Its over.

45  2018-02-11 by regular_failure


didn't he get divorced like 3 times to the same woman, talk about being a pathetic beta bux

i dont understand smart men who fall for gold digging whores

Smart men with a drive to build an empire to be envied but still not enough.

Have you seen Elon's picture with maracas circa 2002? He looked MUCH WORSE.

He literally careermaxxed, looksmaxxed and it's still not enough.

If Elon Musk's not enough for an enterprising girl not to alimony the shit out of him, what does that say about the rest of us plebians living from paycheck to paycheck?

Why tho.... he can have all the sex that he wants. What's the point of a girlfriend?

So when is your rocket scheduled to lift off?

Who cares about rockets and shit when you can spend the rest of your life having fun? I'd plan out a neverending 24/7 sexparty and never worry about anything else.

Yeahh he didnt get that money partying.

Who says he did? I just can't understand why guys like him keep working. Working is boring as fuck and I hate every second of it, but I'm not as rich as him, so I don't have a choice.

lol u guy

Its probably pretty fucking hard to date as a highly public billionaire. I'm sure there are women lined up a mile down the road to date him, but how does he filter for only ones who like him for him and aren't just looking for his money. Only date other billionaires? Pretty small dating pool.

Really though. When you are that successful, you are probably so paranoid about who you date to the point where you pretty much just become asexual.

How do you know this?

Because one who likes him for him would have to like him for his looks, not saying he's an ugly guy but dating standards of young attractive women are very high, and with that bank account young attractive women is his target audience, he is a man after all, he wants the hottest partner possible

he is a man after all, he wants the hottest partner possible

Is that really what you think? Because I'm a man, and I don't want the hottest partner possible. I want a partner who I think is hot, who I then love lots of other things about.

If I met someone hotter than my partner who was interested in me I would take a hard pass.

This is because you're a cuck and most likely not very attractive, if women desired you you would simply fuck the hottest ones and move on, this is what chads life looks like, chad does not date.

Chad's life sounds pretty empty and uninteresting to me.

A relationship based on love, mutual attraction, trust and shared interests sounds much more appealing. So I guess Chad and I want completely different girls anyway.

Yes, chads life sounds uninteresting to you because you've adapted and accepted your fate. I know a few chads, like real chads model looking guys, and they are so much more misogynistic than us it's not even funny and yet they love every bit of life and get women tossed at them without even trying. You would change your mind if you saw a real chad and what his life looks like. Clearly you're a failed normie considering you're on this sub

Shrug. If I've adapted to appreciate the only life available to me then that sounds pretty successful.

If I'm a failed normie then I'm not even sure what that would mean. I've had consistent and satisfying romantic and sexual relationships since I was 16 and I'm 35 now. I have no complaints in that department.

You say it like it's a bonus that they get to be misogynists while also getting laid. But I don't want to be a misogynist. I like treating people the way I'd like to be treated (unless they deserve something different).

This Chad life sounds boring. I'd rather stay home and play D&D and watch nature documentaries than hit the club to fuck Stacy #271748

Im confused too. I couldn’t even be a gold digger if im not in love with the guy. How some women put up with the rich guy shit is beyond me.

Lol what experience do you have with wealthy guys that gives you that kind of impression?

Don’t understand what you’re asking

Fundamental reading comprehension required first. Can't help you with that, dear.

You want to know about my experience, and I️ would not like to tell you because you made a weird comment from a regular comment. Good luck getting laid dude

You know they have schools that fix problems like yours? Usually people send their children to them during their formative years, but you're obviously lagging behind. Good luck reading restaurant menus.

Lol at liking "him for him". He has money. Chads have looks. No one likes "someone for someone". It's nothing more than a ratio of how much LMS a potential male has, and a female's ability to lock him down, with an emphasis on looks and with personal connection being an after thought.

That's a very unfortunate and inaccurate way of looking at things.

am pretty sure aiding humanity to land on mars is more important than women.

We should open a femoid slave camp on mars. They will have to spread dem cheeks, because of the implication.


Being super rich opens a new world to you. There are women that don't need your money. But they still don't want you. So you must settle for a stacy peasant.

It's over

I would date him if he weren't famous and what I assume is a workaholic. He's incredibly smart, obviously has a great sense of humor with all the flame thrower stuff, and I'm obsessed with space, so it would make for great conversation (at least for me). Plus I think he's cute in his own way.


he weren't famous and what I assume is a workaholic

This. This is why he doesn't have a girlfriend.

Most women who want an LTR are scared off by celebrity and workaholism. Most women who don't mind the public spotlight or their partners being gone all the time are gold diggers.

Really because him and volkswagen are killing me on lithium mining stocks.

Piss or get off the pot retards

He got married but his wife wanted a divorce. Even being a billionaire high IQ scientist chad isn't enough to prevent female hypergamy.

Well besides the fact he's average looking at best, you do know he works a lot right? Any marriage runs the risk of breaking down if there's rarely any time to interact or see each other. Also maybe they just weren't right for each other in the end, money and success don't automatically ensure that your relationships will last.

He works constantly and values it above everything else, if only more men were like him as he’s average looking at best, only really got height going for him and he comes across like he’s on the spectrum

Nothing makes up for that Norwood 3 hairline and high orbital rims. His maxilla also isn’t forward facing enough

I think he's cute though. So none of that really matters obviously.

he has a very feminine look to him. he would do great with guys.

