Hey guys.. sorry i've been a away for awhile. Since leaving r/braincels i started respecting women and i just wanted to show you all the physical changes i've experienced.

260  2018-02-13 by muricunt


You guys refusing to understand what personality is just makes it more obvious that black pill is bullshit and you're all just whiny volcels who refuse to learn.

Lol @ fakecel

why the fuck are you even here

To feel better and to spout essays about shit no one cares about asked for.

Incoherent, rambling essays about WASPs, eugenics and shit people really don't care about.

/u/neomancr, when are you going to deliver the academic/anthropological study of incel and black pill you were hammering so much about?

I get plenty of upvotes. It's not for you because you want to doll yourself.

I get plenty of upvotes (from my fellow IT folks).

FTFY. Also, who actually gives a shit about upvotes?

do you really think all people who say "maybe its not just your genes fault" are Inceltears users?

maybe its just very hard to swallow the truth that doing nothing to get sex/a date/love will result in no such thing.

Nope. People like neo who waltz in here to mock and feel better about themselves are IT users, and from what I've seen they are quick to downvote anything an incel says while upvoting anything a regular from there says.

doing nothing

Lurk more.

nah, i wont. dont want to get a depression tbh. but hey, you do you.

Well, you're here already and you're already generalizing us, so why don't you take a nice cuppa of lurk more?

i've actually lurked a lot on here. and its not like this is the first come-together of social outcasts and/or plain ugly people. /b/ or /r9k/ were always sites to use for ranting about your personal shortcomings, or just to project them onto other people (see: height threads)

so why is there an incel community on reddit? why, just why have you turned to reddit for all your ranting needs?

why didnt you just stay in 4chan? way bigger community still, way more creative, "wacky" humor.

the only real advantage of a reddit board in this context would be to restrict comment access for people like me. but as you can see, i'm here, annoying you.

so why stay on reddit? to be the type of incel to use reddit? ewww.

Considering that channer culture went mainstream and 2016 was a year when a meme was elected to the office in the US, this is as good place as any.

And yeah, /b/ and /r9k/ are now extremely polluted by cancer and newfags. Rules have changed and it's not as it once was anymore.


just really confused why you guys arent for restricted submissions and comments.

also, one question... was there ever a comment from a non-incel on reddit that has helped you in any way?

just really confused why you guys arent for restricted submissions and comments.

As paradoxical as it sounds, I'm glad that they aren't.

also, one question... was there ever a comment from a non-incel on reddit that has helped you in any way?

Are you asking me personally?

yeah. cant really have you talk on other peoples behalf m8

Normies've yet to say anything I don't know and I do these things little by little. But it's little by little and I'm 25 and the only girlfriend I've had in 25 years I've approached blindingly drunk and she dumped me when she was my first.

its a start. you at least had the balls to approach her, something a lot of people here should also do.

so, kudos from me... even if you dont care for my opinion.

Can you please tell me what your personally doing then to at least try and get out there? Because the last few conversations I have had here I have talked to people who have no jobs, no future prospects, live at home, don't own a car and dress like their mother buys them clothes and then wonder why on God's green earth a woman doesn't want to date them. I'm not trying to dog on you I don't know you personally, but I'm curious what do you think you need to do personally and what are you doing about it?

Perhaps you should start with leaving assumptions behind and start again with the question?

Because your opening line already assumed that I'm a NEET living with parents.

If you won't grant me the courtesy of not generalizing me, then I see no reason to productively engage with you.

I didn't assume anything about you. I literally just said in my last comment that I don't know a thing about you so I was curious what are YOU personally doing. I've been went on and talked about my last experiences with a few other people. I didn't assume that about you at all dude. Why is every last one of you people so fucking defensive all the goddamn time?

We're defensive because we don't all exactly have positive experiences with the world.

I'm currently pre-occupied with my own problems and my job, where I work for three years now. I currently do not do anything with regards to dating, because a) I've got tired of rejections b) I've got to get my house in order.

The question on the tip of everyone's tongues

To keep balance. It helps to call out what the black pill really is.

You guys keep wanting to confuse people into believing that personality = being a nice guy™ or an asshole.


Yea red pillers are pretty ree ree. They're you're forefathers though. All your ideas come from them whether you like it or not.

You just added hopelessness to the mix.

Learn to maymay, bot.

well if you're a chad being an asshole works very well. it makes them wetter then the niagara falls

Not really. It's confusing correlation with causation. If you're an asshole you'll automatically fake confidence, boldness, low inhibition and drive but anyone can actually have those traits and it works the same way.

Fake it till you make it

Platitudes Platinum Hits 2010.

Track 04: Fake It Till You Make It.

Are you trying to conflate what I'm saying with being fake again?

Dude...you might have broken through

So what? Some people are billionaires without doing anything. Does it mean you should just never work because you won’t be a billiaonair from birth?

I like coming here sometimes because it's like a zoo for awful people.

4 months ago dude

I browsed top posts of all time.

who programmed your responses is probably one of the best codecels of all time. He should be hired by Google

I agree. Glad to hear my joke took hold.

Probably takes a massive shitload of processing power to run such a complex AI.

complex AI

Now there's your problem. Heh.

lmao "complex" compared to a switch case statement running in a loop I mean.

