Banned from r/short for saying short women are treated better on r/short than short men

41  2018-02-16 by nct57

My thread that got me a permanent ban:

Even on r/short short women have it better than short men

Because of white knights and women having an in-group bias, all threads and comments by short women get upvoted, while short men, even here, will be downvoted for speaking the truth ("short women don't have it as bad as short men") or for venting. Women live life on easy mode.

Reddit is such a shithole. Say women have something worse, you get thousands of upvotes. Say men have something worse, you get a permanent ban. Women are so privileged.


That's why I only browse this sub and r/milliondollarextreme

Don't dare question the women are wonderful effect.


Hey there. I used to post on r/short for a while. They really went full feminist fortunately. It is tragic. I dont visit it anymore ever since.

The new mod is the final nail in the coffin there. Just like r/foreveralone, the "undesirables" are going to be cleansed.

Is the new mod the one from the r/short sticky? Yup i used to be a /r/ForeverAlone regular. They started enacting very feminist rules. I was banned a couple of times so I just stopped. Now they are equating male loneliness to female "illness". It is sad.

Yeah, it's Bikerbats. And same, I used to be a regular on r/foreveralone until the big moderation changes over there.

I remember him being a big feminist the last time I was there. lol pretty shitty move.

Women have taken over that sub I said all women despise short men and they banned me, I fucking hate all of them.

Another myoclonic seizure on the keyboard I see!

Short women hate short men.

That just proves women are retarded

tall women are treated worse than tall men. there, its balanced.

Tall women are treated fine. The only difficulty they run into in life is having standards they chose that 90% of men can't meet.

Wait 6'0 is not average? Man American males are small af.

Hell no.

Females models are all 5'10" + and they are the most attractive women.

As a tall woman, I can confirm that men treat me well and women will mostly treat you well, too. Some women will call you Amazon, though. Lol.

how tall are you?


you are not that tall

Depends what you mean by "tall". When I think of "tall" for men I think of >6'3" (top 2%) but for women I think of >6' (top 0.5%)

depends where that woman lives. i would say if a Chinese woman is 6ft tal, she would be treated worse than a man at that same height.

Hell nah tf do you even know any tall girls irl?

They get all the benefits of being a woman AND being imposing.

Censorship is so weak and pathetic. You automatically loose any and all arguments if you have to resort to censorship. I will never understand how the brain of someone that bans and censors works: "UHN UHN, YOU NOT ALLOWED TO SPEAK, ME WIN NOW"

Yiu must not have liked the old incels sub then because sensorship ran rampant there.

Censorship was a necessary evil there - there was no other way to provide a talking space there, so it was either censor the haters or force them to fight among themselves and self-censor. Strictly speaking it was not actually censorship at all.

Can't that logic be applied to all censorship? It can't be a "necessary evil" when you do it and "censorship" when they do it - that's pretty hypocritical.

If a group considers the way you talk about women to be hateful and pointless, they have the same right as you to censorship in their sub. Either all censorship is bad or none is.

Personally, i think censorship is stupid. It is plugging your ears up, refusing to listen to a different perspective. The reticence probably comes from the emotional pain one experiences when listening to this 'other perspective'. Because they are not living our lives and their opinions are colored by their privileges. They don't understand what i feel and how I'm treated. So it can be angering and /or hurtful. But by reacting this way, by letting their comments, thoughts, opinions emotionally overwhelm you, you give them power over you. In the end, this has to be a journey about mastering your emotions and not letting them dictate your life. Otherwise all your doing is wallowing in bitterness and life is too short to live that way.

Can't that logic be applied to all censorship?

It can. But that won't make it true in cases where that isn't true.

It can't be a "necessary evil" when you do it and "censorship" when they do it - that's pretty hypocritical.

That's not the dichotomy. The IT hivemind was censored on the incels sub not because of their views, but because the only ways in which those views were being expressed was harassment, threats of violence, brigading and spam. As long as brigades worked to upvote all IT-sourced disagreement and spammers to disrupt any conversations that were not anti-incel, the only viable response was to simply ban any users who could be an accessory to that. Banning IT-aligned users whose posts were brigade-upvoted was similarly the only way to combat brigades.

Ultimately, it wasn't censorship. It was just profiling which took the form of censorship because there was no other solution.

Your third paragraph is you being right for all the wrong reasons, but eh, we both know your opposition to censorship is insincere so I'm not even going to address that.

I thought comments were being banned for being just dissenting opinions, not harassment. If that was the case, you're just rationalizing the double standards. If not, then you have a completely legitimate claim. I'm obviously not very familiar with that subreddit, so I have no argument to make.

What is the IT hivemind?

I'm kinda conflictes. There are some normies here that say really retarded shit, but there are some that have decent arguments and keep a healthy debate going

Never posted, or lurked, on the old sub. So I wouldn't know.

I'm simply of the opinion that if you need censorship to uphold your argument you have already and automatically lost. That holds true for all sides.


Thanks. Loose vs lose is something I'm always struggling with.

r/short is r/cucked

Short femoids are treated better. Tall femoids are treated better. All femoids are treated better.