I am done.

168  2018-02-19 by Waiders



What's your point? What did your story have to do with it?

That you guys could easily fix your problems if you would realise that the whole "the whole world hates me and people like me" thing is only in your heads. If you would stop acting like assholes because of a wrong impression that you have of your surroundings and life you could live a completly normal life. The OP is trying to help you.

The world hating me is a bit much. But I do know it doesn't care about me.

Still don't get OP's story though.

And it does not care about Normies or Chads either, still they manage to live a normal life

What do you mean it? I don't care about other people either, atleast not as much as other people. Except when they come here and spout bullshit.

I meant the world with "it". Point is that you guys are too lazy to make yourself better and interesting people so you come here to cry like little bitches. You all could be Normies that get a gf, sex and love.

Lots of tried "making ourselves better". Guess what, didn't work. So yeah, we came here to vent, discuss and talk to people in a similar situation, why is that wrong?

Most of you did not or else you wouldn't be here anymore. People who actually try to change normally succeed.

Why that is wrong? Maybe just maybe because you tell young men that all their problems are not their fault and instead they should blame a third party (women) for it instead of trying to improve, radicalise them into hating women for no reason and in some cases even call for violence against women, girls and normal men (aka "chads")? Are you actually asking me what is wrong with that? You do not discuss anything here, you bully lonely people to become violent cult members that become mentally crippled just so you don't have to fear that someone actually escapes this shithole while you yourself fail.

Oh for fucks sake

Don't tell us what we did or didn't do. If you don't believe me then leave because got nothing else to talked about.

The bullying that we get comes from inceltears and people like you, just so you know.

Do you know us? Do you know we don't try? Do you know that we didn't try and still got rejected?

You did surely try to land with girls but probably in a pretty horrible state physical and personality wise. But as I said if you would have actually tried to improve first you wouldn't be here now. Sending creepy pm's to girls/asking them out while looking like a living trash can is easy and will indeed lead to rejection. Becoming a good person and then going for it is the hard part almost no one here has tried. Most of you rather stay delusional thinking you are already good people while you are obviously not.

a pretty horrible state physical and personality wise

Like what? Obviously you can't judge me on my physical appearance since you haven't seen me but what do you think is wrong with my personality?

But as I said if you would have actually tried to improve first you wouldn't be here now.

That makes it sound as if you tihnk that success is guaranteed if done properly. Do you think women don't get a choice in who they go for? Dating isn't a singleplayer game where work equals success. You have a very toxic and misogynistic mindset my friend. You should probably seek some help.

Sending creepy pm's to girls/asking them out while looking like a living trash can is easy and will indeed lead to rejection

Thank good I don't do that. I don't use social media and if you want I can give you a screenshot of my pm history on Reddit but it's rather boring. Most if it is some auto messages from auto moderators from other subs.

Becoming a good person and then going for it is the hard part almost no one here has tried. Most of you rather stay delusional thinking you are already good people while you are obviously not.

Do you think I am a bad person? What makes you think that? Have I done or said anything that would imply that I am more horrible then your average joe?

When you are a women and an incel calls you misogynistic because he tries to purposely missread your comment to make you look bad. Lmfao. But yeah man I will seek help later, I'm sure my husband can help me out a bit :)

In another comment of yours you say you are average looking and even above average in height, meaning tons of women have the potential of finding you attractive. Still no one wants you. What is the problem if not the personality? Why would no one wants you if you are a good person? Since I don't know you I can only guess how you are as a person. Probably either constant victim mentality like anyone owes you shit or the "good guy" that acts like an obedient dog waiting to please his princess.

When you are a women and an incel calls you misogynistic because he tries to purposely missread your comment to make you look bad. Lmfao. But yeah man I will seek help later, I'm sure my husband can help me out a bit :)

When you don't have any arguments so ad hominem ad hominem ad hominem.

In another comment of yours you say you are average looking and even above average in height, meaning tons of women have the potential of finding you attractive.

I am 1.88 however it's about average in my city. Everyone here is huge. You are very focused on my personality yet can't point out anything that's wrong with it. If it was that bad I would have trouble making friends yet I have several of them.

I don't see myself as a victim. It's a victimless situation. It's neither possible nor moral to make women want me. It's just shitty for me that they don't. I don't wait around either.

