What I think about when you guys call people "Normans"

54  2018-02-15 by SuperSchweinchen



They are assaulted by normal people. Think about it: normal people. They hate normal people. That makes absolutely no sense.

Normal people don't know this place exists. The people attacking us are """normal""".

Normal as in incels in denial

lol normal people learned about you the day /r/incels was banned.

Recently this sub has been appearing on /r/gatekeeping, /r/iamverysmart, /r/lewronggeneration, /r/cringeanarchy so... we learned you were back. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

because "normal" people go on those places hahaha

In your world of normies vs incels, yeah, they do. Really it's more complicated than that, but try telling that to an incel lol. You can't have it one way and then have it the other.

Eh, but better a normie than a fakecel like you, pretending to be incel to troll. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

You dropped this \

To prevent any more lost limbs throughout Reddit, correctly escape the arms and shoulders by typing the shrug as ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯

if you're on reddit in the first place you're an normie. do you think chads go here no too busy slaying.

Oh yeah, those subs are just chalk full of normal well adjusted ppl.

Nah. Most people these days know what incels are and why to avoid them.

We should protect civilized Roman empire against these barbarians. They're forefathers of Swedish cucks of today.

Yes they are all LARPing while tyrone DESTROYS their wives ovaries

They're not larping. I vaguely know these guys, they're reenactors.

Tyrone is reenacting the destruction of their girlfriends cervix right now. She has a season pass to the show.

Why do you feel so confident in making assertions about people you don't know?

I've seen it before. If you larp, your girl gets her ass examined by a tyrone cock

They're not LARPers.

Because that's what happens. You think chads larp? Lol. They fuck exclusively. Only time they do nerd stuff is go to comiccon to fuck the living shit out of the twitch cosplayers you cucks masturbate to and give patron dollars to.

Yeah, I'm just gonna block you. You're a cunt.


I'm not scared of you, I just don't like talking to you. You put a downer on my day and I don't want to see your bile every time I log in.


Thats the joke...

I usually just think, "wow these people are retarded." After reading more posts on this subreddit, I still think this.

If thou art not a knight of hulking chiseled frame in anno domini 1118, 'tis over.

Normal people don't know this place exists. The people attacking us are """normal""".