Me and my boyfriend who I make more money than. I know I’m not the most attractive woman but you can see he’s not chad. Just wanting to show that charisma goes a long way.

49  2018-02-09 by HarleyQuinnDPie


You make a good couple. 😀

Thank you!

Yeah. You both look real cute.


JOIN US ON r/MuhPersonality

Settle down ya psycho

LMAO he mogs her

Lol true. I just posted something like this.


Sorry Terry I didn’t mean to insult your girlfriend whilst complementing you.

if youre on this sub you shouldnt be shitting on people for what they look like, prick.

What I complimented you? I didn’t say how anyone looked.

You're a disgrace to Terry Jones.

You’re gfs gross af dude

What is mog

It's a made up word.

I figured that but what does it mean

"looks better than"



Dumb bitch

How did you become the incels mod. More fakecels and cucktears and failed normies here than incels lol

(Alpha) Male Of the Group = MOG I don't understand how this word is being used to compare a woman to man, to say he MOGs her, but whatever.

Mogged: Suffix indicating being dominated by another person. The stem word denotes the feature that one is being dominated by.

-heightmogged Being dominated by another's height.

-wristmogged Being dominated by a man with a thicker wrist.

-skullmogged Being dominated by a man with a better shaped or bigger skull.

Why thank you

Evolved from Alpha Male Of the Group. AMOG

Can I by chance get the etymology of the word?

See above

Yeah clearly. Perfect example of how delusional women are. She can't honestly believe she can't do better than him.

He is still better looking in this couple. All that hard work he had to put in... just to be a beta provider.

I mentioned in my post that I make more money than him.

How does the place you work even allow you to have colored hair and facial piercings?

I work at a sex toy shop. We work off of commission and everything is pretty expensive so I make a good amount.

Hey, youre on an incel sub, prepare for a shit storm

Lots of places do that

It's not 1955? Fucking loads of places are fine with dyed hair and piercings

Of course. I should have known. I went to a job interview with bum clothes and ungroomed, and the manager liked me. If an incel can do it, then anyone can.

Exactly. Workplaces are much less strict when it comes to attire these days.

Not all jobs have the same standard.

But then again, an incel would not know that.

I and other incels have worked before. Idiot.

Sure buddy, whatever you say.

Because not every workplace has a stick up its ass?

He's not a "provider" if she makes more money. They're partners.

All long term relationships past early 20s only benefit a woman. Unless it's one where the woman is significantly older.

That's crazy. They look happy together.

I pity you.

I think we’re pretty looksmatched which I’m trying to show is something completely achievable.

I would say he's better looking but not by a whole lot. Anyway, good for you I guess.


Whatever you say, normie.


Dem be crazy eyes.

How many times have you cheated on him?


Is he ok with you openly disrespecting him though? I mean, I'm sure he's not too happy to be compared to incels as if he's lucky to have a girlfriend.

Actually he knows about my weird infatuation with incels and he has compared himself to one. He’s 27 and never had had sex before our relationship and felt like no girl would ever want him. The only difference was he didn’t blame others for this and realized he needed to work on himself and then he met me. Hes still balding and overweight with a lisp (which I think is adorable) but he has the confidence to make it work for him with humor and charisma.

Until Chad appears.

He’s 27 and never had had sex before our relationship and felt like no girl would ever want him.


And he mogs you. How many dicks had you dirtied by the time you were 27?


Hurt, big guy?

They’ll keep shifting the goalposts and insist that you probably cheat on him, or that you have some sort of disability, or some other bullshit cope excuse.

Unfortunately you’re right I just wish someone could get through to some of them and show them that it is possible.

No offense and nothing personal, but you're with a guy who can use a make over and gym membership and he would probably dump you within a year, if he's a typical guy, and he frankly looks like one. Like I said, no offense and nothing personal, but with just a minimum amount of effort, he's going to be much better looking than you, so in reality, you're the cel in the relationship, and I bring that up because women find mates much easier than men, so you saying "it's possible" is assuming you understand the dynamics cels live under. If you were a guy in your body, a girl like him wouldn't look at you twice. But since he's a guy, there he is content to date a girl like you, because women get guys easier than the other way around.

And that's not to say I don't wish you both the best and I hope it works for the both of you. Love happens (kind of), but it's a bit pedantic and presumptuous of you to assume you understand cel life.