You missread my comment, call me misogyistic and basically mentally ill and then complain about ad hominem? Okay mate I'm pretty sure I found out the reason why no woman can stand you and it is definitly not your looks.

You missread my comment, call me misogynistic and basically mentally ill and then complain about ad hominem?

You are the one implying that women don't have a choice. Not me.

"It's neither possible nor moral to make women want me." Yep there is the victim mentality. You really never tried to improve.

Say have you tried to play Poker? You seem really good at mind reading or at least missreading. I can't force another human being to like me no matter what I do. It's what having a mind of your own means. You clearly think otherwise.

You still try to misunderstand the comment I said earlier or maybe you are just too unintelligent to understand it, who knows. Never said with a single word that women don't have a choice. Maybe try reading lessons? Might up your game a bit.

You think that it's impossible to make someone like you, there is your problem. Because this is exactly what you can do. Sure at the end of the day luck and chemistry is important aswell but you can higher your chances by an extreme amount if you know how. Ther are tons of psychological trick to make someone like you. But I guess you will never understand that.

Have a good day and stay lonely mate.

You still try to misunderstand the comment I said earlier or maybe you are just too unintelligent to understand it, who knows. Never said with a single word that women don't have a choice. Maybe try reading lessons? Might up your game a bit.

It is sad that you can not even remember or understand the things you yourself wrote.

You think that it's impossible to make someone like you, there is your problem. Because this is exactly what you can do. Sure at the end of the day luck and chemistry is important aswell but you can higher your chances by an extreme amount if you know how. There are tons of psychological tricks to make someone like you. But I guess you will never understand that.

I do not. I think it's impossible to forcefully make someone like you. It is entirely possible to be attractive to another person through your actions.

Have a good day and stay lonely mate.

Unfortunately I can't do that. I'll be going out with my friends later. I hope you can say the same for your husband. It would be great to hear.

Mate it's really not my fault that you are too dumb to understand such a simple comment. I know what I have written, you just love to interpret fake shit into it to make yourself feel better while you know yourself that is not what I meant or said. Incel tells me I'm the misogynist, this shit is so fucking gold lol

My friend It is not up to me to teach you what you yourself wrote.

I know what I have written

Evidently not.

you just love to interpret fake shit

Gee man like I don't think that happens at all on here. I don't think anyone here except some of the incels ever does that or would even think about doing it.

Are you trolling at this point?

wah wah wah. keep crying. the world doesn't give a rat's ass about us normies either. But we don't cry and enter in to a narcissistic subculture of self perpetuating stereo types. Girls wanna be treated like humans. Not like they owe people sex for merely breathing. I know, blew my mind too.

Face it, girls don't like you because of your shitty personality. I'm a normie with very few friends (can count em on one hand with fingers left over). Do you hear me saying the world owes me anything? No, I put on my big girl panties, and man the fuck up. Try it sometime, doll.

My personality is just fine friend and j don't hate women either. That's not my issue.

Nice job, assuming shit about a person you don't know though. Now, fuck off, I don't need advice from a failed normie like you.

aww so sweet.

Great argument.

sorry doll, I have a life that has me a bit busy at the moment. Lil mermaid in rainbow is excited to try sushi and hyper ass sarcastic boy have my attention.

You think I care about that?

This could be made into a "seeya later" greentext pretty easily but it needs some work.

This is literally

help an attractive girl at the store

cya later virgins

Eh, good riddance to bad rubbish.

lmao seriously. can't tell if it's bait or if OP is this retarded

Imagine being so pathetic that you interpret normal behavior as kindness which makes him "rethink how ideology".

Hope he has fun fitting in with literally no one.

has a normal interaction with a woman

wtf this isn't what I expected??? guess you were wrong all along, I'm done

just kek at OP

Imagine being so pathetic that you blame everyone else for your problems while crying about how no one pays attention to you.

Hope you have fun sitting in your room and feeling sorry for yourself.

Why do you assume everyone here is the same?

Why do you assume everyone here is the same?

Why do you assume that all _____ (enter femoids, chads, normies, cucks, whiteknights, or enter your own word now!) are the same?

Don't hate the player, hate the game son. I'm just playing your little incel games.

Statistically what I said is true (because yall love to play the statistically game).

Again. Assuming. I don't think all Chads and normies are the same. If you hate the game, target the game and not the player. I'm just leaving you with some advice. Don't breed hatred, it isn't healthy.