Don't listen to this Robocuck. He believes serial killers, terrorists, robbers, and paedophiles have great personalities.

And you're stuck on the idea that being nice means you have an attractive personality. How's that working out for you?

Like myself and countless others have said over and over again, the traits that women find attractive are amoral. And when you guage a person's personality they are rarely in the middle of doing something overtly evil or good.

Anyone can be bold, low inhibition and driven, assholes and heros. You just wanna focus on the asshole.

This is honestly a brilliant distillation of where the black pill falls apart. Incels want to narrowly define "personality" into this weird binary classification, and it isn't that simple.

You hit the nail on the head: women like to see a man who is driven by a purpose. Not everyone in that category is an asshole.

This is honestly a brilliant distillation of where the black pill /u/Face-Hit-By-A-Lorry's point falls apart.

You're definitely strawmanning the blackpill. Back in the days of /r/incels, there was constant argument over what the perfect 'personality package' is in females' eyes.

Despite differing beliefs of individual users, the group as a whole was united on the fundamental blackpill truth, and that is (firstly, looks are overall more important in attraction than personality) and secondly: Men are more harshly judged based on personality than females. The blackpill doesn't need to discern which specific personality-trait females seek out most to be true. It simply needs to provide evidence that men are rejected more often based on their specific personality-type, which is obviously true as there are literally no females whom are chronically and involuntarily alone due to a 'poor' personality, whereas there are many, many guys in this exact situation. You can literally go look on any female's dating profile (or just talk to them), and you're bound to quickly come across some shit like this: "if you aren't hilarious, then it's over for you, boyo."

Guys, on the whole, have nowhere near as many standards, nor do the standards they have get as incredibly specific as those of females. And THAT is what the blackpill is really all about. The fact that no matter what aspect of attraction, as it applies to human companionship, we are discussing (personality, weight, financial ability, facial aesthetics, etc) females today have FAR higher standards than their male counterparts. My generation of females (Millenials) probably have some of the highest standards of any class of women in history (and it's only going to get worse). This renders an increasingly large number of men, whom are at the bottom of these hierarchies, to either struggle very hard just to find and maintain companionship, or be left out of the relationship equation entirely (those who are perpetually alone, incels, and the like).

there was constant argument over what the perfect 'personality package' is in females' eyes.

There is no "perfect personality package" dumbass, different people like different things. How fucking hard is this?

I know some people aren't built for this type of thinking, but we're so very obviously talking about statistics. If we agree that femails like tall men, and then go on to talk about the 'perfect height' for a man, then clearly we are talking about the most frequently preferred height.

Exactly, just like how we talk about how all incels are trash, because statistically, most incels are trash.

DAMN!!!! Prefect breakdown.

Nicely said. Couldnt agree more

Honestly you are speaking from the perspective of an incel. As soon as you crack the damn and start dating you're gonna realize that you don't want to date every woman out there even if they're a good lay.

I date a lot and still see what he stated as the truth. You don't have ways to counter his arguments.

What argument thought? That some people have loser standards? If to date a lot and don't care so much about an girls personality thats just you being you. What are you saying? That men never break up with women at all as long as they're a good lay?

Well i've never seen females gathering in large groups to complain about being undatable and alone. This literally NEVER happens, why?

Because men are more desperate for sex. You also don't see too many women with a porn stash and the few who do look at porn are usually reading romance novels because it's about the experience and not the visual stimulation.

I don't remember the main point but you have some valid ones. Still I hate women and the female sexuality, even then I date them for biological reasons

Why do you hate women? Why don't you go for ones who aren't like that?

Idk, I just hate the feminine aspect of them, but I still feel sexually attracted for them.

Hmm... Sre you sure it's not the same type of thing like how if I were to say "just be manly" were conditioned to cringe?

Fucking lol

Stay eternally mad at meme posts on reddit, white boy.

Lol you guys don't even know what you yourselves believe anymore

Look at OP's reddit history. It's full of /r/braincels and r/CringeAnarchy posts. I'm 100% sure the guy on the left and right are not the same person.

Yea I think we're all sure. The guy on the left is BlackOpsCel. It's just another meme post making that accusing normies of claiming that if you act more nice and respectful you'll become attractive.

There message was originally of you're the type of guy that becomes a whiny entitled brat when facing adversity, maybe that has something to do with your struggles.

Wow, his personality has really improved ever since he started respecting women.

Those showers are starting to payoff!

I like before better



Looking thru your post history, have you considered the possibility that you’re gay? You seem to be obsessed with the male body.

"haha ur gay you gaymo"


Even if he is gay, why do you feel the need to point this out?

I asked if he’s considered it. If he were to accept that he is gay, I doubt he would be active in an incel sub.

I wasn’t implying anything, just asking a question. He seems unhappy, perhaps his repressed sexuality could help unlock his happiness.

I'm sure you're very concerned about his repressed sexuality, just like fatpeoplehate posters were very concerned with fat people's health

He seems like a miserable person, he also posts tons of pics of young fit men flexing in the gym. Every man who turns away from incels is a better man for society, however he figures things out.

I wasn't implying anything

One line later...

