Alt-right is cope

52  2018-02-10 by BBC_takeover


"Muh white woman" "Muh western culture". I never understand incel level dudes being alt-right. Western culture hates you and so do white woman. Why should i waste my life protecting something that hates me so that OTHER peoples children will live in your Utopian 1950's "ethno state". If your white just go to south east asia.

Right and left has lost it's meaning for me. If you are for any kind of socialism (it's called National Socialism after all, fuck that shit) and incel/red/black-pilled you are doing it wrong.

You should be for as little taxes as possible, without support of the state (=redistribution of wealth from men to women), women would naturally graviate towards lower positions in society. Because their vagina gives them an easy life they have a much lower drive to become succesful and develop useful/marktable skills.

If we lived in a truly equal society woman would be fucked. It amazes me that a group that has massive 30%, 40% or more advantages at each stage of life can be so overshadowed by there counterparts.

I know many girls/escorts in the 20-25 age range that coast through life on ultra easy mode like there's no tomorrow. They are always "studying" some pointless degree that's never going to give them the lifestyle that they've come acustomed to. Prime candidates that vote for more and more socialism and more exploitation of men.

Women simply live such brutally easy and different lives from men that they'll never understand what hard work means.

Yes. We live in an uber gynocentric society. Of course life would be easy for them. I'm saying what happens if we remove the gender quotas, no more wife controlling the marriage finances (so no more PR and advertising work for females), made the education system not 100% for girls. Do you really think they would live on easy mode. Can 80% of females just escort?

They would still have easier lives than men, women always had it easier. But it would be much fairer than what we have now.

nazis are socialist it’s in their name.

hotdogs are dogs it’s in their name.

You know nothing about national socialism. It was an collective society just like communism and what modern western society is trying to become more and more.

“You know nothing about national socialism.” I know that capitalist preferred it to socialism. And that privatization was a big thing in Germany.

“It was an collective society just like communism and what modern western society is trying to become more and more.”

1 communism is way more than a collective society. It’s when workers control the means of production without a state.

2 capitalist West tries to be so socialist it funds right wing dictators.

1 communism is way more than a collective society. It’s when workers control the means of production without a state.

Yeah, you could really do whatever you wanted in nazi germany. There was no pressure to fit in at all. Are you serious? It was just as bad as communism and I think it's hillarious that those two regimes were arch enemies (because they were so similar).

2 capitalist West tries to be so socialist it funds right wing dictators.

Stateism, collectivism, socialism, call it whatever you want. It's all wrong.

”Yeah, you could really do whatever you wanted in nazi germany.”

That part had nothing to do with Nazi Germany you fucking mentalcel.

”There was no pressure to fit in at all. Are you serious?”

Never said this shit you fuck face.

”It was just as bad as communism and I think it's hillarious that those two regimes were arch enemies (because they were so similar).”

Nazi ideals: extermination of Jews. The rise of Arian race. Allowing markets to proceed. Giving more to the private market.

USSR ideals : extermination of the capitalist system. The rise of the workers. Stopping markets. Taking from the private sector.

Yes those are sooo similar.

That part had nothing to do with Nazi Germany you fucking mentalcel.

Sorry, was in a hurry and didn't read properly. Disregard.

Never said this shit you fuck face.

I wish I could fuck my face, not quite stretchy enough thoug.

Yes those are sooo similar.

Look at the actual implementations. Pure collectivism and stateism with no indivial thought and freedoms. Sounds very similiar to me.

Most ideologies are superficially similar.

Naw they really are similar. You impress me every day with your gullibility lol

I'm an open leftist that wants to bring down corporate power, so...

Yea and by corporate power you mean free market capitalism

Yes, yes I do, the Lotus-Eater Machine, the one destroying our world.

Lol. Of course. Because corporations evolved from nature and gained human rights from the free market.

Massive, soulless conglomerates gaining human rights over actual people was the natural conclusion of a society where capital means everything, yeah.

Yup, and these things just evolved from nature. Very firm grasp of reality buddy. Drink more kool-aid there's nothing to see here.

I have no clue as to what you're even trying to articulate. Do I think corporations are naturally occurring, no? I don't think I ever implied that. ...Neomancr, we're you huffing glue again?