I don't think all Chads and normies are the same.

Statistically you do. If you don't understand statistics then you shouldn't post here, or at least that's what incels like to say when they want to use statistics against groups they don't like.


Black people statistically commit a lot of crimes. Does that mean I'll interact with every black person as if they're a thug? No, because it's wrong to assume that with no basis other than what other black people do. Statistically, girls lust for hot guys. Does this mean that girls don't like ugly guys? No.

Same logic can be applied here. You shouldn't interact with everyone on here as if they follow 100% of the ideology.

Same logic can be applied here. You shouldn't interact with everyone on here as if they follow 100% of the ideology.

Sorry, I've been told by your fellow incels that statistics are good enough to judge everyone based off them. Just playing by your own rules. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

...You're literally doing what I'm advising you not to do...

Don't generalize. I'm done talking. If you wish to keep your ignorance, so be it. Have a nice day.

you're trolling or retarded

definitely top tier shitpost trolling. They complain about being unloced virgins and then shit on people that break the cycle...

A woman smiling at him in a store is "breaking the cycle"


No, having a positive outlook is breaking the cycle.

I thought inceldom's ultimate goal is sex and maybe a fulfilling relationship. Why are you so angry at him for doing something you should all aspire to?

I'm not from incel tears, though I check these subs sometimes. Some of the hate you guys get is unfounded. But why be so angry over a fellow incel's fortune

He's not going to find a fulfilling relationship, unfortunately. It's a dream for all of us. If you read the post, he's leaving because a single girl was nice to him, which is pathetic, imo. I would be happy if he got a girl, but he's just being stupid rn.

You're right. I'm being too optomistic again.

Cheers. If you'd like a shitty knockoff equivalent of an AA sponsor type deal, send me a DM with your Skype or Kik or something.

It's a sub to make some users feel better about bad choices.

Yes thank you I'm here to feel better about being born with a severe deformity that can never be constructed as attractive regardless of how much I hit the gym, delete Facebook and lawyer up.

Go fuck yourself.

Sounds like an issue of self-acceptance

tf gilded

The cuck stamp of approval, you know it's over when you receive the mark of the beast

I did it! And the ER joke earlier. Does it even out?

You're a fucking idiot


You're pathetic and weak minded. You simply pushed the reason for your own insecurities onto us.

If what you say is true, then there was no reason for this post. Perhaps you aren't even an incel, just a weak idiot that was looking for something to blame.

/u/Waiders hopefully you read this

You need to chill out bud

Massive cope

What? You helped a femoid who didn't even give you her contact and suddenly we're wrong?


Jee, I sure wonder who's the loser between him and you; a man who respects his fellow human comrades or a trash talker.


gr8 b8 i r8 8 8

Lol maybe she's a nice person I general, but if you were Chad she would've tried to get your number. Cope of epic proportions.

This he's coping so hard. OP is going to be a beta orbitor in the future. It reminds me of my friend who beta orbited this hot white girl in one of our engineering classes. He helped her with homework and was pretty much a free tutor which helped her get a good grade in the class yet when he asked her out at the end of the semester she said no and legit got mad. Women have no problem using sub-8 men to get free shit, expensive clothes, good grades, etc. The have a problem though when we aren't the asexual orbitor they want.

You're idea of a relationship between a man and a woman is so skewed that it automatically makes it rape.

Girls don't just ask hot dudes for their phone numbers because of a kind gesture, btw

His idea of a relationship is based off anime

It all makes sense now

bait harder man

Lol cya bro hope you never have to come back even though I don't recognize your username at all

Lol you helped a roastie out nice one, back on the bluepill plantation you go. Blackpill isn't for you m8.

it was all in my head

Where else would it be? Unless you're a god who knows everything, it's all going to be how you perceive reality. You can choose to believe everyone is nice and people don't care about looks, and you will find plenty of evidence to support that. You can also believe people are shit and judge you constantly because you're ugly, you'll find plenty of evidence to support that too.

Do whatever you want man.

Yet your still a virgin.

Keep White-knighting and being a good goy beta orbitor for some Stacey like incealtears wants you to. I'm sure you'll do a good job of being a shoulder to cry on for some Stacey after Chad cheats on her for the 3rd time in a month.

So, out of curiosity, how exactly does your life change once you had sex? Like, say, you somehow manage to hook up with a girl and lose your virginity. How would this change anything?

