As I'm sure the people here know, I'm not an incel, but, I do wonder...

38  2018-02-15 by fuckitidunno

Why exactly does /r/IncelTears seem so stiff and humorless? Like, they seem to take obvious memes and jokes seriously. Plus they're so self-righteous, it's annoying.


Just a bunch of people being butthurt about everything that is remotely "incel", what can you expect.

"everything is sexist and bigoted and you have to point it all out"

They think by shaming us enough they can get us banned everywhere or something, it's weird.

I'm more of the "I don't like people who just whine and blame others for their problems" type. You're like a bunch of feminazi liberals who blame patriarchy, male privilege, Trump and the Right for all your problems. Only the opposite of that, you blame feminists, women, democratic society and the left for your problems. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I'm more of the "I don't like people who just whine and blame others for their problems" type

So do you typically interact people you don't like willingly?

Bullies tend to do that

Yet why isn't he bullying feminazi liberals?

Oh we all know the reason why!

Yeah all the time. What's the point of sitting around with people who agree with you and circlejerking? If I wanted that I would go to the_donald or latestagecapitalism.

Great. Want to go out?

Not sure if /s or not but if not I applaud you. Here come the blackpill comments.

Hell yeah man, I'm free and liberated, much to your consternation.

Gotcha, I'll remember you if I see you again, much to my memory!

I'm leftist and have done more for leftist causes then you ever will.

I'm leftist and have done more for leftist causes then you ever will.

Cool, did you want like, a cookie or something? I'm not leftist, and I don't give a fuck about your causes you donate to once a month so you can then pat yourself on the back.

But statistically, cuz incels love to say statistically when "exceptions" are brought up against them, most incels are not into sexual egalitarianism. But then again, it's hard to take that claim from you seriously when you post crap like this

Most incels say they don't hate women, but you got back 1 day in their post history and it's this shit every time. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

They are bullies, and we are one of the few socially accepted groups to bully.

everyone but me gotta learn they're trolls

I post on a reddit board for losers who cant get laid. What shame would i even have left?

It's exactly what you would expect from a sub with the sole reason of making fun of others. Not just inceltears has this problem, "niceguys" has it too or even a light hearted sub like "madlads"

They all turn into a circlejerk in the end.

You are currently circlejerking the idea of this sub

But I'm sure you'll play it off like you knew that, and you were just doing satire, of course, that IS the extremist Incel way.

The fact that you're here making that comment already disproves that.

How does that disprove anything? I came here at first hoping to find the reasonable lot of you and talk some sense into yah, but I've found ~3-4 of those and the rest of you are insane. Now it's just for fun.

How does my being here disprove anything lol?

That it's not a circlejerk, both incel and normie opinions and comments get upvoted.

You are circlejerking with the incels. It's not hard to put two and two together here, friend.

Sure we got inside jokes, but just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's called circlejerk. Plenty of discussion and opinions from both sides are featured here.


3.) When a bunch of blowhards - usually politicians - get together for a debate but usually end up agreeing with each other's viewpoints to the point of redundancy, stroking each other's egos as if they were extensions of their genitals (ergo, the mastubatory insinuation). Basically, it's what happens when the choir preaches to itself.

A lot of you folks see fit to just agree blindly with the first person that hasn't had sex, so as to avoid looking like one of us normalfags.

Are you not reading my comments?

They seem to be overwhelmingly incel eunuchs or 300lb bluehairs themselves. Being so deeply entrenched on the far side of the autistic spectrum also tends to rob people of fundamental social skills like humor and the ability to recognize satire.

See this is a comment why I as a normal person read everything here. So many people are fucking hilarious here😂🤣😂

Thats so true. Tbh i often kinda hate the overly positive mainstream subreddits and their cocksucking comments.

Every time I see a pun chain I consider uninstalling.

The pun chains make me wanna gouge my fucking eyes out. It's practically anti-comedy.

There's a lot of a anti-comedy being the norm sometimes. This is why front page reddit is just so dull..

You can say AssBurgers you know 😜

yeah, when i posted cucktears, some actual cucks started getting butt hurt.

See cucktears? This is what a normie is:

  • curious but not nosy
  • doesnt really know what this place is
  • leaves incels alone
  • understands the sarcasm

this is what the average inceltears poster looks like

Most normies dont go on reddit and stick to instagram and snapchat.

If they do browse reddit they go on generic subs or productive nich subreddits like /r/bodybuilding

If those guys are getting laid and you're not, that's the biggest fucking anti-blackpill fuel ever. 90% of you should have a chance.

how do you know their getting laid. Bet a bunch of them are incels in denial.

Well there are feemales there. With tits out, so they're not prudish around those guys, not running and screaming like they do from incels.

Cucktears posters can't be all virgins. If they were incels too they wouldn't bully you.

They're orbiters they aren't getting laid

Proof? You'd be surprised how easily women put out.

god forbid having an approachable personality thats cordial to interact w/

They only put out for chad

Nah they put out easy.

Yes for chad.

nonchads too

because getting laid == how you look?

that the whole point of this subreddit

literally the most noob comment i've ever fucking seen lmfao


I mean Exterminates comment is nooby

Why reply to the other guy.

Misunderstanding, then. GG.

I mean I saw the the misunderstanding coming. It was my fault. GG

the only thing that is denial is saying you're an incel

Tub of lard # 10 has his hands around a girls waist while her tits are out. Does that happen to you incels? He's probably getting some.

Tbph I mainly come here because it aggregates news I tend to care about (Tech, gaming, WBMA) that are hard to find in typical normie spaces. I have a foot in both worlds and its a pain in the ass.