He seems unhappy


Because he's homophobic


Grow up

I didn’t say anything negative about him. What’s wrong with being gay?

Nigga we all know why you called him gay

Exactly. Educate yourself before you make any more homophobic insults.

What’s wrong with being gay?

Literally nobody implied this.

About a dozen of you seem really mad that I implied he might be gay. Why would that make you mad unless it’s a negative implication?

About a dozen of you seem really mad that I implied he might be gay.

I didn't imply that.

Why would that make you mad unless it’s a negative implication?

Why don't you ask the other users are 'mad' at you?

TIL that “Literally nobody” means only you.

Hmm, so I guess everyone else said that being gay is wrong.

Good to know!

I love how every normie says the exact same thing.

"oh he talks about what attracts women to men, he must be gay lol lol fag fag lol gayyy, oh what's that? He wants to be an attractive man so he can get women? How does he know what an attractive man looks like lol gay gay fag gay "

The dude posts a shit load of pics of guys flexing in the gym. Why spend so much time staring at other men?

To point out what we all aren't? To show just what women are choosing between? A big part of the blackpill is reminding yourself of just how ugly you are in comparison to Chad.

Just because we know that there are more attractive men then us does not mean we are sexually attracted to them.

I don't understand how normies dont get this. It's simple shit.

Why put so much effort into seeing pictures that you don’t like? Maybe he subconsciously likes them. That’s fine, I just think he is in denial about it.

I do get why you think you do this. I just think there is an ulterior motive.

Why put so much effort into seeing pictures that you don’t like? Maybe he subconsciously likes them.

Literally doesn't make sense that you could draw that conclusion. Constantly reminding ourselves of how ugly we are is so we don't fall for the "it's all about personality lol teehee" shit that normies fall for.

That’s fine, I just think he is in denial about it.

Because you're a homophobe and sexist, and if it was fine you wouldn't use it to mock him.

I do get why you think you do this. I just think there is an ulterior motive.

I believe that you know what we're doing, but your ulterior motive is to shame him (and us) because our form of masculinity is different from yours

Being obsessed with physical features as the only means to attract women is pretty sexist.

I legitimately believe he has some gay tendencies. I’m not shaming him, I’m bicurious as well. I happened to be married and would likely be labeled a “Chad” by some of you, who would also be way over the top sexist in labeling it wife a “Roastie”.

You’re form of “masculinity” is shame, cowardice, and a completely lack of personal responsibility. It’s one of the least masculine mindsets I can imagine.

Being obsessed with physical features as the only means to attract women is pretty sexist.

Not when women literally admit to it.

I legitimately believe he has some gay tendencies.

That's because:

I’m bicurious as well.

LGBT folk have a bad habit of assuming everyone else is too

I happened to be married and would likely be labeled a “Chad” by some of you, who would also be way over the top sexist in labeling it wife a “Roastie”.


You’re form of “masculinity” is shame, cowardice, and a completely lack of personal responsibility. It’s one of the least masculine mindsets I can imagine.

See what I mean? You and society have ascribed certain personality traits to bring a real man. And yet I'm the sexist.

Again, your form of masculinity does not represent us, and that bothers you. That's another reason why you normies like to call us gay.

I only suspect this particular guy is gay because he posts tons of extremely gay pictures. He’s the only one I’ve seen do that.

What bothers me about Incels is the despair, celebration of violence, and obliviousness. It looks like such a miserable existence that I can’t help but be interested. I at least respect MGTOW a bit because they simply want to be their own person, good for them. Incels are angry that the world hasn’t given them what they believe they deserve.

I don't understand how normies don't get this. It's simple shit.

They're repressed homosexuals, and they project is just like women. In fact, white knights and cucks are so close to being women themselves, anyway, it's perfectly reasonable to think they're projecting insecurities.

why the fuck do normies always say this ? we want to fuck women, thats like the point of this sub

Well most of you don’t have a post history chock-full of near naked men flexing at the gym.


Once you pluck your eyebrows, your personality improves. Facts.

where'd u get ur photoshop skils m8

Wait is that really the same guy?

looking for same asnwer i guess not . if i had to bet tho

No, it's not.

Do you even incel, bro?

I'm a rookie I guess what can I say.

holy shit I think I just used the pic on the left for a vid a few days ago, gg man

Shilling your gay youtube channel on a sub dedicated to inceldom? Pathetic.

I never even linked it

Want some advice? Lose weight.


Stop downvoting you disgusting fat fucks

You seem like a real swell lad!

kill yourself



pm me the link, feggit


Must respect those women.

Wow, is that really a before and after? You look great! Amazing what a good haircut and an eyebrow wax can do! The little bit of extra meat on you really makes you look healthier too. :)

They're being sarcastic, the pictures are of different people. People always tell incels that if they respect women they'll be attractive but that has nothing to do with looks

Oh ok. The guys in the two pictures just looked really similar like maybe they could be the same person a few months/ years apart.

Buy you're right, respecting women won't make you look better. But a smile will! I hope you have a wonderful day. :)

Their facial bone structure is completely different. Thanks for proving our point though.

Ah. I see it now that I look closely. The guy on the right is a little fleshier and less skinny, so I thought that was the reason his face looked less angular.