You were extremely happy because you helped a beautiful woman and she thanked you ... It revolutionized your ideas and thoughts.

Look at you op, look at how low your self esteem is

Considering the perpetuated idea that “women treat average looking men like scum” isn’t the case for OP, it seems to be a pretty good realization

You will be back.

My thoughts exactly. If he tried to socially interact with her, and eventually ask her out you KNOW she would say no or lie about having a BF.

Why is this the only thing that matters? This mindset is exactly why you don’t have meaningful relationships with women. Your only goal is a sexual or romantic relationship and you automatically think you’ll be rejected so you don’t try or you act bitter which drives more people away. Just be a damn human being and interact with people and genuine mutual relationships will form. You’ll not only have more friends but you’ll also create the foundation for a potential romantic relationship later on. Just stop approaching any woman with the mindset of “potential partner” and start approaching them as a “potential enjoyable person” After all some of the best relationships start off as friendships

Haha look at all these virgins getting angry because OP actually talked to a girl.

You need to relax bud

Stop thinking you're a psychiatrist and can diagnose, you utter spastic.

There is nothing to diagnose here.

Exactly, you aren't a psychiatrist

There is nothing to diagnose here it's written quite clearly based off the comments on the thread.

You aren't a psychiatrist

I wonder what a psychiatrist would think about this sub

I wonder what a psychiatrist would think about this sub

"I've hit the goddamn jackpot! This place is a goldmine! Research funding, here I come!"

Jokes about the mentally ill haha

As someone who is mentally ill, I wholeheartedly approve of any and all jokes about mentally ill people

No you don't have mental illness

Uuuh sure, just diagnosed with Autism and ADD and in psychiatric care because of the resulting depression most autists my age develop, but nah, ain't got no mental illness

Lmao no wonder you have no empathy

You're absolutely right, I do lack empathy. It's been a big issue for me my whole life and it's really not as fun as it may sound to some when you have a bunch of direct relatives suffering from severe health conditions and you just have 0 emotional reaction to it

I'll ask next time I see mine.

You don’t need to be a psychiatrist to diagnose an asshole

Lol bro half of our posts are memes u can calm down

Wow, cutdown the islam part.

To be fair this sub is full of assholes. Women dislike most of you just because of your huge personality flaws and inability to empathize. OP run as fast as you can bud!

To be fair, we are the way we are due to years of rejection and failure. We are what the world made us. So don't speak as if you're somehow better than us.

Does this matter to the people who meet you?

You guys all play the victim, it's pathetic. Maybe take some responsibility for yourself and you'll have better luck in life.

Because you know us so well.

I know who you are Eric from United States. You live in a house and sleep in a bed.

My names not Eric. Try again.

Well what's the first letter of your name ?



You get one more.






Sage advice, user name poopskirt

To be fair, we are the way we are due to years of rejection and failure.

I hope you're not implying that a life without romance or sexual gratification unequivocally turns men bitter.

Oh, he definitely is. Sanity isn't really welcome round these parts.

Why wouldn't it?

That's a massive generalization that only makes sense if you assume that men, as a whole, need a fulfilling romantic and/or sexual relationship to function.

And that's sexist.

Sexist against whom? I don't intend to be sexist against anyone? I'm sure some men can function without romance and sex. However, given how sexualised society is, I don't know how they can do it.

Sexist against whom?

Sexist against men, in particular. It's along the same lines as saying that men are inherently violent (when individuals may be violent because of other factors, not necessarily because of their status as men).

I don't intend to be sexist against anyone? I'm sure some men can function without romance and sex.

That's cool, this doesn't really apply to you, then. I brought it up because the user I initially replied to talked as if there could not possibly exist any other factors that explain how they are as a person.

However, given how sexualised society is, I don't know how they can do it.

Naturally, people, complex as they are, will have different experiences with it. Think of it this way: it's like how, despite there being an abundance of media that glorifies violence, most people don't go and kill each other because of it.

You see where you are?

Nah, that's 100% not true. Everyone gets rejected. Sometimes over, and over, and over again. You are the sad bunch that throw a tantrum and give up because shit isn't handed to you. Bunch of whiny little children.

"Everyone gets rejected."

That is actually not true. There are thousands, perhaps hundreds of thousands, of couples who were each other's first.