This is the most asinine shit I’ve ever read. They can’t like each other the way that they are, according to you? I truly hope you get help and find some hope in your life. :(

Don't be a little bitch.


and what's more, if OP really wanted to be fair and true lovey, then she could date someone more in her league and not this poor normie she found; then she would really be helping out the cel community.

but nooooo....she'd rather date up than equal. just sayin' :p

Nice rebuttal. If he’s wrong explain how if you can’t shut the fuck up. This woman is ugly as shit and the guys not even bad he’s probably just lazy and depressed. could a guy like you possibly be an incel? 🤔🤔🤔🤔

idk, magic?

No, I think it's because you victimize yourself and are abrasive. Best of luck overcoming those! (that wasn't sarcasm, by the way)

Umm, nice to see you know me so well. I'm trying, though. I'm trying.

Shes fat

We're not shifting the goalpoasts, you're just too braindead. The dude is average looking, hell he's better looking than her. I don't understand what this post was supposed to prove, the only thing it proved to me is that average men end up with ugly women.

Yeah we’re fucking fours at best but doesn’t mean we’re gonna settle for anything below a seven. As a fucken male I have the right to get grade b+ fucking pussy. Who tf cares that I’m a misogynistic pig, and have a shit personality.

Lol, completely ignores what I wrote. I literally said men are the ones who usually settle for less, never claimed men deserve better. Keep fighting your strawman.

Yeah man, you right. I was just fucking with ya. Chill bruh. Pussys pussy. Sometimes I️ settle, sometimes she settle. Eh

What/where are the goalposts? You think Incels believe ordinary guys don't get in relationships and have sex? lol.

Did you have fun with Chad before hand?

Nope. The couple of long term boyfriends I was with before him were actually not as attractive as him. And anyone that I dated that was was a girl. I also don’t sleep around it has to be long term. I’ve slept with 4 guys.

couple of long term boyfriends

I’ve slept with 4 guys.

aberration in numbers

What does that mean?

couple means 2 and 2 is not the same as 4, I'm guessing the other 2 are Chad pump and dumps


Aberration may be a bit hyperbolic then, specially since "couple" also means "a few"

That's a pretty nice way of saying it though, even if it was a bit confusing but maybe that's just me

No it doesn’t, it means 2

The couple of long term boyfriends I was with before him were actually not as attractive as him.

Since he's not ugly at all, that doesn't say much. Also, this confirms that women always branch swing and look for the next best-looking guy they can land; proof both that women have high standards, and they are hypergamous whores.

I love your hair :) you two are so cute!

Aw thank you!!!

awful harley quinn cosplay

I don't think he moggs you. You could get it.

I’ve never heard mogs before. What does it mean?

Some of them think he's better looking than you. I disagree, I wouldn't mind seeing your oh-face.

Ah. I see. Thanks for the meaning!

Want to come get porked by a real man?

Real nice man..

real man

is on braincels


You're here too, degenerate.

Not like i have much else to do when im taking a shit

The point still stands.

That degenerates are the pins who visit this sub?


so you got more balls than any incel on this sub and youre trying to help the conversation out even though you would probably be better off never commenting. thanks girl.

Against many of incels beliefs (girls can’t experience mental illness) I suffer from bipolar disorder which means I get suuuuuper depressed for periods and when I’m feeling more up I always want to help people who are suffering by their own mind cause I know what it’s like. It can be hard to get through though lol.

Given that you suffer from BPD what are your thoughts on one of the most over-used statements on this subreddit and the former incels subreddit that we need to 'love ourselves' before even thinking about a relationship? Can you safely say you loved yourself before getting into a relationship? Do you think your boyfriend shouldn't have gotten together with you due to your BPD? How would you respond to the people who brigade this sub that would say no one wants to date a person with low self-esteem or who is kind of a downer and tell us to somehow magically fix it by picking up hobbies and going to the gym? Do you think your BPD would go away if you picked up some hobbies and went to the gym?