If y'all want to improve ypur appearances, that's a great goal though, I hope I didn't upset anyone who actually is working towards that. And while respecting women doesn't change your looks, a positive attitude can change the way the world looks at you. :)

His appearance isn't "fleshier", he didn't get that by working out, his jaw is naturally bigger and much more angular, same with his cheeks. There is no way to get that, other than surgery.

Ah. I meant like fatter. First guy looks underweight, 2nd guy looks normal weight is all I meant. Neither looks particularly muscular, which is good. But you're right, I can see they're different people now, I just glanced at the picture pretty quick earlier and thought they looked a bit similar. My apologies.

Thing is, if the guy on the left got a tan worked out and changed his hair he would actually look like the guy on the right. I think there's a good-looking guy in all of you and there's nothing wrong with having to work out or buy a decent set of clothes to look better.

Thing is, if the guy on the left got a tan worked out and changed his hair he would actually look like the guy on the right

Just lol

Yea man. Just. Does that really sound like a lot of work to you?

Do you actually believe his jaw is going to change that much if he works out? Do you not understand how the body works?

I know what adding meat to a skinny little body like his does for looks. Yea, he aint growing a jaw line, but you can improve your look. Why not?

When people gain or lose weight, it’s often first noticeable in the face. While gaining weight wouldn’t make the jaw bone any larger, it would fill out the areas around the jaw, making it appear larger. Check out r/progresspics if you want real-life examples.

Why are you people so fucking dense? Why do you even bother coming here if you're not going to pick up the linguistic quirks so you can actually communicate?

I'm so sorry that I'm so dense that I can't understand. But it sounds like this guy is just being lazy. You mean to tell me getting a tan changing up your hair and hitting the gym regularly which is healthy anyways is that hard to do? You guys really make it seem like doing any kind of work whatsoever to improve your overall look is way too much work for a woman. That's sad. And yet you want to sit here and yell at me for not understanding you guys' little special Club speak. Ok bud.

You mean to tell me getting a tan changing up your hair and hitting the gym regularly which is healthy anyways is that hard to do?

No, I'm saying that my message meant something else. Learn to interact with people you retarded autist

Then say what you mean and mean what you say. Quit beating around the bush like a pussy.

You're thick as fuck if you seriously can't figure out what I mean by "just lol". It's a shame your low intelligence, in addition to being responsible for your retarded worldview, also prevents you from understanding that you're intellectually inferior.

Not at all, totally different guy. Pretty sure he's trying to make a joke. Look at the ears first. Dude on the left's ears tilt toward his head on the tops, and the lobes on the bottom stick out a bit. Guy on the right has the exact opposite: tops stick out slightly and lobes are up against his head.

Next obvious thing is the size of the iris in the eyes (brown colored part). Dude on the left has huge irises, on the right are much much smaller. These do not change throughout your entire life.

Also look at the shape of the nostrils, totally different. Mole on the left cheek is gone, guy on right has way more freckles too. Which yes those things can be changed so I didn't put them up higher on the list.

Guy is making a sarcastic post about how simply respecting women made his appearance totally change from E.T. to an alright looking guy.

Oh. Ok. I didn't notice any of that stuff. I mean now that you point it out I do, but they're really similar looking guys and I guess I overlooked it at first glance. Oopsies! Thank you so much for explaining the joke though. Have an awesome day! :)



Wow, haircuts really do make a difference!

You... got a haircut?

Neomancr was right all along?

Really? I saw a user with your pic on left as avatar, and you were definitely not saying respectful things..

A glow up

You look great!

I see what you're trying to say here, but I think you're way off base. The fact that it took me a second to see that these were different people--I'm a woman--should tell you something. The guy on the left looks nerdy and a bit underweight. He's also got nice eyes and a good smile. If this guy were interested in radically changing his appearance, he could absolutely look more like the guy on the right (whose expression is less friendly, btw). If you don't believe me, there's plenty of evidence at r/gainit, r/fitness, r/progresspics, etc.

But the fact that this guy could change himself isn't really the point. He's perfectly fine the way he is, and you're simply wrong if you think someone who looks like him is incapable of attracting female attention or finding love. I'm married to a nerdy guy who doesn't look like a fitness model. We bonded over our shared interests, and I love him because he's a great person. It makes me sad to see so much hopelessness and hostility on this subreddit. If you honestly believe that somebody who looks like the guy on the left is doomed to be forever alone, you're in need of a reality check, and this echo chamber is not a good place to get one.

He's perfectly fine the way he is, and you're simply wrong if you think someone who looks like him is incapable of attracting female attention or finding love You wouldn't date him.

I'm married to a nerdy guy who doesn't look like a fitness model

Ah, so he's Chadlite rather than Chad. That's so comforting to hear.

Also "nerdy" = "hot guy with glasses" in women-lingo.

Friend, what I was saying was that I absolutely would have dated someone who looked like him back in the day, assuming he was a good guy and we had something in common. And, no, I don't think my husband qualifies as nerdy because he wears glasses, but because of his interests, profession, etc. I share many of those interests, which was part of why we started dating.

I hope you get raped whore.

I hope you get some help, friend. Hatred is a poison.