You don't know the beginnings of who we are.

Failures bred from yourself? That’s where i would start.

What failures would that be? How does one recognize their own failures? If if I could control or change them, would they still be failures?

Why do you feel the need to play the victim tho? No one cares about your problems. Don't be a little girl snowflake

So I should limp in quiet solitude and not trouble people with my problems?

Okay, then others should do likewise. No one cares about your problems either.

Who is playing the victim? Not me. Acknowledging your own unhappiness is not playing the victim.

It's comments like this that make me question the intelligence and empathic development of you people.

If nobody cares, why are you here? Shouldn't you be off doing a whole lot of not caring right about now?

Normies are fucking stupid and prove only that the fittest survive, not necessarily the smartest.

Don't respond to me anymore.

Man, i understand its hard to change from these views. Corrupted views and change within yourself is always a terrible thing to go through, but its always an option.

I really wish i could just sit down with you and really just civilly converse on why you feel this way. I don’t wanna be the cliche “hah i’ll help you out”, but seriously.

It’s too hard trying to have a deep convo over the interwebs- have you ever considered a therapist? Do you have normal friends to confide in? (Sorry for the brute question, some dont have friends to confide in, some do.)

Yes exactly, why would you make your problems other people's problems? That's childish and so immature.

"No one cares about your problems either." No shit, that's my point lmao. It isn't a big deal.

Maybe you no one loves you because you use words like "normies" and believe you're smarter than others not on this sub for some reason. Sorry bud, but complaining about your problems doesn't make you intelligent lol. See you over at r/iamverysmart

Please explain how me not blaming others for my problems and/or complaining about them on Reddit makes me stupid?

Tell me guy, where I have done any of what you say I have done above?

You realize this sub exists solely for people to vent their spleens? Venting, complaining, and being angry, sad or frustrated, are all emotions that everyone feels and do.

And saying "nobody cares about your problems" maybe true, it also doesn't help any of us. We're still at square one.

Comments that lack self awareness makes you stupid. Who the fuck said complaining equates to intelligence? Or is setting up a strawman the only way you can argue an ill conceived point that holds no relevancy?

Again, fuck off. Anymore replies from shall be considered spam and reported.

Lmao "shall be considered spam and reported." What are you 12?

Most empathetic people react badly if they see someone shit on another person for problems that everyone has to deal with.

So it is very empathetic to realize that someone is harming society and people more than helping or just existing near them. This is how you get alienated.

Instead of realizing why you’re alienated, and try to change yourself, you blame other people for not accepting you.

Basically, your amount of self awareness is causing your inceldom.

Grow up.

I am not self aware. Can you prove you are?

I'm alienated because I refuse to confirm mentally to a society that predominately sick, ignorant, and backyards.

But as Krishnamurti once said, it is no matter of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.

If your standard of empathy ends with the rarity of the problem that causes suffering, then surely you would be better off not caring about anyone because someone will always be worse of than the next. But that's not how empathy works. Suffering is suffering, no matter the cause or the extreme. Everyone suffers, therefore they are deserving of empathy.

And no, for the most part, normies (or people who live average lives) are not self aware.

You just reaffirmed my point, thanks!

If you call people normies unironically you deserve all the hate you get (joke), the fact that you use this word proves that you have no self awareness.

Again, you refuse to see from other points of views and you are stuck in your own circlejerk.

All of your arguments can be decreased enough to say “ IT’S SOCIETY/ NORMIES NOT ME”, and thats the issue.

Society isn’t responsible for your rejection issues. Society isn’t evil, it’s just a thing people are a part of. If you want to be bitter and blame everyone else around you, go for it, but no one has to put up with your shit and care about you.

So yes. You won’t change, and that’s why you’ll stay incel. Good luck to you.

I am not self aware. Can you prove you are?

First couple, not first ever interest.

Which you can't say.

Rejection is a normal part of dating. Constant rejection is what warps men into this

You get hurt, it doesn't mean you stop trying. It doesn't mean you get cruel.

Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results is the definition of insanity. I don't thinks its a mentality most people who come here to judge or make fun of us understand. We're not a group of whiny losers, a lot of us have tried all of the platitudes suggested by others for years with no results. After a certain point of trying to improve yourself and become a better person, while watching other people with horrible "personalities" have wonderful loving relationships it begins to eat at your brain. This is a place for us to shitpost as opposed to taking out our frustrations on other people. If all of you disagree why are you here?

