only a tiny minute of the billions of people of this earth, will or could accomplish and becomes successful. Then this average looking femoid makes a twitter post about how she rejects hims and bam! instant validation from 40,000 people. Its ludacris
1 BBC_theory 2018-02-19
She saw his tiny Eurasian cock
1 mens-libthrowaway 2018-02-19
[hapa rage intensifies]
1 CptErection23 2018-02-19
Classic case
1 sailorgangordie 2018-02-19
Hypergamy is real
1 DarkenedButterfly 2018-02-19
And his girlfriend looks way better than them both. Who TF cares.
1 GoodbyeYall333 2018-02-19
Meh, not really.
1 not_good_looking 2018-02-19
Wow this is blackpilled. Chang upgrades to white chick after winning a medal. LMS theory is legit.
1 IsThisRealReddit 2018-02-19
Uhm, if he hot a girlfriend, why is he on Tinder and texts this girl them??
1 BBC_theory 2018-02-19
He’s ethnic though and beanoritas that look like that usually only want nazichads
1 pinkgoldrose 2018-02-19
Try getting ghosted by a guy you dated for 3 years, without him saying anything about breaking up. Men have the least empathy.
1 mens-libthrowaway 2018-02-19
That's awful. Could you please guide me on getting a gf
1 pinkgoldrose 2018-02-19
Want me to ghost-operate your dating profile?
1 mens-libthrowaway 2018-02-19
It makes me anxious to see people bullying you. I can understand why they would assume you're an inceltears parasite, being that no other females usually come here, but none of the regular criticisms apply and so it feels bad to see your interactions with cels.
1 pinkgoldrose 2018-02-19
It's fine, I understand. But it's true that I don't post on inceltears.
1 mens-libthrowaway 2018-02-19
Why expose yourself to that hostility?
1 zielony4 2018-02-19
At least you were in a relationship. Old hag. 😷
1 BlueChimpanzee1 2018-02-19
Oh no... not like you can't find another guy to date in 5 minutes that is better than him in every way... oh wait, you're a femoid, yes you cam
1 BF8211 2018-02-19
Htf do you get ghosted by a boyfriend of 3 years? Shouldn’t you guys have been living together or knew where each other lived at that point?
1 Stagetail 2018-02-19
She's a fucking liar bro. Just like all femoids. A worthless whore trying to act like she has it hard. Notice how she didn't bring up the hordes of guys she fucked after she apparently got ghosted? And you know she was on a new dick the day after.
1 pinkgoldrose 2018-02-19
He escaped to South America.
1 BF8211 2018-02-19
So he just got up one day and left for South America?
1 pinkgoldrose 2018-02-19
Nah he was from there originally.
1 BF8211 2018-02-19
Oh. Yeah that's really weird and I've never heard of anyone doing something like that IRL. Maybe his visa expired or something and he was scared he was going to get caught?
1 pinkgoldrose 2018-02-19
Well he told me he was going back home and he liked it there. It's just that he was adamant about wanting to be long distance. Then one day he blocked me on everything. I rationalize it as... he didn't want to actually have to say he was breaking up with me, so to save himself the hardship he just cyber-ghosted me? And since I was in Canada there was no risk we'd run into each other.
1 BF8211 2018-02-19
I don't know the specifics obviously but that seems like a pretty good hypothesis
1 not_good_looking 2018-02-19
It’s a Hispanic thing. Hispanic chads just pack up and leave.
1 pinkgoldrose 2018-02-19
1 BBC_theory 2018-02-19
That’s what you get for dating bad boy chads. Don’t complain it probably excited you to Be with some swarthy South American Chad like that
1 pinkgoldrose 2018-02-19
Not a Chad. He couldn't get any girls.
1 not_good_looking 2018-02-19
Firstly, women do that ten times more, so no, women have less empathy, not men. Secondly, you can replace him within minutes because women have tons of options every second of everyday unlike men, so what’s the big fucking deal?
1 pinkgoldrose 2018-02-19
I guess all I'm saying is that "ghosting" on Tinder shouldn't even be considered ghosting. You have no existing relationships with these people so there is nothing to end.
1 fuckitidunno 2018-02-19
That sounds pretty funny, tbh
1 DestroyingIdioticPpl 2018-02-19
Is that the whole story? I would say that is terrible if that's all there is to it, but somehow I doubt that. Somehow I think you're leaving out the part where you were a psychotic bitch and he wanted to go into witness protection to keep you from cutting off his penis.
1 pinkgoldrose 2018-02-19
Lol. What happened is that he went back to his home country in South America and he insisted we do long distance. We saw each other several times after that, but one day he just blocked me on everything without saying anything. I wasn't harassing him or anything. He could have said "I'm breaking up with you!", but instead he said nothing. Maybe he just didn't want to have to say it?
1 DestroyingIdioticPpl 2018-02-19
OK, then he's a douche.