Yet he is still an incel

you're simply wrong if you think someone who looks like him is incapable of attracting female attention or finding love

You really believe this? I have a friend who is better looking than him(not by much though), and he has approached over 300 women at parties, at university, and at malls. All this and he has gotten 0 female attention, 0 sex, and 0 sober kisses. I have no reason to lie about this, I am losing hope about life every day. There is no question about it, when you are extremely ugly(like bottom 1% or 2%), no woman will want to have sex with you, and no woman will be attracted to you, that is A FACT. I also think it doesn't matter that it took you a second to realize they are two different people. I think you overestimate how much weight plays into facial aesthetics, especially when it's only a change of a few BF percentage points. Don't dance around it, he is ugly. He will always be ugly unless he spends tens of thousands of dollars to improve his appearance.

What makes people ugly is their attitude

No it isn't. What makes people ugly is bad skin and bad bone structure. For example, my friend who has hit on over 300 women has a really good personality, and he is not bitter or mean at all. He's very funny and sociable. What he does have is awful skin and a very unattractive face, although I'd never tell that to his face. I've seen him try to pick up women, and most just brush him off and are clearly upset such an ugly guy is hitting on them.

No, I'm sure that personality is way more important than looks to almost anyone. Awful skin is not impossible to fix. Bad teeth are not impossible to fix. Get a sonic toothbrush. Get Invisalign. Get a skincare routine. Teeth are super important and they are fixable.

No, I'm sure that personality is way more important than looks to almost anyone

Not to me. Not to most of my male friends. Not to most women. And I said my friend has a good personality and that he is funny. He is just ugly and short so women reject him.

Awful skin is not impossible to fix. Bad teeth are not impossible to fix. Get a sonic toothbrush. Get Invisalign. Get a skincare routine. Teeth are super important and they are fixable.

I'm not going to tell my friend what to do with his life. And I certainly wouldn't tell him that he is ugly and he needs to fix that. I don't have any of those issues, in fact I'm 6'3 and have very straight and white teeth. I also have decent looking skin. And by giving this advice you acknowledge that some standards of looks are a requirement to get laid. Very hypocritical.

I was just saying that the issues you said he had are fixable, and it doesn't really seem like he's making an effort to fix them. Clean skin and clean teeth are simply proper personal hygiene. It's good you're not telling him how to live his life, though. (no /s here)

"Not to me. Not to most of my male friends." then you're handing out with the wrong kind of people and need to adjust your own attitude.

As far as personality not mattering more for most women, you are just flat out wrong man. I will tell you that, the women in this thread will tell you that, any normie will tell you that. And we all obviously have more experience in the subject than you. Shouldn't you consider that maybe we know more about this than you do and we are right?

I'm late to the party, Is he upset about all the rejection? If so, telling him that although he's a sexy beast to you (no homo) 😉that if he would just do a few things like x it would probably get him better results. Letting someone suffer to spare their feelings seems the wrong way. You can tell someone with pure intention from a good place without being rude. I don't know him nor you though so it's just a generalised opinion of the situation.

The fact that he has counted how many women have rejected him, is a huge red flag

I just asked him how many women he's approached and he said probably over 300. And I'm not sure why it's wrong to have a rough estimate of your dating success with women. I do the same unconsciously, it's somewhere in the 50 or 60 range

Approaching that many women is weird. Also makes me wonder how exactly he approaches women.

Approaching that many women is weird

Not for an attractive sociable guy. I'd bet that a good looking guy at a college party would approach several women per night, more than enough to add up to 300 over several years. Also interesting that /r/inceltear shills tell incels to try with women then get mad when it comes out to hundreds of women over several years.

Also makes me wonder how exactly he approaches women

He does it very normally actually, not much different than most college age men. The difference is that he's 5'7 and a 1/10 or 2/10 on the looks scale. I've gotten more female attention than him without lifting a finger.

I find that last sentence hard to believe lol

Well I'm not going to prove myself to someone online. I've had at least several dozen women interested in me, if that helps.

I hope your “friend” keeps his chin up and stays positive, rather than pretending to be a 6’3” hunk online.

Lol I don't have the guts to approach 300 women. That just seems soul crushing. Also not sure where I said I'm a hunk. I am unironically 6'3 though, and I do have a 5'7 friend who said he approached that many women with 0 success. I guess you'll just have to take my word for it, unless you can think of a way I could prove it to you.

Wait what do those texts prove? Lol

That I wasn't always incel. She was my first kiss when I was 16

Why did you decide to become an incel if you don’t mind me asking?

2 very unfortunate skin conditions on my face that will probably only get worse. Barely get a second glance from girls nowadays

Well stay positive man. You may not believe it but there are women out there that don’t care, and take more value in how you are as a person, rather than your skin. I’ve found that as you get older, women tend to care more about what really counts. Just try to be a kind, friendly person and you will attract the right kind of women, I promise.

I am highly socialable, and yes, it's weird. It is very very very weird to give unsolicited romantic propositions to strangers. It's creepy, its aggressive, and it triggers women's radar to steer clear.

Now if you look like an absolute babe, like 10/10, you might be able to get away with it just cause you so damn delicious, but for anyone in the "normie" range, um no, don't do that.

