It's your personality we hate! You need to be more confident!

55  2018-02-15 by ryoscc


What a misogynistic piece of shit. He should shower more and become a child molester, bank robber, abuser, serial killer, or a rapist. /u/Neomancr said those people have a great personality, that's the only way for this guy to improve his.

Yup, always take advice from someone who doesn't know you at all and hates you.

Yep. A bunch of male cops said he had a great polite guy. I'm sure they should have fucked him.

The three women dissuaded Dahmer, explaining they had phoned 911.[134] Upon the arrival of two officers named John Balcerzak and Joseph Gabrish, Dahmer's demeanor relaxed: he informed the officers that Sinthasomphone was his 19-year-old boyfriend, that he had drunk too much following a quarrel,[135] and that he frequently behaved in this manner when intoxicated. The three women were exasperated and when one of the trio attempted to indicate to one of the officers that Sinthasomphone was bleeding from his buttocks and that he had seemingly struggled against Dahmer's attempts to walk him to his apartment, the officer harshly informed her to "butt out,"[136] "shut the hell up"[137] and to not interfere, adding the incident was "domestic."[138]

Against the protests of the three women, the officers simply covered Sinthasomphone with a towel and walked him to Dahmer's apartment where, in an effort to verify his claim that he and Sinthasomphone were lovers, Dahmer showed the officers the two semi-nude Polaroid pictures he had taken of the youth the previous evening. The officers later reported having noted a strange scent reminiscent of excrement inside the apartment (this odor emanated from the decomposing body of Hughes).[139]

ER was still an incel despite his "great personality".

Wow. You walked right into it.

You said serial killers have a great personality. ER was a mass murderer and I still think he had a shitty personality.

Nope, I said anyone who isn't pathetic can get laid. Then you said "like serials killers! "


So you're saying that incelswithouthate and foreveralone are full of pathetic people?

Being pathetic is universally undesirable. It also creates a victim mentality that warps your mind there are more men who ARE struggling more than ever but it's just not for the reasons that these ideologies claim, in fact these ideologies are to blame. The cure is always worse than the disease.

Here is a representation of what is happening to the perception of the male gender role.

It started off with the feminization of men and the out right shaming of men for being who we naturally are.

So we're taught that to be anything but effeminate is sexist and chauvinistic. So men are expected to treat women as equals at all costs. And that means to ignore gender.

So then we have men who are trying to court women but are convinced that they should just treat women just like men and just "be nice". They are then told that something will just happen.

The truth is that it won't. The odds of that happening are razor slim. Women do not automatically presume that all their male friends are hitting on them otherwise they couldn't even have any male friends.

So this shifts the power dynamic fully toward women where women are the only ones allowed to initiate.

This then reduces everything down to media stereotypes where the only men who seem to have the masculine traits that women want are the men who resemble the stereotype that has all the most masculine traits associated. Certain stereotypes are romantic while others are aromantic. Whatever card you're drawn you're just stuck with.

All other men are basically hiding their true selves out fear of not being PC or outright never even developing that aspect of themselves.

Then pua came along and taught men that there are things you should do, and it relied on scripts and gamification. This did work for some men but ultimately it was a crutch and still added even more noise to drown out the signals of nature.

And then we got the pill and lms culture that taught that men should be assholes and women only care about lms.

If you track the evolution of these movements you can see a clear progression that it's about stamping out individuality and turning men into pawns of ID politics.

If incels just cleared out all the clutter from their heads and just focused outward instead of living in a PC iron maiden they would be a lot more successful.

All courting a girl is is no different than it's ever been since the dawn of time. You do befriend them, but beyond that you also have to make them wonder what you'd be like as a romantic partner. Being nice and respectful is cool and all but that's completely platonic behavior.

In order to do this you will inevitably treat someone you are romantically interested in differently than a friend and there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. Its essential to override the status quo you see where women just see phantom romantic chemistry based on your stereotype I. E. Chad, the stereotype of the male romantic partner.

inb4 some normies talk about some bullshit like "tee hee if he got a new haircut and a shower he'd be attractive"

Nah, my response is that the picture is more than likely staged. It doesn't look candid, which is what you'd want to really see her reaction.

The mental gymnastics from normies are simply ASTOUNDING.