BPD stands for Borderline Personality Disorder, not Bipolar Disorder. Just fyi.


as someone who has dated someone with a sever mental illness, id say its somewhat selfish to get into a relationship when you don't have a grip.

people with mental illness deserve love just like everyone else, but you need to manage it before you bring another person on the ride.

id say its like knowing you have motion sickness, but you go on a boat anyway without any medication then throw up all over the other passengers.

managing mental illness can be expensive if you dont have good insurance, this is why a lot of people suggest working out and finding hobbies. its actually really good advice, and a therapist would tell you the same thing. obviously talk therapy would help in different ways and you can learn how to manage your moods better, but working out gives you endorphins, so working out just to get the chemicals flowing is worth it.

there's legitimate medicle benefits to working out, going out in the sun, and finding hobbies among other things "normies" suggest you do.

How many times have you cheated on that man?

You guys are adorable. I love your hair.

Thank you!


"Chad" is a soft definition that really means 'winner in the sexual marketplace'. Your boyfriend seems to be the type that is doing fine for himself, so by definition he is 'chad'.

Lol this is a really good pic of him but he’s overweight and balding and has a stutter and a lisp. He was also a virgin before he met me and we met when he was 26. If that’s chad than I’m gravely mistaken on what that term means. I love him for all these things and his wonderful sense of humor and charm.

Dating an ugly tranny=winner in the sexual marketplace? Lmao

Yes, dating anyone=winner

No, this is not true, just because we are bottom feeders doesn't make this true. I am hideous and I have matched girls as ugly as op on tinder every once in a while, if you saw my pics you'd cringe at the word chad ever being uttered about someone that looks like me

Dude, if you don't date ugly women, you are just as shallow and dumb as the femoids you complain about, that makes you a hypocrite

Go look at my comment history, I do not complain about femoids and I do not hate them, it is theirs and my biology alike to only want attractive partners, were all hypergamous, not just femoids, however femoids are actually successful hypergamists unlike me.

wont date ugly women

Not a hypergamists

Yeah right. People like you are what's wrong with the world.

Lmao, I literally said I'm hypergamous, do you not know wow to read. By hypergamous I mean I will literally settle for a 4/10 (I am 3/10), just because I'm not willing to date a literally deformed women doesn't man I am what's wrong with the world lol

You are fucking scum and deserve nothing more than the most painful deaths. I hope you get raped by a 0/10 just so you know what ill effects your attitude has. You, and every one are literally what is wrong with this world. You are discrimitory and entitled.

Team killer tbh, hating attractive men is horrible, they simply won at life, that doesn't mean we should hate them. If anything hate women, but I don't even hate women as it is literally not their fault.

Attractive men are responsible for hypergamy.

You are so retarded. Attractive men do not sleep with ugly women.

That's what im saying.

So they are not stealing anything, thus they are not responsible for anything. Even if they were, it is still not their faults, this is biology and fate, they didn't choose it.

Pretty sure you are wrong. But an incel would not know.

Cope. Moving the goalpost

  • Fat, moonfaced mystery meat purple haired self-harming walking canvas of shitty art

  • Bug eyed cuckold looking nobody running facial hair coverup-game on his shit bones, running just be white game

Looool “mystery meat purple haired”

You should get with a BBC, it would make you much happier than his 4 inch hairy pickle

Hahahahahahahahahaha Wtf y can't i git fuk? Fuk u bich take a reel dik 4 once. I give you 10/10 inceldom

That's not how sex works...

You should get with a BBC,

You should. You're the one obsessed with it.

running just be white game

Legit game tbh


How does a cuckold look?

Jealous much?

What's the name of that piercing, The Hitler?


if hes so charismatic why is he wearing a 6.99 Walmart Portland Trailblazers hat like a homeless bum?

What does charisma have to do with fashion?

Does that matter? you are seeing what this guy wore once.

Incels: „We don‘t like getting treated bad because of our looks.“

Also Incels: „You look like shit with these shoes.“

Shoes are a choice. Face is not.

Has this penetrated your thick skull into that dust bowl you call a brain?


You're settling. You know you'd leave him the moment a Chad stared at you for 2 seconds. Stop coping.

This guy is a normie, not an incel.

That was my first thought too. He's not bad looking at all. In fact if he shaved he probably would have an above average face.

He's.. not... Bad looking..? Are you literally blind?

Are you? I look far worse than this guy, and I'm definitely not the worst looking incel. He's not bad looking.

Let me see a face pic.

He's normie tier. Not at all an Incel.

Buddy would be a solid 7 if he shaved. Easily.

He literally has an okay face, whereas the girl is very unattractive and obese.