Yep they evolved from the free market. Just pointing out that your leftist brainwashing has you incapable of seeing the forest got the trees. Your academies are themselves corporations. Read some internal emails from any university

Neomancr, I think the problem may be that neither of us can actually agree on what forest or what trees. I rarely have a clue as to what you're trying to argue, because your arguments usually don't seem very coherent to me. Likewise, I doubt you rarely understand what I'm saying, just going by how rare it is for you to respond to what I'm actually saying.

Here's the thing. I know exactly what you are arguing because it's the typical perspective you're given in college.

What am I arguing?

The social conditions of imperialism which was a product of capitalism and the free market married to military might took over the world and resulted in a eurocentric system that places the wester Europeans at the top of the pecking order.

Wait, we agree on that

Kinda, but it isn't that simple.

That's the standard model but those who promote it create a taboo that prevents you from actually looking deeper to see who is actually pulling the strings.

It's like I said, don't blame the Zionists blame the jews, don't hate Zbigniew Brzezinski for founding the Mujahideen, hate on the poor farmers who were radicalised.

Don't hate on the people in congress who have been there for longer than most of us have existed on earth, with dozens who actively opposed the Civil rights act which at the time the democrats vehemently opposed, hate the president who cycles in and out every 4 to 8 years.

Don't blame the media, blame the people. The media only pushes trump and Hillary because they were most popular, not the other way around.

Etc etc

There is so much more to this game and it's all out in the open.

The wasps aren't some secret society.

Ask yourself this. If you hung out with the Duponts or any other old money wasp legacy family for a week, would it change your view of how the world works?

Ask yourself this. If you hung out with the Duponts or any other old money wasp legacy family for a week, would it change your view of how the world works?

It wouldn't, I think they're depraved fucks that outta meet the slicey boi, that wouldn't change if I were actually stuck around those animals.

Why so you think London is the financial capital of the world? And yes I know there was a period a couple years ago when new York rose ahead by a slim margin.

I rarely have a clue as to what you're trying to argue, because your arguments usually don't seem very coherent to me.

Wait, so I'm not the only one, right?

Nah, this dude doesn't know how to construct an argument, nor how to respond to one.

Whew, I thought I was going mad for a second. Thanks!

Yeah, plus he does the whole Gallup thing where he makes a long winded post with so many different bizarre arguments that you don't really know how to respond.

You're in high-school. Just keep an open mind. Once you leave the fish tank people will mellow. Just focus on being the best you can be until you want to show yourself off.

Don't do it for ladies do it because you want to get to the point where you want to go to a party and demonstrate how awesome you are. If you do it for women it won't work because it won't be genuine.

The kicker? I'm 25, turning 26 this year. High school never ends but this is just almost cute.

Eh, he's fucking dumb thinking you're in high school, but I don't believe anyone here is fucked beyond the actual deformed and severely mentally ill.

Eh but it depends on your definition of fucked.

Not that I'm saying that I am but still.

Basically, I think the vast majority of incels can and eventually will get a relationship, or at least sex (without paying).

Let's agree to disagree and hope that you're right and I'm absolutely wrong.

I'm good with that

it's over for sfcels, no amount of spouting about muuh white race change this. Ethics are reproducing at record number's in your country's. on the other side. white women are killing white baby's in record number's, or abandoning motherhood all together. Instead of hating on ethics on white white nationalist rally's, you should had instead focus on convincing white women to stop aborting white baby's, and fuck you subhumans instead. owait, i forgot. white women could give a shit about preserving the white race, and especially won't take orders from chinless subhumans

Fuck society. If they want it to burn that much, let them burn it. Given me nothing but pain.

You pretty much just highlighted all the problems that the alt right wants to fix. Are you just going to be a defeatist and say fuck them for even trying to fix this? And btw minorities have way more abortions than white people.

Alt-right is perfect for me. I voted for Trump, because I dislike how rampant feminism was becoming. Also feminists are heightists which I truly dislike.

Agreed, the right isn't going to be any more sympathetic to Incels than the left is.

A lot of alt rightists move to Asia and procreate with Asian women. Moving to SEA is cope and it probably means you’re a pedophile.

most alt-right white supremacists can't get white women, just look at /u/ivana_g

They get angry at muh white wimmenz, but then they have little Timmy Chong playing with black GI Joes in the living room cause they look more like him than Himmler or whatever Nazi faggot daddy is in love with

nonironically uses the term 'our women'
while being a virgin

Christ, alt-right incels are tragic creatures. The greatest obstacle to the beta revolution is convincing these people to drop the copes and take up hatred against their oppressors.