Incorrect, that would be Einsteins definition of insanity.

were not a group of whiny losers

Enh, debatable

a lot of us have tried all of the platitudes suggested by others for years with no results.

Somehow I doubt that.

Good response. Accuse us of being cruel then call us whiny losers

Youuuuure welcome

You know you can change right? Stop playing the victim you won’t get anywhere in life if you do

Change what? And how? And who's playing the victim? You don't know me or my life. So don't pretend that you do.

Why is this sub inundated with morons all of a sudden? Particularly this post?

that mentality is fine for children that are merely a product of they're environment, if you want to be a man, stop just going along with people on an anonymous internet forum and develop your own worldview

My worldview was developed long before I even came here. Now it's only confirmed by people like yourself.

Me telling you to grow up and love your lofe is confirmation that girls wont fuck you because of a set of rules you made up? Even so, dont let others develop your worldview

Also dont let a stranger (me) on the internet being harsh with you banish you to a sad life

Except we are better than you, fam

That has yet to be seen.

Very good that you escaped this fucked up cult. Good luck in life man.

That woman posted on Facebook later about being assaulted by some creep at the grocery store. Her roast friends commented OMG baby so soooorrrry you wen thru that gurl #metoo

Do you actually believe what you are typing?

Yes I seen it

Good for you for growing as a person, and for being kind. :) It takes a lot of courage to reexamine your beliefs like that. Kudos!

Normals do not belong on this sub

Hell yeah man, you broke the spell! Now go, go and be free and have many great times.

"You've taken the first step in a really positive direction" - inceltears

It's the truth.

alot of us at inceltears support him and wish him a full life, with sweet, fat children and wife who has inner and outer beauty. i' m praying he will completely escape the narcissism that is incel.

You could have just left and no one would have noticed. But nah, had to do your attention whore routine.

lol ur a cuck

Thank you, jesus christ. All these sad little boys vlame everyone else but themselves.

my little cousin was nice to me today so then I immediately transformed into Chad and became a slayer, escaping inceldom. see ya later losers

I clicked an elevator button and the elevator came to my floor!

Literally chad. Cya later losers

lol at how much power a female has over you, literally all she did was smile at you dude. you didnt even ask her out. you think youre no longer an incel because a woman smiled at you, this is how you know youre a truecel

how much power a female has over you

Funny how you're all craving for a GF, yet YOU call OP a slave here.

good riddance future cuckold!

so you were delusional enough to think everyone was constantly thinking about how ugly you were and that is somehow this sub's fault


"When I subscribed to this subreddit I was under the impression it was a support group to help people cope."

That was your first error. Cope is a myth perpetuated by those who really have no interest in actually offering help. What's more, this is a place to vent and to muse over our lives of loneliness and rejection.

So you offered to help someone, and because she didn't automatically turn away in disgust you suddenly feel superior to everyone here?

Whatever you say, man.

This is some delicious bait

It was never a support group. I'm not sure why people think it is. Anyway goodluck on making it out. But you'll be back, They always come back.

Also I've never seen your name on here before.

Has anyone ever even seen OP post here before?

So you had a normal interaction at a store, disproved a strawman, and all the normies collectively orgasmed from the sheer excitement of reading this, enough to gild the fucking post lmao. Amazing.

When I subscribed to this subreddit I was under the impression it was a support group to help people cope.

But it says this nowhere in the sidebar nor have I ever implied it.

Instead individuals here just rip on each other and piss on whatever happiness someone has

Accusatory threads that generalize the entire subreddit (e.g., "Why do you creepy virgins hate women so much?!" or "Are you people for real? Is this a joke?") will be treated as spam and removed

do you not know the rules of your own sub

It said "individuals", not "everyone" or "people" or "you all", etc.

Fuck off.

it referred to the entirety of this sub as individuals but w/e

He mad I gilded it

This entire sub is hilarious, you're an incredibly immature mod lol

If people treat me with respect, I treat them with respect back. Otherwise, I don't.

Almost no one here treats me with respect, so that's why I come across as "immature".

He called you out, didn't even insult you, and then you told him to fuck off. Think you disrespected him pal lol

wow incels don’t show respect? what a shocker



Scrata dur

lol and you removed it after all

I was sick of stupid people responding to my post.

you're not talking about me are you

No, you're good. It was a bunch of morons literally just typing "lmao"-tier comments.