1 pinkgoldrose 2018-02-19
Well yes. It makes them special I guess.
1 BBC_theory 2018-02-19
Even she admits it lmao. Got ghosted by Juan who no speaka ingles but looks exotic and then complains about it
1 pinkgoldrose 2018-02-19
And you complain about a girl you swiped right "ghosting" you.
1 BBC_theory 2018-02-19
I don’t go on tinder because I don’t respect women enough to allow them to judge me
1 BBC_theory 2018-02-19
Probably realized that South American women are hotter than ameritrash Anglo garbage
1 pinkgoldrose 2018-02-19
I agree with that. Girls were much hotter in his country. He couldn't get any though.
1 BBC_theory 2018-02-19
Maybe looking at them was just better than being with you
1 pinkgoldrose 2018-02-19
I agree with that.
1 mens-libthrowaway 2018-02-19
"Just run world-class Olympian game" might have worked on this 4/10 back in 2010 before we hit the roast singularity but you're an idiot if you seriously believe that this will work in 2018. Just give up if you're trying to find a gf in 2018 as an Olympic athlete without a small island, a PhD and a canthal tilt of anything below 45 degrees.
1 BF8211 2018-02-19
Lol and this is her biggest regret as wel
1 not_good_looking 2018-02-19
Lol fucker is a 9/10 chad champion athlete but still had to be ghosted by a 0/10 brown roastie. I don’t know why normies still can’t tell what’s going on.
1 Tallguy_87 2018-02-19
Out of shape and below average looks and she rejects an OLYMPIC ATHELETE.
1 fatchancebud 2018-02-19
Only 30% of the people on Tinder ever meet up with anybody.
1 iQ9k 2018-02-19
1 BBC_theory 2018-02-19
1 chadeet 2018-02-19
She is signaling on social media "im such hot shit i reject olympic medalists please worship me", typical status-obsessed roastie
1 genetic_scrap 2018-02-19
Women are just the fucking absolute worst kind of scum.
I'd rank them just above raw sewage.
1 breakfastATepiphanie 2018-02-19
Sewage can be used as fertilizer, it's not entirely without worth
1 DestroyingIdioticPpl 2018-02-19
You need to learn how to converse with women, bro:
1 NightSkyPill 2018-02-19
Maybe it's just the camera, but he looks like a manlet. If his Tinder pictures didn't show his muscles, then she wouldn't have known his physique.
His face also doesn't show well in this picture, so it could be unattractive for all we know.
1 DarkenedButterfly 2018-02-19
This guy already had a girlfriend and probably lots of girls want to date him, and you complain that ONE girl did not reply? Wow.
This subreddit is fucked up, but I guess you will downvote this to swim in your misery. I would also have ghosted this guy because he seems like a playboy.
1 KufoIV 2018-02-19
1 BBC_theory 2018-02-19
Cope he has a small weeny
1 areallynicebean 2018-02-19
Well he wasnt really interesting. Wouldnt have answered too
1 guitarhamster 2018-02-19
Man i went to ut austin too. Shit is fucking ridiculous. Ugly sorority girls will ghost anyone not a 9/10 white chad
1 ihatemylifelololol 2018-02-19
He’s short and ugly so why care. Look at how the flag goes down in his direction, obviously someone superior and taller than him is holding the other side. Asian guys are always so damn short and ugly.
1 not_good_looking 2018-02-19
I’m raging that a fine male specimen like that felt the need to swipe right on such a vile looking brown semi fat roastie in the first place
1 shockinghillaryquote 2018-02-19
What a dumb ho.
1 shockinghillaryquote 2018-02-19
This dumb beaner is a female incel and she thinks she's hot shit???
1 mens-libthrowaway 2018-02-19
That's awful. Could you please guide me on getting a gf
1 zielony4 2018-02-19
At least you were in a relationship. Old hag. 😷
1 BlueChimpanzee1 2018-02-19
Oh no... not like you can't find another guy to date in 5 minutes that is better than him in every way... oh wait, you're a femoid, yes you cam
1 BF8211 2018-02-19
Htf do you get ghosted by a boyfriend of 3 years? Shouldn’t you guys have been living together or knew where each other lived at that point?
1 not_good_looking 2018-02-19
Firstly, women do that ten times more, so no, women have less empathy, not men. Secondly, you can replace him within minutes because women have tons of options every second of everyday unlike men, so what’s the big fucking deal?
1 fuckitidunno 2018-02-19
That sounds pretty funny, tbh
1 DestroyingIdioticPpl 2018-02-19
Is that the whole story? I would say that is terrible if that's all there is to it, but somehow I doubt that. Somehow I think you're leaving out the part where you were a psychotic bitch and he wanted to go into witness protection to keep you from cutting off his penis.
1 breakfastATepiphanie 2018-02-19
Sewage can be used as fertilizer, it's not entirely without worth
1 KufoIV 2018-02-19
1 BBC_theory 2018-02-19
Cope he has a small weeny