alt right are confirmed coping incels

80  2018-02-16 by MandingoForWhites


Jewish media virgin shaming as usual.

chad is not affected at all by jewish media

why would he bother watching MSM. Too busy slaying.

Blaming the Jews for you failure is cope from alt right incels.

Your like the BLM dindus blaming whites for all their problems.

They're just part of the problem.

I'm not alt-right, I'm mostly liberal, but if you deny that jews control the media and promote an agenda you're just being delusional.

I'm not alt-right

jews control the media

whew lad

<jews own all American TV channels

<jews own all news websites

<jews own all social media

<jews own Hollywood and are the directors of nearly all popular movies

(There's no denying to these unless you're some very special kind of human.)[] And yeah, I consider myself a liberal.

That /pol/ infograph has already been debunked.

Wow that graphic is bad.

BLM is funded by Jews like George Soros and they promote all the stuff incels are opposed to.

I thought Jews were trying to convince the white man not to breed, not encouraging them to get laid?

"There's no such thing as virgin shaming, fuck off incels"

iT enDs aftER higH sChool

Notice how the value and appreciation of a male's humanity and dignity is always directly associated with his sexual appeal and convenience to women. A society that exists this way is a prison for a man's mind. Men are slaves.

Alt right is alright.

politics is cope

It really is cope. Incels have no political power and honestly I'm kind of glad. I want to be left alone.

Cope. If someone is an alt right Chad, then he's Chad. There are also liberal Chads.



Is both height and face

yes but face > height >>>>>>>>>>>> meaningless things like personality

You are right. Having a good-looking face gets you respect and being treated well. It's tall height accompanied with having good looks what sexually attracts women.

yeah if you have a chad face but are short, you're not a chad anymore, you can get laid tho as an upper tier normie

Isn't that basically chadlite? Depends how short I guess. But average height with chad face is basically chad, certainly chadlite.

Lmao Tom Cruise disagrees.

you can but its pretty hard. i have a somewhat chad face and while im not ugly..being not tall isnt good

chad might show up to a liberal protest meeting but just to look for women which he has flock to him within 5 minutes and he leaves.

Chad is conservative not Alt-right.

Chad slays Latina, Asian, and Chocolate pussy he doesn't care about racial purity like alt-right incels, he's too busy plowing women.

this. chads are upper middle class WASPS for the most part. the alt-right are low tier white dudes

"male virginity isn't a problem" -inceltears

Link this anytime someone says "nobody cares that you're a virgin."

People care because we know your frustration at other people is because you can't get laid


Why would anyone provide for a cuntry cringes me more than for a roastie

provide men with sex = all violence everywhere ends

Who's the guy who described fascism as basically an outburst of sexual frustration?

I disagree with him, but he did make some good points.

Shills please go, get enough of this garbage on the front page.

Isn’t that a good thing? Like they don’t make bad decisions in high school?

Yeah, that's what lefties usually say. But when it's time to tar people they do not like, then no method is over the line.

I wish I lost my virginity after 26


Because now sex is depressing.

still being a v*Rgin after 26 years old is pathetic though

Yeah true but better after 26 than before 16 imo

better at 17-18 than 26

Yeah can’t argue that

how old were you when you lost it exactly?

I think it was my 15th birthday present

at least you weren't a loser like me. you shouldn't see it as a bad thing


lol 😂 well if you ever wanna feel better just compare yourself to me 😅

In other news, Red Pill is popular in alt-right for a reason. Who would have thought they'd be connected? Fucking normans.

In other news, Red Pill attracts men frustrated about SMP. Who would have thought?

it’s almost like there is a direct correlation between self righteous incels and the alt right

it's almost like ugly males aren't attractive

Okcupid nearly every woman says 14 is an average number. This is fucking disgusting. How do these animals have rights at all? They wanna be toilets lock them in a fucking dungeon and make them a toilet

I wonder how many of them lost their virginity to an escort, lol.

face is the only common denominator, 'tis true but there are many alt right chads as well

I'm alt-right and lost my virginity at 16, and never anywhere did I document this with anyone

Until now

After this "study" came out

Jokes aside, obviously a group with more fundamental moral values would wait longer to have sex.

I mean, idk shit about the legitimate nature or lack thereof of the study, but the headline is kinda a no shit line to me, when you look at it that way

lots of incels lose their virginity and spend the rest of their life in sexless marriages or beta bucksing with fugly ethnic women, like you

Im on team incel, I honestly thought this post was meant to be against this survey, or I wouldnt have commented. Beta buxxers are generally lefties arent they

Nah, bitches like the left more.

Yea cuz they're stupid and easily convinced with dumb emotional non points, which is basically why beta buxxers exist in the first place

I despise alt right copers, but for this one, I can explain the results. if you read between the lines, it’s actually showing that males lose their virginity 7 years later than national average, which includes women who overwhelmingly lose their virginity in their teens. By sampling “alt right” males, they are actually just sampling males proper and as a result, they find this discrepancy.

But it has been common knowledge alresdy for some time in incel communities that men lose their virginity later than women.

It’s not that alt right males lose virginities 7 years later, it’s that males proper lose virginity seven years later

I can not find this article online. I think it is fake.

chad is not affected at all by jewish media

politics is cope

Blaming the Jews for you failure is cope from alt right incels.

Your like the BLM dindus blaming whites for all their problems.

<jews own all American TV channels

<jews own all news websites

<jews own all social media

<jews own Hollywood and are the directors of nearly all popular movies

(There's no denying to these unless you're some very special kind of human.)[] And yeah, I consider myself a liberal.

I thought Jews were trying to convince the white man not to breed, not encouraging them to get laid?


at least you weren't a loser like me. you shouldn't see it as a bad thing