It's almost as though one ought to take the context of their situation into consideration.... :O

I agree. But then if you don't creepily approach random women the normies start with the "How are you going to find a girl if you don't put yourself out there?" You either don't approach girls and are deemed shy and unconfident or you do and are a fucking creeper. There's no winning.

I mean....I'm not going to pretend like some very small % of people out there aren't just ass ugly, but for the majority of people, you're right. What makes people ugly is their attitude. And as for these incels, every single one of them that I've gotten to show me a picture of themselves is actually fairly normal looking, not some hideous monster like the imagine themselves.

This is naive as fuck. Obviously you're a woman, and at least a 5/10. People wanting you for your looks is a "given" then.

Probably. But your attitude just made you ugly in my eyes.

If realism makes me ugly to someone then they aren't worth my time anyway. lol

31 days later and you still ugly mate, try not being rude btw

declaring your attitude as 'realism' so you don't have to change it

You call it realism, I call it willful ignorance

I absolutely guarantee you this attitude got you where you are. I am simply here forming an opinion about your character by the words you have chosen and nothing else. Because here I physically can't pass judgment any other way. If this is the way you act outwardly towards others that will push anyone away, women and men included.

I bet you go on Tinder and then complain about all the men asking you for sex.

This is exactly what I was talking about concerning attitude towards others. You know literally nothing about me and are judging me based on how you perceive all women. Not that I owe you an explanation, but I actually don't have Tinder.


I honestly feel bad for you. It must feel awful assuming that everyone else owes you something and always assuming the worst about others. At the end of the day everyone has something to work on including myself. But you know what? Instead of shrugging it off I will continue to work on and better myself and my relationship with those that I care about and I will be happy. It seems like you have decided to be complacent in your horrible attitude towards others and life and all this will bring is loneliness and bitterness. I wish you the best of luck

lol, what? You're just rambling now.

I was just trying to have an honest conversation with you, but obviously you are not open to that. Rambling is better than throwing out inconsequential unrelated insults at someone they don't even know. shrug

Nah, you're trying to do the equivalent of "I'll pray for you". Keep tryin, sister!

I hope not lol cause I hate when people do that, but there's not just much I can do for you besides have a conversation. You are the one who has been hostile this whole time. Why are you being so hostile?

Who asked you to have a conversation with me? "Do for you" lol, how pretentious.

If you don't want to talk then you don't have to reply lol your actions seem contradictory

I like to see how much time I can make people waste.

SAME. See we are bonding after all!

I think what they're trying to say is (judging by your posts on this thread) your personality is trash, and you're probably pushing people away all throughout your life, furthering your disposition. They're trying to help by making you see the light. You've probably got plenty of excuses but in reality, whether or not you chose to be the good version of yourself or the current one is all on you bud and no one (other than those close to you) gives a shit whether or not you do change. Start with a little self love maybe.

this is just more of the whiny liberal version of "I'll pray for you". Miss me with that shit. lol


If you actually believe what you're saying then you need to stop taking reddit so seriously.

Do you seriously think people are out to get you here?

Lol, relax kiddo

Relax about what, kiddo? I thought it was a pretty good reply, I do have a friend that looks like blackops2cel and he gets absolutely no attention despite putting himself out there constantly

That friend of yours will eventually get laid because he's not scared of trying. Seems like you made up your mind that you won't, so relax. Don't need to bring others down with you

When did I say I'm an incel or that I'm ugly?

Then why are you on here defending your looks?

Where did I do that besides when you questioned me on it?

I'm not going to comb through and provide evidence and all that. Your comments screamed incel to me, but hopefully I'm wrong. Don't worry about the skin thing. Just focus on what makes you happy and pursue it. Lots of guys on here only know self pity and nothing else. Girls, and people in general, will prefer the interesting and happy person to the sad, weird and angry person

Here's a screenshot of messages between me and the girl I had my first kiss with at 16:


I also went on 6 or 7 other dates, but I haven't gotten shit except one unattractive girl in the summer of 2017 when I was feeling really desperate.

Not really sure if I'm an incel or just an extended dry spell.

Hi, I'm a bot for linking direct images of albums with only 1 image


Source | Why? | Creator | ignoreme

Hey, I'm in the desert too, I'm just not all hopeless and depressed about it. Not saying you are.. But, maybe you should give more unattractive girls a chance? If you're even worrying about girls atm.

I’m scared to jump in here, but... it sounds a bit like you’re projecting.

“I also went on 6 or 7 other dates, but I haven't gotten shit except one unattractive girl in the summer of 2017 when I was feeling really desperate” is a really dehumanizing thing to say about someone. Can you imagine how the girl you “got” would feel if she could read that you think she’s unattractive, and that you were desperate? You didn’t care about her, her personality wasn’t a factor, she’s just someone you “got” that apparently wasn’t even good enough to count. She let you fuck her. She let you enter her body, she let you be inside of her, but the only thing you can note is her appearance, and that it wasn’t up to par for you. She wasn’t attractive enough to bolster your self esteem. That girl didn’t exist for you to have sex with, she didn’t exist to help you level up, she’s a person with feelings. Feelings that would likely be crushed by reading the things you said about her, especially after she gave you the gift of intimacy.