They already hate themselves

anything I don't like is neck beard stuff

uh huh, so in the whole of white history except the last 50 years we have thought this way but now it's wrong?

breibart is jewish btw not alt right

appeal to tradition. keep coping.

Incels are not a thing that occurs in traditionalist societies.

racism just makes sense

this is some high-quality shit

its true, many white SFcels hate negroes with a passion but are intensely erotically turned on by white women fucking black men

just look at /u/ivana_g posting history.

the whole history of america is fear of a black cock, that's why the washington monument looks like a big white cock

You forgot the /s

Are u bbctakeover from lookism

yes, the BBCtakeover crew is here to redpill reddit on BBC theory

Fuck yes

Politics are pointless, if you're an incel just ignore politics.

Agreed. Politics aren't the reason incels exist. Your looks are.


I'm running for president next term, this is my slogan. WHO'S GOING TO VOTE FOR ME?

I've been treating you guys wrong. You're all fucked in the head but at least you're not Nazis.

It is you, leftists communists feminists, that are the nazis. You are forcing us, at gunpoint mind you, to pay taxes to pay for our own oppression.

Left. Nazi

Choose one.

National Socialism

The extreme left can just be as oppressive as the extreme right.

Just like North Korea is democratic, huh?

Who said that? Just as fascist as all other states. Oppressing somebody and forcing them to do shit they dont want by using force is never right.

North Korea claims democracy. they aren't.

Nazis claimed socialism. They weren't

What or what not they claimed to be doesn't matter, they both used/use force to make people do stuff they don't want to. This means that both are fascist societies.

And? I was called a leftist and a Nazi. They're not antonyms, babe.

Well by being a leftist (being for government oppression and for the police state) you are a fascist and a nazi. Sorry to tell you.

Oh, okay. That makes about as much sense as I could hope from your like.

Please tell me how I am wrong. Justify your use of the police state to oppress people and making them do stuff they don't want to.

Strawman much?

You also just assume leftist beliefs because I know incels are just full of shit

No arguments, seems like I won the discussion.

You want me to argue the shit you made up about my beliefs that I've never stated? Ok dude. You're so brilliant

You never said that you weren't a leftist. So I just assumed. If you are against government oppression that's fine with me!

a physical direction having anything to do with politics

Fuck off with this retard shit.

It's called a political compass, sweetness. You should try to read up on. It

He is right though, left and right is meaningless. Collectivist vs individualist is more accurate.

well the left loves to silence free speech so i would call them fascists would be accurate. and intolerant

Hey there, strawman. How you doin?

watch all the protests on youtube, all they do is attack people and try to silence people. The proof is in the videos. deny all you want it's true

I'm doing well too! This place is a little weird though. It's like a hundred voices all speaking in unison.

Problem is it's all shit.

What's with alt-right chuds and not knowing what fascism, the left, or free speech is?

i'm not alt right, i don't even know what it means

I don't think you actually know what a leftist, communist, feminist, or Nazi is. Or how human societies have worked for millennia.

But I bet you do. Am I right?

Compared to you, yes

Ooooh, found the sociopath. I know exactly what an evil and depraved and hateful person you are inside. Stop trying to pretend to be a good person. You lying and deceiving psychopath.

Everyone that's into politics is fucked up in their heads beyond believe.

And no, you don't.

One, I am an evil piece of shit, that's true, I'm not here to help anyone unlike many other non-incels pretend to be, I come for entertainment value and because arguing with the people here is fun. Second, insinuating that everyone with an interest and knowledge in politics is evil only really makes you look like even more of a retard, like, besides just trying to argue shit like fascism being leftist.

Second, insinuating that everyone with an interest and knowledge in politics is evil only really makes you look like even more of a retard, like, besides just trying to argue shit like fascism being leftist.

Attacks, no arguments. Typical of you leftist lying and deceiving scumbags.

What exactly did you say that makes you worthy of anything but insults?

Hey, not my fault that you are too stupid to comprehend any of the points I made.

God you don't know how much I hate scumbags like you. You are all like clones and the discussion always goes the same way way. Not sure if I should even bother responding.

What points? You mean the nonsensical bullshit you tried passing as an argument? What am I supposed to say when you call fascism a left wing ideology beyond questioning if you know what either are? That's like sitting here and proclaiming the sky to be green. What am I supposed to say to that exactly?