Not a support group.

WOw a woman smiled at you, that surely means you’re gonna be bald deep in her birth canal by 5pm Thursday buddy boho. Cope more while you’re at it

Incel Tears creative writing exercise

Good for you man, don't be the incel. Theirs is a self-fufilling prophecy, best that you get out of your head asap. They just want to feel sorry for themselves and blame everyone else for their own problems.

You've taken a step to change that rather than just feel sorry for yourself, and I sincerely wish you the best.

More false flag incel tears bullshit

The "sub-8" bullshit is annoying. When you are ugly AF you get heavily discriminated against. But a lot of everage looking tards act as if all is lost if you re not in the top 20% of men.

I realized it was all in my head it didn't exist.

Congratulations, buddy!

P in V? Did I miss that part in my reading of the story?

Oh, I didn't, it just never happened. A female used you and your beta instinct squirmed in ecstasy because... well, because what she didn't berated you in public?

Congrats on your "realization".

what kind of pathetic cope is that boyo?did she suck your dick or not??if the anwser is no,you are a cuck in denial

Does every interaction with a woman have to end in dick sucking?


You realize that’s not the case for any man right? Literally no man experiences that.

Literally no man experiences that

except the 5% of the top males also known as chads

Again, I will guarantee you that even chads will go a few days without sex from time to time

Good for you. One saved. I hope you find happiness.

She thanked me gracefully and smiled at me in joy like I just had made her day 100x better.

do you think that's what sex is, people being civil to you

You helped some woman use a checkout machine and suddenly women don't hate you?

makes you think

Beta cuckold

Fucking wicked mate. Don't look back.

So... you used to be incel. Then some woman showed basic adult politeness by smiling and thank you for helping her. And... that's it? Guess what, you're still incel.

Lol dude. If you've the confidence to walk up to a girl to begin with then you're not an incel. That much is clear. Bugger off.

She didn't look at me any different, she didn't treat me any different than how she would treat "Chad". I realized it was all in my head it didn't exist.

She got free help, what did you expect her to do? The difference between you and Chad is that she’d never fuck you, but she would have extended the interaction by flirting with Chad, giving him her number, and fucking him later.

Because sex doesn’t matter. Knowing you made someone happy without sticking your dick in them is enough to give you happiness. Sex is not an anti-depressant and it won’t solve your problems. Making the world better with kindness and an open mind will make you happier and will get friends and even partners in your life.

Sex is important to me, and many other people. If you want to be kind and never have sex then great for you. I need sex to survive.

Nobody needs sex to survive. Just look at Aron Ralston, Isabel Godin des Odonais, even me! Sex is not a necessity, but a luxury.

I need sex to survive. If I don’t have it my life isn’t good enough for it to be worthwhile for me to keep living.

That all depends on you. Imagine things you can do without sex. You can get a job, save enough money and see if you can maybe go on a road trip or even another country! Don’t base your life and identity on what you haven’t done YET. Base it on who you can be and what you haven’t done yet, but want to do! This world is huge and life is too short. Don’t spend time grueling about being a virgin, spend life living it.

I know you can do it, and I’m sure you know that too.

You don't get it. None of those things are a substitute for sex, sorry.

Alright, then help me get it. What is sex for you other than what you have just told me? How is it necessary for living? I’m not patronizing, I want you to explain it to me.

Amazing you haven't dropped dead yet.

I might kill myself tomorrow

Dude, tell me you didn’t kill yourself. You do not deserve to die for something like this!

congrats. i’m here to listen to anyone

Woohoo! Good on you. :D

Perhaps we shall see you on /r/inceltears? If so, welcome aboard!

(No offense taken, though, if you need to take a break from all incel-related threads. Whatever you need to do to detox and grow from here on.)

I'm very glad to read this. I'd still recommend you to do therapy because if the thought patterns are already there they probably won't just go away after your epiphany. At worst, therapy won't hurt.

Good. No one wants you here.

I clicked an elevator button and the elevator came to my floor!

Literally chad. Cya later losers

You're a fucking idiot

My thoughts exactly. If he tried to socially interact with her, and eventually ask her out you KNOW she would say no or lie about having a BF.


No, you're good. It was a bunch of morons literally just typing "lmao"-tier comments.