Now, if you’re thinking things that are THAT awful and cruel about someone else, I can see why you have anxiety about what others are thinking about you. You know how capable you are of openly admitting your very mean thoughts, you’re afraid someone is going to do it to you. You’re afraid that even if someone gives you attention, it’s going to be insincere, because that’s what YOU do. But not all people are like you. I know that I’m not.

Step one, I think, would be working on what you bring to the table. I’m not talking about your appearance, I’m talking about the glaring issue of not treating women like people, gatekeeping WHICH sex is worth of your appreciation, and being critical of people around you. Work on being kind. Work on being friends with women and treating them like humans, separate from the sex they could potentially give you. You aren’t the only person who’s struggling, who’s anxious, who’s looking for intimacy. But you will always be judged by the same measure that you judge with. Be a little more gracious with your judgements, and the world will be more gracious in return- I promise.

I’m sorry. You’re complaining about People not having sex with you because you’re not attractive, BUT THEN COMPLAIN THAT THE ONLY GIRL YOU GOT WAS UNATTRACTIVE. Do ya think people shouldn’t care about looks, or not. You can’t have it both ways, that’s HYPOCRISY

RIP your reading comprehension, lmao. Just in that comment I said I made out with two different girls, and those weren't the only two. Only the girl in summer 2017 was unattractive.

Oops my wording was kinda confusing. My first girlfriend was when I was 14, then I had my second girlfriend when I was 16. Then I had a few more experiences with girls. Summer of 2017 I was feeling desperate so I met up with a really unattractive girl, which I regret. Haven't gotten shit in the past year and half since that time.

Sooooooooooo why do you care? Just go for the really unattractive ones, if you shouldn’t care about looks and go for personality then go for personality, set an example for others

I care because I have standards, like good hygeine, not being obese, etc. The girl I met up with last summer didn't meet those standards, and I gag just thing about it. So far it seem like even average women aren't interested in me, despite me asking out several over the past few few months. I don't think personality is more important than looks either. I don't blame women for not being attracted to me, it's just a lonely life and sometimes I come on here to vent/talk about it.

Okay, that’s completely fair then, but maybe, you might try improving yourself, and I’m not saying that you owe shit to anyone to improve yourself, but you might find that your quality of life improves. At the very least I’ve found weightlifting helps with my depression, and acts as a substitute for cutting. I genuinely hope your life improves, have a great day.

Seems like you're leaving a lot of comments at the moment, feeling extra mean tonight?

Nah, just bored and haven't been on there in a long time

Oh ok, why don't you just fuck off and leave us be? Thanks man

I'm good. Worry about yourself

Look up Christian W Chandler. Super nerd virgin guy who was memed. Dude lost his virginity. There’s hope.

I'm tired of responding to comments in this thread, so I'm just going to post this:


This is one of the stupidest things I've ever watched.

All you have to do to instantly disprove this entire video is just walk into any walmart in america and see loads of average to ugly looking people walking around with their kids/boyfriends/husbands.

Dude, ok

1- She's telling you that the dweeby looking guy is dateable, and she's a woman. Just showed the picture to my GF, she says the dweeby looking guy is dateable, I am also a nerd with a lot of nerdy friends and I have nerdy friends that look a lot like the dweeby looking guy, and they have girlfriends. People who know better and have more experience in the subject than you are telling you 1 thing, and you, from your position of admitted inexperince in the subject of dating and relationships, just think you know better? How about you set aside your bruised ego and accept that maybe.....juuuuust maybe.....we might know what we are talking about.

2- I believe you about your buddy and the 300 women with 0 action. Because the kind of guy who would have asked 300 women, and would have bothered to keep count, is exactly the kind of guy who sets off every alarm bell in a woman's head to steer clear. That is so creepy and weird. How old is your buddy, let's just say he's in his mid twenties. So he's been serious as an adult in the dating game for what, 6 years maybe. That's like 1 unsolicited proposition of a stranger (presumably most of them were complete strangers as it's very likely he knows 300 women) a week. That's suuuuuper creeper behavior and women pick up on that.

I am 30, I have been steadily dating since about age 24 and have been with 6 women. Do you know how many strangers I propositioned? 0, cause that's creepy and nobody likes that unless you look like a freaking supermodel. "normies" don't do that.

And also yes, if a person thinks you are hideous it is very unlikely they will want to have sex with you. But if the dweeby looking kid in the picture above is your idea of unshaggably irredeemably ugly, then your standards are messed up. Plenty of guys that look like him have girlfriend. He's no uglier than I used to be.

And 3- if you are talking about an ugly face on top of a good body, then you are WAAAAAY off base. Plenty of guys with ugly faces but good bods get women. In fact I dare say that most guys with ugly faces and good bodies get women. But also most guys with ugly faces get women too. The lifetime virginity percent in the US is something like 0.3%, almost everyone of every body type and face type can get laid. I promise you, your toxic personality and defeatist attitude and awkward social graces have WAAAAAY more to do with your virginity than the genetic of your eye width or jaw angle or whatever.

saying "they would date him" hypothetically is different than actually "dating him".

they'll say whatever makes them appear to be more virtuous but the proof is in the reality of their actions.

I dated a guy who looked like the one on the left but with longer hair. He was funny, kind, romantic, and attentive at the beginning, hence why I started dating him.