Again, nonsensical to you. I'm keeping it simple:

Is using violence to make somebody do something they don't want ever morally justified? Yes or no.

If you say yes you are a fascist because you need thugs (the fascist police state) to bully somebody into submission and force them to do your bidding.

Is using violence to make somebody do something they don't want to ever morally justified? Yes or no.

That question is vague enough that I can't properly answer.

If you say yes you are a fascist because you need thugs (the fascist police state) to bully somebody into submission and force them to do your bidding.

By your logic, monarchies were also fascist. See how easy it is to take down your argument? You don't even know what fascism is yet you're trying to explain it to everyone here, that's why you're not worthy of anything beyond insults.

That question is vague enough that I can't properly answer.

Not vague at all, it is a very simple question that I very often ask, and all reasonable people come to the same conclusion: no it is not. Except for bullies like you, of course. But you are not reasonable.

By your logic, monarchies were also fascist.

Of course they were.

See how easy it is to take down your argument?

How did you take down my argument?

You don't even know what fascism is yet you're trying to explain it to everyone here, that's why you're not worthy of anything beyond insults.

You are getting into personal attack territory again here fyi. Let others decide who has the better arguments. You provided none so far.

Not vague at all, it is a very simple question that I very often ask, and all reasonable people come to the same conclusion: no it is not. Except for bullies like you, of course. But you are not reasonable.

Except it is extremely vague. What am I trying to make these people do? Who were they before? What if it's the swines that run this society and I'm forcing them to relinquish their power to the people? Yeah, didn't think of that, did you? What if it's a pedophile that kidnapped a kid and I have a gun pointed on them to let the kid go? Like I said, entirely too vague. If you wanted an answer you could've actually said what you meant and asked me if I would be willing to force people to give me things at gun point, to which I would say, no.

Of course they were.

They were not.

How did you take down my argument?

Providing evidence that authoritarian control and fascism are not one in the same. Fascism is a way to run a society and is frequently authoritarian, however, fascism has a specific definition, that definition does not begin and end with authoritarian power.

You are getting into personal attack territory again here fyi. Let others decide who has the better arguments. You provided none so far.

No, you actually just don't know what fascism is, meaning I don't really have much to attack beyond your lack of knowledge on the subject.

What if it's the swines that run this society and I'm forcing them to relinquish their power to the people?

Why are you more justified to power than them?

What if it's a pedophile that kidnapped a kid and I have a gun pointed on them to let the kid go?

Still not justified.

They were not.

Yes they were. If you do not like the word facist then use the word authoritarian. Seems like a petty difference to me but you have a huge ego (like you sociopaths do), so I'll concede.

Providing evidence that authoritarian control and fascism are not one in the same. Fascism is a way to run a society and is frequently authoritarian, however, fascism has a specific definition, that definition does not begin and end with authoritarian power.

Pettiness again, everybody knows what I mean by fascism. Come on, talking to you must be a real chore in RL if you go by textbook definitions on everything.

Why are you more justified to power than them?

I'm not, but I'd say the 98% that effectively have no power in my country are. They 1%, the rulers, they're disgusting, loathsome beings. Half of them are sex offenders of some kind, most are power hungry, damn near all would sellout America in a heartbeat for a big enough check. That's the politicians, the depraved fucks that buy them out are far, far worse.

Still not justified.

I can respect how absolute, or stubborn, you are in your beliefs. You believe it's right then, to allow a child to be harmed so you don't get your hands dirty? I mean, guess I can count on incel to care for nothing but himself, and a redditor for slavish devotion to, well, let's be honest, being a complacent loser.

Yes they were. If you do not like the word facist then use the word authoritarian. Seems like a petty difference to me but you have a huge ego (like you sociopaths do), so I'll concede.

Once again, you don't know what fascism is, all you're doing is showcasing the failure that is the American education system.

Pettiness again, everybody knows what I mean by fascism. Come on, talking to you must be a real chore in RL if you go by textbook definitions on everything.

Really? So what you're saying is that, this entire time you haven't actually been talking about fascism and you simply used the word as an easy dog whistle to get people on your side? Because I don't see why else you'd be calling things that you know are fascist fascism.

I'm not, but I'd say the 98% that effectively have no power in my country are. They 1%, the rulers, they're disgusting, loathsome beings. Half of them are sex offenders of some kind, most are power hungry, damn near all would sellout America in a heartbeat for a big enough check. That's the politicians, the depraved fucks that buy them out are far, far worse.

