Would you guys be interested in watching an incel try "pick up"?

114  2018-02-16 by StocktonSlapper

I have one and half years of college left before I ultimately decide to go to the Middle East, so I thought I would spend my time proving that for some people it is literally impossible to find a partner.

  • I will record myself approaching women on campus and trying to get their number.

  • I will screen shot dating site conversations. (If I can even get a match. I might have to do some photo fuckery to place less of an emphasis on my face.)

  • I will shower every day and wear better clothes while documenting the change in my physique as I continue to workout.

If after a year of this I haven't had any success I think we can officially say that the face is the most important part of attraction(Save for fame and millions of dollars.) and that some people are just fucked from the start. I'll also be sure to make sure my good personality is shown so my failures can't be blamed on that.


Yes. Do it.

What if people dox you

I could blur faces, but I don't really care if I get doxed. I have no friends and nobody to disappoint.


Nice name

Martial arts are currently my only form of human contact =)

What kind of martial arts do you do?

BJJ, Wrestling, Sanshou. I'm trying to eventually get an amateur mma fight because it's not like my face can get worse lol.

It would be a good blackpill

What if it's not?

It will be

What if it isn't though? hahaha I'm dying this went exactly how I imagined. Like that scene from Religulous with Bill Maher. You're just so sure of yourself. Keep yourself safe :D

Oh dear god a neckbeard sjw white knight atheist. Yeah he’s totally going to be slaying

Go for it

Do it. Do it for the Blackpill. If there is video evidence of femoid hatred of incels, then at least we can demonstrate that the facts are on our side.

Femoids are not human

No, buddy, the facts are NEVER on your side.

You need to be reading between the lines.

I'm not saying that femoids are not biologically members of the homo sapiens species. From strictly a biological point of view, sure, they're human.

Rather, my point is that the sociopathy, narcissism, contempt, and wickedness that modern femoids display is so egregious, that it really cannot be said to constitute normal human behaviour. Hence "femoids are not human".

Except you are generalizing half of the human population, you twit. There are plenty of women better than guys at a lot of things. Man and women are 100% equal and only differ in minor ways. The fact that you believe what you do is horrific.

Man and women are 100% equal

only differ in minor ways

Then it's not really a 100% is it, you dumb fuck.

Alright. We'll call it a 99% exactness. Is that better, you hair-splitting sexist moron who can't help fucking complaining that the world is out to get him because he's a dickhead who can't get laid?

Genitals, boobs, curvature, and some hormones.

This sub is unbelievable lol

Genitals, boobs, curvature, and some hormones.

Uh huh...

Innate or learned

Innate: Hormones

Learned: Does not imply difference that is natural. Purely based on surroundings and cannot be applied to all of them.

He said equal, not same.

Equal in what sense?

In terms of them being no better or worse. Your opinion is unique to your circumstance. Everyone is like that. Some people just want to lean more on circumstance and others on capacity.

Some guys for example seem to have little capacity to perceive a woman as an individual and lump them together into a group to hate. It’s stupid, like racism. And women can sense that instantly and run the opposite direction, like my curly haired ancestors would have at a Klan rally.

You aren't 'human' either, by this definition:

Sociopath: a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience

Women are my enemles. I hate women. And there is nothing wrong with sabotaging your enemies... Now I have the fucking authority, and I’m going to fucking hurt them.

Narcissist: a person who has an excessive interest in or admiration of themselves

Your entire post history would seem to reflect an excessive interest in yourself.

Contempt: the feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or deserving scorn

Saw a landwhale today

Wickedness: the quality of being evil or morally wrong

It is human nature for me to rape every roastie I see.

You should see a therapist. You need help.

Disagree. Hatred in response to hatred is natural and very human. Hatred for no reason is what's problematic.

Murder, rape, and all manner of abuse are "very human", but we don't consider these things moral or acceptable. Hatred is no different. As rational creatures, we recognize that embracing the worst in our natures is not only destructive to society, but to ourselves. Hatred poisons the life of the hater.