The fact that you openly define him as "not chad" is all the information necessary really.

In reality we don't know what your relationship to this guy is. You could be gf/bf and he's a celibate slave cuck to you.

Most likely he is a guy who would usually be an orbiter but your need for a 'relationship', even with a non-chad, is more important.

With the motivation of this post being "cmon guys stop hating us women and go back to being our orbiters. We'll pick you to be our celibate respectless chump eventually!!!11ONE. I miss having the options and the power to successfully cuck my boyfriend"

You really are a depressing human being.

And you really are an idiot.

Oh, and how is that?

Thank you 😍

I think this is more about not giving up hope and to maybe shift expectations about non-chads getting into relationships in a more healthy direction

Whatever it is, it is never to the benefit of incels. That's how sexual strategy works. And look at this girl, she is low SMV. She needs incels as orbiters to boost her value.

There is an obvious difference between a girl giving useful honest advice, and a girl simultaneously bragging and looking for more power. This, in my opinion, is the latter.

Are you or do you know of any incels/academics that study "sexual strategy" like you describe in a formal way? It does not seem accurate (which is to say, broadly applicable) to me based on my experience and sociological understanding, but I would be interested in seeing data/evidence beyond anecdotes and personal testimony.

Head over to the red pill for all your curiosity needs. Not that you're actually interested in reading about an alternative world view that doesn't cater to your needs, as no one would be.

My issue with most of the stuff on the red pill is that it's often either poorly researched or based on "common sense" and a world view instead of verifiable, reproducible data. Thanks though, I'll keep looking

It doesn't really make a difference if it produces expected results. No knowledge system is completely perfect but success and theory is based on and derived from positive returns.

Ftr there are plenty of studies using verified data on there supporting different theories.

If you could link me some that you find passes muster, I'd be grateful. It's not exactly at the top of the red pill right now, that's for sure

If you search 'short term' in the search bar you'll find a TRP favourite.

He's average, shes below average, if anything it proves our point that women date up lol.

That shifts the goal posts from the comment I was responding to.

If it's true that he was a virgin in his twenties who had never been in a relationship before, that would reduce his value as a potential dating partner per incel intuition, and most would argue that her superior earning power bumps her up, so their relative "scores" become debatable even if you think that he is more attractive than she is.

Really though, it's a matter of opinion. I think they're a cute couple and, at least from a single photo, they look happy together. It's good

It serves literally no purpose at all in our sub whatsoever. All she showed us is that she got a boyfriend. Thats literally it.

And that he got a girlfriend, but yes

He's not ugly, he's average.

rather be an incel than date a 2/10 tranny.

You're beautiful. Let these haters hate. Also loving the hair and lipstick!

He is more attractive than you(not meaning to offend you, just saying) so this doesn't really prove anything lol.

Yet she can hop on Tinder and fuck a 7 tomorrow night. If she ditches him there's a good chance he'll be along forever.

You two look South American

Have you seen anyone from south America? Brazilians, bolivians, Peruvians, argentinians, chilenians, pretty much every country has their own stereotypes and countries with a big enough population have huge internal differences

I'm just making an educated guess

You need to have dropped out at middleschool for an education that bad

How educated?

5 years worth of?

You accidentally wrote "educated", sorry buddy, that was just a "guess"

So how much depression/social anxiety do you have?

Not surprised this is what inceltears users look like. No wonder they don't want chad- They couldn't get him if they wanted him.

Lol. True.

you are fat and ugly, this is called looks matching

And i assume you still wonder why you are alone?,

because he's ugly as well and ugly men don't have chance unlike fat and ugly women

You don't sound like an enjoyableble person

Let me guess, "nice guy"?

Fucking kek.

You are a normal looking couple. I don't see whats noteworthy here. You guys look like a good match tough.

Whipped beta cuckold and fat ugly sluts eventually in our society for each other. It is literally a bottom tier relationship.

I want you to know that you disgust me. Yeah I saw walking down the road I would probably voice my discussed at your physical form.

Roasties are not welcome here And certainly not non virgin roasties.


Honestly you are the embodiment of what is wrong in the world. You see someone else who is happy and immediately your reaction is to lash out and attack because you are to sad and angry to realize that you are just jealous of what they have.

Truly not jealous, I don’t think I could stand the smell .