I'm kind've the same way. I'm not ugly but i'm 5'7 and look like a teenager still( i"m "cute" aka unfuckable). I'm 30 look like a 17 year old boy.

Yeah I've got the same problem. I'm good looking, but at 27 I still look like I'm 16. People keep telling me that is a good thing. Maybe I'll get to fuck when I'm 40 and finally look like I'm 20. Sucks doesn't it?

Yes it does lol . and i have the same outlook as you, i'm just waiting till i hit my 40's.

I don't even like that outlook. It's more just the only option. It's still a shitty option. I'd rather look my age and be a bit rugged looking. Instead I literally look like a vampire bit me at 16 and I'm a perpetual good looking youth, which is like having a delicious cake just out of reach. Normal high school guys look older than me. I'm a boy -- a boy at 27. No woman wants a boy. Goddamn it. How can life fuck people like that?

Sorry I get irrationally pissed when I think about this shit.

I'm 25 and look 16 too. It's definitely holding me back cos I don't look like a "man" but I still get laid. Unless you actually look 12, it shouldn't be a nail in the coffin.

How does that work? Are you dating girls out of high school or something?

Some girls dig younger looking guys I suppose.

He's so ugly he needs to date women that look like this:

Yes it's over because he can only fuck 10/10 actresses:

Musk was ruthlessly bullied as a kid

Now that he is all the money, he still doesn't get laid as much as his broke high school bullies did

I'm sure he can get laid whenever he wants. He was dating/married (?) to a supermodel for a bit. Not everyone is trying to beat the record of most sex had in a lifetime.

ROFL what an idiot.

One of his exes were Amber Heard. One of the most beautiful girls in the world if you ask me. Where do you guys get your news from?

She wanted his money... Look what she did to Johnny Depp lmao.

johnny depp is an old drunk/druggie. he's out of his mind these days.

Well no shit.

Amber heard qualifies as one of the most beautiful women.. in the world? My man, not even in the country, probably not even the state.

Your tastes might be different. But she was rated as sexiest woman for tons of magazines etc.

A lot of people are rated sexiest but that doesn't indicate actual level of attractiveness. A lot of those things are determined by marketing deals. They aren't actually rated.

yeah by wearing a mask aka makeup. she doesn't look sexy at all

According to science she has the most beautiful face in the world in terms of the golden ratios

Yo, she has a fat girl smile, bro. It’s not happening.

worth $20.9 billion BUT [...] can't get a girlfriend See how the title itself reveals the truth that no normies ever wanna admit, that being, that women want money and that money makes dating a lot easier. It's like saying 'he was supposed to easily get a girlfriend with that much money, but somehow can't'. It's too easy this way, they make our case for us.

He has Chad looks, Donald wealth, and genius brain. He's not incel, he's volcel.

The man is busy AF, working 100+ hours a week, and he has partial custody of his kids. His days are insanely planned out for maximum efficiency. In his biography he mused over how much time he would have to budget for a girlfriend ("Is 5 hours a week enough?") and whether he could afford to make that time without compromising his goals. At 5-10 hours a week, most women with serious interest would be unhappy, so he's left with a sea of gold diggers.

Wasn't he dating a supermodel just recently? Amber Heard I think.

Not even a hair transplant could save him. RIP.

He was dating a supermodel recently

Cunts are so crazy not even billionairebuxing will work these days

He’s a narcissistic jerkwad with a god complex.

He could build one. Probably. Unless he sent her out into space in a car.

If I had $20.9 billion, I don't think I'd care very much about being incel.

He just launched a spaceship and the media pinpoints the fact that he is single. Modern society in a nutshell.

Elon Musk was married 3 times

He has like 6 six kids though.

Really though. When you are that successful, you are probably so paranoid about who you date to the point where you pretty much just become asexual.

Yeahh he didnt get that money partying.

Because one who likes him for him would have to like him for his looks, not saying he's an ugly guy but dating standards of young attractive women are very high, and with that bank account young attractive women is his target audience, he is a man after all, he wants the hottest partner possible

Im confused too. I couldn’t even be a gold digger if im not in love with the guy. How some women put up with the rich guy shit is beyond me.

Lol what experience do you have with wealthy guys that gives you that kind of impression?

Yes it does lol . and i have the same outlook as you, i'm just waiting till i hit my 40's.

Yo, she has a fat girl smile, bro. It’s not happening.

Lol at liking "him for him". He has money. Chads have looks. No one likes "someone for someone". It's nothing more than a ratio of how much LMS a potential male has, and a female's ability to lock him down, with an emphasis on looks and with personal connection being an after thought.

I'm 25 and look 16 too. It's definitely holding me back cos I don't look like a "man" but I still get laid. Unless you actually look 12, it shouldn't be a nail in the coffin.

Some girls dig younger looking guys I suppose.

This is because you're a cuck and most likely not very attractive, if women desired you you would simply fuck the hottest ones and move on, this is what chads life looks like, chad does not date.

Yes, chads life sounds uninteresting to you because you've adapted and accepted your fate. I know a few chads, like real chads model looking guys, and they are so much more misogynistic than us it's not even funny and yet they love every bit of life and get women tossed at them without even trying. You would change your mind if you saw a real chad and what his life looks like. Clearly you're a failed normie considering you're on this sub