I don't think anyone hates for no reason, but hatred is often misdirected, and it is always problematic. Our basest impulse as humans is to lash out at those who've harmed us. There are clearly people in your life who've harmed you very badly. By making the choice to hate, you're letting them continue to harm you now.

[many citations needed]

Once again.

Femoids are not guman

Oh, you're talking about him specifically, carry on.

I like it. You should make friends with a Chad and run his results next to yours for that extra blackpill.

That might be almost as hard as actually getting a girl to go out with me lol.

Have you ever thought that if you cant even make male friends then it might be a bigger issue then your face?

perhaps you are an unpleasant person?


i have never known an incel in real life- every man i know, no matter how short, ugly or unpleasant has relationships with women, most are married- to be truly INVOLUNTARY on this issue seems really unlikely

Your lived experience doesn't mean it's an absolute truth.

Only as kids can you become friends with other men over shared interests. Once you get to high school you need to be attractive to women to become friends with other men. Eventually even your childhood friends will drop you because you being ugly lowers their own SMV.

Thats not really true

Men need to become friends with their work associates- they need to go drink and hang out with them for networking, its just how it works

Most of my friends are people I have met through networking

Have you ever considered the biological fact that humans hate ugliness?

You can also be ugly and a fucking cunt of a person at the same time as this subreddit is solid proof of, still doesn't mean it's the ugliness keeping the friendships at bay buddy boy...

Wrong, no one actually likes ugly people

i like plenty of ugly people, what i don't like is your shitty attitude buddy boy....

no you don't actually like them

right, because you know better about that then me? XD come fucking of it kid XD

Yep, what you feel towards them is pity, no admiration as you would if they were good looking

Yep, what you feel towards them is pity

again, it's almost like you think you know what i (a total stranger on the internet) feel better then what i do myself? sorry to tell you kid, but you are suffering from delusions....

ugliness is fairly relative and is often affected by many issues- your job, your wealth, whom you are friends with ect

a lot of what is considered attractive by the white western ideal is not 100% dogma for attractiveness

ex- checkbones in men are considered very attractive on this sub but are considered ugly in men in most asian, middle eastern and african countries

lol you haven't a clue what ur talking about, not bothering

I live and work in china, cheek bone reduction surgery is the number one cosmetic procedure here

I guess going from your thought, I am not unpleasant.

Good to know!

If he can't make male friends that might be because of his personality, but if he's trying to make chad friends then he's got no chance, like begets like

i know a great many men you would consider chads- mostly they work in fitness modeling or personal training, most of them are poor or gay- i don't really see who these mythical chad men you want to be hanging out with are

You can't make male friends if you don't already have some. If I didn't have one of my friends from high school coming to my college and introducing me to his friends who then introduced me to their friends I would be a friendless incel like OP instead of being an incel with a big social circle like I am currently.

As the saying goes "the rich get richer and the poor get poorer."

Its more of a sign of an issue with yourself if you are unable to gain friends or network- people need to be able to network to advance in life, if you cant its signs of a larger issue- a lot of people i work with in law are not appealing people physically but they still need to be able to communicate to move ahead

Many have thought that and the idea has consistently been proven wrong. Shut your dumb ignorant yap.

not really PROVEN wrong, just wrong based on your assertion

No, actually proven wrong. Sure, when you roll out unfalsifiable statements, that can't be proven wrong, but it doesn't need to either - it needs to shamed and ridiculed.

Well I'd be more willing to believe this if it wasn't for the fact that many non-Incels (I am not specifically referring to you here) are downright nasty and unpleasant, and seem to have good interpersonal relationships in their real lives.

In the very unlikely case you go to my university, I'd be down to help you out. I'm probably considered a Chad around these parts.

What uni?

Comparing to Chad is boring. That's like comparing your bank account to Trumps.

Real blackpill is comparing to an average normie.

This has been done several times. You always deliberately jump out of the bushes and go "errm.. Can I have one of you females!"

I see videos and hear about people on /r/seduction having success with that method all the time. Also I have a really good personality and I'm good at talking to people, nobody around me can even tell how much I'm suffer. The only thing keeping me from being normal is a lopsided face and stab wounds.