Then he turned into a raging, mean alcoholic and I dumped his ass.

you mean, you dated a 7 that has one feature vaguely like his. of course it's obvious you're just virtue signaling for upvotes.

Anyone who disagrees with this fact is a fucking idiot. Whether you’re a man or a woman doesn’t matter - try out this to thought exercise; imagine the ugliest man or woman ever but pretend that he or she has the best personality in the world. Keep in mind that this person’s face is a fucking trash can of suck and then imagine fucking this person.

If you’re going to pretend that your thought process while having sex with this homonculi is great then you’re lying to yourself. What you’re really feeling is probably a mixture of over indulgent sympathy, guilt and an incessant litany of “you’re a good person for doing this, today you, tomorrow me!!”

It might be that you friend is approaching women in a way that is off putting maybe he should join a club for his interests or something? I’m not going to lie attractiveness does play a role but you’d be lying if you said attractiveness doesn’t play a role in the women you are attracted to. However i also wouldn’t be lying when i say that ugly men and women can find love and be loved. We all want to be around people that make us happy, I would much rather date a kind happy ugly guy who cares about me and other people who also has similar interests to me than an unhappy unkind attractive guy. I’ve actually made that exact choice. Sure there are girls who will choose an attractive guy with a shitty personality over a good kind ugly dude but there are also men who do the same thing but most people aren’t like that.

lol he looks sickly on the left. Nothing wrong with bettering yourself if you really want a change.

someone murder this stupid lying whore slut - we all know you're cucking youre "anime hubbY" any chance you get with real chads you fucking SLUT

That nigga on the right be lookin like an alien i dont see what ya sayin

They still don't respect you though.

Just lol

Who the fuck believes they are the same person? Normies are seriously taking over this sub, it's over.

Ay dude I think I can speak for all of us, sorry that some used your picture as the example incel. You look great, hope you are doing well.

I’m getting married soon (love u andre) to someone who resembles the guy in the left so pls if he won my heart there’s hope for all u guys out their


But how many Chads did you fuck first?

Lol well I haven’t fucked anyone else soooooooooooooooo

Haha! I love that the incel loser doesn't have the guts to respond again after that. Good job.

Who cares?

I do

Only a dumbass liberal would be fine with his wife getting railed by 100 men before him and still marry her hahahah. Really is no wonder why the divorce rate is so high.

And only dumbass conservatives would involve politics in relationships

Damn the liberal comment got you hurt, huh? Lmfao good thing I'm neither. But I know liberals are infinitely more retarded when it comes to relationships.

Hahahahahahaha he might be a liberal but at least he’s not a soyboi

What's funny is a lot of these incels subscribe to the mentality of "women have no problem getting laid because there's always a man who will fuck literally anything" while they themselves, supposedly the bottom barrel of the sexual marketplace, reject the notion of fucking (in their own minds) complete uggos because they think they "deserve" better... thus contradicting their original notion

Based zues

Your face shrank all of a sudden?

Nah man. His neck/shoulders filled out so his head doesn't look disproportionately large.

aww m8 your heads a triangle

Lmfao not even 2 minutes ago I was telling off someone for saying working out doesn’t make your face look better, but look at you dude - straight up proof that this whole sub is wrong

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA is this nigga for real? It's not the same guy, and working out doesn't change your face.


Guy on the left mogs me

Has he started mass murdering already?

It’s almost like incel culture promotes sexism and misogyny

To point out what we all aren't? To show just what women are choosing between? A big part of the blackpill is reminding yourself of just how ugly you are in comparison to Chad.

Just because we know that there are more attractive men then us does not mean we are sexually attracted to them.

I don't understand how normies dont get this. It's simple shit.

Considering that channer culture went mainstream and 2016 was a year when a meme was elected to the office in the US, this is as good place as any.

And yeah, /b/ and /r9k/ are now extremely polluted by cancer and newfags. Rules have changed and it's not as it once was anymore.


just really confused why you guys arent for restricted submissions and comments.

also, one question... was there ever a comment from a non-incel on reddit that has helped you in any way?


2 very unfortunate skin conditions on my face that will probably only get worse. Barely get a second glance from girls nowadays

Okay, that’s completely fair then, but maybe, you might try improving yourself, and I’m not saying that you owe shit to anyone to improve yourself, but you might find that your quality of life improves. At the very least I’ve found weightlifting helps with my depression, and acts as a substitute for cutting. I genuinely hope your life improves, have a great day.

HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA is this nigga for real? It's not the same guy, and working out doesn't change your face.

I honestly feel bad for you. It must feel awful assuming that everyone else owes you something and always assuming the worst about others. At the end of the day everyone has something to work on including myself. But you know what? Instead of shrugging it off I will continue to work on and better myself and my relationship with those that I care about and I will be happy. It seems like you have decided to be complacent in your horrible attitude towards others and life and all this will bring is loneliness and bitterness. I wish you the best of luck

It's almost as though one ought to take the context of their situation into consideration.... :O

I agree. But then if you don't creepily approach random women the normies start with the "How are you going to find a girl if you don't put yourself out there?" You either don't approach girls and are deemed shy and unconfident or you do and are a fucking creeper. There's no winning.