Its the internet. You honestly don't need the facade. Its ok to be sad.

Wrong subreddit go home

Oh, and why is that?

Stale anchovie is a nose crinkler.

Pandering is weakness.

And im pandering how?

You're pandering to the normcucks who masturbate to that kind of material. I see right through you.

You are too angry to see anything.

Now you're making me think of about Legendary Super Saiyans. Nonetheless, anger is power, just ask Sung Hui Cho, Omar Mateen, Stephan Paddick, Adam Lanza etc.

Honestly you are the embodiment of what is wrong in the world. You see suffering virgins sharing stories in their safe space and immediately your reaction is to invade and attack because you are to (sic) sad and angry to realize how wrong you are about everything and you are just jealous that the incels are right, and angry that they should have a support group.

Suffering virgins?

What are you suffering from? 1st world problems, kek.

Prostitutes bruh. It's only the oldest profession in the world. If the suffering is that hard, drop a bill and end it. Stop being cheap and whiney.

If you saw them on the road you would probably keep walking, looking down, sad and pathetic, without saying anything, because that is what you are, a coward, and you can only write things online, because you are too chicken shit to say something in public.

And that is why you will always be an incel :)

Understand? Good.


We're here, we're normal, get used to it.

You both wish you could do better. Below average couples are depressing.

The only thing depressing here is the hoard of lonely assholes trying to insult a couple just because they're happy

Nice pic.

Let the haters hate...its all they're good for anyways.

What are your tattoos?

I absolutely love your hair!! I dye my hair weird colours, and yours is so vibrant and pretty!

Don't pay any attention to the people shaming you, they're jealous and petty man children who don't accept that it's their own fault they can't get someone. You did, and you're happy, and that's what matters.

I don't trust people who poison parties.


Top kek.

Hey, good for you. Good on him for finding a sugar momma.

I thought bot of them were dudes cosplaying really badly lmaooo

You are a super cute couple, I am glad you posted this! Ignore these haters, I’m a faithful religious woman. I think my husband is a chad, neither of us would ever cheat. Love really happens, not everyone who has found love is a cuck.

But he's not ugly.

What's the meaning behind this?

He's Sub 8, so lolz betabux and incel in denial


Right. Plus, she's lucky to have him. Women can always find a man no matter what. If OP were a guy shouldn't we be talking about how important her personality has been, because it would have gotten her nowhere. She's well under 4/10.

He's a solid 4

And he's with a 4 with mental issues

You're fat. He's a 5 and you're a 3.5

Most of us aren't gay

You’re both visibly low class and gross looking; please don’t produce a child

Wait... don't you guys bitch about your ugliness all the time? Look in the mirror and say you're gross and you'll be aiming your anger in the right direction.

I’m not gross though. I’m well kempt and opt eagerly out of barbatic piercings.

Fake news.

He's not ugly, you are, and what the hell is your point? Looks are everything; again, this dude ain't ugly, and compared to him, I'm a fuckin' gargoyle covered in seagull shit.

Bragging should be a bannable offense on this sub; I can't believe this sub is so cucked that you haven't been banned for this.

Oh quiet down Karen

Read all the comments up and down this thread from noncel white knights and femoids and IT invaders, this is clearly just a bid for attention. "Ooh, I'm a woman, look at me! Notice me!"

On behalf of black-pilled incels: fuck off.

How many men have you been with besides him and how old are you?

A 4 got a landwhale that looks like a tranny.

When are we going to do something about the blatant and obvious brigading?


Sorry. Doesn't break any rules. If the OP had said "AMA" or something, then I'd remove it, but as it stands, it's allowed.

Not this post itself, but the fact that people are upvoting it en masse and the top comment is always anti-incel.

Get over it.

Boyfriend mogs you too oblivion. He is a 5/10 and you are a 3/10.

Oh my goodness you two are so cute together! ❤️

He mogs me.

Shut the fuck up.

All I see is a fat dyke and homeless drug addict.

Everybody here is extreme cope. Don’t worry OP everbody is mad because a 4 managed to get a gf LMAO

whats the point of this post? we know that some women don't date because of money. you dated 4+ people because you are a girl? your bf doesn't look bad. an ugly and fat guy won't be able to date 4+ or (for that matter).

I would rather die a virgin than ever being with a retarded fat roastie with purple hair. You vagina must be disgusting.