Stab wounds? And having a "good personality" is meaningless. It doesn't mean you are good at romantic chemistry.

Here's the cold hard truth. The black pill takes common sense things like if you are outright uncomfortable to look at its gonna make things difficult for you and then it exaggerates that massively to declare that women only care about looks and all sun 8 men are rich.

I was stabbed 15 times with some of those times being in the face so my barely average face became a scarred and deformed face. It's bad, I get that a lot of people aren't as ugly as they think they are but I can objectively say that my face is ruined. I was a normal guy before so I know how to interact with people but I don't think it's possible for me to find the human connections I seem to have lost.

I'm not going to give up without trying literally everything though which is why I'm doing this.

Don't drag others down though. You know that you are a special case and that sucks. They're gonna use you to declare that women only care about looks and that all sub 8 men should rope or go ER

Unfortunately I don't seem to be the worst looking person on this sub. Also maybe I find someone. (I don't think I will but maybe there's a .0000001 % chance.) Wouldn't that boost the others up?

Why do cold approaches though? Not even normies can pull that off.

I'll try every form of approach. Literally any way that a person can pick up a girl I will try.

Want to join our incel discord group?


The only problem is that the majority of incels are just average looking guys who have become too hyper socialized with bad media influences. Instead of blaming the fact that males have changed, they all blame women for changing although they really haven't. All the things that women are accused of they were way more so in the past when they didn't have any other choice but to be.

Black pillers claim that men who are sub 8 can't be attractive to women.

Their entire theory is based in cherry picking examples so if you give them stuff to work with they'll seize upon it.

They don't want to see otherwise. Normies come by all the time who are rated by them as 3 - 5 according to their PSL scale, and we all do fine with women. Then they just spin rationalizations, accuse everyone if being rich, accuse then girl of scamming the male, and make up stories to cope.

If I'm successful and the experiment motivates even one person then I think it would be worth it. If I fail then at least people can gain some enjoyment from watching me. People love seeing people who are worse off than themselves.

Well godspeed if your intentions really are pure. The black pill is based entirely around rationalizing failure and success in opposite ways.

Do you happen to be anywhere beyond average income? The girl better be making as much as you do or more.

And then afterward they can just rely on post hoc rationalizations like "she's just using you to prove she's not shallow and she's 'definitely' fucking Tyrone and Chads in the side" etc

I even showed them how I have the ability to unlock my wife's phone there's no way to prove that whenever a girl is out of sight she isn't fucking Chad

Or they'll just say she's settling now but will cuck you between now and eternity

I'm a poor student so I'm good there. Even if they find some way to discredit it I'm sure at least one or two won't. Especially if I end up posting my face.

Well good luck man. Do you know what I mean by how guys need to work on their romantic persona and how things the attacks on masculinity and then from the other side pua pill lms stuff undermines you?

There are definitely guys with great personalities who still don't have game and it's not because they're ugly, it's because they treat women they're into the same way they treat everyone else Or they're convinced to be an asshole or "be nice" versus how they would have been if they just opened themselves up.

there are lots of men with facial scars who have wives and relationships

I think you are suffering PTSD from the attack

Do you have a relevant qualification to DS that person?

Of course not.

yes, I have been a lawyer for 15 years and have worked with many people suffering severe mental issues- I also have a degree in social work, it was a joint degree when I went to study law- it was the style at the time

I think its very clear that OP is suffering a trauma from the attack and is attempting to remove his own agency from the situation by now saying his change in social life is only from the scars from the attack instead of a lot of issues- he is clearly saying is perceiving a different life now as he describes before the attack as being treated as normal and now he is abnormal- thats a big indicator of a larger issue

Lawyer, not a psychiatrist. Only people with relevant qualifications have a right to officially diagnose people, you armchair shrink.