When a woman reacts with disgust to an ugly male "haha they must be pretending I bet she's actually going out with him :)"

Nope, I don't think they're dating. I have at least one picture like this somewhere with one of my female friends from high school.

maybe it's cuz she was creeped out by you. hope this thought doesn't trigger you.

It doesn't.

In defense of creepiness, her arm is bent behind her own back, not around his back.

I was referring to my own case. My main point was just that it's not really a stretch to say that it's a staged picture. I mean it doesn't look like this dude and his friend ran up to this chick to creepy photobomb her. It's old enough that the person probably had a real camera, so she saw it coming and still let the guy put his arm around her.

I mean, to be fair if she doesn't know him and he just ran up and photobombed her and put his arm around her that completely accounts for the face she's making. Step one in not being creepy is pretty much: Don't run up and touch strange girls without asking.

You're totally right though...its probably just a really bad picture of both of them.

It isn't staged. Look at his face and look at her reaction. It's like how you don't call retarded people retarded, you only call non-retarded people retarded. She's not going to pretend to be disgusted by his face, because she actually is.

I agree with this tbh it looks like 2 friends making a joke pic

That is exactly what it looks like. Many incels claim to not have any female friends, though. While this is probably why they can't see this explanation, it's a little strange that they can't admit the possibility when faced with it.

Why would she pretend to be repulsed? She has no incentive.

Either they, and/or their friends think that it's funny. Not the same picture, but something I can remember more clearly: I and two friends are at a wedding and have a picture taken of us. One guy is all smiling and happy, while me and the other friend nonverbally communicate to look serious. Happy friend looks out of place in the picture. Minor chuckles all around.

Her expression isn't fake at all. Its very real. Stop playing dumb mental gymnastics.

Hey, I'll admit that I could be wrong. But I don't think I'm performing any mental gymnastics here. As I mentioned in another reply, I have literally taken the same picture at least once. If I am wrong, what's the explanation for her allowing someone she's disgusted by to pose for a picture while touching her?

A guy wouldn't agree to have such a picture taken if her expression was fake.

That's dodging the question. If this woman is so creeped out that she can't contain her physical reaction, why did she even allow him to touch her?

Compulsive hug.

That's dodging the question. If this woman is so creeped out that she can't contain her physical reaction, why did she even allow him to touch her?

Nah, I’m not a bad looking guy and I would probably get a reaction like that too. If being blackpilled means 2’s can’t get 9’s, here’s a newsflash, basically everyone already knows that.

His face is clearly misogynist

Love the disgust on her face. He should post the picture on her Facebook wall for everyone to see.

He should shower and hit the gym. Maybe even a haircut broooooooooo.

what does this prove?

Looks are more important to woman than “Personality.

looks are all that matter in general

This picture doesn't tell us anything about either of their personalities though...

Her left hand is behind her back. Lol. She doesn't even want to touch his misogynist personality.

Dude looks greasy as fuck. Not surprised. I wouldn't want to touch him either.

He's clearly completely clean

You only think he looks dirty because he's ugly

His forehead shines brighter than the moon on a warm summers eve.

I haven't downvoted you...

can't even downvote anyone on this broken website

nigga it's the website that's broken. it's the fagget ass mod that disabled downvotes for whatever reason

I can see the arrows. Just use either RES or turn night mode on.

the dude does have what looks to be a stain on his t-shirt in the middle.

I used to get shiny foreheads like that when i was younger no matter how clean or dirty i was.

I suffer from a skin condition called seborrheic dermatitis. In short, my body produces way too much sebum, so my skin is pretty much always oily.

I wash my face an unusual amount of times daily and still, it gets greasy two hours after washing.

In short, maybe it's not even his fault.

Hormone imbalance. Stop eating for 5 days, and it'll clear up.

Doesn't matter if its his fault or not. Life isn't fair, just because its not your fault doesn't mean that you're not going to have to deal with negativity from others.

Yeah, that'll happen when you don't have access to makeup to hide overactive sebaceous gland activity (i.e., be a male).

I'm male. I wear makeup all the time. My generation fell hard for guyliner.