[Incoherent mental flailing, circling around to the dead horse of 'if you were good people vaginas would get wet for you']

No. If you were good people, then you wouldn't be profiled as being shitty people. Idiot.

If you spent less time on this sub you wouldn't be incel.

I see incels as so much cooler than incelqueers.

aren't you a blackcel? I think I recognize your username

Not on this account, but I was a very long time ago. I got a girl though, slept around a bit, and let go of my anger and bitterness.

and finished it off with 12 showers 4 haircuts

lol, i love incel memes.

Went to the personality gym as well.

Because its all do nothing slacktavist femnazi dyejobs and no testicle cucks running the "raspakt wemenz" game thinking some supermodel will read it and fuck them.

Because laughing at our jokes and memes would humanise us. They want to continue dehumanising us to the point where people wont feel bad about an incel genocide. They're using the same tactics Joseph Goebbels used at the beginning of the Third Reich. All ugly men will either be gunned down in the streets or they'll enslave us. Make us into wagecucks while they run around living like queens, riding the cock carousel. All of them having a harem of Chads, never having to worry about us ugly subhumans.

Why do you think the majority of doomsday preppers are ugly? It's because they know what femoids want to do to us.

Because laughing at our jokes and memes would humanise us.

Yup, and there's evidence too:

Oh, I'm so ashamed of myself for laughing at this.

  • GlitterBambina, IncelTards moderator, 2018


She's ashamed of laughing at it because a human with real feelings and experiences made a creative, interesting and genuinely funny play on words. She wants to maintain her narrative that all incels are just faceless villainous misogynists, so she regrets laughing at it.

There's a fair amount of evidence. The fake battle for Incelistan post also had people saying the same shit.

I really do feel sorry for those over at /r/cucktears

They're literally us but with shittier personalities. Oh the irony

Their entire existence relies on incels, if we go then they will just target MGTOW or FA (they briefly did when /r/incels was deleted)

It's kind of sad that their talking points and entertainment relies on people like us.

if we go then they will just target MGTOW or FA (they briefly did when /r/incels was deleted)

I wonder why they stopped. 🤔

they're coping in their own way

Join them, you'd fit right in.



Double Us

The reason I love the incel memes, aside from the fact that I can relate to them, is that they highlight problems most people don't notice and they make light of issues that a lot of us face in a dating context.

Whether it's the roastie memes, the cock carousel, Chad, everything about how women deny looks as part of the equation and so on.

Everytime I see an incel meme, I can't help but laugh and go, "Yep, I've been there before."

Incels are the true outsiders, so the humour makes sense to me.

Inceltears on the other hand are, ironically enough, shallow. No depth, no humor, can't relate to them and their self-righteous bullshit.

It's funny if you politely tell someone who stuffs their face with junk food all day that it would be healthier for them to adopt a healthier lifestyle, you will immediately be given a life sentence and be called a nazi for fat shaming, yet incels, who made every reasonable attempt to get a girlfriend, and worked hard, yet were denied by society, are ridiculed and shamed and threatened if they make a peep, even though the hypocrites who insult them wouldn't last a day in their shoes.

I don't know how inceltears doesn't classify as a hatesub? Imagine a sub making fun of fat people (and yet fat people actually make a CHOICE to be fat and they are STILL protected).

As an outsider, the way I see it is Incels are at least honest about what they are, IncelTears is full of numale cucks that think if they defend m'lady enough or ridicule incels along with m'lady, it will surely result in a blowjob. I would love to see the faces of some of the guys who post there. I bet they're some right soyboys.

As an outsider, the way I see it is IncelTears are trying to make up for something they are lacking by making fun of incels. Normal people don't give a fuck about spending time on the internet ridiculing a bunch of people who just want to keep to themselves and don't even take themselves too seriously. I remember seeing a post from a stay at home dad whose wife was at military bootcamp. He practically described himself as looking like quasimodo(short,fat,ugly), and said he reads /r/incels to make himself feel better about himself. All I could wonder was how many times his wife got fucked at bootcamp lol


Obvious meme.

Satire at its finest.

In all fairness, extremist feminism IS a joke.

But so is this thread, right? r/braincels and its predecessors have never approved rape, sexual harassment, psychological torture, literal slavery, suicide, murder, or forcing women back into the hole they came from, right?


Incelqueers is like the nosey neighbor who keeps calling the cops for stupid and unnecessary reasons.

They mostly cherrypick the extreme examples to make themselves look good. Incels, like any other group, have their vocal minority that says stupid shit that people want to highlight as the primary example of said group.

Most incels are normal, everyday people who are, deep down and silently, fed up with the deception young women put up about looks and dating. Most of the points of your median incel are perfectly reasonable:

-Looks matter to women a lot more than people care to admit. -The type of men that women are typically after is tall and athletic. -White men are the most desired by women -Hair > Bald (just stop pretending otherwise) -Height (while I don't think this as big a deal, I'm 5'11" for those wondering, there's still something to be said about height)

...and so on.

Yes that combined with the fact that alot of people who post/comment are SJW's with the IQ of a potato really triggers me lol. Makes it alot harder to follow my favorite stuff like MMA because that subreddit is infested by people like described above.

You just know those pun typing people are the socially retarded outcasts thinking that their puns are peak humour. 😂😂😂

They're orbiters they aren't getting laid

You are currently circlejerking the idea of this sub

But I'm sure you'll play it off like you knew that, and you were just doing satire, of course, that IS the extremist Incel way.

The fact that you're here making that comment already disproves that.

You are circlejerking with the incels. It's not hard to put two and two together here, friend.

Are you not reading my comments?