Not as disgusting as you and your personality.

Still pretty close, and I bet your vagina is also a mess, given you've been pregnant before.

Vaginas are disgusting unless they're innies and haven't been fucked by multiple men before.

Virgin kek

He still mogs me lmao

Why post this here? Go make your own sub.



Sharing is caring.

Not when you normoids constantly brigade us.


A 3/10 girl dating a 6/10 guy is LITERALLY PROVING HYPERGAMY and our point.

fucking cunt

Not the best example but still good and will inspire some incels.

Is this a joke? He has a good face.

Don't reproduce, don't hurt your baby please.

I don't understand the point of this aside from giving this one another excuse to post her picture online and mention she's in a relationship. What does this have to do with anyone here?

definitely a looks match. Two pigs found a sty to wallow around together in. Congratulations

this has to be satire

and what the fuck is up with the inceltears faggots doing here?

ikr what the fuck is this post. both are ugly as fuck, i would even dare to say some incels look better than her

I like how he threads his eyebrows.

Looksmatched in 2018

Who TF is Chad?

She's raceclimbing.

Just like how average looking white incels can always pick up an Asian woman.

girl you look like a fucking grandma with that fucking dirty looking weave. of course your boyfriend is fucking ugly, i mean I'm not surprised that's the hottest man you could get, because you're as fuck yourself

I think they're kinda looks matched. Neither of them are really that good-looking.

  • has an unattractive boyfriend
  • posts him on reddit hoping a chad will come replace him

Bf looks poor, uneducated, like he smells of cigarettes and/or pot, probably works at a vape shop. Delusional incels in here posting "he's a 6!" OP and her hair and Harley Quinn username point to low self-esteem and mental illness. They're pretty matched. Congrats on finding love, lots of ugly subpar people do.

  1. Exceptions are not the rule.

  2. He's not incels hes norman and he mogs all of us he's also more attractive than you. not even a good exception

  3. most likely he met through friends with counts as status.

I'm only going to say this:

I hope I get to experience that happiness that you two seem to share one day.

I appreciate the message and you two are cute and stuff but he's no incel so it doesn't really make me feel better.

But thanks though.


-CHANGE THE CHANNEL- This is fucking disgusting

Lol this is a really good pic of him but he’s overweight and balding and has a stutter and a lisp. He was also a virgin before he met me and we met when he was 26. If that’s chad than I’m gravely mistaken on what that term means. I love him for all these things and his wonderful sense of humor and charm.

What I complimented you? I didn’t say how anyone looked.

Dating an ugly tranny=winner in the sexual marketplace? Lmao

Cope. Moving the goalpost

You're a disgrace to Terry Jones.

Its the internet. You honestly don't need the facade. Its ok to be sad.

Stale anchovie is a nose crinkler.

Hurt, big guy?

BPD stands for Borderline Personality Disorder, not Bipolar Disorder. Just fyi.

Settle down ya psycho

Not when you normoids constantly brigade us.


and what's more, if OP really wanted to be fair and true lovey, then she could date someone more in her league and not this poor normie she found; then she would really be helping out the cel community.

but nooooo....she'd rather date up than equal. just sayin' :p

Nice rebuttal. If he’s wrong explain how if you can’t shut the fuck up. This woman is ugly as shit and the guys not even bad he’s probably just lazy and depressed.

You’re gfs gross af dude

ikr what the fuck is this post. both are ugly as fuck, i would even dare to say some incels look better than her

as someone who has dated someone with a sever mental illness, id say its somewhat selfish to get into a relationship when you don't have a grip.

people with mental illness deserve love just like everyone else, but you need to manage it before you bring another person on the ride.

id say its like knowing you have motion sickness, but you go on a boat anyway without any medication then throw up all over the other passengers.

managing mental illness can be expensive if you dont have good insurance, this is why a lot of people suggest working out and finding hobbies. its actually really good advice, and a therapist would tell you the same thing. obviously talk therapy would help in different ways and you can learn how to manage your moods better, but working out gives you endorphins, so working out just to get the chemicals flowing is worth it.

there's legitimate medicle benefits to working out, going out in the sun, and finding hobbies among other things "normies" suggest you do.

It serves literally no purpose at all in our sub whatsoever. All she showed us is that she got a boyfriend. Thats literally it.

Oh, and how is that?