At least one thing we both agree on. We are both on the same side. Don't you understand that I'm arguing against the power that the state uses to oppress people? I'm not American and the left has been in power in my country for ages, so I have other other feelings about leftism than you.

I can respect how absolute, or stubborn, you are in your beliefs. You believe it's right then, to allow a child to be harmed so you don't get your hands dirty?

You could argued that by using force against somebody else the pedophile has given up the right to not have force used against himself. And you would be justified to stop him. You would be wrong, because using force against somebody else is always morally wrong, but you could argue this way.

Really? So what you're saying is that, this entire time you haven't actually been talking about fascism and you simply used the word as an easy dog whistle to get people on your side? Because I don't see why else you'd be calling things that you know aren't fascist fascism.

You are still trying to go by the textbook definition. Everybody knows what I mean by fascism when I say fascism. You are very petty if you try to make me use other words.

shut up virgin

i dont think you actually understand politics. or anything for that matter.

No you don't know politics!

Right on brother

I've been thinking that there's a fair chance incel groups are a training ground for alt-right trolls. A lot of the same memes and vocabulary, just different context.

when you are on the receiving end of eugenics and genetic discrimination like incels are, you tend not to be into nazism or extreme left.

I think you're mistaking "genetic discrimination" for being a twat.

lol why so hostile? i am actually arguing for you

Oh goodness no, that wasn't hostility. Simply correcting a point

I used to believe in this shit. I have learned that white women are the most disgusting of all. Fuck this garbage ass civilization and everyone in it.

strong cope, theyre not disgusting, they just won't fuck you

Fuck off, we are the victims of this oppressive society

Just go to a party bro


So that you'll actually meet real people and interact with real people in a society.

Yes a degenerated horrible progressive society. The alt right seems to fix this. I don’t get why incels are so against them

Because white women will not subject themselves to incel cock. The idea of an ethnostate is retarded and a lot of alt-righters are libtard libertarian dibshits who want preserve western "freedom". i.e freedom for women to fuck chad.

I would far prefer it if muslims replace us and we assimilate into their more patriarchal and stable culture.

Alt right arnt libertarian cucks. When monogamy was socialized and everyone got paired up at a young age (like most of western history) incels were not a thing.

Alt right arnt libertarian cucks.

They absolutely are. Can you give me an example of a reasonably popular alt-righter who supports strict monogamy?

When monogamy was socialized and everyone got paired up at a young age (like most of western history) incels were not a thing.

Obviously. Which is exactly what I'm arguing for.

Richard Spencer. He’s actually the one who coined the term alt right. He supports strict monogamous values. David Duke is another. Andrew Anglin, Mike Enoch. I could go on.

I haven't heard any of them propose something even remotely close to that. I know for a fact that David Duke had multiple relationships and is promiscuous. None of them are true incel allies.

All of them say the sexual revolution was a mistake. You should look into it more.

Cool. Call me when they propose real solutions to our problems instead of attacking vague concepts.

Don't be mad, women are the only socially acceptable agents in performing eugenics. They're just doing their jobs.

Agreed. Alt-rightcels and all politics is a gigantic cope for being unattractive.

Splendid argument.

I can sympathize with the some posits from the white identiterian movement. I'd be upset too if third worldies moved to my country taking jobs and the women. Thank God endogamy is still strong in the curry community. I'll be pretty missed if Indian women dated outside like white women seem to do.

pretty pissed if Indian women dated outside like white women

top kek


I don't know if you're Indian or not but I'll assume you are based on your username.

Indian women (In the West) are not that different from White girls. Most would easily jump on white cock if they got a chance.

Good thing white guys do not seem to be as interested in them.

A lot of them are, It's just not as prominent as AF

Politics is a major cope

I really, really, really like this image.

cant stand their white woman worship. white women are the fucking problem, not the subhuman 5 feet 2 inch bald indian janitors who shit on the street.

Why would anyone incel support Trump? He is exactly the type of bully that would torment you the most.

appeal to tradition. keep coping.

Please tell me how I am wrong. Justify your use of the police state to oppress people and making them do stuff they don't want to.

What points? You mean the nonsensical bullshit you tried passing as an argument? What am I supposed to say when you call fascism a left wing ideology beyond questioning if you know what either are? That's like sitting here and proclaiming the sky to be green. What am I supposed to say to that exactly?

No you don't know politics!

Right on brother