if only this were true

110  2018-02-13 by sc2isadeadgame


Lmao @ the toilet being happy merchant

has a BJP rally to get to

solid kek


currycels are volcels


I lost it at the wind flowing his hair.

If only you weren't a stupid piece of shit

chill out

yall didn't want to at first now don't expect me to

never interacted with you before

chill out

His hair made me spit out my drink

What? Were you blowing someone?

Ferengi iPhone


Laughed hard


"yeah, so...take me to the airport and step on it!"

This made me laugh. Just the hair blowing in the wind got me xD

Finally something funny has been posted here

Alright the combover in the last panel got me

Classic currycel.

Lol why do you care your mom will get you arranged married lol

If this were DeviantArt, I'd favorite this.

yall didn't want to at first now don't expect me to