This picgure is almost as old as the internet... look at the phone in her hand... its a old school clamshell phone that has a bisible antenna sticking out from the top

The picture's age only ADDS to the weight of the blackpill's infallible arguments

I'm sure there's old paintings from the medieval ages showing similar stuff like henry the 8th and his wives who didn't like him or something

He is posting on incels now.

Who cares?

ye but what if he went for a girl of equal attractiveness to him?

Considering women always punch up he would have NO chance

They absolutely do not. Seen plenty of couples where the woman is clearly the better looking of the two. Been in those relationships myself.

The problem is that you lot keep looking at the world in a black and white state. Women aren't all exactly like each other, they value different things.

Nor do all women dislike you just for your looks, or just for your personality/social status/prospects/talents or other aspects of you as a person.
It's a combination and mishmash. Looks do matter a lot in attraction, that shouldn't be a huge surprise to anyone. However, other things impact it significantly as well.

well if it matters a lot than whats your point?

That it's far from impossible to overturn a deficiency in the looks department.

than it can't matter that much?

Can't take your assertion with any credence without knowing how you rate yourself, women and men. I have seen mountain gorillas and land whales rate themselves 4-5. 5 is the average, I do not know how they think themselves to be an average female.

b-b-but that shouldn't matter only his personality!

Do you personally know women that ugly?

No, because i don't know people in that stage of teenage awkwardness anymore. I can remember a few

Then those women wern't ugly, just going through an awkward stage.

The look on her face is amazing!

ACTIONS speak louder

Dude needs to nofap and lift some showers copefidently if he's to have a chance.

"I have an idea! We shall post this picture with no context and make it about us! Yes! Because it clearly isn't A. incredibly old and not about us and B. likely a random moment caught on camera! Huh-hmmmmm!

Brings back memory of my bluepilled days. Her reaction is so familiar. Reason why stopped hanging out with Chics even the ones in my friends circle. There's nothing more insulting to a girl than a guy whom she doesn't deem worthy hitting on her. It elicits a gutter all reaction of disgust and indignation - no wonder we get called creeps.

You guys are truly pathetic. Jumping to conclusions about a super old picture with zero context provided.

Do you feel better now? Does this aid your cause?

The reason you can’t get women is cause you lurk and post on cesspools like this. Women can sense when you’re a piece of shit.

So they can sense if you do something as trivial as browsing a small board on a website on the internet, yet there are child molesters, rapists, murderers, and war criminals who are in relationships?

All kinds of people are in relationships. For a number of different reasons. It’s not as black and white and you seem to think it is.

But when you speak so negatively about women and yourself, and hold the kind of beliefs/views that “incels” do, it bleeds into all aspects of your life.

Women generally like confidence. Women generally like men who are secure with themselves. Women generally don’t like men who hold constant pity parties online and have sexist and misogynistic views.

Certain physical characteristics are important to some people, sure. But believe when I say that who you are and how you act is 10x more important. I’m not just a random voice in a crowd. I’m a real woman talking directly to you. You could be he hottest fucking dude in the world, but if you aren’t kind, if you can’t make me laugh, if you’re an asshole or in any way abusive, I’m not going near you.

You may wonder, why is this girl with such a douche bag when I’m such a nice guy!? But the truth is, you have no idea the circumstances of her life, the experiences she’s had or pressures she’s felt and why she chooses a certain partner. To make snap judgements about anyone is just shitty.

The reason you can’t get women is cause you lurk and post on cesspools like this. Women can sense when you’re a piece of shit.

Because domestic violence/abuse never happens LMAO what a retarded argument from you normscum

Women aren't allowed to not be sexually interested in me REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE.

Women suck.

as a gay man

Straight men aren't allowed to not be sexually interested in me REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Just imagine being a 9 and some greasy guy from school who you barely know put his arm around you like that. That's why she's grimacing at his hand; she doesn't want to be touched by some random. She probably gets her boundaries pushed by guys all the time and is just tired of it.

Caught her mid blink. IT'S OVER.

He could always try to date an unattractive girl, why is that never an option for you people? Besides, you don't know that guy's personality, he could very well be a horrible person.

Girls that unattractive are EXTREMELY rare.

That's dodging the question. If this woman is so creeped out that she can't contain her physical reaction, why did she even allow him to touch her?

That's dodging the question. If this woman is so creeped out that she can't contain her physical reaction, why did she even allow him to touch her?