Besides, a lawyer for 15 years? I smell bullshit.

deserved, tbh

Yeah, my 6'1 height had to be balanced out somehow.

incel in violent intolerant denial here. hates himself so much he's projecting it onto a stabbing victim. disgusting.

you said earlier you are unable to make male friends- that indicates you don't really have a great personality

My face is hard to look at I guess. Like it was slashed up. I can tell it bothers people by the way they look at me.

That seems more an excuse based on your bad attitude- i think you are using the idea of being ugly from the attack as a way to avoid dealing with more significant issues

Eh I think I have a very good attitude considering the situation. If I didn't I would have given up.

I think you are just creating a negative situation for yourself to prove that you lack agency

if you had a positive attitude on the subject you would not be identifying as incel, you would more likely just be focused on keeping a positive attitude about the situation- like being happy that you survived the attack vs being angry that you feel ugly

Warm approaches hahahaha wtf... You just talk to them and start asking shit and since they love telling about theirselves thats all it takes. And being funny. Nothing with romantic and warm πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ weirdo

What are you even saying?


Please do it

Everyone already knows the outcome to this.

Yes do it and upload to YouTube this will be interesting

I will legit watch this if posted on YouTube. It will add validity to the Blackpill

most pathetic sight imho

This is just my two cents as an asexual male. Do it for you, not for whatever a blackpill is, not to get some girl, to love yourself is to learn to love another.

It's funny to watch but more like cringe content

Man how scientific! And I am sure filing women as you try to pick then up won't seem creepy. So out of touch...

Yeah, because there aren't thousands of videos on Youtube where guys secretly record themselves picking up women or anything.

.... aren't most of those entirely fake? And don't they generally tend to be hilariously bad and brilliantly inaccurate?

Find a decorated boxing gym before you compete it's gonna help your striking so much (both offense and defense)

My major issue with this community is that you'd rather bitch about your theories than examine practical evidence as to why you're single. So go ahead, it'd be nice to have some reference material when trying to explain how people done fucked up in future.

Normie here, whats the point in proving this? Doesnt everyone pretty much realise you're less likely to find a partner if you're physically unattractive? I dont understand

At the end of the day, you might get a date which is great. But youre going out with the goal of failing, so you probably will fail. Then confirm the idea that the people in this sub will never find anyone, feeding there resentment and disenchantment from women.

Whats the goal?

The problem is, if you fail, the IT dipshits will always have some kind of other rationale for why you failed.

"You were very awkward in that conversation. No wonder you're incel!"

They will go through any level of mental gymnastics as long as it makes an incel look worse.


"I'll also be sure to make sure my good personality is shown "

:D ah you guys. You think this thing is switchable.

Yeah I'd like to see that.

No, we can't conclude that. If you're a shitty person then it won't work.

How would one "defy" shittiness?



Maintaining qualities relating to actual shit. For example, smelling bad, being generally unhelpful/useless, etc etc

unhelpful or useless to whom?

Literally everyone. Your use is making carbon dioxide for plants and taking up space. I'd say supporting the economy in some way but I'm sure there are those that would argue most true incels cause more harm than good in that environment anyways.

Why are you going to the Middle East? What country are you going to?

Might be his visa running out

If you keep it up for a year you'll probably get good at picking up girls. By all means go for it, it's a useful skill. After a successful pick up there's still a lot of work to keep her engaged if you're not rich or attractive.

Please do this so you get a girl and prove incels wrong πŸ˜„

There is no femoid hatred against dating incels.. To an extent. Some of you are OD and I'm not going there.

you need kuntfidence though

As a non-incel I find this to be a great idea, just please don't cheat on us or yourself for the sake of the argument.

Filming women in public isn't a good way to pick up women, and neither is just being so blunt and just asking without any context dingle

Do it.

Go for it, create a blackpill that will even swallow light.

What are you gonna do in the Middle East?

You're about to graduate from college, but you haven't been showering regularly?

It's an incel meme. I'm a stickler for my hygiene regimen.

What if that somehow works. Would you be honest enough to not edit it.

If I actually have success with girls, I'll post the results and leave this side of reddit forever.


I ultimately decide to go to the Middle East,

What do you mean by that?

And would having some success be a pleasant or disappointing surprise?

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