41  2018-02-12 by PROLAPSED_SUBWOOFER

Attention: if you or a loved one has been diagnosed with incelthelioma, you may be entitled to cope-ensation. Incelthelioma is a rare condition linked to endless rejection. Exposure to rejection in your school, workplace, place of worship and other dating sites may put you at risk.

Please don't wait, call 1-800-ITS-OVER today for a FREE legal copesultation and blackpill information packet.

Incelthelioma patients pleace call now!



I got a law office, something and associates. They didn’t know what an incel is. It’s over.

lmao, please tell me you did not actually dial that number.

I hung up right quick when someone answered but yeah :(


Maximum lmao. Imagine if they called you back and asked you where you got the number from.

I’m considering calling back after work if they’re still open and seeing if I can find a free app to record calls and asking them about the incelthelioma class action lawsuit. That might be fun. Or it might be terrible.

If I wasn't a povertycel I'd buy a web domain on it. Would be pretty funny for a month or two.

Chaddington, Tyronicus and Stace Ltd? I got through to them too and they just laughed at me :-(


Hilarious. Sadly I'm sure normies and IT will come up with a to vilify this.

Inb4: you get Incelthelioma from """toxic""" personalities

From the Incelthelioma brochure:

Incelthelioma is a rare form of loneliness caused by cancerous people around you. Its likeliness is also believed to be influenced by genetics.

Symptoms include:

  • Manic depression/suicidal thoughts or actions.
  • Frustration with society, nature and the entire planet.
  • Ridicule from peers in your workplace, school, place of worship and on the internet.
  • Depersonalization/De-humanization
  • Anxiety, agoraphobia, and anthropophobia
  • Withdrawal from social situations.
  • Increased proficiency in humor.
  • Increased porn consumption and masturbation.
  • Increased awareness of facial flaws.

There are no well known cures for Incelthelioma as it is a case-by-case basis involving many factors.


Amazing play on words

Incelthelioma® is a registered tradmark (®) of PROLAPSED_SUBWOOFER & Associates. © 2018

Exposure to rejection in your school, workplace, place of worship and other dating sites may put you at risk.

Hmm, I haven't been bold enough to do this yet, but let me get back to you before I make the decision to call!


Okay, this got definitely got a fucking laugh out of me.

Good work.

Morons over at /r/IncelTards might not get my humor, but I'm glad you do. 😁

We have the best humour.

The lawyers will get 99% of the settlement and the incels will be left with a coupon for a noose.