Rare sighting of a 0.5/10 truecel.

65  2018-02-15 by rottingsubhumantrash


Frog mog. It's ogre.

its over for frogcels.

I had to laugh so hard that I slobbered onto my bed

The Virgin Frog vs Chad Toad:

Virgin - spends half of his as an overgrown sperm cell in a pond getting eaten by fish

  • literally cannot live without tons of moisture

Chad - fucks all the amphibious Staceys

  • doesn't give a fuck about water

It's a fucking frog

unlike pepe this frog isn't down for white supremacy

he knows that is cope

I like frogs, this guy looks cool 😎

I get the point trying to be made with this post but...come on...thats an awsome damn frog!

Right? I love frogs in general, got 4 pacmans to prove it. Look at that cute little face!

He needs to take a shower at niagra falls to fix that personality.

Little do you frog experts know, that frog is a stage 5 jambalaya alpha frog. they are known to have the most sexual partners of all frogs on earth, and they battle other alphas and betas to stay on top. lmao at calling that frog a 0.5/10

This family, brevicipitidae (lit. "short-headed"), all look like that. They also all inflate when scared and are extremely cute!

Oh my fuck I'm so happy to have seen that.

He's adorable.

Just a roaming IT poster that wants to point out he looks like an avocado. Cute.


Heck off.


Mogs me

He can be 10/10 if he brushes his hair and be himself

Just neg harder, improve frame, shower and lift and he'll be slaying cunt in no time.

Okay but that thing is FUCKING CUTE

I'd like to point out that he got kissed by a princess.